occupational diseases
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Syahrizal Syahrizal ◽  
Putri Ulfa Natasya

Background: Welding workshop is one of the workplaces that have the risk and danger of accidents and the emergence of occupational diseases. The use of personal protective equipment is very important for workers to avoid work accidents. The obligation to wear and follow orders to always use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has been set in almost all companies (PT), but there are still workers who have not used personal protective equipment in the welding process.Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) with eye health in welding workers at company X, Aceh Besar District.Method: This type of research is descriptive-analytic to determine the relationship between the use of eye personal protective equipment (PPE) with eye health in welding workers at company X, Aceh Besar district in 2020. The samples in this study were 15 welding workers. Data collection techniques used are checklists and questionnaires, using interview and observation techniques. Data processing includes the stages of editing, coding, tabulating and entry. Analysis using Chi-Square statistical test at a significance level of 95%.Results: The results of the study have shown that 40% of respondents use personal protective equipment. The healthy eye response was 44.43%. There is a relationship between the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) with eye health in welding workers at company X, Aceh Besar District (p= 0.014).Conclusion: The use of personal protective equipment has a very significant relationship to the safety and eye health of welding workers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (E) ◽  
pp. 12-17
Januar Ariyanto ◽  
Sukri Palutturi ◽  
Syamsiar S. Russeng ◽  
Agus Bintara Birawida ◽  
Hanifa Denny ◽  

BACKGROUND: There are many risk factors that result in musculoskeletal disorders because of work. This also occurs in the instant food industry, where apart from manual load handling and repetitive work, the production process can also results in risks. AIM: The aims of this study are to predict the musculoskeletal disorders in the next 50 years and the effectiveness of scenarios for controlling musculoskeletal disorders. METHODS: This study employed Research and Development method through a dynamics system approach. This research was conducted in one of the industries that produce instant food in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The data obtained was based on interviews, which were further analyzed using Interpretative Structural Modeling. RESULTS: Based on the simulation results for 30 years, it was found that there was an increase in the average musculoskeletal disorder incidence by 20.63% per year. At the end of the simulation in 2050, the number of musculoskeletal disorder incidents became 48481.69. In this case, the simulation for 30 years (2020–2050) was conducted on a model of controlling occupational diseases at an instant noodle company in Makassar by providing treatment in the form of reducing risk factors that cause musculoskeletal disorders. Based on the simulation results for 30 years (2020–2050), musculoskeletal disorders have the most significant contribution to the increase of occupational diseases incidents as a whole. The increase in musculoskeletal disorders is an accumulation of several risk factors that exist in the instant noodle production process. CONCLUSIONS: Prediction of the musculoskeletal disorder incidence using a dynamic system approach for 30 years (2020–2050) has increased by an average of 20.63% per year. The behavior of the model after receiving treatment on the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders has an average decrease in the average incidence of 51.11% per year. In this case, to control the musculoskeletal disorder incidence, the elements or variables controlled simultaneously are work posture, lifting load, and length of work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Febri Endra Budi Setyawan ◽  
Amalia Wahyu Natasari ◽  
Nesrin Zaharah ◽  
Divi Aditya Romadhona Putra ◽  
Wafiyah Hasanah ◽  

Abstract—Occupational disease are important topic since they often occur in a long period of time. The purpose of this article is to find out how to prevent occupational diseases in the battery industry. This research is a systematic review of articles obtained through manual search engines from Google Scholars, Proquest, PubMed, Research Gate and has been published nationally and internationally in 2015-2020. The results of a systematic review were obtained from 30 scientific articles that were published nationally and internationally in 2015-2020 related to the battery industry process and related to occupational diseases. The factors contributing are varies from enviromental, biological, ergonomic, and the workers itself. There are several preventive management that can be done according to the analysis of the possible diseases that can be occured. Workers in the battery industry can experience occupational diseases, including: allergic contact dermatitis, bacterial conjunctivitis, noise-induced hearing loss, Low Back Pain and Carpal tunnel syndrome. Some prevention efforts that can be done include: using personal protective equipment, detecting workers who have a history of DKA, maintaining hygiene and cleanliness of the work environment, using furniture that is in accordance with ergonomic standards and not lifting heavy loads, reducing repetitive pressing movements and doing regular exercise. Keywords: preventive, allergic contact dermatitis, conjungtivitis, nihl, lbp, cts, battery industry   Abstrak—Penyakit akibat kerja menjadi perhatian penting karena muncul dalam jangka waktu panjang sehingga harus dilakukan upaya pencegahan penyakit. Penelitian ini merupakan review sistematik artikel yang diperoleh melalui melalui mesin pencari manual dari Google Scholars, Proquest, PubMed, Research Gate dan telah terpublikasi nasional maupun internasional pada tahun 2015-2020. Hasil review sistematik diperoleh dari 30 artikel ilmiah yang telah terpublikasi nasional maupun internasional pada tahun 2015-2020 yang terkait dengan proses industry baterai dan terkait dengan penyakit akibat kerja. Faktor penyebabnya juga berbagai macam karena faktor lingkungan, biologi, ergonomi, ataupun dari faktor pekerja. terdapat beberapa upaya preventif yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kemungkinan penyakit akibat kerja yang mungkin akan timbul. Pekerja di industri baterai dapat mengalami penyakit akibat kerja, antara lain: dermatitis kontak alergi, konjungtivitis bakteri, gangguan pendengaran akibat kebisingan, Low Back Pain dan Carpal tunnel syndrome. Beberapa upaya pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan antara lain: menggunakan alat pelindung diri, mendeteksi pekerja yang memiliki riwayat DKA, menjaga kebersihan dan kebersihan lingkungan kerja, menggunakan furnitur yang sesuai dengan standar ergonomis dan tidak mengangkat beban berat, mengurangi penekanan berulang. gerakan dan melakukan olahraga teratur. Kata Kunci: preventif, dermatitis kontak alergi (dka), konjungtivitis, nihl, lbp, cts, industri baterai

