psychological help
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Lucía Cardona ◽  
Desirée Camus ◽  
Aroa Pons ◽  

This article focuses on how the COVID-19 pandemic affects Emergency Medical Assistant’s (EMA) mental health. In addition, it aims to define which psychological consequences it entails and if they have received postgraduate training on how to face the pandemic by the Health System or organizations that depend on it. This is a qualitative exploratory study of a phenomenological type where a semi- structured ad-hoc interview has been used for data collection, answered by EMA. The results show the psychological impact that COVID-19 has had on the work and personal life of these workers, the lack of psychological resources and the multiple psychological consequences developed as a result of the neglect of their mental health. EMA reaffirm the psychological challenge the COVID-19 pandemic means, creating situation of greater stress and anxiety than implied internal impediments for the job, family and friends. Therefore, they express the necessity for psychological support, being able to develop a diversity of psychological help resources that allow EMA to release the pychological oppression caused by the added stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-119
Diany Ufieta Syafitri ◽  
Laily Rahmah

Mental health problems are increasingly prevalent in Indonesia, but many people are still reluctant to seek professional psychological help. Religiosity is considered as one of the factors that can influence one's preference for seeking psychological help, especially in Indonesian society, specifically in the city of Semarang, Central Java, which the life of society closely related to the value of religiosity. Therefore this study aimed to see the contribution of religiosity and religious coping in influencing the search for psychological help. This research was conducted at two universities, one state university and one Islamic private university which were determined through random sampling. Data collection was carried out online and offline with the Indonesian Islamic Psychological Measure of Islamic Psychology (I-PMIR), Islamic Religious Coping Scale (RCOPE), Attitude Towards Seeking Psychological Help (ATSPH), and Mental Health Seeking Help Intentions Scale (MHSIS) and obtained a total of 731 respondents. Multiple regression analysis showed that attitude was the strongest predictor of intention to seek psychological help (B= 0,556, p<0,01), followed by religious coping (B= 0,08, p<0,01), while religiosity was not a significant predictor. Further analysis showed the unique contribution of religious coping aspects towards the intention of seeking psychological help with F (5, 725) = 8,721, p<0,01, R 0,238. There were also differences in the contribution of religiosity and religious coping to the intention of seeking psychological help based on the background of the respondent (state or private Islamic university) which discussed further in the article.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 256
F A Nurdiyanto ◽  
Ririn Mamiek Wulandari ◽  
Griselda Maria Ancela Wodong

The availability of instruments for seeking professional help is crucial in identifying potential delays and failures to seek mental health help. The current study aims to adapt an Indonesian version of the Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help-Short Form (ATSPPH-SF) scale and evaluate its psychometric properties using a Rasch modeling approach. Adaptation of the Indonesian scale was carried out in collaboration with a panel of experts under the guidelines of the International Translating Commission. The psychometric evaluation involved 951 respondents (M = 243, F = 708) who participated through an online survey. The results of the Rasch modeling showed that the items of the Indonesian ATSPPH-SF had a good fit with the model. The response categories worked well and reliability was sufficient (item=1, respondent=.59, Cronbach's alpha=.67). This paper highlighted that the ATSPPH-SF Indonesia version is suggested to be valid and reliable. We concluded that ATSPPH-SF can be used in mental health professional help-seeking research in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 532-542
Yanina Ovsiannikova ◽  
Svitlana Liebiedieva ◽  
Diana Pokhilko ◽  
Nataliia Onishchenko ◽  
Liydmila Gontarenko ◽  

The article is dedicated to the problem of providing an opportune psychological aid to children who were affected by crisis events. Observation, surveys, conservation were used as the methods of the study. The article emphasizes that the rapport building with children and their parents is one of the first and basic steps to provide psychological help. In order to develop the effective psychological methods and techniques of working with children who were affected by crisis events, scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists were analysed. Therefore, the positive regard, emergence of interest and topic of conservation were determined as essential aspects of any rapport establishing. As well as, the main goals of the rapport building are the abatement of emotional tension and mutual trust development. As a consequence of the study, two stages of the child-psychologist interaction were determined. The first is providing the sense of safety and the second is direct interaction with a child. Also, some rapport building techniques for children of different ages were proposed in the article. These techniques should be used only individually for each specific case. In addition, the rapport building is determined as an inalienable condition of any effective further treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-54
Uduak U.E. ◽  
Mercy E.U. ◽  
Eboro E.U.

This paper seeks to highlight the services and resources provided by Nigerian libraries on the prevalent incidents of suicide. The library is a hub of activities and its major purpose is to provide necessary and needed information to its teeming users. Library and information resources are those materials provided by the library both in printed and electronic formats which include the provision of information on suicide. These resources aid the provision of various information services such as current awareness service, selective dissemination of information, reader advisory service, and lots more. The diverse information services can be provided in collaboration with NGOs to create public awareness, provide signages on suicide and also train librarians on how to interact with users who are likely to possess such traits with the aid of the available resources that would help in suicide prevention, and also provide direction on how to get psychological help. From the literature review, very little is written on suicide by authors in Nigeria and it is a fact that Nigerian libraries do not give special attention to the provision of resources on suicide, especially the preventive aspect of it; therefore, a recommendation for a special corner in the library for such resources was proffered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Ewelina Soroka

