chicken intestine
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2021 ◽  
sorour Aalipanah ◽  
Mohammad Reza Fazeli ◽  
Abbas Akhavan Sepahi ◽  
Farid Shariatmadari

Abstract Food contamination with aflatoxin is one of the most important concerns of health professionals. One of the best ways to reduce aflatoxin content in food is to use probiotics. Therefore, this study was performed to isolate Bifidobacterium from the chick's intestine and its probiotic activities and also its application with Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) to reduce aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) toxin in the medium were investigated. Samples were isolated from the chicken intestine. After preparing the samples, Bifidobacterium was isolated and identified using biochemical and molecular methods. To measure probiotic activities, pH, bile, and salt tolerance tests were used. Then, the antimicrobial activity of isolate against gastrointestinal pathogens and the antibiotic susceptibility test were done. Then, the effect of selected isolate and PVP on reducing AFB1 in the medium was studied using ELISA and HPLC. Biochemical and molecular evaluations indicated isolation of B. bifidum strain from chicken intestine. The selected strain showed antimicrobial activities on S. enterica, E. coli, and P. vulgaricus and was found to be resistant against Amikacin, Ampicillin, Erythromycin, and Ceftazidine antibiotics. The selected strain showed the ability to reduce the concentration of AFB1 in the medium (50% reduction) and when used in combination with PVP showed the synergistic effects in reducing the concentration of AFB1 from the medium (up to 90%). In conclusion, it was found that selected B. bifidum strain together with PVP could have synergistic effects in reducing AFB1 toxin in medium up to 90%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Graham A. J. Redweik ◽  
Michael H. Kogut ◽  
Ryan J. Arsenault ◽  
Mark Lyte ◽  
Melha Mellata

AbstractSalmonella enterica persist in the chicken gut by suppressing inflammatory responses via expansion of intestinal regulatory T cells (Tregs). In humans, T cell activation is controlled by neurochemical signaling in Tregs; however, whether similar neuroimmunological signaling occurs in chickens is currently unknown. In this study, we explore the role of the neuroimmunological axis in intestinal Salmonella resistance using the drug reserpine, which disrupts intracellular storage of catecholamines like norepinephrine. Following reserpine treatment, norepinephrine release was increased in both ceca explant media and Tregs. Similarly, Salmonella killing was greater in reserpine-treated explants, and oral reserpine treatment reduced the level of intestinal Salmonella Typhimurium and other Enterobacteriaceae in vivo. These antimicrobial responses were linked to an increase in antimicrobial peptide and IL-2 gene expression as well as a decrease in CTLA-4 gene expression. Globally, reserpine treatment led to phosphorylative changes in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), and the mitogen-associated protein kinase 2(MEK2). Exogenous norepinephrine treatment alone increased Salmonella resistance, and reserpine-induced antimicrobial responses were blocked using beta-adrenergic receptor inhibitors, suggesting norepinephrine signaling is crucial in this mechanism. Furthermore, EGF treatment reversed reserpine-induced antimicrobial responses, whereas mTOR inhibition increased antimicrobial activities, confirming the roles of metabolic signaling in these responses. Finally, MEK1/2 inhibition suppressed reserpine, norepinephrine, and mTOR-induced antimicrobial responses. Overall, this study demonstrates a central role for MEK1/2 activity in reserpine induced neuro-immunometabolic signaling and subsequent antimicrobial responses in the chicken intestine, providing a means of reducing bacterial colonization in chickens to improve food safety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-140
Bagus Dwijayanti ◽  
Erdiansyah Rahmi ◽  
Ummu Balqis ◽  
Fitriani Fitriani ◽  
Dian Masyitha ◽  

ABSTRACT. Usus adalah salah satu organ pencernaan yang berperan penting pada proses absorpsi nutrisi sebagai sumber energi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui histologi, histomorfometri dan histokimia sebaran glikogen pada usus ayam buras (Gallus gallus domesticus) sebelum dan setelah menetas menggunakan pewarnaan Haematoksilin-Eosin (HE) dan pewarnaan Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS). Sampel penelitian terdiri atas empat kelompok tingkat umur berbeda, setiap kelompok berjumlah enam usus ayam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan nyata (P˂0,05) morfometri usus ayam buras secara makroskopis. Secara histologis pada setiap perkembangan sudah terlihat lapisan usus yang terdiri atas tunika mukosa, submukosa, muskularis, dan serosa. Pada tunika mukosa, didapati tiga lamina yaitu lamina epitelia, propria, dan muskularis mukosa yang mulai teramati pada masa inkubasi hari ke-14. Lamina epitelia berupa sel epitel silindris selapis dengan mikrovili, lamina propria berupa jaringan ikat, dan lamina muskularis mukosa berupa berkas otot polos. Pada tunika mukosa dijumpai adanya sel Goblet dan kripta Liberkuhn yang teramati pada masa inkubasi hari ke-20 dan setelah menetas hari ke-7. Hasil histomorfometri ketebalan lapisan usus, panjang vili, lebar vili, dan diameter lumen usus ayam buras pada masa inkubasi dan setelah menetas menunjukkan perbedaan nyata (P˂0,05). Temuan reaksi positif kuat terhadap pewarnaan PAS dijumpai pada masa inkubasi hari ke-20 dan setelah menetas hari ke-7 dan positif lemah pada masa inkubasi hari ke-14. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara perkembangan usus ayam secara makroskopis, histomorfometri ketebalan tunika dan vili, serta sebaran reaksi positif kuat terhadap pewarnaan PAS pada masa inkubasi hari ke-20 dan setelah menetas hari ke-7.  (Histological, histomorphometrical, and histochemical of intestine on native chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) during pre and posthatch period) ABSTRAK. The intestines are one of the digestive organ that play an important role in the nutrient absorption process as an energy source. The aim of this study was to determine the histomorphometric and histochemical of glycogen distribution in the intestines of native chickens pre and post hatching periods using Haematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining and Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining. The samples of this study was consisted of four different age groups, each group consisting of six chicken intestines. The results showed a significant difference (P˂0.05) on macroscopic morphometry of the native chicken’s intestine. Histologically in each group has been found the intestines consisting of mucosa, submucous, muscularis, and serous tunic. In the mucosal tunic, there were three layers; ephitelial, propria, and muscularial mucous can be observed during the 14th day of incubation period. Ephitelial layer in the form of cylindrical epithelial cells with microvilli, proprial layer in the form of connective tissue, and layer of the muscularis mucosa form smooth muscle thread. In the mucosal tunic, there was Goblet cells and Liberkuhn crypts that can be observed during the 20th day incubation period and 7th day post hatch. Histomorphometry results of intestinal lining thickness, villi length, villi width, and lumen diameter of native chicken intestine during incubation and post hatching showed significant differences (P˂0.05). The findings of a strong positive reaction to the staining of PAS were found on the incubation period of the 20th day and post hatching the 7th day and positively weak on the incubation period of the 14th day. It can be concluded that there is a correlation between macroscopic development of chicken intestine, histomorphometric of tunica and villous thickness, as well as the distribution of strong positive reactions to the staining of PAS during the incubation period of the 20th day and post hatching the 7th day.

