bureaucratic structure
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1307-1329
Ayşegül Saylam ◽  
Naci Karkın ◽  
Belgin Uçar Kocaoğlu

Governments are expected to introduce public policies to empower citizens to engage in government business for various reasons including trust building. This chapter presents enablers/barriers before direct citizen participation (DCP) in Turkey by employing interviews conducted with higher public administrators at the ministerial level. The results reveal that DCP is mostly used for informing and consultation purposes rather than fostering a citizen deliberation. The main barriers before DCP are found as centralized bureaucratic structure, lack of administrators' awareness for DCP, and a lack of participation culture. The authors argue that DCP could be fostered where public officials are curious rather than institutionalized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-123
Lia Siska Endang ◽  
Marlon Sihombing ◽  
Maksum Syahri Lubis

The objectives of the study were to provide an overview of appIication steps of Tourism Business Registration Iicense (TDUP) through Sicantik and the factors that infIuenced the poIicy impIementation of Tourism Business Registration Iicense through Sicantik as weII as to find out what obstacIes to poIicy impIementation of Tourism Business Registration Iicense (TDUP) through Sicantik at the Department of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) Medan City. This study was conducted by using descriptive quaIitative method. The instrument for coIIecting data were observation, interview, and documentation. AII the data were anaIyzed based on the theory by MiIIes & Huberman, nameIy an interactive modeI that cIassifies data anaIysis in three steps, they are: data reduction, data dispIay and drawing concIusions (verification). The findings of the study refer to four indicators that took effect to the service poIicy impIementation of the TDUP through Si Cantik at DPMPTSP in Medan City based on George C. Edward III's theory, nameIy communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure.  In generaI, it showed that its impIementation is guided by the appIicabIe reguIations.

Guntur Eko Saputro ◽  

Non-military defense is a defense to deal with non-military threats that can endanger or have implications for national defense. Non-military threats have the dimensions of ideology, politics, economy, socio-culture, technology, public safety, and legislation. In the main points of the general policy of state defense for 2020-2024, it is stated that in the policy of implementing non-military defense, it is directed to deal with the dimensions and types of threats by determining the ministry/institution as the main element. The United States-China trade war is a policy involving two superpowers that have had a major influence on the global economy to date. The government's policy in dealing with the trade war is the program to attract investors as contained in the 16th Indonesian Economic Policy Package (PKE), including Tax Holiday. The purpose of the study is to provide government input on the implementation of economic policies in the face of the US-China trade war in the context of Non-Military Defense. Research with qualitative methods is aimed at understanding social phenomena from the perspective of the participants. The results achieved are in accordance with the theory of Policy Implementation related to Resources, Communication, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure, a strategy is needed to revamp the bureaucratic structure and recalculate budget resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 2021-232
M Najibur Rohman ◽  
Daud Rismana

This article aims to find out the policy formulation of reducing the bureaucratic structure in Indonesia and the impact that occurs as its result. This article is a literature research using literature review as a primary legal source supported by secondary data which is the result of implementing regulations in the field. The results of the study indicate that the formulation of the policy of  reducing the bureaucratic structure in Indonesia is to eliminate echelon III to echelon V. The main purpose of this cut is to streamline government services through government employees (civil servants). As the impact, organizationally, this cut is not ideal because it is carried out in parallel with the preparation of SOTK. In terms of human resource management, this cut has an impact on the transfer of administrative officials to functional positions that are more competency-based or expertise-based.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-49
Deysi L. N. Tampongangoy ◽  
Lusy K. R. R. Gerungan ◽  
Grace H. Tampongangoy

One of the programs of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia based on sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals) globally which consists of 17 goals which are then added one point as a foothold for the community, namely a dynamic village institutional program and adaptive culture that involves the local government as a working partner. The program of dynamic village institutions and adaptive culture aims at village development that is based on the cultural roots of the local community with the intention that everything built on a cultural basis will have extraordinary resilience and have good deterrence. This study uses Edwards III theory by considering four indicators as a factor in implementing public policies consisting of: Communication, Resources, Implementing Disposition, and Bureaucratic Structure. Factors that are considered as supporting factors in the implementation of the dynamic village institutional program and adaptive culture in Southeast Minahasa Regency are communication and the disposition of the implementer. Factors that are considered as inhibiting factors in the implementation of dynamic village institutional programs and adaptive culture in Southeast Minahasa Regency are resources and bureaucratic structure. Human and financial resources need to be improved. It is necessary to make standard operating procedures specifically for dynamic village institutional programs and an adaptive culture that has a clear position base in carrying out the program.

