identity management system
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Lubna Farhi ◽  
Hira Abbasi ◽  
Rija Rehman

Identity management system in most academic and office environments is presently achieved primarily by a manual method where the user has to input their attendance into the system. The manual method sometimes results in human error and makes the process less efficient and time-consuming. The proposed system highlights the implementation and design of a smart face identification-based management system while taking into account both the background luminosity and distance. This system detects and recognizes the person and marks their attendance with the timestamp. In this methodology, the face is initially resized to 3 different sizes of 256, 384, and 512 pixels for multiscale testing. The overall outcome size descriptor is the overall mean for these characteristic vectors, and the deep convolution neural network calculates 22 facial features in 128 distinct embeddings in 22-deep network layers. The pose of the 2D face from −15 to +15° provides identification with 98% accuracy in low computation time. Another feature of the proposed system is that it is able to accurately perform identification with an accuracy of 99.92% from a distance of 5 m under optimal light conditions. The accuracy is also dependent on the light intensity where it varies from 96% to 99% under 100 to 1000 lumen/m2, respectively. The presented model not only improves accuracy and identity under realistic conditions but also reduces computation time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 718-718
Noelannah Neubauer ◽  
Lili Liu

Abstract Self-sovereign identity (SSI), an identity management system where individuals own and manage their digital identity, can improve access and management of one’s personal data. SSI is becoming feasible for the general public to use for their health and other personal data. Like any data system, when persons living with dementia no longer have capacity to provide informed consent, guardianship over their data is required. The purpose of this study was to examine the concept of guardianship within the context of SSI, specifically its application to persons living with dementia. This study followed a qualitative description approach. Seventeen semi-structured virtual interviews were conducted with persons living with dementia and care partners to elicit their perspectives on existing guardianship practices and guardianship within the context of SSI. Interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. Conventional content analysis guided the analytic process. Participants had mixed impressions of existing guardianship practices. While some were positive, others thought existing practices failed to consider the complexity of caring for someone with dementia (e.g., presence of multiple guardians). Participants suggested that SSI has the potential to improve the security and safety of persons living with dementia who have had guardianship enacted (e.g., reduced risk of financial abuse.) Recommendations included ensuring that SSI guardianship processes are simple and flexible, building a user-friendly system that also considers the heterogeneity of persons living with dementia and their care partners. Overall, guardianship within the context of SSI was well received. Findings will be used to further inform the SSI guardianship processes.

A. Shobanadevi ◽  
Sumegh Tharewal ◽  
Mukesh Soni ◽  
D. Dinesh Kumar ◽  
Ihtiram Raza Khan ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 301
Luisanna Cocco ◽  
Roberto Tonelli ◽  
Michele Marchesi

This work presents how a digital identity management system can support food supply chains in guaranteeing the quality of the products marketed and the compliance of the several supply-chain’s nodes to standards and technical regulations. Specific goal of this work is to present a system that provides full visibility of process/food certifications, which nowadays are issued by accredited and approved certification bodies (issuers) and delivered and stored in paper version by the several participants (holders) of the supply chain. The system is designed and implemented by combining the latest most innovative and disruptive technologies in the market—Self Sovereign Identity system, Blockchain, and Inter Planetary File System. The crucial aspects that it aims to hit are the storage and access of food/process certifications, and the proper eligibility verification of these certifications exploiting the concepts of the Self Sovereign Identity-based models. The proposed system, realized by using standards that are WWW Consortium-compatible and the Ethereum Blockchain, ensures eligibility, transparency, and traceability of the certifications along a food supply chain, and could be an innovation model/idea that the companies that adopt the Open Innovation paradigm might want to pursue.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Chang Soo Sung ◽  
Joo Yeon Park

