forensic evidence
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 730
Funmilola Ikeolu Fagbola ◽  
Hein Venter

Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects for communication and data sharing. However, these devices can become shadow IoT devices when they connect to an existing network without the knowledge of the organization’s Information Technology team. More often than not, when shadow devices connect to a network, their inherent vulnerabilities are easily exploited by an adversary and all traces are removed after the attack or criminal activity. Hence, shadow connections pose a challenge for both security and forensic investigations. In this respect, a forensic readiness model for shadow device-inclusive networks is sorely needed for the purposes of forensic evidence gathering and preparedness, should a security or privacy breach occur. However, the hidden nature of shadow IoT devices does not facilitate the effective adoption of the most conventional digital and IoT forensic methods for capturing and preserving potential forensic evidence that might emanate from shadow devices in a network. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a conceptual model for smart digital forensic readiness of organizations with shadow IoT devices. This model will serve as a prototype for IoT device identification, IoT device monitoring, as well as digital potential evidence capturing and preservation for forensic readiness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-259
Safia A. Messaoudi ◽  
Malak A. Alamri ◽  
Saranya R. Babu ◽  
Abrar B. Alsaleh ◽  
Mohammed H. Albujja ◽  

The last three decades have seen rapid advances in the field of short tandem repeats (STRs) genotyping technology. Autosomal STRs have emerged as a powerful tool in forensic identification and paternity investigations. The indigenous population of Saudi Arabia is irregularly distributed and has historically been organized into geographically distinct groups or tribes of patrilineal descent. So far, there has been no detailed investigation of the southern region Saudi population to assist in the interpretation of DNA-based forensic evidence and in the construction of DNA database. The objective of this study is to investigate the genetic structure in 154 unrelated healthy Saudi subjects within three generations from the southern Saudi regions using a GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification kit. Intra- and Inter-population genetic diversity as well as the forensic genetics parameters were analyzed. Our results showed that SE33 and TPOX loci were the most and the least polymorphic loci, respectively. The PIC, PE, TPI, Ho and He varied from 0.56116 (TPOX) to 0.94393 (SE33), 0.26638 (TPOX) to 0.83859 (SE33), 1.1875 (TPOX) to 6.33333 (SE33), 0.57894 (TPOX) to 0.92105 (SE33) and 0.6169 (TPOX) to 0.952 (SE33), respectively. The highest PM was observed for D22S1045 (0.223944) and the highest PD for SE33 (0.98935). The combined PD was 99.99999999% and the combined PM was equal to 3.19021E-25. Phylogenetic parameters showed that the southern region Saudi population had the closest genetic relationship with the Saudi, Emirati, Kuwaiti, and Bahraini populations. The study offers some important insights into the southern region Saudi population structure using GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification kit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 61-70

In this article, the author examines the concept and procedural and legal significance of necessary (mandatory) forensic evidence. It analyzes the formulated by M.K. Treushnikov, who was the first in the procedural doctrine who paid attention to the legal obligation to use certain means of proof when establishing certain legal facts, the positive rule of admissibility of evidence, the positions of other authors on the issue of necessary evidence in civil proceedings. The rule of necessary (obligatory) evidence is considered as a special rule of judicial proof. At the end of the study it is concluded that the allocation of necessary evidence is carried out from the same content of factual data, reflecting the same fact, based on the peculiarities of their procedural form. Necessary evidence in its form is a specific type of a written document or expert opinion. Thus, the rule of proving the circumstances of the case with the use of necessary evidence concerns the form of evidence, beyond its content. The thesis is also put forward that necessary evidence, due to the specifics of the procedure for its formation, the presence of requirements established by law to its form and content, has a significant evidentiary value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 34-48

Proof and evidence reflect the quintessence of civil procedure; this is the “litmus test”, which inevitably and clearly shows the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of basic principles, efficiency (or ineffectiveness) of the legislative paradigm of civil procedure, predictive function of science. It is no coincidence that the problems of proof and evidence-including in their traditional hypostasis-have always been the focus of attention of prominent domestic proceduralists, beginning in the 19th century. A pleiad of Russian pre-revolutionary scholars who turned their eyes to forensic evidence – E.V. Vaskovskii, A.Kh. Golmsten, K.I. Malyshev, E.A. Nefediev, B.V. Popov, – which is continued in the 20th century by S.N. Abramov, A.F. Kleinman, S.V. Kurylev, P.P. Gureev, L.P. Smyshliaev, Ia.L. Shtutin, and K.S. Iudelson (we do not aim to name all names) is brilliant. And not coincidentally, we believe, the problems of judicial proof and judicial evidence became the core of scientific research and achievements of Professor M.K. Treushnikov, who continued the best traditions of domestic jurisprudence and formulated the basis of the modern evidential paradigm in civil proceedings, which was legislatively reflected in the 2002 Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Robbie Love ◽  
David Wright

Covert audio recordings feature in the criminal justice system in a variety of guises, either on their own or accompanied by video. If legally obtained, such recordings can provide important forensic evidence. However, the quality of these potentially valuable evidential recordings is often very poor and their content indistinct, to the extent that a jury requires an accompanying transcript. At present, in many international jurisdictions, these transcriptions are produced by investigating police officers involved in the case, but transcription is a highly complex, meticulous and onerous task, and police officers are untrained and have a vested interest in the influence of the transcript on a case, which gives rise to potential inaccuracy. This paper reports the design and results of a controlled transcription experiment in which eight linguistically trained professional transcribers produced transcripts for an audio recording of a conversation between five adults in a busy restaurant. In the context of covert recordings, this recording shares many of the typical features of covert forensic recordings, including the presence of multiple speakers, background noise and use of non-specialist recording equipment. We present a detailed qualitative and quantitative comparison of the transcripts, identifying areas of agreement and disagreement in (a) speaker attribution and (b) the representation of the linguistic content. We find that disagreement between the transcriptions is frequent and various in nature; the most common causes are identified as (i) omission of speech that is included in other transcripts, (ii) variation in the representation of turns, (iii) orthographic variation seemingly motivated by phonetic similarity, and (iv) orthographic variation seemingly not motivated by phonetic similarity. We argue that the variable nature of the transcription of “challenging” audio recordings must be considered in forensic contexts and make recommendations for improving practice in the production of forensic transcriptions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-112
Jitka Kufnerová