Tatik Fidowaty

This research was carried out to acknowledge the factors that influence the implementation of the One-Stop Integrated Licensing Service Management Information System (SIM-PPTSP) policy in the building permits at the Bandung City, Indonesia. This research is motivated by the IMB service that has not been maximized, this can be observed from the lack of public interest in managing the building permit due to the convoluted process, the high cost, and the long process of obtaining the license (IMB). Based on this background, the authors researched with the major hypothesis, whether the factors of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure together affect the implementation of SIM-PPTSP policies in the city. The theory of Edward III (1980) was applied in the study. Participants of the study were selected through a simple random sampling technique. The data collection procedure was carried out by distributing questionnaires, observations, and reviewing works of literature. Questionnaires were distributed to 58 employees at the Bandung City Government's Integrated Licensing Service Agency. The data analysis method used is path analysis. The results show that from the sub-variables of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure, there is one sub-variable that is not significant to policy implementation, namely resources. This confirms that the sub-variable resources have not been implemented properly. When viewed simultaneously, the effect is large; 0.928.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Muhammad Syoufi Lubis ◽  
M. Nazaruddin M. Nazaruddin ◽  
Rusydi Abubakar

This research examines the role Financial Management Agency, Revenue in Increasing Non-Metal Mineral and Rock Tax Revenue, it is known that in 2016-2020 there was a significant decrease in the realization of tax revenues (in 2016 the realization was Rp. 1.887.075.092,- until 2020 the realization only reached  Rp. 305.450.406,-). This decrease was due to a change in the collection system used in collecting taxes on non-metallic minerals and rocks in 2016-2020 from an official assessment system to a self assessment system. The theory used to analyze the problem is the implementation theory according to Edwards III with four main indicators including communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The research method use a gualitative approach. Date collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that tax revenues for non-metallic minerals and rocks continued to decline in Bener Meriah Regency from 2016-2020, using the self assessment system as a system for collecting taxes on non-metallic minerals and rocks that were still not effectively implemented. What steps are taken to increase tax revenues for non-metallic minerals and rocks in Bener Meriah Regency are due to the lack of socialization of the regulations that have been set and coordination of information delivery among tiered officials. Resources that are lacking in carrying out supervision in the form of tax collectors for non-metallic minerals and rocks.Weak disposition with lack of seriousness in tax collection management. The bureaucratic structure with a lack of coordination is the cause of the lack of information and communication carried out by officials who collect taxes on non-metallic minerals and rocks at BPKPA, Bener Meriah Regency

Sitti Chaeriah Ahsan ◽  
Risma Niswaty ◽  
Irsyad Dhahri

In order to realize the demands of the community in service, the government will seek several things to improve the quality of services provided by bringing up a policy. To produce a quality policy requires good cooperation by the local government. Improving public services to optimize services in the regions can be done by reforming the administration at a level that is directly dealing with the community, namely at the sub-district level and implementing innovation. The innovation in question is the sub-district integrated administrative service system (PATEN). PATEN is held with the aim of realizing the sub-district as a community service center and becoming a service node for the one-stop integrated service agency/office (PTSP) in the district for sub-districts whose geographical area will be more effectively and efficiently served through the sub-district. With a qualitative method, this research on the implementation of PATEN in Polewali Mandar was studied based on the concepts of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. Obstacles encountered in communication due to limitations in providing patent services to the public during the covid 19 pandemic, PATEN service providers were provided with training, related to disposition, clearer supervision standards were needed regarding the use and supervision of budgets by districts so that achievements and obstacles could be evaluated on a regular basis ; and simplification of standard operating procedures on aspects of bureaucratic structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-111
Laila Istighfarah ◽  
Irma Irawati Puspaningrum ◽  
Ach. Andiriyanto

