domestic production
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-25
V. N. Minat

The transition to the sixth technological order, characterized by the systemic elements of the information revolution, requires a comprehensive analysis of the aggregate dynamic processes trade operations in the context of the respective commodity groups. Using the traditional methods of the statistical and economic method, in general terms, reduced to the formula: "domestic production + import - export", the relative quantitative indicators of the share of imports and exports of products of the leading high-tech industries of the United States were calculated for specific periods of time in the period 1951–2020, correlated with domestic production for the same period. Thus, an assessment of the impact of the "substitution effect" in the high-tech industry of the United States is given in relation to the volume of exports and imports in the context of certain groups of analyzed industries. The empirical results obtained contributed to the identification of trends in the regulation of American imports of high-tech industry products to protect the domestic market under the influence of the substitution effect in US foreign trade in the period under consideration. The main conclusion is that the priority in the focus of American foreign trade policy in terms of protecting the domestic market of high-tech industrial products, was and remains a flexible, expedient (in terms of substitution and integration vectors) combination of tariff and non-tariff restrictions on imports.

Lael E Walsh ◽  
Bethan R Mead ◽  
Charlotte A Hardman ◽  
Daniel Evans ◽  
Lingxuan Liu ◽  

Abstract As urban areas and land-use constraints grow, there is increasing interest in utilizing urban spaces for food production. Several studies have uncovered significant potential for urban growing to supplement production of fruit and vegetables, focusing on one or two cities as case studies, whilst others have assessed the global scale potential. Here, we provide a national-scale analysis of the horticultural production potential of urban green spaces, which is a relevant scale for agri-food and urban development policy making using Great Britain (GB) as a case study. Urban green spaces available for horticultural production across GB are identified and potential yields quantified based on three production options. The distribution of urban green spaces within 26 urban towns and cities across GB are then examined to understand the productive potential compared to their total extent and populations. Urban green spaces in GB, at their upper limit, have the capacity to support production that is 8x greater than current domestic production of fruit and vegetables. This amounts to 38% of current domestic production and imports combined, or >400% if exotic fruits and vegetables less suited to GB growing conditions are excluded. Most urban green spaces nationally are found to fall within a small number of categories, with private residential gardens and amenity spaces making up the majority of space. By examining towns and cities across GB in further detail, we find that the area of green space does not vary greatly between urban conurbations of different sizes, and all are found to have substantial potential to meet the dietary needs of the local urban population. This study highlights that national policies can be suitably developed to support urban agriculture and that making use of urban green spaces for food production could help to enhance the resilience of the national-scale food system to shocks in import pathways, or disruptions to domestic production and distribution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
أحمد عماد عمر أبكر

تقدير نموذج الاستيراد في السودان خلال الفترة 1960-2008م The research objectives are building, estimating and analyzing the model of import. The research follows the analytical descriptive methodology and applies the econometrics approach. The determinants included are: gross domestic production, investment, exchange rate and customs (tariff), regarding the simultaneous relationships between the variables. The results shwed that individual estimators are significantly different from zero. Also the import model is significantly different from zero. The proportion of the total variation in the import explained by the model is 77%

N.S. Panferov ◽  
V.S. Teterin ◽  
S.V. Mitrofanov ◽  
D.A. Blagov ◽  

The main trends in the development of modern distributors of solid mineral fertilizers fitted with centrifugal working bodies are analyzed and their advantages and disadvantages are identified. The main problems of introducing digital technologies into domestic production are discussed and possible areas for the modernization and increase in the productivity of centrifugal-type solid mineral fertilizers are outlined.

Aleksey Shkolin

The issue of developing a behavioral model of pulse voltage converter IC is considered on the example of a microcircuit of domestic production 1290EF1. In order to verify the adequacy of the model, taking into account its frequency characteristics, recommendations and basic requirements are given when performing a full-scale and numerical experiment to determine the frequency characteristics of such type of nonlinear dynamic objects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (4) ◽  
pp. 436-444
Marcela Mácová

The article deals with comparison of consumption of food and beverages in the Czech Republic in the years 1993 and 2019 as well as of two main sources of food and food materials, their domestic production and cross border movements.

2021 ◽  
pp. 54-73
Andrii Sulym ◽  
Andrii Strynzha ◽  
Oleksandr Borodai ◽  
Volodymyr Borodai

