qualitative and quantitative characteristics
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (38) ◽  
pp. 8-13
M. G. Soykher ◽  
A. V. Lepilin ◽  
M. I. Soykher ◽  
I. K. Pisarenko ◽  
G. T. Saleeva ◽  

The temporomandibular joint is paired, a complex formation of an ellipsoid shape, which is formed by the articular head of the lower jaw, the mandibular fossa and the articular tubercle of the temporal bone, covered with fibrous cartilage. There are two types of movements in the temporomandibular joint: translation and rotation, which implement protrusion-retrusion, right and left mediotrusion, and opening-closing. Computerized axiography is used for assessment of the mandibular movements and the patient’s skeletal parameters. This type of examination allows you to adjust the articulator for an individual function and to study the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the temporomandibular joint.

Medicina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 2
Sergejs Pavlovics ◽  
Maija Radzina ◽  
Rita Niciporuka ◽  
Madara Ratniece ◽  
Madara Mikelsone ◽  

Background and Objectives: preoperative differentiation of enlarged parathyroid glands may be challenging in conventional B-mode ultrasound. The aim of our study was to analyse qualitative and quantitative characteristics of parathyroid gland lesions, using multiparametric ultrasound protocol—B-mode, Colour Doppler (CD), and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS)—and to evaluate correlation with morphology in patients with hyperparathyroidism (HPT). Materials and Methods: consecutive 75 patients with 88 parathyroid lesions and biochemically confirmed HPT prior to parathyroidectomy were enrolled in the prospective study. B-mode ultrasound, CD, and CEUS were performed with the subsequent qualitative and quantitative evaluation of acquired data. We used 1 mL or 2 mL of intravenous ultrasound contrast agent during the CEUS examination. Correlation with post-surgical morphology was evaluated. Results: seventy parathyroid adenomas were hypoechoic and well contoured with increased central echogenicity (44.3%), peripheral-central vascularization (47%), and polar feeding vessel (100%). Twelve hyperplasias presented with similar ultrasound appearance and were smaller in volume (p = 0.036). Hyperplasias had a tendency for homogenous, marked intense enhancement vs. peripherally enhanced adenomas with central wash-out in CEUS after quantitative analysis. No significant difference was observed in contrasting dynamics, regardless of contrast media volume use (1 mL vs. 2 mL). We achieved 90.9% sensitivity and 72.7% specificity, 93% positive predictive value (PPV), 87.3% negative predictive value (NPV), and 87.3% accuracy in the differentiation of parathyroid lesions prior to post-processing. In a quantitative lesion analysis, our sensitivity increased up to 98%, specificity 80%, PPV 98%, and NPV 80% with an accuracy of 96.4%. Conclusions: CEUS of parathyroid lesions shows potential in the differentiation of adenoma from hyperplasia, regardless of the amount of contrast media injected. The quantitative analysis improved the sensitivity and specificity of differentiation between parathyroid lesions. Hyperplasia was characterized by homogeneous enhancement, fast uptake, and homogeneous wash-out appearance; adenoma—by peripheral uptake, central wash-out, and reduced hemodynamics. The use of CEUS quantification methods are advised to improve the ultrasound diagnostic role in suspected parathyroid lesions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 344-348
Л.Н. Каргина ◽  
В.В. Илюхина

