development team
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 15-32
Sergio Guardia ◽  
Mabel Guardia ◽  
Luiz Mendes Filho

O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um framework baseado na metodologia Scrum (métodos ágeis) que viabilize rapidez na produção, mas com rigor científico para o desenvolvimento de trabalhos para o mundo acadêmico, porém com as mesmas características e qualidade das metodologias tradicionais. Para tal, este estudo iniciou com uma revisão sistematizada da literatura baseado no protocolo de Kitchenham (2007) para engenharia de software, que confirmou a existência de lacuna teórica. Os procedimentos metodológicos compreendem pesquisa documental, onde a partir de uma abordagem refletiva constante, buscou-se adaptar as normas do Scrum, contudo, resguardando os critérios de maior exatidão e no menor tempo possível. Foram elencadas as funcionalidades do framework, desdobradas em tarefas e resultaram em artefatos elaborados que foram sendo integrados gradativamente. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como exploratória e descritiva. Os resultados apresentam uma estrutura em três camadas de desenvolvimento mantendo os nomes (Product Owner, Scrum Master e Development Team) com suas atribuições e responsabilidades adaptadas aos trabalhos científicos e um conjunto de formalidades denominados de “ritos” que apoiam as atividades nas etapas da estrutura em camadas. Acredita-se que este framework trará como benefício o aumento de trabalhos que usarão esta metodologia e apoiará os grupos de pesquisa para gerar artigos científicos, e assim melhorar a imagem da instituição que os produz. O trabalho conclui com a apresentação de um conjunto de lições aprendidas e a elucidação da necessidade de melhorar o desempenho das equipes que usarão este framework.


This study aims to determine the improvement of the principal's performance in preparing school work programs at SMP Negeri 6 Sabang through managerial supervision. This research technique is School Action Research (PTS) which consists of 2 cycles, each cycle consists of 4 (four) stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The subjects in this study were the principal and the school development team of SMP Negeri 6 Sabang. As for the research results obtained, through the application of managerial supervision has been able to improve the performance of school principals in preparing school work programs. This is known from the final score obtained from the school work program planning instrument. At the end of the pre-cycle the score obtained was 42.5 under category and D predicate. For this reason, coaching and mentoring was carried out so that in cycle I and cycle II the principal and the school development team understood each component of the school work program planning instrument. In the first cycle the final score was 62.5 sufficient category and predicate C. There was an increase in the value of 20 from the pre-cycle to the first cycle. At the end of the second cycle the score was 80 good categories and B predicate. An increase in the value of 18.5 from the first cycle to cycle II. So it can be concluded that the principal and the school development team who are the subjects in this study have performed well in compiling school work programs with good results. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kinerja kepala sekolah dalam menyusun program kerja sekolah di SMP Negeri 6 Sabang melalui supervisi manajerial. Teknik penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah (PTS) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus, setiap siklus terdiri 4 (empat) tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan tim pengembang sekolah SMP Negeri 6 Sabang. Adapun dari hasil penelitian diperoleh, melalui penerapan supervisi manajerial telah dapat meningkatkan kinerja kepala sekolah dalam menyusun program kerja sekolah. Hal ini diketahui dari nilai akhir yang didapat dari instrumen perencanaan program kerja kerja sekolah. Pada akhir pra siklus nilai yang diperoleh sebesar 42,5 katagori kurang dan predikat D. Untuk itu dilakukan pembinaan dan pembimbingan sehingga pada siklus I dan siklus II kepala sekolah dan tim pengembang sekolah memahami setiap komponen pada instrumen perencanaan program kerja sekolah. Pada siklus I nilai akhir adalah 62,5 katagori cukup dan predikat C. Terjadi peningkatan nilai sebesar 20 dari pra siklus ke siklus I. Pada akhir siklus II diperoleh nilai adalah 80 katagori baik dan predikat B. Peningkatan nilai sebesar 18,5 dari siklus I ke siklus II. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan kepala sekolah dan tim pengembang sekolah yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini telah memiliki kinerja dalam menyusun program kerja sekolah dengan hasil baik.

2021 ◽  
Joel Ramon Chacon ◽  
Peter Dabrowski

Objectives/Scope The production technology working environment of an oil brownfield is usually an inconsistent collection of tools and spreadsheets. In this paper, we will explore Wintershall Dea's digitalisation journey from a patchwork of tools and spreadsheets to a unified corporate Production Technology Workbench (PTW) solution starting from the replacement of an existing and ageing tool on an asset on the Norwegian continental shelf and ending by incorporating the requirements of other assets from Wintershall Dea's diverse and geographically dispersed portfolio. Methods, Procedures, Processes The project started by selecting the low-code application platform suitable to be used as the basis for the journey. After a proof-of-concept stage, an Agile project was launched owned by the asset and with a geographically dispersed Development Team conformed by Wintershall Dea's Product Owners, IT/OT experts, UX consultants and Eigen's scrum master and Development Team. After the delivery of the MVP, a second Product Owner was incorporated from a second asset. The Agile project continued to deliver on enhanced functionality and requirements that would most benefit both assets. Results, Observations, Conclusions The original production system calculations and workflows are vital for the asset. However, such patchworks are not easy to work with and complex to maintain or change. This had a negative effect on the efficiency as work is time-consuming and cumbersome. Well anomalies were often detected by actively looking for them daily in various plots, reports and platforms, and therefore the detection and response time to production events was delayed. A Production Technology dashboard with built-in / automated data processing for standard tasks provides engineers with the required transparency of data to identify issues and pain-points in a timely manner. This helps engineers to proactively intervene to mitigate unplanned losses and downtime, reducing the amount of deferred production. Investment in a corporate-wide unified (standard UX) platform, will help engineers when starting new assignments to spot issues easier and quicker independently of the asset they are assigned to. But beyond a standardization, each engineer needs to be able to create individual workflows (for effects such as scaling, slugging, sand etc.) for their needs by means of the self-service capabilities of the technology. Also, the quick access to frequently used and relevant data could be accessed through one platform, making everyday life of the production engineer more efficient and smoother. Over the timeframe of 15+ Sprints the Product Owners refined and re-defined the exact functionality they would like to see delivered. Novel/Additive Information The PTW concept seeks to minimise the time that engineers require to learn the tool and use it to inspect, analyse, and make decisions to optimise the production of the field. This is one of Wintershall Dea's first projects executed following Agile, using a geographically dispersed team, during the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. The multi-Product-Owner project approach is a novel way to govern the evolution of the tool to suit multiple stakeholders. In comparison to a E&P typical waterfall project management approach, the application of Scrum really showed added value in reducing risk early on, increasing visibility and transparency and adapting to the customer's needs (production engineers) throughout the process.