The article deals with the models of dump cars, which form the basis of a modern fleet of industrial railway transport. The design features of dump cars used for transportation and automated unloading of coal ore, soil, sand, gravel and other similar goods at domestic industrial enterprises are presented. Models of modern dump cars of domestic production for industrial railway transport, which were created and put into serial production during the last ten years, are given. The main existing requirements to design and manufacture of dump cars are determined. The results of comparative analysis of technical characteristics of dump cars of the last generation up to modern models of dump cars showed that one of the main advantages of the latter is to improve the strength and reliability of individual components and systems. The main focus of design upgrading of modern models of dump cars of domestic production for industrial railway transport is determined. The technical requirements for dump cars of the next generation, which are planned to be created and introduced into serial production in 2022-2026 for operation on the railway tracks of industrial enterprises, are proposed. Technical requirements are based on the results of the design studies of the present-day dump cars for industrial applications, review of technical and design documentation for these cars, and also the analysis of requirements and wishes of customers. The necessity for relevant research and development works of dump cars of the new generation for industrial railway transport is substantiated. The materials of the article will contribute to the construction of new models of dump cars for industrial railway transport and total upgrading of existing models, as well as improving the efficiency of their operation. Key words: dump car, maintenance interval, strength, industrial railway transport, service life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (077) ◽  
pp. 1-85
Christine L. Dobridge ◽  
Paul Landefeld ◽  
Jacob Mortenson ◽  

This paper investigates how corporate tax changes affect workers’ earnings. We use a dataset of U.S. worker-level W-2 filings matched with corporate tax returns and study the implementation of the Domestic Production Activities Deduction (DPAD). We find the DPAD tax rate reduction has a substantial effect on the distribution of annual wage earnings within a firm. Earnings of workers at the top of their firm’s earnings distribution rise relative to those at the bottom of the distribution. We estimate a semi-elasticity of average earnings of 1.1 with respect to the DPAD marginal tax rate reduction, while the semi-elasticity of median earnings is notably smaller—0.5. Furthermore, we estimate a semi-elasticity of 1.3 at the 95th percentile of workers’ earnings and 2.7 at the 99th percentile. This trend of larger semi-elasticities at the top of the earnings distribution is especially pronounced for small firms. Looking at overall employment effects, we see no change overall, but the number of employees rises at small firms and declines at large firms. In contrast, we find that capital investment rises for large firms, suggesting that the DPAD also resulted in domestic capitallabor substitution for large corporations. Our paper has significant implications for assessing the progressivity of the U.S. tax code and for analyzing the effect of corporate tax policy changes on the U.S. income distribution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Canxi Chen ◽  
Abhishek Chaudhary ◽  
Alexander Mathys

A major challenge for countries around the world is to provide a nutritionally adequate diet to their population with limited available resources. A comprehensive analysis that reflects the adequacy of domestic food production for meeting national nutritional needs in different countries is lacking. Here we combined national crop, livestock, aquaculture, and fishery production statistics for 191 countries obtained from UN FAO with food composition databases from USDA and accounted for food loss and waste occurring at various stages to calculate the amounts of calories and 24 essential nutrients destined for human consumption. We then compared the domestic production quantities of all nutrients with their population-level requirements estimated from age- and sex-specific intake recommendations of WHO to assess the nutrient adequacy of the national food production. Our results show inadequate production of seven out of 24 nutrients (choline, calcium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin E, folate, and iron) in most countries, despite the overall adequacy of the total global production. High-income countries produce adequate amounts of dietary nutrients in general, while the foods produced in low-income countries mainly comprising roots and cereal products often lack in important micronutrients such as choline, calcium, and vitamin B12. South Asian food production barely fulfills half of the required vitamin A. Our study identifies target nutrients for each country whose domestic production should be encouraged for improving nutritional adequacy through interventions such as increasing the production of foods or fortified foods that are rich in these inadequate nutrients while not undermining the local environment. This assessment can serve as an evidence base for nutrition-sensitive policies facilitating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of zero hunger and good health and well-being.

2021 ◽  
pp. 31-38
Yurii Kuslii ◽  
Nazarii Khomuk ◽  
Alla Bogdanova ◽  
Ihor Surko ◽  
Yuliia Serheieva

The development of the domestic engineering industry during the independence of Ukraine, in particular, led to the emergence of enterprises working in the field of development and production of firearms and ammunition for it. Experimental studies performed by forensic experts and criminologists to study the features of injuries and damage caused by modern models of domestic weapons need to be generalized and systematized. Aim of the work. To review the literature sources related to the study of lethal and non-lethal pistols and ammunition for them of domestic production. Materials and methods. In order to achieve this goal, we searched for literature sources within the scientometric databases of Google Scholar, Web of Science and Scopus by keywords, to a depth of 10 years using the criteria of selection of articles. Results. A review of literature sources revealed that the direction of the study of pistols and ammunition for them of domestic production is still relevant and tends to increase in the last 5 years; the departments of forensic medicine at Higher Education Institutions and Research Forensic Centers are most interested in studying this topic; publications on models of pistols developed 10 or more years ago are found in large numbers in the scientific literature, but publications on "younger" models in the scientific literature are not found. Conclusion. The vast majority of research on domestic firearms is devoted to the study of pistols produced by RPC «Fort». However, the available amount of research cannot meet the current needs of the expert service and, accordingly, the police. Research aimed at studying the ballistic properties of domestic weapons still remains a relevant and urgent area of forensic medicine and criminology.

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