Abstract Introduction and aim: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had a significant impact on the mental condition of the society, increasing anxiety and fear for the future. High levels of anxiety, stress and depression have been observed in the general population. Nurses and doctors, who are in direct contact with patients and their body fluids, are at the highest risk of infection. The aim of this study was to look at the psychiatric health aspects of health care professionals in general during the pandemic. State of knowledge: Work overload and stress-related symptoms make healthcare workers particularly vulnerable to mental distress, increasing the risk of developing mental disorders. Among them, women, students and nurses were most affected. A German study found that nurses working with COVID-19 patients in particular are mentally affected by the consequences of the pandemic. This may be due to the higher workload and the longer time spent in direct contact with COVID-19 patients compared to doctors. The available literature confirmed the construct of coronaphobia in health care workers. The issue of insufficient personalization of protective equipment and the associated feelings of fear and stigma as well as the need for psychological help are addressed and psychiatric services for healthcare professionals. Material and methods: At the beginning of this year, 30 people from the clinical hospital in Lublin were surveyed using a questionnaire containing several questions concerning, among others, comfort of work in the current epidemiological situation, The Patient Health Questionnaire-9, The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 and Mini-COPE. Conclusions: The work shows the mental health problems faced by health service representatives on a daily basis in connection with the pandemic that has been going on for many months. The features of depression-anxiety disorders affect the medical staff. The attitude of solidarity and cooperation of all members of society during the pandemic is important.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 115-129
Альбина А. Нестерова ◽  
Михаил А. Есипов

Введение. Актуальность исследования обусловлена потребностью населения в разрешении проблем и одновременно наличием предубеждений и низкой информированностью о возможностях психологической помощи. Основу исследования составила концепция социальных представлений С. Московичи; с применением структурного подхода впервые определены структурно-содержательные характеристики представлений о психологической помощи у студентов. Методы. Выборку исследования составили 498 студентов московских вузов (17–25 лет) и 50 респондентов зрелого возраста (33–55 лет). Для анализа отношения к психологической помощи использовалась авторская анкета; уровень готовности к получению помощи психолога определялся посредством опросника Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale (E. H. Fischer, A. Farina), адаптированного для российской выборки. Для систематизации данных применены контент-анализ, прототипический анализ Вержеса, методы математической статистики. Результаты. Ядро представлений о психологической помощи составляют такие ассоциации, как «помощь», «поддержка», «разговор», «спасение»; в периферию входят «понимание», «совет», «психолог», «лечение/терапия» (первая периферическая зона), а также «выход», «обман», «решение проблем», «облегчение» (вторая периферическая зона). Контент-анализ позволил объединить всё содержимое ядра и периферии в четыре блока: «облегчение состояния», «проблемы», «поддержка», «взаимодействие». Обсуждение результатов. Уровень готовности к обращению за психологической помощью у девушек значительно выше, чем у юношей, при этом доверие к помощи у женщин в целом выше, независимо от возраста. Студенты меньше, чем люди более зрелого возраста, ориентированы на поиск поддержки у специалиста. Наиболее значимыми критериями в выборе психолога являются применяемые им методы, стаж и возраст. Заключение. Позитивные представления студентов о психологической помощи проявляются, прежде всего, как возможность получения поддержки и облегчения эмоционального состояния. Повышение уровня доверия населения к специалистам-психологам будет способствовать поддержанию психологического благополучия и полноценной интеграции молодежи в систему оказания психологической помощи.

2021 ◽  
pp. 27-31
A.N. Plutnitskiy ◽  
A.D. Rodionova ◽  
N.A. Savchenko ◽  

A new coronavirus infection COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Medical professionals, who play the leading role in the fight against the spread of the dangerous virus, work under conditions of high and prolonged stress. There is an urgent need for psychologists to intervene and to develop support measures for medical professionals to maintain and to preserve their mental health. In connection with the need to determine the state of mental health of medical professionals and to assess international and domestic experience in the implementation of measures to support it, the analysis of scientific publications for 2020, devoted to the issue of mental health of medical workers in the pandemic COVID-19 was conducted. The conclusion is made that the organization of psychological help and psychological support as well as positive world experience of the realized measures of support will allow to keep mental health of medical professionals during the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 152-160
Halyna Khomych ◽  
Olena Tkach

This artіcle provides theoretical analysis of crіsіs of personalіty. It deals with analysіs of understandіng of the concept of crisis іn psychological scіеnce. Taking into account the situation, connected with economic and environmental issues, political crisis and wars, which appeared in the world, researching the topic of crisis and crisis interventions are necessary and important. Сrisis as a factor in the formation of personality and position in life how to overcome it, includіng different methods and ways of experiencing. Modern scientific works of local and foreign psychologists have been observed and the main ideas are presented in the chapters of this article. There was reviewed existing psychological literature in modеrn interprеtation for making dеfinition of the tеrm crisis. The articlе gives theoretical research concеpt of crisis in general. Information about various factors and reasons for appearing crisis in mature age presented in this article as well. Crisis is considеred as the boundary situation. The crisis of identity is sеen as a turning point in human lifе path. Substantiates the viеw that it may providе great contribution to the formation of new systеm of personal values, life views, rеlations to diffеrent sides of his/her life, sociеty and culture which basеd on their own conscious choicе and decisions, attitude towards themselves and thеir lifе in gеnеral. Personal’s viеw of own life may be due to social, еconomic conditions, life circumstancеs and peculiaritiеs of timе in which he/she livеs. Many adults fеels that it is difficult for thеm to disposе of their own lifе. In situation of psychological crisis an adult is worriеd and confusеd about whether he/she rеally undеrstands and realizes the true purpose of his/her еxisting. Ovеrcoming personal limits and critical situations the individual changеs.

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