real symmetric matrix
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Mohammadreza Safi ◽  
Seyed Saeed Nabavi ◽  
Richard J. Caron

AbstractA real symmetric matrix A is copositive if $$x^\top Ax\ge 0$$ x ⊤ A x ≥ 0 for all $$x\ge 0$$ x ≥ 0 . As A is copositive if and only if it is copositive on the standard simplex, algorithms to determine copositivity, such as those in Sponsel et al. (J Glob Optim 52:537–551, 2012) and Tanaka and Yoshise (Pac J Optim 11:101–120, 2015), are based upon the creation of increasingly fine simplicial partitions of simplices, testing for copositivity on each. We present a variant that decomposes a simplex $$\bigtriangleup $$ △ , say with n vertices, into a simplex $$\bigtriangleup _1$$ △ 1 and a polyhedron $$\varOmega _1$$ Ω 1 ; and then partitions $$\varOmega _1$$ Ω 1 into a set of at most $$(n-1)$$ ( n - 1 ) simplices. We show that if A is copositive on $$\varOmega _1$$ Ω 1 then A is copositive on $$\bigtriangleup _1$$ △ 1 , allowing us to remove $$\bigtriangleup _1$$ △ 1 from further consideration. Numerical results from examples that arise from the maximum clique problem show a significant reduction in the time needed to establish copositivity of matrices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 102
Ann Susa Thomas ◽  
Sunny Joseph Kalayathankal ◽  
Joseph Varghese Kureethara

The vertex distance complement (VDC) matrix \(\textit{C}\), of a connected graph  \(G\) with vertex set consisting of \(n\) vertices, is a real symmetric matrix \([c_{ij}]\) that takes the value \(n - d_{ij}\) where \(d_{ij}\) is the distance between the vertices \(v_i\) and \(v_j\) of \(G\) for \(i \neq j\) and 0 otherwise. The vertex distance complement spectrum of the subdivision vertex join, \(G_1 \dot{\bigvee} G_2\) and the subdivision edge join \(G_1 \underline{\bigvee} G_2\) of regular graphs \(G_1\) and \(G_2\)  in terms of the adjacency spectrum are determined in this paper.

Naoki Sasakura

Abstract I study a one-matrix model of a real symmetric matrix with a potential which is a sum of two logarithmic functions and a harmonic one. This two-logarithm matrix model is the absolute square norm of a toy wave function which is obtained by replacing the tensor argument of the wave function of the canonical tensor model (CTM) with a matrix. I discuss a symmetry enhancement phenomenon in this matrix model and show that symmetries and dimensions of emergent spaces are stable only in a phase which exists exclusively for the positive cosmological constant case in the sense of CTM. This would imply the importance of the positivity of the cosmological constant in the emergence phenomena in CTM.

Yuyuan Deng ◽  
Dangui Li ◽  
Hongying Lin ◽  
Bo Zhou

For a connected graph $G$, the distance matrix is a real-symmetric matrix where the $(u,v)$-entry is the distance between vertex $u$ and vertex $v$ in $G$. The distance spectral radius of $G$ is the largest eigenvalue of the distance matrix. A series-reduced tree is a tree with at least one internal vertex and all internal vertices having degree at least three. Those series-reduced trees that maximize the distance spectral radius are determined over all series-reduced trees with fixed order and maximum degree and over all series-reduced trees with fixed order and domination number, respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-103
Doaa Al-Saafin ◽  
Jürgen Garloff

AbstractLet A = [aij] be a real symmetric matrix. If f : (0, ∞) → [0, ∞) is a Bernstein function, a sufficient condition for the matrix [f (aij)] to have only one positive eigenvalue is presented. By using this result, new results for a symmetric matrix with exactly one positive eigenvalue, e.g., properties of its Hadamard powers, are derived.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (36) ◽  
pp. 90-93
Stephen Drury

A real symmetric matrix $A$ is copositive if $x'Ax \geq 0$ for every nonnegative vector $x$. A matrix is SPN if it is a sum of a real positive semidefinite matrix and a nonnegative matrix. Every SPN matrix is copositive, but the converse does not hold for matrices of order greater than $4$. A graph $G$ is an SPN graph if every copositive matrix whose graph is $G$ is SPN. We show that the triangle graph $T_6$ is not SPN.

2019 ◽  
Vol 09 (04) ◽  
pp. 2030001
Arturo Jaramillo ◽  
David Nualart

We examine the probability that at least two eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix-valued Gaussian process, collide. In particular, we determine sharp conditions under which such probability is zero. As an application, we show that the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix-valued fractional Brownian motion of Hurst parameter [Formula: see text], collide when [Formula: see text] and do not collide when [Formula: see text], while those of a complex Hermitian fractional Brownian motion collide when [Formula: see text] and do not collide when [Formula: see text]. Our approach is based on the relation between hitting probabilities for Gaussian processes with the capacity and Hausdorff dimension of measurable sets.

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