frame relay
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2019 ◽  
Daniel Stasiak ◽  
Walter Priesnitz Filho

The interconnection of remote places is vital to the operation of some enterprise, therefore the use of VPN technologies is essential to the application of the enterprise strategies. To the enterprises utilize resources and personal on the implementation of these services is not always it's a viable solution, so \textitInternet providers are hire to realize the interconnection e implementation of the VPNs. A very important factor associate with all TI service is in the delivery of performance, delivery a correspondent throughput to the clients is necessary to avoid financial loss to the TI operator. With a large possibilities of choices in the implementation of VPN services, the factor of performance can be the key on this matter. Therefore in this paper will be present the analyze of performance of three types of technologies that support the VPN functionality on a level of data link and network layers, MPLS, Frame Relay, and IPSec.

Kurniati Kurniati ◽  
Rahmat Novrianda Dasmen

PT. KAI Palembang is a branch of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Persero located in South Sumatra Province, where PT. KAI Persero is an Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise that organizes railway transportation which provide services including passenger and goods transportation. PT. KAI Palembang has a computer network connected to PT. KAI Persero central is located in Jakarta. Now, PT. KAI Palembang is trying to improve computer network security, where one of them is limiting the access of users who connected to PT. KAI Palembang computer network. This can be done by implementing Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Frame Relay on PT. KAI Palembang computer network. In this research used the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) method which has several stages, namely Analysis, Design, Simulation Prototyping, Implementation, Monitoring and Management. This research method is used because the results of this research will be displayed in the Cisco packet tracer simulator. In addition, the results of this research were tested using a ping test between computers to show that the ACLs design had been running well.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Rahmat Novrianda D

Pada penelitian ini diambil studi kasus pada Pelabuhan Tanjung Api-Api, dimana saat ini sedang dalam proses pembangunan jalur lintas Pelabuhan Penyeberangan Tanjung Api-Api. Dalam proses pembangunan ini tentunya banyak data-data penting yang perlu dikomunikasikan dengan UPTD (Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah). Saat ini pengiriman data-data penting tersebut masih menggunakan fax serta memanfaatkan pengiriman melalui Kantor Pos yang akan memakan waktu yang lama karena jauhnya jarak pengirim dan penerima data tersebut. Selain itu juga, permasalahan dalam keamanan pengiriman data menjadi salah satu masalah yang terjadi pada Pelabuhan Tanjung Api-Api. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan perancangan jaringan VPN (Virtual Private Network) dengan teknologi frame relay agar dapat memberikan solusi dari permasalahan yang terjadi. Pada penelitian ini, hasil rancangan jaringan VPN akan disimulasikan menggunakan program Cisco Packet Tracer Kata kunci: fax, VPN, metode frame relay, Cisco Packet Tracer

Andi Harits ◽  
Moch. Fahru Rizal ◽  
Periyadi Periyadi

enterprise networks. This research focuses on combining advantages from Frame Relay, MPLS and OSPF into a modeled multi-site network. The combination is compared to th original OSPF network and analyzed for its throughput, packet loss, and delay. To meet the demand for efficient and resilient network, and to emphasize the advantages of MPLS-OSP as well as to avoid traffic shifting, specific network topology models are applied: full mesh with virtual circuit in core network connected to OSPF nodes for the rest. From analysis and comparison of network quality values obtained at, this combination attests to be reliable and robust network architecture without trading off its efficiency. The average throughput value of the combination networks was 18.47 bps, which is better compared to the OSPF. The average delay and packet loss from combination network also show better results, which are 59.90ms and 2.01% respectively. The results shows that the combination of Frame Relay, OSPF andMPLS generates better performance as well as significant improvement in networksecurity.

J. N. Odii ◽  
F. O. Nwokoma ◽  
T. U. Onwuma ◽  
J. I. Eke

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Fransiscus Ati Halim

Today's communications networks are built using high-speed digital trunks that inherently provide high throughput, minimal relay, and a very low error rate. Such transmission networks supply highly reliable service without the overhead of error control functions. Frame relay is a packet-mode transmission network service that exploits these network characteristics by minimizing the amount of error detection and recovery performed inside the network [1]. In addition, real time network based systems can also minimize the possibility of employees committing fraud resulting in losses for the company. The research was carried out in a service provider video ad impressions company, which has fifteen branches in the islands of Java and Sumatra. The problem is the revenue reporting is not real-time and non-standard video file format ads to each branch. This is because the distribution process with the hard disk media are still using courier services. Based on user demand, it was decided to use the computer network using Frame Relay technology. With the computer network that connects all the branches to the head office, the data updating process can be done in a shorter time than the previous system and will reduce fraud forms of each branch and enable the achievement of a better quality of service to customers. Index Terms—Computer Network, Frame Relay

2014 ◽  
Vol 108 (12) ◽  
pp. 32-34
Shahad H.Zwayen ◽  
Mustapha B. Ibrahim

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