condensed matter physics
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Rong Li ◽  
Zhen-Su She

AbstractThe quantum origin of the cuprate pseudogap is a central conundrum of condensed matter physics. Although many symmetry-broken scenarios were previously proposed, universal quantitative relationships have been rarely studied. Here, we report a unified energy law underlying the pseudogap, which determines the scattering rate, pseudogap energy, and its onset temperature, with a quadratic scaling of the wavevector of density wave order (DWO). The law is validated by data from over one hundred samples, and a further prediction that the master order of pseudogap transforms from fluctuating spin to charge DWO is also confirmed. Furthermore, the energy law enables our derivation of the well-known linear scalings for the resistivity of the strange metal phase and the transition temperature of the superconducting phase. Finally, it is concluded that fluctuating orders provide a critical bridge linking microscopic spectra to macroscopic transport, showing promise for the quantification of other strongly correlated materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (S2) ◽  
pp. 3-14
Eric Collet ◽  
Sylvain Ravy

2021 ◽  
Mohamed Barhoumi

Density Functional Theory is one of the most widely used methods in quantum calculations of the electronic structure of matter in both condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry. Despite the importance of the density functional theory to find the correlation-exchange energy, but this quantity remains inaccurate. So we have to go beyond DFT to correct this quantity. In this framework, the random phase approximation has gained importance far beyond its initial field of application, condensed matter physics, materials science, and quantum chemistry. RPA is an approach to accurately calculate the electron correlation energy.

2021 ◽  
Baruch Rosenstein ◽  
Dingping Li

Ginzburg–Landau theory is an important tool in condensed matter physics research, describing the ordered phases of condensed matter, including the dynamics, elasticity, and thermodynamics of the condensed configurations. In this systematic introduction to Ginzberg–Landau theory, both common and topological excitations are considered on the same footing (including their thermodynamics and dynamical phenomena). The role of the topological versus energetic considerations is made clear. Required mathematics (symmetry, including lattice translation, topology, and perturbative techniques) are introduced as needed. The results are illustrated using arguably the most fascinating class of such systems, high Tc superconductors subject to magnetic field. This book is an important reference for both researchers and graduate students working in condensed matter physics or can act as a textbook for those taking advanced courses on these topics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2122 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001

Abstract Thirty three years ago, because of the dramatic increase in the power and utility of computer simulations, The University of Georgia formed the first institutional unit devoted to the application of simulations in research and teaching: The Center for Simulational Physics. Then, as the international simulations community expanded further, we sensed the need for a meeting place for both experienced simulators and newcomers to discuss inventive algorithms and recent results in an environment that promoted lively discussion. As a consequence, the Center for Simulational Physics established an annual workshop series on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics. This year’s highly interactive workshop was the 32nd in the series marking our efforts to promote high quality research in simulational physics. The continued interest shown by the scientific community amply demonstrates the useful purpose that these meetings have served. The latest workshop was held at The University of Georgia from February 18-22, 2019. These Proceedings provide a “status report” on a number of important topics. This on-line “volume” is published with the goal of timely dissemination of the material to a wider audience. These Proceedings contain both invited papers and contributed presentations on problems in both classical and quantum condensed matter physics. The Workshop was prefaced by a special tutorial presented by colleagues from Oak Ridgr National Laboratory on a powerful software suite: OWL (Oak Ridge Wang-Landau). The first manuscript in this Proceedings is devoted to this tutorial material. The Workshop topics, as usual, ranged from hard and soft condensed matter to biologically inspired problems and purely methodological advances. We hope that readers will benefit from specialized results as well as profit from exposure to new algorithms, methods of analysis, and conceptual developments. D. P. Landau M. Bachmann S. P. Lewis H.-B. Schüttler

2021 ◽  
Andy E Williams ◽  
Emir Haliki

The newly emerging sciences of Human-Centric Functional Modeling provides an approach towards modeling systems that is hypothesized to maximize human capacity to understand and navigate complexity in those systems. This paper provide an overview exploring how Human-Centric Functional Modeling might be applied in condensed matter physics, and how this increase in capacity to understand complexity might be achieved.

Takaaki Dohi ◽  
Robert. M. Reeve ◽  
Mathias Kläui

In condensed matter physics, magnetic skyrmions, topologically stabilized magnetic solitons, have been discovered in various materials systems, which has intrigued the community in terms of not only fundamental physics but also with respect to engineering applications. In particular, skyrmions in thin films are easily manipulable by electrical means even at room temperature. Concomitantly, a variety of possible applications have been proposed and proof-of-concept devices have been demonstrated. Recently, the field of skyrmion-based electronics has been referred to as skyrmionics and this field has been rapidly growing and extended in multiple directions. This review provides recent progress for skyrmion research in thin film systems and we discuss promising new directions, which will further invigorate the field. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, Volume 13 is March 2022. Please see for revised estimates.

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