AbstractThe birth of Village Law No. 6 of 2014 gives authority to the village to take care andmanage the affairs of its own government. Villages are required to develop theirterritory in accordance with the conditions and keep up with the times, one of which isthe development of information technology. To encourage the village government inutilizing technology to provide information to its citizens, a system developed byBP2DK is needed. This program is in the form of a technology platform based on theinternet called SIDeKa. One of the villages that participated in implementing SIDeKain Sumenep Regency is Pamolokan village, where Pamolokan is a village that took theinitiative to make the village an informative village. The regulations that overshadowSIDeKa in Pamolokan village are contained in Perdes No. 4 of 2017 concerningRPJMDes. This research aims to determine the implementation of Village andRegional Information System (SIDeKa) in accelerating village independence inPamolokan village, Sumenep Regency. The method used in this study is descriptivequalitative. The focus of this research is communication, resources, disposition,bureaucratic structure. Data and research results are obtained from observations,interviews with several informants and documentation. Pamolokan village is a villagethat has implemented technology named SIDeKa in its implementation developed in theform of a village website. But most people do not understand because of the lack ofdeep socialization to the community about the benefits of village websites.Keywords : Village, Information Technology, SIDeKaAbstrakLahirnya Undang-Undang Desa No. 6 Tahun 2014 memberikan kewenangan kepadadesa untuk mengurus dan mengatur urusan pemerintahannya sendiri. Desa dituntutuntuk mengembangkan wilayahnya sesuai dengan kondisi dan mengikutiperkembangan zaman, salah satunya seperti perkembangan teknologi informasi. Gunamendorong pemerintah desa dalam memanfaatkan teknologi untuk memberikaninformasi kepada warganya maka diperlukan suatu sistem yang dikembangkan olehBP2DK. Program ini berbentuk platform teknologi berdasar pada internet yang diberinama SIDeKa. Salah satu desa yang ikut mengimplementasikan SIDeKa di KabupatenSumenep adalah desa Pamolokan, yang dimana Pamolokan adalah desa yangberinisiatif membuat desanya menjadi desa informatif. Peraturan yang menaungiSIDeKa di desa Pamolokan terdapat di dalam Perdes No. 4 Tahun 2017 tentangRPJMDes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi Sistem InformasiDesa dan Kawasan dalam percepatan kemandirian desa di desa Pamolokan Kabupaten Sumenep. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif.Fokus penelitian ini adalah komunikasi, sumberdaya, disposisi, struktur birokrasi. Datadan hasil penelitian diperoleh dari hasil observasi, wawancara dengan beberapainforman dan dokumentasi. Desa Pamolokan adalah desa yang telahmengimplementasikan teknologi yang diberi nama SIDeKa dalam pelaksanaannyadikembangkan dalam bentuk website desa. Namun sebagian besar masyarakat tidakmemahami karena kurangnya sosialisasi yang mendalam kepada lapisan masyarakatmengenai manfaat website desa.Kata Kunci : Desa, Teknologi Informasi, SIDeKa

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 214-221
M Afif Hasbullah ◽  
Nisaul Barokati Seliro Wangi

The investment procedure in Indonesia is still seen as complex and complicated. The complexity is seen in licensing, land acquisition, taxation, and other investment-related issues. A policy or regulation is required to simplify and accelerate the investment procedure. The existence of the Omnibus law No. 11 of 2021 on Job Creation is expected to make investing in Indonesia easier. However, the case with policies and regulations in general, good regulations are not always well-implemented. As a result, the Edwards III Model approach should be used to examine the execution of Law No. 11 of 2020 about Job Creation Related to the Ease of Business Cluster. The analysis's results showed that four elements will influence the success as well as potential dangers associated with the law's policy implementation, including communication factors, resource considerations, implementer attitude factors, and bureaucratic structure factors.

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