philosophical view
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AI & Society ◽  
2022 ◽  
Christian Hugo Hoffmann

2021 ◽  
pp. 95-105
Michael Frede

This chapter discusses the explanation of historical philosophical views. Strictly speaking, the explanation of the philosophical view is the task of the philosopher. What the historian is concerned with is the historical fact that a certain view was held by a certain person in a certain context, the historical fact that this view came to be held by a whole group of philosophers, the historical fact that it became part of the state of the art to think of it as an acceptable or even a true view. Thus, historians do not explain the philosophical view in terms of what they take to be reasons for it but in terms of the reasons for which it was actually held because they were thought to constitute adequate grounds for holding it. The question then arises why a philosopher would hold this to be adequate grounds for the view. And in the simplest case, the answers will be in terms of another historical fact; namely that, by the standards of the time, this would have seemed to be adequate grounds to philosophers then, which raises the further question of why philosophers then would have taken this to be adequate grounds. At this point, one could go on to explain this by referring to further historical facts; namely, the fact that philosophers of the time would have explained this in such and such a way.

2021 ◽  
pp. 115-123
Michael Frede

This chapter studies historicism. It is often said that philosophical views and, indeed, philosophy itself are historical phenomena. The historian, in considering the fact that somebody took a certain philosophical view as a historical fact, just treats this fact under one aspect; namely, that of how it fits into and can be explained out of history. But there is another aspect to the fact that he systematically disregards; namely, whether the view is true and whether it is warranted by the argument in its favour. This just reflects the fact that the historian does not himself take a stand on the philosophical issues. But it is a real aspect of the fact that somebody holds a certain view that the view is true or false, that one manages or fails to solve a problem, to answer a question, by advancing it. Ultimately, however, it is important to make sure that in one’s rejection of any kind of historicism one does not lose sight of the original insight which the historicist just pushed to an untenable extreme; namely, the insight that philosophical views, or philosophical judgements, are historical phenomena.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Simon Coghlan ◽  
Benjamin John Coghlan ◽  
Anthony Capon ◽  
Peter Singer

AbstractOne Health is a ground-breaking philosophy for improving health. It imaginatively challenges centuries-old assumptions about wellbeing and is now widely regarded as the ‘best solution’ for mitigating human health problems, including pandemic zoonotic diseases. One Health’s success is imperative because without big changes to the status quo, great suffering and ill-health will follow. However, even in its more ambitious guises, One Health is not radical enough. For example, it has not embraced the emerging philosophical view that historical anthropocentrism is an unfounded ethical prejudice against other animals. This paper argues that One Health should be more imaginative and adventurous in its core philosophy and ultimately in its recommendations and activities. It must expand the circle of moral concern beyond a narrow focus on human interests to include nonhuman beings and the environment. On this bolder agenda, progressive ethical and practical thinking converge for the benefit of the planet and its diverse inhabitants—human and nonhuman.

Nikolay Ivanovich Lyubimov

Within the framework of studying the poetics of modern Mari philosophical poetry, this article analyzes the mythopoetic image of silver in the lyrics of Zoya Dudina. Based on the compilation of poems “Kuanyshym, Kuem Ondal...” (joyful to hug a birch tree… (2012), the author determines the semantics and article functions of this image, which represents the philosophical view and perception of the world of the poetess that in a certain way characterizes the lyrical heroine. From such perspective, the lyrics of Zoya Dudina is examines for the first time. The research methodology employs structural-semantic analysis of the literary works, which allowed describing the structural-semantic aspects the image of silver, revealing the authorial concept of the world and man, as well as the character of the lyrical heroine. It is proven that the Mari poetess Zoya Dudina consistently refers to the image of silver in her lyrics. For the poetess, silver is not a precious metal, which attracts people as jewelry, it is a mythopoetic image, the semantics of which is interrelated with the traditional (pagan) culture of the Mari people. Most of the time, this image is depicted within the structure of the natural picture, and reflects the view and perception of the lyrical heroine; it impersonates natural purity, nobility, faithful love, strong friendship, good intentions, unity the of man, nature, and the traditions. It is also underlined that in the mythological context for the lyrical heroine, silver can even resemble the mood.

