vortex shedding
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Gábor Daku ◽  
János Vad

This paper presents a critical overview on worst-case design scenarios for which low-speed axial flow fans may exhibit an increased risk of blade resonance due to profile vortex shedding. To set up a design example, a circular-arc-cambered plate of 8% relative curvature is investigated in twofold approaches of blade mechanics and aerodynamics. For these purposes, the frequency of the first bending mode of a plate of arbitrary circular camber is expressed by modeling the fan blade as a cantilever beam. Furthermore, an iterative blade design method is developed for checking the risky scenarios for which spanwise and spatially coherent shed vortices, stimulating pronounced vibration and noise, may occur. Coupling these two approaches, cases for vortex-induced blade resonance are set up. Opposing this basis, design guidelines are elaborated upon for avoiding such resonance. Based on the approach presented herein, guidelines are also developed for moderating the annoyance due to the vortex shedding noise.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Su Min Hoi ◽  
Ean Hin Ooi ◽  
Irene Mei Leng Chew ◽  
Ji Jinn Foo

AbstractA 3D stationary particle tracking velocimetry (SPTV) with a unique recursive corrective algorithm has been successfully established to detect the instantaneous regional fluid flow characteristics. The veracity of SPTV is corroborated by conducting actual displacement measurement validation, which gives a maximum percentage deviation of about 0.8%. This supports the accuracy of the current SPTV system in 3D position detection. More importantly, the SPTV detected velocity fluctuations are highly repeatable. In this study, SPTV is proven to be able to express the nature of chaotic fractal grid-induced regional turbulence, namely: the high turbulence intensity attributed to multilength-scale wake interactions, the Kolmogorov’s −5/3 law decay, vortex shedding, and the Gaussian flow undulations immediately leeward of the grid followed by non-Gaussian behaviour further downstream. Moreover, by comparing the flow fields between control no-grid and fractal grid-generated turbulence of a plate-fin array, SPTV reveals vigorous turbulence intensity, smaller regional integral-length-scale, and energetic vortex shedding at higher frequency for the latter, particularly between fins. Thereupon, it allows the unravelling of detailed thermofluid interplays of plate-fin heat sink heat transfer augmentation. The novelty of SPTV lies in its simplicity, use of low-cost off-the-shelf components, and most remarkably, low computational complexity in detecting fundamental characteristics of turbulent fluid flow.

2022 ◽  
Yi Tsung Lee ◽  
Arun Vishnu Suresh Babu ◽  
Matthew Bryant ◽  
Ashok Gopalarathnam

2022 ◽  
Alfonso Martínez ◽  
Guosheng He ◽  
Karen Mulleners ◽  
Kiran Kumar Ramesh

2022 ◽  
Mae L. Sementilli ◽  
Matthew A. Schulwitz ◽  
Pedram Pakseresht ◽  
James M. Chen

2022 ◽  
Vol 244 ◽  
pp. 110393
M.R. Rastan ◽  
Md. Mahbub Alam ◽  
Hongjun Zhu ◽  
C. Ji

Fluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Matthew Aultman ◽  
Rodrigo Auza-Gutierrez ◽  
Kevin Disotell ◽  
Lian Duan

Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) simulations were performed to capture the long-period dynamics within the wake of a realistic DrivAer fastback model with stationary and rotating wheels. The simulations showed that the wake developed as a low-pressure torus regardless of whether the wheels were rotating. This torus shrank in size on the base in the case of rotating wheels, leading to a reduction in the low-pressure footprint on the base, and consequently a 7% decrease in the total vehicle drag in comparison to the stationary wheels case. Furthermore, the lateral vortex shedding experienced a long-period switching associated with the bi-stability in both the stationary and rotating wheels cases. This bi-stability contributed to low-frequency side force oscillations (<1 Hz) in alignment with the peak motion-sickness-inducing frequency (0.2 Hz).

Fluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Iskander Abroug ◽  
Nizar Abcha ◽  
Fahd Mejri ◽  
Emma Turki ◽  
Elena Ojeda

Vortex shedding behind an elastically mounted circular cylinder in the presence of group focused waves propagating upstream was investigated using a classical approach (time series and FFT) and nonclassical approach (complex 2D Morlet wavelets). Wavelet analysis emerged as a novel solution in this regard. Our results include wave trains with different nonlinearities propagating in different water depths and derived from three types of spectra (Pierson–Moskowitz, JONSWAP (γ = 3.3 or γ = 7)). It was found that the generated wave trains could modify regimes of shedding behind the cylinder, and subharmonic frequency lock-in could arise in particular situations. The occurrence of a lock-in regime in the case of wave trains propagating in intermediate water locations was shown experimentally even for small nonlinearities. Moreover, the application of time-localized wavelet analysis was found to be a powerful approach. In fact, the frequency lock-in regime and its duration could be readily identified from the wavelet-based energy and its corresponding ridges.

2021 ◽  
Vol 933 ◽  
Yongliang Yang ◽  
Zhe Feng ◽  
Mengqi Zhang

This paper presents results of three-dimensional direct numerical simulations (DNS) and global linear stability analyses of a viscous incompressible flow past a finite-length cylinder with two free flat ends. The cylindrical axis is normal to the streamwise direction. The work focuses on the effects of aspect ratios (in the range of $0.5\leq {\small \text{AR}} \leq 2$ , cylinder length over diameter) and Reynolds numbers ( $Re\leq 1000$ based on cylinder diameter and uniform incoming velocity) on the onset of vortex shedding in this flow. All important flow patterns have been identified and studied, especially as ${\small \text{AR}}$ changes. The appearance of a steady wake pattern when ${\small \text{AR}} \leq 1.75$ has not been discussed earlier in the literature for this flow. Linear stability analyses based on the time-mean flow has been applied to understand the Hopf bifurcation past which vortex shedding happens. The nonlinear DNS results indicate that there are two vortex shedding patterns at different $Re$ , one is transient and the other is nonlinearly saturated. The vortex-shedding frequencies of these two flow patterns correspond to the eigenfrequencies of the two global modes in the stability analysis of the time-mean flow. Wherever possible, we compare the results of our analyses to those of the flows past other short- ${\small \text{AR}}$ bluff bodies in order that our discussions bear more general meanings.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8496
Ussama Ali ◽  
Md. Islam ◽  
Isam Janajreh ◽  
Yap Fatt ◽  
Md. Mahbub Alam

This study is an effort to encapsulate the fundamentals and major findings in the area of fluid-solid interaction, particularly the flow-induced vibrations (FIV). Periodic flow separation and vortex shedding stretching downstream induce dynamic fluid forces on the bluff body and results in oscillatory motion of the body. The motion is generally referred to as flow-induced vibrations. FIV is a dynamic phenomenon as the motion, or the vibration of the body is subjected to the continuously changing fluid forces. Sometimes FIV is modeled as forced vibrations to mimic the vibration response due to the fluid forces. FIV is a deep concern of engineers for the design of modern heat exchangers, particularly the shell-and-tube type, as it is the major cause for the tube failures. Effect of important parameters such as Reynolds number, spacing ratio, damping coefficient, mass ratio and reduced velocity on the vibration characteristics (such as Strouhal number, vortex shedding, vibration frequency and amplitude, etc.) is summarized. Flow over a bluff body with wakes developed has been studied widely in the past decades. Several review articles are available in the literature on the area of vortex shedding and FIV. None of them, however, discusses the cases of FIV with heat transfer. In particular systems, FIV is often coupled to heat transfer, e.g., in nuclear power plants, FIV causes wear and tear to heat exchangers, which can eventually lead to catastrophic failure. As the circular shape is the most common shape for tubes and pipes encountered in practice, this review will only focus on the FIV of circular cylinders. In this attempt, FIV of single and multiple cylinders in staggered arrangement, including tandem and side-by-side arrangement is summarized for heated and unheated cylinder(s) in the one- and two-degree of freedom. The review also synthesizes the effect of fouling on heat transfer and flow characteristics. Finally, research prospects for heated circular cylinders are also stated.

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