Для рентабельности отрасли табаководства необходимо наличие сортимента сортов табака. Почвенно-климатические зоны Крыма пригодны для возделывания как ценного ароматичного, так и скелетного табачного сырья. Целью данной работы являлось изучение созданных гибридных комбинаций табака старших поколений для выявления перспективы их дальнейшего использования. Селекционерами Института «Магарач» создан ряд перспективных сортов и гибридных комбинаций старших поколений - предшественников сортов табака. В данной работе приведены результаты оценки шести гибридных комбинаций старших поколений, а также перспективного сорта Дюбек Предгорный по основным хозяйственно-ценным признакам. Стандартом служили сорта Американ 14, Американ 307 и Дюбек новый. Работа велась на опытном участке, расположенном в Предгорной зоне Крыма, в течение трех лет. В процессе работы проводились фенологические наблюдения, оценка сортов по показателям продуктивности растений, качеству сухого сырья и другим характеристикам. По результатам исследований наиболее перспективной по урожайности и качеству продукции оказалась гибридная комбинация старшего поколения Ароматный × Американ 572, которая может быть рекомендована как новый сорт табака для введения его в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений, допущенных к использованию. Перспективный сорт Дюбек Предгорный подтвердил хорошие показатели качественных и количественных характеристик для сортотипа Дюбек и рекомендуется для возделывания в фермерских хозяйствах Крыма. Проведенные исследования позволяют увеличить сортовой сортимент крымских сортов табака. For profitability of tobacco industry, there must be an assortment of tobacco varieties. The soil and climatic zones of Crimea are suitable for cultivation of both premium aromatic and skeletal tobacco raw materials. The purpose of this work was to study the selected hybrid combinations of older generations of tobacco to identify prospects for their further use. The Institute Magarach breeders have created a number of promising varieties and hybrid combinations of older generations - the predecessor tobacco varieties. This work presents the results of evaluating six hybrid combinations of older generations, as well as the promising variety ‘Djubeck Predgornyi’ by basic economically valuable traits. The varieties ‘American 14’, ‘American 307’ and ‘Djubeck Novyi’ served as the standard. The work was carried out in the experimental plot located in the Piedmont zone of Crimea for three years. During the working process, phenological observations and the assessment of varieties in terms of plant productivity, quality of dry raw materials and other characteristics were carried out. According to the research results, the most promising in terms of cropping capacity and product quality was the hybrid combination of older generation ‘Aromatnyi’ × ‘American 572’, which can be recommended as a new tobacco variety for its introduction into the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use. The promising variety ‘Djubek Predgornyi’ has confirmed good parameters of qualitative and quantitative characteristics for ‘Djubek’ variety, and is recommended for cultivation in Crimean farming. The carried out researches allow increasing the varietal assortment of Crimean tobacco varieties.

2021 ◽  
Agata Stobnicka-Kupiec ◽  
Małgorzata Gołofit-Szymczak ◽  
Marcin Cyprowski ◽  
Rafał L. Górny

Abstract This study aimed to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the prevalence of the most common respiratory and gastrointestinal viruses in the air, surface swab, and influent/effluent samples collected in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Application of qPCR/RT-qPCR assays combined with PMA dye pretreatment allowed detecting the potentially infectious and disintegrated viral particles in collected samples. In the air at workplaces in WWTPs, the most frequent isolation with the highest concentrations (reaching up to 103 gc/m3 of potentially infectious intact viral particles) were observed in case of adenoviruses (AdVs) and rotaviruses (RoVs), followed by noroviruses (NoVs). Viruses were significantly more often detected in the air samples collected with Coriolis®μ impinger, than with MAS-100NT impactor. The temperature negatively (Spearman correlation: –1 < R < 0; p < 0.05), while RH positively (0 < R < 1; p < 0.05) affected airborne concentrations of potentially infectious viral particles. In turn, the predominant viruses on studied surfaces were RoVs and NoV GII with concentrations of potentially infectious virions up to 104 gc/100 cm2. In the cases of SARS-CoV-2 and presumptive SARS-CoV-2 or other coronaviruses, their concentrations reached up to 103 gc/100 cm2. The contamination level of steel surfaces in WWTPs was similar to this on plastic ones. This study revealed that the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of respiratory and gastrointestinal viruses at workplaces in WWTPs is important for proper exposure assessment and needs to be included in risk management in occupational environment with high abundance of microbial pollutants derived from wastewater.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (25) ◽  
Dževad Forčaković ◽  
Rejhana Dervišević

The paper presents results of detailed geological research of quartzite in the wider area of Smrčevice, southeastern of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje. Based on the defined boundaries of surface distribution and research results, geological reserves of about 12 million tons have been determined in the wider area of Smrcevica. The quartzite reserves that have been so far determined in this area are at a low level of geological research. The paper contains an overview of the geological characteristics of the area, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of quartzite, and the mineral raw material potential of quartzite in the Smrčevice area according to the PERC standard. The results of the conducted research indicate that the general geological and technical-exploitation factors are relatively favorable and indicate a possible profitable exploitation of the deposit. Taking into account the significant raw material potential, and the possibility of expanding the existing raw material base, this area has special importance for the perspective development of quartzite exploitation and its use in the production of ferrosilicon and silico-metals.

