power dynamic
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Chitralekha Jena

Owing to increasing penetration of renewable energy sources, it is mandatory to investigate it’s effect on the combined heat and power dynamic economic dispatch. At the same time , adverse effect is there due to highly intermittent nature and higher rate of outages of these sources . This piece of work proposes squirrel search algorithm (SSA) for solving combined heat and power dynamic economic dispatch (CHPDED) incorporating pumped-storage-hydraulic unit captivating uncertainty and outage of renewable energy sources. A lately developed swarm intelligence algorithm SSA, emulates from the dynamic scavenging behavior of squirrel. The competence of the recommended technique is examined on a test system. Simulation outcomes of the proposed technique is harmonized with those acquired by particle swarm optimization (PSO) and grey wolf optimization (GWO). After comparison, a conclusion was made presenting SSA technique conferring with good-quality solution than other techniques.

2022 ◽  
Vol 91 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-132
Mette Flynt

American tourism in Mexico increased significantly during the Good Neighbor era. By creating tourist maps, cartographers on both sides of the border participated in an intentional, ideological process of reshaping these tourists’ views of Mexico. They sought to transform Americans’ perceptions not only of Mexicans and their history but also of the physical environment. Their Mexico was a place of contrast, suspended in the romantic past and engaged in modernity. Although cartographers constructed a new Mexico through their maps, they did not challenge perceptions of an asymmetrical power dynamic that had defined U.S.-Mexico relations and the tourism industry at large. Instead, their maps reinforced, reproduced, and contributed to it. Cartographers, like the maps they created, were not passive or inconsequential actors. Analyzing the ideas, relationships, and myths embedded in their maps expands our understanding of transnational tourism, environmental change, selective history, and imagined communities in the twentieth century.

Integration ◽  
2021 ◽  
Ali Ghorbani ◽  
Mehdi Dolatshahi ◽  
S. Mohammad Ali Zanjani ◽  
Behrang Barekatain

2021 ◽  
pp. 131-163
Neil Richards

Privacy can nurture our ability to develop political beliefs, identities, and expression, and is thus an essential source of political power for citizens against the state. Privacy enables political freedom, letting us act as self-governing citizens, and it is hard to envision a functioning democracy without privacy. Many discussions of privacy and political freedom rely on Orwell’s metaphor of Big Brother, but that image is incomplete because it fails to include private-party surveillance. Surveillance of any kind, whether government or private, raises two particular dangers. First, surveillance threatens the intellectual privacy we need to make up our minds about political and social issues; being watched when we think, read, and communicate can cause us not to experiment with new, controversial, or deviant ideas. Second, surveillance changes the power dynamic between the watcher and the watched; the power surveillance gives to watchers creates risks of blackmail, discrimination, and coercive persuasion.

2021 ◽  
pp. 199-225
Melanie C. Ross

Chapter 8 examines “Holy Inheritance,” a multiethnic congregation comprised of African American, Hispanic, and Caucasian members. However, the theological ideal of multiethnic worship is difficult to realize in practice. Some congregants tolerate unfamiliar additions to corporate worship as “accommodations” that need to be made for members of different races. Other congregants warn that this perspective exposes a problematic power dynamic: one that construes minority people as “guests” of the majority group’s largess. Over time, the leaders of Holy Inheritance hope to resolve these debates by developing a new, hybrid worship culture that expresses the church’s unified collective identity—one in which there is no sense of “us” or “them” according to race.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (22) ◽  
pp. 2815
Cheng Peng ◽  
Zhihao Ye ◽  
Jianhua Wu ◽  
Cheng Chen ◽  
Zerun Wang

In this paper, a dual-channel RF-DC microwave rectifier circuit is designed with a 2:1 power distribution ratio in a Wilkinson power splitter. The rectifier circuit works at 2.45 Ghz. After impedance matching and tuning, the structure is able to broaden the dynamic power range of the rectifier circuit while maintaining maximum rectifier efficiency. Compared with the HSMS2820 rectifier branch, this design enhances the power dynamic ranges of 60% efficiency and 50% efficiency by 4 dBm and 3 dBm, respectively. Compared with the HSMS2860 rectifier branch, for the efficiency of 60% and efficiency of 50%, the power dynamic range is expanded by 5 dBm and 2 dBm, respectively. This shows that the technology is helpful for improving the stability of energy conversion at the receiver end of microwave wireless energy transmission systems. Finally, the rationality of this conclusion is verified by establishing a mathematical model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 37-52
Jesse Toufexis

The central preoccupation of Chava Rosenfarb’s “Edgia’s Revenge” is an escape from a perceived outward Jewishness. That Rosenfarb’s protagonist is never afforded this vital flight is one of the story’s key dramas that plays out in the form of a power dynamic between two Holocaust survivors, Rella and Edgia. On the surface, this failure can be attributed to Rella’s anxiety and guilt about her former role as a kapo in a concentration camp. This article argues, however, that Rella’s failure to rid herself of her Jewishness and her past is exemplified through the use of mountains as sacred zones in “Edgia’s Revenge.”La préoccupation centrale de « Edgia’s Revenge » de Chava Rosenfarb est d’échapper à une judéité perçue comme extérieure. Le fait que le protagoniste de Rosenfarb ne puisse jamais s’offrir ce vol vital est l’un des principaux drames de l’histoire qui se joue sous la forme d’une dynamique de pouvoir entre deux survivants de l’Holocauste, Rella et Edgia. À première vue, cet échec peut être attribué à l’anxiété et à la culpabilité de Rella concernant son ancien rôle de kapo dans un camp de concentration. Cet article soutient cependant que l’échec de Rella à se débarrasser de sa judéité et de son passé est illustré par l’utilisation des montagnes comme zones sacrées dans « Edgia’s Revenge ».

Niaz Badshah

Pakistan has faced four military regimes, in three out of it, the military rulers were not declared illegitimate by the supreme judiciary, on the contrary, the doctrine of necessity became the quoted terms as causes of accepting those extra-constitutional moves. While adjudicating these cases, the establishment either used their personal influence or manured the judiciary to take afresh oath of allegiance of the military rulers under the provisional constitutional orders (PCO). Thus, the cases before these judges were just hoodwinking or a lip service of endorsing and affixing a stamp of validity. Even then the superior judiciary had authorized the military rulers to amend the constitution, which is the role prerogative of the parliament not only as per Pakistan constitution. Thus, superior judiciary was unable to stand in front of power dynamic, except in the case of Asma Gillani vs federation of Pakistan, but it was adjudicated, when General Yahya was not in power. While applying heterogeneous sampling research techniques the study has attempted to accumulate a variety of expert opinions on the role and independence of the judiciary. Findings show that the judges, to assure smooth running of the country, sacrificed the very spirit of the constitution. The apex court decisions only tried to maintain the statuesque and to pave the way to let the system run.

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