learning programming
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 01005
Aleksandr P. Polishchuk

One of the ways to increase the efficiency of computer support of the educational process is to provide the subject teacher with a simple and easy-to-use interactive instrumental and executive system with a set of educational materials and test tasks for testing knowledge. The presence of two subsystems - the subsystem of learning and the subsystem of testing and performance accounting allows the teacher to solve the problem of simultaneous questioning in the classroom. The student, in turn, gets the opportunity to re-test independently to correct his unsatisfactory grades on certain topics already covered. Pedagogical experience shows that there were many such systems; most of them were focused on learning programming. Today, almost all training systems created in the 1960s, except PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations), have no practical significance. In their didactic capabilities, they differed little from the systems that used the simplest technical learning tools and provided a rigid, virtually excluding dialogue determination of student activity. However, it was the first developments that stimulated interest in computer learning, and the development of hardware and software for personal computers led to greater opportunities for their use in learning.

2022 ◽  
pp. 55-83
Andreas Giannakoulas ◽  
Stelios Xinogalos

In recent years, several educational games for learning programming have been developed with promising results. The main purpose of this chapter is to present 22 educational games or platforms that aim to cultivate computational thinking through teaching computer programming concepts to primary school students. A short description of each game followed by a comparative analysis of both their game mechanics and their educational aspects is presented. Additionally, less typical functionalities such as online classrooms, the support for learning analytics, and the creation of new levels are analyzed. This chapter could be useful for game designers and IT teachers who would like to use a game-based approach in the teaching process.

2022 ◽  
pp. 900-925
H. Bahadir Yanik ◽  
Terri L. Kurz ◽  
Yasin Memis

Oftentimes, elementary students are not provided with rich, investigative lessons that support computation thinking (CT) and critical analysis through the use of tools. The purpose of this study was to explore how programming educational robotics (ERs) support third grade gifted students' CT skills in the context of Taxicab geometry focusing on data processing abilities and time estimation skills. Using qualitative case study methodology, data were gathered though classroom interviews, observations and document analyses. Results indicated that ERs provided students with opportunities for both learning programming in early grades and applying mathematical knowledge and skills through a meaningful task that supported content commonly emphasized in mathematics. Specifically, there was growth in student understanding in terms of abstraction, decomposition, algorithmic thinking, evaluation, and generalization. The findings also suggested that working with ERs supported students' estimation and data processing skills. Implications are provided for the integration of ERs as a tool for primary gifted students' learning of mathematics in technology-mediated environments emphasizing CT.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Wei Zheng ◽  
Qing Du ◽  
Yongjian Fan ◽  
Lijuan Tan ◽  
Chuanlin Xia ◽  

Personalized exercise recommendation is an important research project in the field of online learning, which can explore students’ strengths and weaknesses and tailor exercises for them. However, programming exercises differs from other disciplines or types of exercises due to the comprehensive of the exercises and the specificity of program debugging. In order to assist students in learning programming, this paper proposes a programming exercise recommendation algorithm based on knowledge structure tree (KSTER). Firstly, the algorithm provides a calculation method for quantifying students’ cognitive level to obtain their knowledge needs through individual learning-related data. Secondly, a knowledge structure tree is constructed based on the association relationship of knowledge points, and a learning objective prediction method is proposed by combining the knowledge needs and the knowledge structure tree to represent and update the learning objective. Finally, KSTER imports a matching operator that calculates cognitive level and exercise difficulty based on learning objectives, and makes top-η recommendation for exercises. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the other algorithms in both precision and recall. The comparison experiments with real-world data demonstrate that KSTER effectively improves students’ learning efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Muhammad Ainul Razaq

