dynamical core
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Pei Huang ◽  
Chungang Chen ◽  
Xingliang Li ◽  
Xueshun Shen ◽  
Feng Xiao

Aman Gupta ◽  
Edwin P. Gerber ◽  
R. Alan Plumb ◽  
Peter H. Lauritzen

AbstractAccurate representation of stratospheric trace gas transport is important for ozone modeling and climate projection. Intermodel spread can arise from differences in the representation of transport by the diabatic (overturning) circulation vs. comparatively faster adiabatic mixing by breaking waves, or through numerical errors, primarily diffusion. This study investigates the impact of these processes on transport using an idealised tracer, the age-of-air. Transport is assessed in two state-of-the-art dynamical cores based on fundamentally different numerical formulations: finite volume and spectral element. Integrating the models in free-running and nudged tropical wind configurations reveals the crucial impact of tropical dynamics on stratospheric transport. Using age-budget theory, vertical and horizontal gradients of age allow comparison of the roles of the diabatic circulation, adiabatic mixing, and the numerical diffusive flux. Their respective contribution is quantified by connecting the full 3-d model to the tropical leaky pipe framework of Neu and Plumb (1999). Transport by the two cores varies significantly in the free-running integrations, with the age in the middle stratosphere differing by about 2 years primarily due to differences in adiabatic mixing. When winds in the tropics are constrained, the difference in age drops to about 0.5 years; in this configuration, more than half the difference is due to the representation of the diabatic circulation. Numerical diffusion is very sensitive to the resolution of the core, but does not play a significant role in differences between the cores when they are run at comparable resolution. It is concluded that fundamental differences rooted in dynamical core formulation can account for a substantial fraction of transport bias between climate models.

Michał Z. Ziemiański ◽  
Damian K. Wójcik ◽  
Bogdan Rosa ◽  
Zbigniew P. Piotrowski

AbstractThis paper presents the semi-implicit compressible EULAG as a new dynamical core for convective-scale numerical weather prediction. The core is implemented within the infrastructure of the operational model of the Consortium for Small Scale Modeling (COSMO), forming the NWP COSMO-EULAG model (CE). This regional high-resolution implementation of the dynamical core complements its global implementation in the Finite-Volume Module of ECMWF’s Integrated Forecasting System. The paper documents the first operational-like application of the dynamical core for realistic weather forecasts. After discussing the formulation of the core and its coupling with the host model, the paper considers several high-resolution prognostic experiments over complex Alpine orography. Standard verification experiments examine the sensitivity of the CE forecast to the choice of the advection routine and assess the forecast skills against those of the default COSMO Runge-Kutta dynamical core at 2.2 km grid size showing a general improvement. The skills are also compared using satellite observations for a weak-flow convective Alpine weather case-study, showing favorable results. Additional validation of the new CE framework for partly convection-resolving forecasts using 1.1 km, 0.55 km, 0.22 km, and 0.1 km grids, designed to challenge its numerics and test the dynamics-physics coupling, demonstrates its high robustness in simulating multi-phase flows over complex mountain terrain, with slopes reaching 85 degrees, and the flow’s realistic representation.

Kun Gao ◽  
Lucas Harris ◽  
Linjiong Zhou ◽  
Morris Bender ◽  
Matthew Morin

AbstractWe investigate the sensitivity of hurricane intensity and structure to the horizontal tracer advection in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core (FV3). We compare two schemes, a monotonic scheme and a less diffusive positive-definite scheme. The positive-definite scheme leads to significant improvement in the intensity prediction relative to the monotonic scheme in a suite of five-day forecasts that mostly consist of rapidly intensifying hurricanes. Notable storm structural differences are present: the radius of maximum wind (RMW) is smaller and eyewall convection occurs farther inside the RMW when the positive-definite scheme is used. Moreover, we find that the horizontal tracer advection scheme affects the eyewall convection location by affecting the moisture distribution in the inner-core region. This study highlights the importance of dynamical core algorithms in hurricane intensity prediction.