Igor V. Bukhtiarov ◽  
Lyudmila V. Prokonenko ◽  
Alla V. Lagutina ◽  
Nikolay N. Courierov ◽  
Elena S. Pochtareva

Introduction. The current Form No. 362-1/y-2001 "The sanitary and hygienic characteristics for the working conditions of an employee having suspicion of an occupational disease (poisoning)" does not meet the requirements of Sanitary Law developed within the framework of the "regulatory guillotine". It complicates the investigation of occupational diseases and carrying out an objective examination of the connection between the disease and the profession. The study aims to analyze the Form for the sanitary and hygienic characteristics (SHC) of working conditions and substantiate proposals for its adaptation to the current regulatory legal acts to objectify the investigation of occupational diseases cases and the examination of the connection between the disease and the profession. Materials and methods. We carried out the expert-analytical study. We analyzed and compared data from Rospotrebnadzor (2001-2020) on occupational morbidity and Rosstat (2014-2020) on employment in harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions. We also studied the SHC (503) submitted for examination of the connection between disease and profession (including forensic medical examination). The structure of the Form for the completeness of the presentation of issues on various aspects of working conditions, the quality of the compilation and content of the SHS was determined in accordance with the current Sanitary Law. The authors evaluated the structure of the Form for the presentation of questions on various aspects of working conditions, determined the quality of the compilation and content of the SHC in accordance with the current Sanitary Law. Results. With a decrease in the number of newly registered cases of occupational diseases over 20 years by more than 3.7 times, the share of workers in harmful and(or) hazardous working conditions in the main types of economic activity decreased in 2020 relative to 2014 in 1,1 time (37.3%). A comparative assessment of the standardized indicators of harmful production factors specified in the SHC and the ones approved in SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 revealed their complete inconsistency. The results of in-depth analysis of 503 SGH allowed us to determine the most typical errors in assessing production factors at workplaces: incorrect assessment of standardized single-digit noise indicators (equivalent sound level A for an 8-hour working day), vibration (equivalent level corrected along the Z-, Y-, X-axes ); lack of data on dust load and the average value of air temperature - THC-index; assessment of the labour severity without considering the technological operations performed, etc. We noted the predominant assessment of working conditions by the main factor developing an occupational disease, without considering the accompanying risk factors that aggravate its effect. We also noted a significant underestimation of the levels when assessing the general transport, technological and technological vibration due to the differences between hygienic standards and the norms adopted in the Methodology for conducting a special assessment of working conditions. SCH contains no information on lighting, biological factor, labour intensity in 67.0-75.0% of cases. Conclusion. We substantiated proposals for improving Form No. 362-1/y-2001 of the SHC of working conditions, considering an electronic form of the document, revising the instructions for filling out the SHC.

2021 ◽  
N.S. Shapoval

The analysis of occupational morbidity at the enterprises of the machine-building industry of the region is carried out. In recent years, there has been a sharp decrease in occupational diseases at machine-building enterprises. So, in 2015, 187 cases were established, which amounted to 68.2% of all established cases, in 2020 – only 2 cases (6.3%). The level of occupational morbidity does not reflect the true situation. Incomplete identification of patients with occupational pathology is associated with the negative attitude of the employer to the establishment of occupational diseases in employees, poor-quality certification of workplaces. Key words: occupational diseases, risk factors, working conditions, structure.