Green tree python (Morelia viridis, Schlegel 1872) is a highly sought-after Indonesian/Papuan NG/Australian species in terms of the international trade in reptile pets. As the trade in wild animals is mostly prohibited nowadays, captive breeding supplies the international pet trade. There is evidence that captive breeding might be used as a cover for specimen’s illegally sourced from the wild, as there are very few possibilities of distinguishing wild from captive-bred animals. These rely on invasive sampling (cutting off the end of the tail in order to obtain a sample of blood/muscle/bone tissues) or presence of ecto- and/or endoparasites (method overcome by breeders housing animals in semi wild conditions). Therefore, we examined the possibility of using stable isotope analysis for determining: either the place of origin or diet as a means of defining whether they are captive bred or illegally sourced from the wild. We also review the use of non-invasive samples of shed (moulted) skins. We conclude that shed skins that are currently not used for identifying the source of green tree python could be used as forensic evidence, subject to the development of a viable method.

2021 ◽  
Lydia Stewart

<p>Lindow Man, the British Bog Body discovered in 1984, and the Danish examples Tollund and Grauballe Men, discovered in 1950 and 1952, represent quite literally the violent face of a confrontational past. But what exactly do the archaeological narratives say? When presented with the forensic evidence can we explicitly conclude they were murdered as human sacrifices to appease the Germanic and Celtic gods and goddesses during times of affliction? Or are they simply an example of our own imposition of modern assumptions onto the past in a flare of sensationalism and mystical dramatization of the tumultuous affairs of noble savages? How have these narratives played out in the public sphere, particularly museum and heritage, and in modern culture such as the Irish poet Seamus Heaney’s bog poems. Do they reinforce harmful myths of an excessively violent past dominated by innately uncivilized natives? Who does the past really belong to and who has the authority to voice it? Many facets of bog body scholarship remain hotly contested including the human sacrifice interpretation, the usage of Tacitus as the only remaining historical source and Heaney’s use of the bog victims as a metaphorical analogy for the Northern Ireland sectarian violence. My contribution is precisely to present these interpretational narratives from a critical perspective and question scholarly assumptions of ritualism. Further, I will explore how archaeological narratives are presented to the public through the unique heritage that bog bodies embody. Lastly, I will investigate the conceptualization of the “other” through Tacitus’ Germania and Heaney’s bog poems.</p>

2021 ◽  
Lydia Stewart

<p>Lindow Man, the British Bog Body discovered in 1984, and the Danish examples Tollund and Grauballe Men, discovered in 1950 and 1952, represent quite literally the violent face of a confrontational past. But what exactly do the archaeological narratives say? When presented with the forensic evidence can we explicitly conclude they were murdered as human sacrifices to appease the Germanic and Celtic gods and goddesses during times of affliction? Or are they simply an example of our own imposition of modern assumptions onto the past in a flare of sensationalism and mystical dramatization of the tumultuous affairs of noble savages? How have these narratives played out in the public sphere, particularly museum and heritage, and in modern culture such as the Irish poet Seamus Heaney’s bog poems. Do they reinforce harmful myths of an excessively violent past dominated by innately uncivilized natives? Who does the past really belong to and who has the authority to voice it? Many facets of bog body scholarship remain hotly contested including the human sacrifice interpretation, the usage of Tacitus as the only remaining historical source and Heaney’s use of the bog victims as a metaphorical analogy for the Northern Ireland sectarian violence. My contribution is precisely to present these interpretational narratives from a critical perspective and question scholarly assumptions of ritualism. Further, I will explore how archaeological narratives are presented to the public through the unique heritage that bog bodies embody. Lastly, I will investigate the conceptualization of the “other” through Tacitus’ Germania and Heaney’s bog poems.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 63-72
Katarzyna Grzybowska

During the First Scouting Alert (Poland 1965), scouts were tasked with finding and describing sites related to the events of Second World War. Those were mostly monuments, places of conflict, graves and body disposal pits. The scouts were tasked with finding such sites in their neighbourhood according to information collected from local communities. The campaign resulted in 26,000 reports in form of the registration sheets containing self-made maps, short descriptions of the found sites and answers to several questions on how to commemorate them. The Alert can be seen as a nationwide response to non-sites of memory. The article analyses the reports of the scouts, as well as considering the action as a process. It presents the political background of the action and diagnoses its influence on the results of the reconnaissance conducted - types of places to be found and registered or overlooked by scouts. In particular cases, the Alert generated opportunities during which non-sites of memory could be restored to the public awareness. The paper summarizes the campaign and focuses on two cases: Krępiecki Forest and Adampol, described to present the influence of the Alert on the memory cultures. In the neighbourhood of Krępiecki Forest, the Alert was an impulse to transform a person who saw the mass murder into a key witness. The case of archaeological investigations conducted in Adampol shows the potential of the Alert archive materials to evoke the state of unrest and to become forensic evidence

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