source of care
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Thomas K. Le ◽  
Leah Cha ◽  
Gilbert Gee ◽  
Lorraine T. Dean ◽  
Hee-Soon Juon ◽  

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 1214
Jinting Zhang ◽  
Xiu Wu

Medicaid is a unique approach in ensuring the below poverty population obtains free insurance coverage under federal and state provisions in the United States. Twelve states without expanded Medicaid caused two million people who were under the poverty line into health insecurity. Principal Component-based logistical regression (PCA-LA) is used to consider health status (HS) as a dependent variable and fourteen social-economic indexes as independent variables. Four composite components incorporated health conditions (i.e., “no regular source of care” (NRC), “last check-up more than a year ago” (LCT)), demographic impacts (i.e., four categorized adults (AS)), education (ED), and marital status (MS). Compared to the unadjusted LA, direct adjusted LA, and PCA-unadjusted LA three methods, the PCA-LA approach exhibited objective and reasonable outcomes in presenting an odd ratio (OR). They included that health condition is positively significant to HS due to beyond one OR, and negatively significant to ED, AS, and MS. This paper provided quantitative evidence for the Medicaid gap in Texas to extend Medicaid, exposed healthcare geographical inequity, offered a sight for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to improve the Medicaid program and make political justice for the Medicaid gap.

2021 ◽  
Marie A. Habiyaremye ◽  
Kathryn Clary ◽  
Hannah Morris ◽  
Dmitry Tumin ◽  
Jennifer Crotty

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Emily D. Carter ◽  
Melinda K. Munos

Abstract Background Geographic proximity is often used to link household and health provider data to estimate effective coverage of health interventions. Existing household surveys often provide displaced data on the central point within household clusters rather than household location. This may introduce error into analyses based on the distance between households and providers. Methods We assessed the effect of imprecise household location on quality-adjusted effective coverage of child curative services estimated by linking sick children to providers based on geographic proximity. We used data on care-seeking for child illness and health provider quality in Southern Province, Zambia. The dataset included the location of respondent households, a census of providers, and data on the exact outlets utilized by sick children included in the study. We displaced the central point of each household cluster point five times. We calculated quality-adjusted coverage by assigning each sick child to a provider’s care based on three measures of geographic proximity (Euclidean distance, travel time, and geographic radius) from the household location, cluster point, and displaced cluster locations. We compared the estimates of quality-adjusted coverage to each other and estimates using each sick child’s true source of care. We performed sensitivity analyses with simulated preferential care-seeking from higher-quality providers and randomly generated provider quality scores. Results Fewer children were linked to their true source of care using cluster locations than household locations. Effective coverage estimates produced using undisplaced or displaced cluster points did not vary significantly from estimates produced using household location data or each sick child’s true source of care. However, the sensitivity analyses simulating greater variability in provider quality showed bias in effective coverage estimates produced with the geographic radius and travel time method using imprecise location data in some scenarios. Conclusions Use of undisplaced or displaced cluster location reduced the proportion of children that linked to their true source of care. In settings with minimal variability in quality within provider categories, the impact on effective coverage estimates is limited. However, use of imprecise household location and choice of geographic linking method can bias estimates in areas with high variability in provider quality or preferential care-seeking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Haiyan Hu ◽  
Weiyan Jian ◽  
Hongqiao Fu ◽  
Hao Zhang ◽  
Jay Pan ◽  

Abstract Background Underutilization of health services among chronic non-communicable disease sufferers, especially for hypertension (HBP) and diabetes mellitus (DM), was considered as a significant contributing factor to substantial cases in terms of both avoidable morbidity and mortality. However, evidence on health services underutilization and its associated factors in poverty-stricken areas remain scarce based on previous literature. This study aims to describe health services underutilization for people diagnosed with chronic diseases in impoverished regions and to identify its associated factors, which are expected to provide practical implications for the implementations of interventions tailored to the specific needs of disadvantaged residents in rural China to achieve effective utilization of health services in a timely manner. Methods Data were collected from a cross-sectional survey conducted through face-to-face interviews among 2413 patients from six counties in rural central China in 2019. The Anderson behavioral model was adopted to explore the associated factors. A two-level logistic model was employed to investigate the association strengths reflected by adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and 95% confidence intervals in forest plots. Results On average, 17.58% of the respondents with HBP and 14.87% with DM had experienced health services underutilization during 1 month before the survey. Multilevel logistic regression indicated that predisposing factors (age), enabling factors (income and a regular source of care), and need factors (self-reported health score) were the common predictors of health service underutilization both for hypertensive and diabetic patients in impoverished areas, among which obtaining a regular source of care was found to be relatively determinant as a protective factor for health services underutilization after controlling for other covariates. Conclusions Our results suggested that the implementation of a series of comprehensive strategies should be addressed throughout policy-making procedures to improve the provision of regular source of care as a significant determinant for reducing health services underutilization, thus ultimately achieving equal utilization of health services in impoverished regions, especially among chronic disease patients. Our findings are expected to provide practical implications for other developing countries confronted with similar challenges resulting from underdeveloped healthcare systems and aging population structures.

