area effect
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D. Jena ◽  
S. Mishra

Background: Odisha started a programme to revive millets in 2017. Keeping this in the background, this paper examines growth of production, area and yield and decomposition of production of millets in Odisha in the last six decades by using triennium ending data, TE1962-63 to TE2019-20. Methods: Boyce’s kinked exponential method has been used to estimate growth for production, area and yield. Production was decomposed to area, yield and interaction effects. Millets as a crop group is compared with other foodgrain groups and then analysis was carried out for four specific millet crops - ragi, jowar, bajra and small millets. Result: In Odisha, the 1960s and 1970s indicate an increasing trend in production of and area under millets. There is a reversal of these trends since 1980s. The decline started first for small millets in the 1980s and subsequently since the 1990s for the three major millets - bajra, jowar and ragi. Decomposition of millets production indicates that the decline since 1980s is largely on account of area effect, but also because of yield effect in the 1990s and 2010s.

T. Nivetha ◽  
K. Uma

Aim: The study was undertaken to know the growth rate, instability, and contribution of area and yield on the production of Nutri cereals. Place and Duration: The study was based on the secondary data for the period of 20 years (2001- 2020) for Tamil Nadu. Data has been collected from Agricultural statistics at a glance (2020), Season and Crop report (2020). Methodology: The growth rate of Nutri cereals can be estimated through compound annual growth rate, instability is measured using Coppock’s instability index and contribution of area and yield on production is studied using decomposition analysis. Results: Results revealed that Nutri cereals growth rate is found to be negative in first decade and positive in second decade Production of Nutri cereals in both the decades found positive in decline trend. The trend of productivity seems positive for both the decades at declining rate. Instability index is higher in terms of production than area and productivity. Area effect was most responsible for the production of Nutri cereals than yield and interaction effect. Conclusion: The area effect is more responsible for production of Nutri cereals. Area effect on production of Nutri cereals is high, hence government should intervene in this regard to improve the area of Nutri cereals cultivation.

Shubham Mandloi

Abstract: Multi-storey buildings have fascinated mankind from the beginning of civilization, their construction being initially for defence and subsequently for ecclesiastical purposes. These tall buildings because of its height, is affected by lateral forces due to wind or earthquake actions tends to snap the building in shear and push it over in bending. In general, the rigidity (i.e. Resistance to lateral deflection) and stability (i.e. Resistance to overturning moments) requirement become more important. Shear walls (Structural walls) contribute significant lateral stiffness, strength, and overall ductility and energy dissipation capacity. In many structural walls a regular pattern of openings has to be provided due to various functional requirements such as to accommodate doors, windows and service ducts. Such type of openings reduces the stiffness of the shear wall to some extent depending on the shape and size of the opening. In the present parametric study, efforts are made to investigate and critically assess the effects of various size of openings in shear walls on the responses and behaviours of multi-storey buildings also Opening Area Effect of Core Type Shear Wall In Hospital Building with Highest Importance Factor. Many G+20 storey prototype buildings with different types of openings in shear wall with and without incorporating the volume of shear wall reduced in the boundary elements are analysed using software Staad-Pro using Response spectrum method (1893-2016). Overall analysis shows that the most efficient case for this study has been HIF5. The hospital building can be survived with highest importance with the value of I = 1.5 as per IS 1893:2016 for opening area effect of core type shear wall. It can also be recommended that upto 25% opening will be possible without any seismic damage. Keywords: Shear wall, Opening Criteria, Highest Importance Factor, Multi-storey Hospital Building

Masoume Lotfi ◽  
Abdolrahim Javaherian ◽  
Saeid Rezakhah Varnousfaderani ◽  
Hamid Reza Amindavar

Ecography ◽  
2021 ◽  
Zachary G. MacDonald ◽  
David C. Deane ◽  
Fangliang He ◽  
Clayton T. Lamb ◽  
Felix A. H. Sperling ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
Kailash Chand Bairwa

Rajasthan state is the second largest oilseeds producer and land coverage in the country. The share of oilseed crops is scheduled the significant growth in area and output in latest 20 years. Nevertheless, compare to wheat and gram, the growth rate of area and production of several oilseeds is less significant and there exist wide instability in their productivity in scattered part of the state. This study investigates to growth, its contributors and variability in area, production and productivity of major oilseed crops. The study period from 1990-91 to 2019-20 was divided into three sub-periods viz., period-I (1990-91 to 2004-05); period-II (2005-06 to 2019-20) and Overall study Period (1990-91 to 2018-19). Time series data were collected from various public E-sources to compute the growth, instability and decomposition in oilseeds production. It was revealed from the analysis that growth of kharif oilseeds was higher than rabi oilseeds. The highest instability (31.78) in production and productivity was reported in period-I for kharif oilseeds. In case of relative contribution, the area effect (416.85) and yield effects (211.10) were more effective in production of taramira and sesame crops, respectively. This analysis suggested that during period –I and II area effect was dominant in changing output of taramira and rapeseed-mustard.

2021 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
pp. 04005
Adiljan Atajanov ◽  
Ibrahim Khudaev ◽  
Nail Usmanov ◽  
Laziz Babajanov

This article focuses on improving water-saving technologies for efficient use of water resources, the development and recommendation of modern irrigation methods, and assessing the impact of surface area on irrigation water consumption.

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