Chris Letheby

This Introduction outlines the central focus of Philosophy of Psychedelics: the therapeutic use of psychedelics in psychiatry and its apparent conflict with philosophical naturalism. The chapter briefly describes recent findings that controlled psychedelic administration can have lasting psychological benefits for healthy subjects and for psychiatric patients. It then cites evidence that these psychological benefits are mediated by ‘mystical-type’ experiences. For those sympathetic to naturalism, the philosophical view that only the natural world exists, this prompts a concern: do psychedelics cause therapeutic benefits by inducing non-naturalistic beliefs in a cosmic consciousness or divine Reality? This Introduction outlines a plan to answer this ‘Comforting Delusion Objection’ in subsequent chapters. The basic strategy is to argue that, even if naturalism is true, psychedelic therapy is still acceptable because (i) its epistemic risks are smaller than they might appear, and (ii) it also has epistemic benefits that are consistent with naturalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 104-111
Liudmyla Oblova

The conversation raises the question of the universal understanding of philosophy in order to question about the level of the contemporary's ability to understand philosophy in accordance with its original way of being. The statement of the question is connected with the catchy oddities of the current situation. We are talking about the current desire of the philosophizing community to justify the benefits of philosophy, and its substantive presence in the academic environment through the development of "competence philosophies". The spreading philosophies of "what you want", with a departure in the partial moments of a given problem, communicate a system of certain truths. But is it being introduced into a philosophical state? And do they preserve philosophy itself? Also, today, there are enough proposals to convey philosophical thought in a world separation from institutionalization. But, by all means, a fashionable and famous thinker. Or philosophize along with something attractive. With a scandal, for example. Basically, such offers are in demand. Therefore, thinking “for the money” is actively scattering. I will call this philosophy through subscription.At the same time, the applications offer spicy or hot topics with the prefix: a philosophical meeting, a philosophical view, a philosophical understanding. What do the joint stays of people who associate with the philosophy attached to the vital lead to? The aim of the article is to study the level of a contemporary's ability to understand philosophy in accordance with its original way of being. The main tasks are: 1) assessment of the current situation of actively spreading innovative teaching of philosophy; 2) analysis of the thinking of a person who is in a position where, on the one hand, “competence-based philosophy” and “craft philosophy” are being strengthened, on the other hand, the philosophy of the academy is removed from classical universities as unnecessary - under the conditions of the global market; 3) view of philosophy as an absolute unity.Research methods: The research is based on the metatheoretical method, since it allows one to describe philosophy in an inalienable way, in accordance with its nature. Avoiding methodological confusion, metatheory makes it possible to examine philosophy formally and encourage thinking, testing its power.For reflection, the comparability of the experiences of philosophy in itself and of the involved philosophy is proposed.

KANT ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-161
Natalya Borisovna Polyakova

The aim of the article is to conceptualize the Social in topological and temporal structures. In "Les nouvelles sociologies" Ph. Corcuff sets the theory of society as socio-economic and historical constructs of a sociologist. The authors claim that the social understanding of society present the Social in variable and invariant aspects. This disclose the lack of theoretical tools of comprehension. Only in the space of a philosophical view, the thinking subject considers the plurality as a unity. Various social theories intersect in philosopher's position. Unraveling different "points of view" on society in the process of interpretation creates new meanings. The philosophical concept expresses the identity of the subject and the object. Therefore, the "vision" of a philosopher can be defined as determining (subjective) and as definable (objective). The objectified meaning of the Social written out by economics, as it were, constantly needs subjective justification and historical legitimation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 94-104
M. J. Kuparashvili ◽  

Offered is the author’s philosophical understanding of the linguistic heritage of two iconic figures of philology science Ferdinand de Saussure and Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetskoy in search of foundations of the worldview of the era. A look at formation of post-modern in retrospect makes obvious importance of the strategy of structural linguistics and phonology, which in fact became the methodology of structuring history, ethnography, anthropology, poetry, geography, literature, mythology, etc. These strategies offer a fundamentally different view of the world and are definitely marked by the primacy of the language both before and after the post-modernism.

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