2021 ◽  
Thanh Nguyen-Xuan ◽  
Sze Lok Lam ◽  
Filippo Giorgi ◽  
Erika Coppola ◽  
Graziano Giuliani ◽  

Abstract This study evaluates the performance of the latest version of non-hydrostatic RegCM4 (RegCM4-NH) customized over two vast urban agglomerations in China (i.e., the Pearl River Delta, PRD, and the Yangtze River Delta, YRD). The analysis focuses on how the dynamical core (hydrostatic versus non-hydrostatic) employed in the driving mother domain simulation can affect the regional characteristics of temperature and precipitation patterns in the PRD and YRD regions simulated by a 4 km resolution nested RegCM4-NH. In addition, we assess the sensitivity of the 4 km model results to the use of a convective parameterization scheme (CPS), since the 4 km grid size can be considered as a gray-zone resolution at which deep convection is partially resolved and may still need to be parameterized. For mean temperature, a reasonable performance is shown by all simulations, with the summer season mean bias mostly less than ±1°C when averaged over the PRD and YRD. However, the simulated daily temperature distribution is excessively peaked around the median value, indicating a large probability concentrated on a small temperature range. Although the higher resolution slightly ameliorates this deficiency, the effect of the dynamical core and CPS tends to be marginal. Conversely, precipitation behaves quite differently across simulations. The driving forcing from the non-hydrostatic mother domain simulation helps to reduce a severe dry bias seen over the PRD due to a reduction in convection inhibition. Use of the Emanuel CPS also tends to intensify localized precipitation events over mountainous regions in connection with stronger ascending motions over topographical features. The higher resolution also improves the phase of the diurnal cycle of precipitation, both with and without the use of the CPS. In general, the performance of RegCM4-NH over the PRD and YRD is found to be best when driven by a non-hydrostatic mother domain simulation and when turning on the Emanuel CPS.

Abdessamad Qaddouri ◽  
Claude Girard ◽  
Syed Zahid Husain ◽  
Rabah Aider

AbstractAn alternate dynamical core that employs the unified equations of A. Arakawa and C.S. Konor (2009) has been developed within Environment and Climate change Canada’s GEM (Global Environmental Multiscale) atmospheric model. As in the operational GEM dynamical core, the novel core utilizes the same fully-implicit two-time-level semi-Lagrangian scheme for time discretization while the log-pressure-based terrain-following vertical coordinate has been slightly adapted. Overall, the new dynamical core implementation required only minor changes to the existing informatics code of the GEM model and from a computational performance perspective, the new core does not incur any significant additional cost. A broad range of tests – that include both two-dimensional idealized theoretical cases and three-dimensional deterministic forecasts covering both hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic scales–have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the new dynamical core. For all the tested cases, when compared to the operational GEM model, the new dynamical core based on the unified equations has been found to produce statistically equivalent results. These results imply that the unified equations can be adopted for operational numerical weather prediction that would employ a single soundproof system of equations to produce reliable forecasts for all meteorological scales of interest with negligible changes for the computational overhead.

2021 ◽  
James Kent

<p>GungHo is the mixed finite-element dynamical core under development by the Met Office. A key component of the dynamical core is the transport scheme, which advects density, temperature, moisture, and the winds, throughout the atmosphere. Transport in GungHo is performed by finite-volume methods, to ensure conservation of certain quantaties. There are a range of different finite-volume schemes being considered for transport, including the Runge-Kutta/method-of-lines and COSMIC/Lin-Rood schemes. Additional horizontal/vertical splitting approaches are also under consideration, to improve the stability aspects of the model. Here we discuss these transport options and present results from the GungHo framework, featuring both prescribed velocity advection tests and full dry dynamical core tests. </p>

2021 ◽  
Timothy Williams ◽  
Anton Korosov ◽  
Pierre Rampal ◽  
Olason Einar ◽  
Laurent Bertino

<p>The neXtSIM-F forecast platform entered into service as part of CMEMS (as product ARCTIC_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_ICE_002_011) in July 2020, using the neXtSIM sea ice model . It is a stand-alone sea ice model, forced with atmospheric fields from ECMWF and with ocean fields from TOPAZ4. At that time (July 2021) the model was using the Maxwell Elasto Brittle (MEB) sea ice rheology in its dynamical core. In December 2020, the forecast was upgraded to use the Brittle Bingham Maxwell (BBM) rheology, result in significant improvements to the physical results and in numerical performance and stability. We will present results obtained using this new rheology.</p>

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