2021 ◽  
Vol Volume 15 ◽  
pp. 1505-1513
Shegaye Shumet ◽  
Telake Azale ◽  
Dessie Abebaw Angaw ◽  
Getachew Tesfaw ◽  
Messele Wondie ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Hugo M. P. Morales ◽  
Murilo Guedes ◽  
Jennifer S. Silva ◽  
Adriano Massuda

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) forced rapid adaptations in the way healthcare is delivered and coordinated by health systems. Brazil has a universal public health system (Sistema Unico de Saúde—SUS), being the main source of care for 75% of the population. Therefore, a saturation of the system was foreseen with the continuous increase of cases. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to empower telehealth could help to tackle this by increasing a coordinated patient access to the health system. In the present study we describe a descriptive case report analyzing the use of Laura Digital Emergency Room—an AI-powered telehealth platform—in three different cities. It was computed around 130,000 interactions made by the chatbot and 24,162 patients completed the digital triage. Almost half (44.8%) of the patients were classified as having mild symptoms, 33.6% were classified as moderate and only 14.2% were classified as severe. The implementation of an AI-powered telehealth to increase accessibility while maintaining safety and leveraging value amid the unprecedent impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was feasible in Brazil and may reduce healthcare overload. New efforts to yield sustainability of affordable and scalable solutions are needed to truly leverage value in health care systems, particularly in the context of middle-low-income countries.

2021 ◽  
Norman B. Kahn

This paper reflects a vision of how family medicine residency training will be redesigned to prepare graduates to meet the health care needs of their patient populations and regional communities. Family physicians are needed to serve as personal physicians and as the patient’s usual source of care, as recognized in historic documents that have defined the specialty’s enduring role in society as the foundation of the health care system. Modern residency practices will include residents as junior partners and members of multidisciplinary faculty teams. Residency practices will measure and improve care consistent with the triple aim: enhancing the experience of care for patients, improving outcomes of care for populations, and reducing waste and the cost of care in the system.Curricula will include core elements of the roles of family physicians, including the development of therapeutic relationships with patients and families, recognizing patients’ needs and expectations, professionalism, the identification and management of acute and chronic illness, maternity care, and the care of hospitalized patients. Also included will be emerging expectations of family physicians, including team roles, expanded care through telehealth and patient portals, identifying and intervening in modifiable social determinants of health, addressing structural racism, closing gaps of inequitable care for their patient populations, managing addiction as a treatable chronic illness, improving performance through clinical data registries, personalized medicine, and leadership. Wellness and assurance of a satisfying career will be a priority focus of preparation for career-long practice. Residents will become competent in the comprehensive scope of practice needed to serve in the role of continuous personal physician on multidisciplinary teams that serve as the usual source of care for populations in regions where the residencies are located.  

2021 ◽  
Selema Margaret Akuiyibo ◽  
Jennifer Anyanti ◽  
Babatunde Abiodun Amoo ◽  
Dennis Aizobu ◽  
Omokhudu Idogho

Abstract Background: The trio of commonest illnesses and causes mortality among children under five (Malaria, Pneumonia and Diarrhea) are easily treatable through timely exposure to cost effective interventions at the community level. Patent and proprietary medicine vendors (PPMVs) are a leading source of care for illnesses among under-five children in Nigeria. This study was designed to explore child health services offering, particularly commodity stocking patterns and case management knowledge for common childhood illnesses among PPMVs in Ebonyi and Kaduna States.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among PPMVs in four local government areas across Ebonyi and Kaduna States. Data was collected using semi-structured interviewer-administered questionnaires. Information was obtained on medicine and supplies, knowledge of common childhood illnesses management and referral practices.Results: A total of 374 PPMVs were interviewed; the mean age was 33.7+­ 9.8 years. Among the 132 health trained respondents, 59.0% offer treatment services for sick children while 83.5% of the non-health trained respondents offer the same service. At least, 88.0% of the respondents keep stock ACTs, Amoxycilin DT, ORS and Zinc. About 38.5% reported stock-out of ACTs in the month preceding the study, 55.1% reported stock out lasting only 0 to 6 days. Only 83 (22.2%) of respondents knew the correct diagnosis of fast breathing among children aged 2 to less than 12 months old. Education and health training background were associated with a good knowledge of common childhood illnesses management (X2 = 44.88, p <0.001; X2 = 27.14, p <0.001).Conclusion: The relative constant availability of medicines and commodities for managing childhood illnesses positions PPMVs as a preferred source of care for these illnesses. There is a need to complement steady stock availability with provision of quality services by exposing PPMVs to trainings on integrated community case management of childhood illnesses and implementation of robust supervision mechanism to monitor them.

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