PurposeThis study aims to understand the benefits and challenges associated with the adoption of a blockchain-based identity management system in public services by conducting an academic literature review, and to explore the design of such a system that can be applied to the Korean government.Design/methodology/approachThis study explores the adoption of a blockchain-based identity management system using a literature review and an actual design case intended for use by the government sector.FindingsBlockchain-based identity management systems can significantly improve transparency, accountability, and reliability in the user control of one's own data while reducing the time and cost needed to deliver public services, as well as increasing administrative efficiency. However, it is not always easy to implement such systems, and introducing new technologies in the government field requires a complicated, time-consuming process. There is currently an appetite for research extending beyond the typical technology-driven approach to elucidate the government adoption of new technologies and explore its implications.Practical implicationsThe idea behind this system is that by storing and managing personal information on the blockchain and providing mobile apps to customers, users can log in or retrieve previously authenticated personal information without having to go through an authentication process. Since users do not need to go through the verification process every time, it is expected that they will be able to access only the necessary personal information more quickly and conveniently without having to deal with unnecessary details. In addition, the blockchain-based operation of a public service effectively increases the transparency and reliability of that service and reduces the social costs caused by personal information leakage.Originality/valueThis study introduces the design of a blockchain-based identity management system that can be used in public services, specifically in the Korean government sector for the first time. Along with a literature review, the implications that this study gleans from these real-world use cases can contribute to this field of research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
O. Aweh ◽  
S.C. Chiemeke

Identity management concerns transcends technical design issues as users disposition, awareness and attitude play a vital role in the effectiveness of such systems. A framework that supported some important digital identity management system security related features was presented in a previous study. In this current study, an attempt to empirically demonstrate the functioning of these features and to access how user’s awareness, disposition and attitude impact on the proper functioning of such systems was undertaken. To achieve these, a system was modeled and implemented using object oriented analysis and design method. The developed system empirically generates forensic evidence and an implicit mutual authentication scheme. The resulting system developed was tested for these features. The results obtained showed that the framework did provide for reliable forensic evidence generation and it also provided for the implementation of an implicit form of mutual authentication scheme. However, the outcome of a brief test conducted to gauge the reliability of this implicit mutual authentication scheme showed that the support provided was not very reliable based on these users’ factors (awareness, attitude and deposition)

Mohammad Zubair ◽  
Devrim Unal ◽  
Abdulla Al-Ali ◽  
Thomas Reimann ◽  
Guillaume Alinier

Background: IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) devices (often referred to IoMT domain) have the potential to quickly diagnose and monitor patients outside the hospital by transmitting information through the cloud domain using wireless communication to remotely located medical professionals (user domain). shows the proposed IoMT framework designed to improve the privacy and security of the healthcare infrastructure. Methods: The framework consists of four modules: 1. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) using deep learning (DL) to identify bluetooth-based Denial-of-Service (DoS)-attacks on IoMT devices and is deployed on edge-computing to secure communication between IoMT and edge. 2. IDS is backed up with identity-based cryptography to encrypt the data and communication path. 3. Besides the identity-management system (to authenticate users), it is modeled with aliveness detection using face authentication techniques at the edge to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of the framework. 4. At the cloud level, another IDS using MUSE (Merged-Hierarchical-Deep-Learning-System-with-Layer-Reuse) is proposed to protect the system against Man-In-The-Middle attacks, while the data is transferred between IoMT-EDGE-CLOUD. Results: These four modules are developed independently by precisely analyzing dependencies. The performance of IDS in terms of precision is 99% and for the identity-management system, the time required to encrypt and decrypt 256-bit key is 66 milliseconds and 220 milliseconds respectively. The true positive rate is 90.1%, which suggests real-time detection and authentication rate. IDS (2) using MUSE (12-layer) the accuracy is >95%, and it consumes 15.7% to 27.63% less time to train than the smaller four-layer model. Conclusion: Our designed models suit edge devices and cloud-based cybersecurity systems and support the fast diagnosis and care required by critically ill patients in the community.

2021 ◽  
Geetha R ◽  
T. Padmavathy ◽  
G.Umarani Srika

Abstract In a decentralized network every user makes use of personal identity details at different places for various services and these details are shared with third-parties without their consent and stored at an unknown location. Organizations like government, banks and social platforms are considered to be the weakest point in the current identity management system as they are vulnerable which leads to compromising billions of user identity data. Block chain based User Identity Management is a solution which provides a decentralized environment that manages the user identity data and their related Know-Your-Customer (KYC) documents in a distributed ledger. All the transactions of the network are stored in the block which is a type of a data structure and these blocks are validated using the powerful consensus algorithms and linked to form a block chain. Smart contracts will act as an interface between the client and the block chain network. User’s information cannot be provided to any third party vendors without the explicit consent of the user. This paper proposes a framework for User Identity Management using Block chain technology in a decentralized Network. The proposed framework ensures a high level privacy and security for the personal identity details and the documents. In addition to that the performance analysis of the framework is presented in terms of Transaction, Mining Resource and Difficulty Variation.

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