N.S. Plaskova

The article presents the directions of improving the methodological base for diagnosing a potential bankruptcy of an organization. The most relevant methodological approaches to the formation of a system of qualitative and quantitative characteristics that comprehensively reflect the effectiveness of the management of production and financial activities are highlighted. A model of a comprehensive assessment of potential bankruptcy using quantitative characteristics of the organization’s activities and individual scores of their significance is proposed. The necessity of using the coefficient of monetary profit from sales, which most realistically reveals the level of solvency of the company and possible signs of potential bankruptcy, is justified.

V.O. Ruzakov ◽  

Abstract: Nanoparticles are a common factor in the production environment of existing technologies. In pyrometallurgical processes, the formation of nanoparticles occurs, which are released in the form of an aerosol into the air of the working area. The purpose of this work was to study the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of aerosols in the air of the working area arising from various technological processes of copper processing and to determine the most acceptable methods for practical application of sampling and instrumental research. In this work, using electron microscopy, the qualitative and quantitative composition of aerosols was studied at three technological stages of copper processing. A significant difference in the dispersed composition of aerosols was revealed depending on the technological process of the used raw materials and materials. It was found that the largest number of particles in the volume of condensation aerosol of the pyrometallurgical limit of copper is represented by particles of the nanometer range.

2021 ◽  
pp. 18-24
А.Н. Гайфуллин

Социально-экономическое развитие есть планомерная процедура совершенствования уровня жизни, качественных и количественных характеристик, потребляемых общественностью благ. Исходя из ситуации со здоровьем населения в регионе, выставляются соответствующие ориентиры. В разрезе региональной специфики закладываются и реализуются целевые программы, которые одновременно зависят от здоровья населения и направлены, собственно, на улучшение качества его здоровья. Согласно тематике настоящей статьи, ведущий фактор социально-экономического роста - здоровье населения, именно он будет оценен как катализатор искомого регионального развития. Socio-economic development is a systematic procedure for improving the standard of living, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the goods consumed by the public. Based on the health situation of the population in the region, appropriate guidelines are set. In the context of regional specifics, targeted programs are being laid and implemented, which at the same time depend on the health of the population and are aimed, in fact, at improving the quality of its health. According to the subject of this article, the leading factor of socio-economic growth is the health of the population, it will be evaluated as a catalyst for the desired regional development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1045 ◽  
pp. 90-101
Oleksandr Shustov ◽  
Artem Pavlychenko ◽  
Andrii Bondarenko ◽  
Oleksandr Bielov ◽  
Olena Borysovska ◽  

Technological solutions for brown coal processing, thermal influence on it at temperature change, thermo vacuum drying are analysed and qualitative and quantitative characteristics of semi – coking products are studied. The parameters of crushing and thermo vacuum drying of brown coal, heat treatment and cascade separation (electrostatic and magnetic) are substantiated. Studies on the manufacture of a pilot batch of carbon fuel with high quality characteristics are performed. Cascade treatment of heat-treated brown coal on electric and magnetic separators allowed to obtain a concentrate with ash content from 17.72 to 22.8%, volatile yield ≤ 35%, higher heat of combustion from 7256.1 to 7523.6 kcal/kg. It is determined that favourable modes of preliminary heat treatment of brown coal samples are in the temperature range of 200-400°С. The established characteristics of the obtained solid fuel correspond to the gas group of thermal coal. The obtained technological solutions for the processing of brown coal can be the basis for the manufacture of an industrial line, taking into account the thermo vacuum installation for further implementation in enterprises using carbon fuel.

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