Miriam Andrejiova ◽  
Miriama Pinosova ◽  
Miroslav Badida

The main objective of this article is to monitor the development of the number of occupational diseases related to selected physical factors in the working environment (noise, vibration and dust). Each region of Slovakia has its own specific social and economic conditions. Due to the existence of a strong correlation between the several regional variables observed, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to determine the new variables. Cluster analysis was used to group regions with similar characteristics. A dendrogram was created using the average linkage method, which illustrated the similarity of the regions studied. The value of the cophenetic correlation coefficient (CC = 0.90) confirms the validity of the average linkage method. The result of the cluster analysis is the grouping of the eight regions into five homogenic groups (clusters). An analysis of the data shows that Slovakia’s regional differences significantly influence the incidence of occupational diseases in individual regions. It is shown that, in Slovakia, the development of the number of occupational diseases has seen a favourable trend in the long term.

Railya V. Garipova ◽  
Leonid A. Strizhakov ◽  
Yuri Yu. Gorblyansky ◽  
Sergey A. Babanov

Introduction. The professional activity of medical workers (MW) is in close contact with daily contact with various factors of the production environment: physical, chemical, biological, and labor processes. Until 2020, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis prevailed in the structure of occupational diseases (OD) of the medical workers in the Russian Federation. According to the State report "On the state of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population in the Russian Federation in 2020," the first ranking the second place in the structure of occupational diseases, depending on the impact of harmful production factor took the illnesses associated with the action of biological factors - 20,19%, while the main reason for the growth in the incidence of healthcare workers in coronavirus infection COVID-19 (further COVID-19). The study aims were to identify problematic aspects in the establishment of the COVID-19 work from MW. Materials and methods. We have given descriptions of clinical cases, as well as a retrospective analysis of issues of OD according to the patient registers of the following medical institutions: the Center of Occupational Pathology of Sechenov University, the Republican Center of Occupational Pathology of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Tatarstan, the Regional Center of Occupational Pathology of the Samara Region. Results. In 2020, COVID-19 was the most common OD with fatal outcomes and complications in healthcare workers. Today, difficulties in determining the connection of COVID-19 with the profession arise when assessing the epidemiological history, the consequences after a coronavirus infection, and the formulation of the diagnosis. Conclusions. For a qualitative examination of the connection of COVID-19 with the profession, it is necessary to develop a list of clinical conditions with the definition of the timing of complications.

Aleksandr A. Kovshov ◽  
Sergey A. Syurin

Introduction. Labor activity in the Arctic creates an increased risk of developing occupational diseases. In the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (CHAO), the basis of the economy is the extraction of coal, placer and ore gold, and other non-ferrous metals, and in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) - the extraction of oil and natural gas. The study aims to learn the risks of development, structure, and prevalence of occupational pathology among employees of enterprises in the Chukotka and Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. Materials and methods. Scientists studied the results of social and hygienic monitoring under the section "Working conditions and occupational morbidity" in the CHAO and NAO in 2008-2019. Results. In the NAO, almost two-thirds of employees work at facilities with good sanitary and epidemiological well-being indicators, while in the PRAO, only 12%. In the NAO, almost all occupational diseases (96.8%) resulted from exposure to industrial noise (noise effects of the inner ear), mainly in civil aviation pilots. In the CHAO, occupational diseases mainly developed in miners of mining enterprises (80.6%), among which the most common were noise effects of the inner ear (32.5%), chronic bronchitis (24.1%), mono- and polyneuropathies (12.7%). In contrast to the NAO, in 2008-2019, the level of occupational morbidity in the PRAO exceeded all-Russian indicators and tended to increase. The risk of diseases in 2017-2019 was higher than in 2008-2010: RR=2.51; CI 1.62-3.89, p<0.001. In 2008-2019 the probability of the formation of occupational pathology among employees of enterprises in the CHAO was higher than in the NAO: RR=3.84; CI 2.92-5.06, p<0.001. Conclusion. To reduce the occupational morbidity of miners of the CHAO, it is necessary to improve personal protective equipment and technological equipment to reduce noise levels, vibration, the concentration of aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action, and the severity of the labor process. The use of aviation headsets with an increased level of noise reduction will help reduce the exposure of workers to noise. For solving this problem, it is necessary to update the flight fleet of civil aviation in NAO.

2021 ◽  
Suping Lu ◽  
Liping Zhou ◽  
Hai Zhang ◽  
Yuchao Feng ◽  
Kunpeng Zhong ◽  

Shoe factory workers are exposed to many kinds of occupational hazard factors, including organic solvents, dust and noise. In order to prevent and control occupational diseases and protect the health of workers, the situation of occupational harmful factors in production site of shoe factory was investigated. The concentrations of toxic substances in air were measured. The results showed that benzene, toluene, ethylene dichloride and noise exceeded the standards by 13.0%, 8.7%, 26.1% and 8.7%, respectively. The effect of occupational hazards management and control is poor, and the qualified rate of monitoring in workplaces is low. The employers should strengthen the management and control of benzene series, dust and noise in the workplace to reduce the health hazards to workers.

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