2021 ◽  
sorour Aalipanah ◽  
Mohhammad Reza Fazeli ◽  
Abbas Akhavan Sepahi ◽  
Farid Shariatmadari

Abstract Background: Food contamination with aflatoxin is one of the most important concerns of health professionals. One of the best ways to reduce aflatoxin content in food is to use probiotics. Therefore, this study was performed to isolate Bifidobacterium from the chick intestine and its probiotic activities and also its application with Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) to reduce aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) toxin in the medium were investigated.Results: Samples were isolated from the chicken intestine. Biochemical and molecular evaluations indicated isolation of Bifidobacterium bifidum strain from chicken intestine. To measure probiotic activities, pH, bile, and salt tolerance tests were used. The selected B. bifidum had good probiotic activity. Then, the antimicrobial activity of isolate against gastrointestinal pathogens and the antibiotic susceptibility test were done. The selected strain showed antimicrobial activities on S. enterica, E. coli, and P. vulgaricus and was found to be resistant against Amikacin, Ampicillin, Erythromycin, and Ceftazidine antibiotics. Then, the effect of selected isolate and PVP on reducing AFB1 in the medium was studied using ELISA and HPLC. The selected strain showed the ability to reduce the concentration of AFB1 in the medium (50% reduction) and when used in combination with PVP showed the synergistic effects in reducing the concentration of AFB1 from the medium (up to 90%).Conclusion: In conclusion, it was found that selected B. bifidum strain together with PVP could have synergistic effects in reducing AFB1 toxin in medium up to 90%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 782 (2) ◽  
pp. 022077
H Hafid ◽  
P Patriani ◽  
Nuraini ◽  
D Agustina ◽  
Fitrianingsih ◽  

Ankaiah Dasari ◽  
Shreyasi Mitra ◽  
Deepak Srivastava ◽  
Sivagnanavelmurugan Madasamy ◽  
Ayyanna Repally ◽  

2021 ◽  
Jiajun Yang ◽  
Jing Wang ◽  
Kehe Huang ◽  
Mengling Zhu ◽  
Qinxing Liu ◽  

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects and potential signaling pathway of selenium-enriched Bacillus subtilis (SEBS) on beta defensin 1 (BD1) expression in chicken intestine. Chinese Huainan...

Anita Dewi Moelyaningrum

Latar Belakang: Bahan berbahaya masih sering ditemui pada berbagai macam makanan jajanan yang beredar di masyarakat. Usus ayam dapat diolah menjadi berbagai jenis masakan dan jajanan, seperti sate usus dan keripik usus. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa penerapan higine sanitasi proses produksi usus ayam dan identifikasi kandungan formalin. Metode: Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Wawancara dan observasi dilakukan pada responden untuk memperoleh data. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 pemasok besar (X dan Y) yang memasok usus ayam ke seluruh pasar di kabupaten Jember. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pemilik pemasok usus untuk menggali pengetahuan terhadap penggunaan bahan berbahaya pada makanan, serta para pekerja diproses produksi untuk melihat penerapan prinsip hygiene sanitasi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan Teknik Proportional random. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan 2 pemasok terhadap bahan tambahan pangan berbahaya adalah cukup, hygiene sanitasi pada saat proses produksi meliputi aspek pengolahan, penyimpanan dan pendistribusian adalah cukup. Pengetahuan personal hygiene pekerja adalah cukup sedangkan perilaku implementasi Higiene sanitasi termasuk kategori kurang. Fasilitas sanitasi rumah produksi pada ke 2 pemasok usus ayam masih termasuk kategori kurang. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa dari 23 sampel usus ayam yang dijual di pasar trsdisional, terdapat satu sampel (4,35%) positif mengandung formalin (kode sampel PT), yang dipasok oleh pemasok X.  Formalin kemungkinan ditambahkan oleh oleh pedagang.

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