2021 ◽  
Michael Grant Waterman

<p>The purpose of agile software development is to enable the software development team to respond to change and learn from change so that it can better deliver value to its customer. If an agile software development team spends too much time planning and designing architecture up-front then the delivery of value to the customer is delayed or otherwise compromised, and responding to change can become extremely difficult. Not doing enough architecture design increases exposure to risk and increases the chance of failure. The balance between architecture and agility is not well understood by agile practitioners or researchers.  This thesis is based on grounded theory research involving 44 participants from 36 organisations, all working in agile software development and who are either experienced in architecture design or are closely involved with architecture. The thesis presents a theory that describes how agile software teams design an agile architecture with reduced up-front design and which is able to respond to change, helping teams find a balance between architecture and agility.  The theory describes six forces that affect the agility of the architecture and up-front design, and five strategies that teams use in response to those forces to determine how much effort they put into up-front design. Understanding these forces and strategies helps agile teams to determine how much up-front design is appropriate in their contexts.</p>

2021 ◽  
Michael Grant Waterman

<p>The purpose of agile software development is to enable the software development team to respond to change and learn from change so that it can better deliver value to its customer. If an agile software development team spends too much time planning and designing architecture up-front then the delivery of value to the customer is delayed or otherwise compromised, and responding to change can become extremely difficult. Not doing enough architecture design increases exposure to risk and increases the chance of failure. The balance between architecture and agility is not well understood by agile practitioners or researchers.  This thesis is based on grounded theory research involving 44 participants from 36 organisations, all working in agile software development and who are either experienced in architecture design or are closely involved with architecture. The thesis presents a theory that describes how agile software teams design an agile architecture with reduced up-front design and which is able to respond to change, helping teams find a balance between architecture and agility.  The theory describes six forces that affect the agility of the architecture and up-front design, and five strategies that teams use in response to those forces to determine how much effort they put into up-front design. Understanding these forces and strategies helps agile teams to determine how much up-front design is appropriate in their contexts.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Zishun Su ◽  
Qiaoling Zou ◽  
Xinying Wu ◽  
Junnan Ye ◽  
Jianxin Cheng

Health QR code is an Internet product designed and developed by China to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to build a public health and epidemic prevention barrier, the Chinese government’s health QR code product is a useful attempt to deal with epidemic prevention and control and social governance in the way of “Internet plus big data”. In the process of health QR code product design and development, we conduct a security analysis of information data and employ project management, product design, development and testing, online, and operational product experience design methods. User requirements and product definitions for the health QR code include management, design, development, and testing. The main participants of health QR code product experience design are divided into product manager, design and development team, and users. The relationships among the product manager, the design and development team, and users are established using the evolutionary game method. It is found that the cost of information security has an important influence on the choice of the user policy. Product managers, driven by benefits and values, may ignore the importance of information security when choosing the strategy for health QR code products, which will affect users' enthusiasm to use them to some extent and limit their use scenarios and application scope. Therefore, in order to achieve healthy user interaction and sustainable experience design of health QR code products, it is necessary to strengthen data security protection and reduce the cost of information interaction and sharing. Furthermore, on the basis of enhancing user viscosity and improving the usability of health QR code products, our research results show the further need for demand mining and version upgrading of health QR code products.

2021 ◽  
Geoffreyjen Edwards ◽  
Jonathan Caron-Roberge ◽  
Dominique Michaud ◽  
Jonathan Proulx Guimond

Inspired by ideas portrayed in science fiction, the authors sought to develop a set of augmented reality fashions that showcased scenes from a science fiction novel recently published by the principal author. The development team included artists and designers, a programmer, and the writer. Significant technical challenges needed to be overcome for success, including fabric construction and manipulation, image enhancement, robust image recognition and tracking capabilities, and the management of lighting and suitable backgrounds. Viewing geometries were also a non-trivial problem. The final solution permitted acceptable but not perfect real-time tracking of the fashion models and the visualization of both static and dynamic 3D elements overlaid onto the physical garments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104649642110431
Yun-Hwa Chiang ◽  
Chu-Chun Hsu

This study proposes that working with colleagues who have similar levels of open personality can enhance a person’s social exchange relationship with teammates, which then inspires the person’s creativity. This study also draws on the idea-journey model of creativity and innovation to propose that the positive relationship between team members’ aggregated similarity in openness personality with teammates and the performance of the new product that the team develops is stronger when members of the team possess low levels of openness personality in aggregate. Examining data collected from Taiwanese new product development team engineers, we find support for these arguments.

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