The programming language at this time has become a language that is desirable.In learning programming languages can be done through formal or informaleducation, such as learning online. Online learning has several advantages,including lower costs, more time efficient and can adjust their learning abilities. Ajarin Code was created to assist online students in learning programminglanguages, especially in learning PHP, HMTL, CSS, and MYSQL. In this applicationwill present the discussion material in accordance with the level of understandingof each participant and at the end of the learning is given an online test usingrandomization methods namely Fisher-Yates algorithm. With this algorithm, eachquestion that appears will be different for each participant and when a participantrepeats the test.AbstrakBahasa pemrograman merupakan Bahasa yang paling popular saat ini .Pembelajaran Bahasa pemrograman dapat di lakukan melalui pendidikan formal maupun informalseperti, Lembaga khusus atau pembelajaran secara online. Pembelajaran secara online memeberikan berbagai keunggulan, diantaranya biaya yang lebih murah juga waktu yang fleksible serta setiap peserta dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan kemampuan dan perkembangan pembelajaran yang dibangun oleh para pembelajar online. Dalam memehami Bahasa pemrograman, Khususnya Bahasa pemrograman website yang meliputi PHP, HMTL, CSS Dan MySQL. Aplikasi ini akan memberikan materi yang sesuai dengan level pemahaman peserta dan pada setiap akhir pembelajaran akan di berikan ujian online dengan metode pengacakan soal dengan menggunakan algoritma Fisher-yates .Dengan algoritma ini, maka urutan soal yang dimunculkan akan selalu berbeda dengan setiap peserta dan ketika seorang peserta akan mengulangi ujian. Peserta yang telah menyelesaikan ujian nantinya akan dapat menempuh materi pada level lebih lanjut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (9) ◽  
pp. 53-60
D. I. Pavlov ◽  
A. V. Kaplan

The article discusses approaches to teaching programming to primary school students. The emphasis is placed on typical difficulties that students experience while learning programming, on the reasons for these difficulties and possible methods for overcoming them. A retrospective of the development of teaching programming in Russian schools is presented, including in comparison with international experience. The place of the initial programming course in the system of educational results of primary education has been determined. Based on the analysis of the works of A. P. Ershov, A. V. Goryachev, E. K. Henner, M. Gujberova, I. Kalaš, S. Grozdev, J. Wing and other specialists, a connection has been established between teaching programming and a broad interpretation of the term "literacy", as well as computational thinking. The results of the authors' research are presented, in particular, the differences identified in the approaches to teaching programming for primary schoolchildren, implemented by primary school teachers and informatics teachers, are discussed. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, a number of problems that arise during early learning in programming are identified, in particular, such as: "Computer for the sake of the computer ", "Lack of links between the algorithm and the program", "Playing instead of learning". In the course of practical research, the causes and possible ways of overcoming these problems have been established. In addition, in the course of the study, the authors identified and described in this article several types of problems that still require further study: "Click for a click", "Not a reader", "Stupid robot", "Decomposition", "Geometry", "Many the same question

Thomas Bohm

Abstract About Joanna Suau Joanna studied English literature and culture at the University of Silesia in Poland, where she was born. She did a technical writing postgraduate degree in the picturesque city of Krakow and moved to the U.K. in 2012, to work for shipping solutions provider Pierbridge, where she mainly focused on user guides and walkthroughs of various types of shipping applications. Interested in what makes an app tick, Joanna started learning programming language (JavaScript) and explored CSS and HTML in more detail. This is when she discovered her passion for writing clean and appealing developer-oriented documentation, and moved to the start-up company Moltin, to become a part of the Developer Success team. Joanna has changed industry, and currently works in the field of telecommunication. She works for a messaging services provider, Infobip, contributing content to their robust API solutions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 57-62
S. S. Belokonova ◽  
M. S. Plotnikova

Learning programming is an integral part of the school informatics course. The teachers often start to teach programming with the "childish" language Scratch, which, despite its simplicity, makes it possible to write not only the simplest program, but also quite complex programs that reflect the basic principles of programming such as variables, loops, branches, etc. Continuing learning programming pupils can use Python, which is one of the most popular programming languages. The article proposes an approach to implementing the continuity of programming learning in the transition from learning Scratch to learning Python, namely, using the capabilities of the online educational platform EduBlocks. EduBlocks is an easy way to go from block programming to text-based programming. The main part of EduBlocks is the visual block editor. After completing the construction of the program in this editor, you can go to the "regular" Python editor. Python code is displayed in blocks, so pupils learn Python syntax while coding in a familiar block-level environment.

2021 ◽  
Rehman Ullah Khan ◽  
Fitri Suraya Mohamad Fitri ◽  
Yin Bee Oon ◽  
Ahmad Sofian Shminan ◽  
Mohamad Hardyman

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