concentration process
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 355-362
Riria Zendy Mirahati ◽  
Yasmina Amalia ◽  
Mochamad Juliyanto ◽  
Lintang Larasati Adi Putri

Galena mineral preparation was carried out for mineral characterization. The mineral characterization carried out included XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence), SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-Ray). The preparation of galena minerals begins with the process of reducing the grain size including crushing and grinding. The results of crushing and grinding are then separated based on grain size using a sieve or siever to get a grain size of -200 mesh. The grinding process using a rod mill needs to be timed, so that the results are not too fine which is causing the recovery in the mineral concentration process to be low.

Roberto Alicandro ◽  
Andrea Braides ◽  
Marco Cicalese ◽  
Lucia De Luca ◽  
Andrey Piatnitski

AbstractWe describe the emergence of topological singularities in periodic media within the Ginzburg–Landau model and the core-radius approach. The energy functionals of both models are denoted by $$E_{\varepsilon ,\delta }$$ E ε , δ , where $$\varepsilon $$ ε represent the coherence length (in the Ginzburg–Landau model) or the core-radius size (in the core-radius approach) and $$\delta $$ δ denotes the periodicity scale. We carry out the $$\Gamma $$ Γ -convergence analysis of $$E_{\varepsilon ,\delta }$$ E ε , δ as $$\varepsilon \rightarrow 0$$ ε → 0 and $$\delta =\delta _\varepsilon \rightarrow 0$$ δ = δ ε → 0 in the $$|\log \varepsilon |$$ | log ε | scaling regime, showing that the $$\Gamma $$ Γ -limit consists in the energy cost of finitely many vortex-like point singularities of integer degree. After introducing the scale parameter $$\begin{aligned} \lambda =\min \Bigl \{1,\lim _{\varepsilon \rightarrow 0} {|\log \delta _\varepsilon |\over |\log \varepsilon |}\Bigr \} \end{aligned}$$ λ = min { 1 , lim ε → 0 | log δ ε | | log ε | } (upon extraction of subsequences), we show that in a sense we always have a separation-of-scale effect: at scales smaller than $$\varepsilon ^\lambda $$ ε λ we first have a concentration process around some vortices whose location is subsequently optimized, while for scales larger than $$\varepsilon ^\lambda $$ ε λ the concentration process takes place “after” homogenization.

2021 ◽  
pp. 110802
Isabel Cristina da Silva Haas ◽  
Juliana Santos de Espindola ◽  
Gabriela Rodrigues de Liz ◽  
Aderval S. Luna ◽  
Marilde T. Bordignon-Luiz ◽  

2021 ◽  
Ping Wang ◽  
Luyao Huang ◽  
Lilong He ◽  
Wenhua Gao ◽  
Jinsong Zeng ◽  

Abstract Lignocellulosic nanofibrils (LCNF) is usually isolated from biomass with concentration less than 2.0 wt%. The low concentration limited the transportation and end-use application of LCNF. Therefore, the development of concentration process and the characteristics of concentrated LCNF become desirable and important for commercial deployment of LCNF application. In this study, 1.0 wt% LCNF suspension was dewatered to solid concentration of 5.9 wt%, 16.3 wt% and 25.9 wt% by a centrifuge, respectively. The un-concentrated LCNF suspension showed obviously stable translucent and well dispersed in water, while the concentrated LCNF exhibited the gel-like behavior or “solid-like” behavior based on the concentration degree. The bundle-like fibrils were observed in the concentrated LCNF, and average diameter of concentrated LCNF became large but still less than 100 nm. The crystallinity and crystallite size of un-concentrated LCNF and concentrated LCNF were similar, and it was indicated that the morphological structure changes of LCNF mainly occurred in the amorphous region of fibrils. The concentrated LCNF films still had relatively good UV-blocking property, water absorption and oxygen permeability. The increasing basis weight of films was benefit for enhancing the surface smoothness of films and interweaves between fibrils, resulting in the tensile index and specific modulus of films increasing. In sum, the concentration process affected the morphology structure of LCNF, but the concentrated LCNF still kept relatively good properties. Concentration process of LCNF suspension may be a feasible strategy for large-scale LCNF production and storage.

2021 ◽  
pp. 119-122
N.P. Dikiy ◽  
V.N. Lisovoy ◽  
E.P. Bereznyak ◽  
S.M. Kolupayev ◽  
Yu.V. Lyashko ◽  

The specific activity of 235U and content of native uranium for the Kharkiv region in drinking water, soil, roots, the leaf of hydrophyte “Pistia stratiotes” and the samples of kidney stones obtained from patients with urolithiasis were measuring by using gamma activation analysis on linac accelerator of NSC KIPT. The whole sample contained alpha-emitter uranium.

SPE Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Porntip Rojruthai ◽  
Chayaporn Pareseecharoen ◽  
Jitladda Sakdapipanich

Hosain Darvishi ◽  
Nasser Behroozi‐Khazaei ◽  
Mahmoud Koushesh Saba ◽  
Zakaria Alimohammadi ◽  
Himan Nourbakhsh

2021 ◽  
Vol 316 ◽  
pp. 276-281
Boris Yur'ev ◽  
Vladimir A. Gol'tsev ◽  
Vyacheslav Dudko

References on microwave energy use were reviewed and it demonstrated wide use of this kind of energy in various sectors of national economy. However in ferrous metallurgy this type of energy practically is not used despite the fact that it holds much promise and offers a number of advantages over other kinds of energy. In this work an attempt was made to use microwave energy in ferrous metallurgy and it was implemented in terms of concentration process development for limonite ores of the Lisakskoye deposit with hydro-goethite being a base iron-bearing mineral. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the subsequent magnetic separation process were determined. The developed concentration process of the Lisakovskoye deposit ores with the microwave energy used for baking and magnetizing of intermediate concentration products was compared with the current deep concentration process of the Lisakovskiy Mining and Processing Works and its advantages were demonstrated. Technical and economic calculation showed that the concentration process with microwave energy used is more efficient than deep concentration process without the product baking; it allows a significant increase of iron recovery into the concentrate and provides additional profit to the Company.

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