vertical coordinate
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2022 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
J. Kim ◽  
G. S. Jang ◽  
B. H. Oh ◽  
J. Lee ◽  
S. Shin

A novel scheme to measure the longitudinal emittance and phase space profile in an electron storage ring by using correlations between time and the vertical coordinate, and between energy and the horizontal coordinate, is proposed. This longitudinal profile measurement scheme will help to demonstrate recent results of advanced studies for manipulating the longitudinal beam profile and for investigating beam instability in an electron storage ring.

2021 ◽  
Nicholas Keville-Reynolds Kevlahan ◽  
Florian Lemarié

Abstract. This paper introduces WAVETRISK-2.1 (i.e. WAVETRISK-OCEAN), an incompressible version of the atmosphere model wavetrisk-1.x with free-surface. This new model is built on the same wavelet-based dynamically adaptive core as wavetrisk, which itself uses DYNANICO's mimetic vector-invariant multilayer rotating shallow water formulation. Both codes use a Lagrangian vertical coordinate with conservative remapping. The ocean variant solves the incompressible multilayer shallow water equations with inhomogeneous density layers. Time integration uses barotropic--baroclinic mode splitting via an semi-implicit free surface formulation, which is about 34–44 times faster than an unsplit explicit time-stepping. The barotropic and baroclinic estimates of the free surface are reconciled at each time step using layer dilation. No slip boundary conditions at coastlines are approximated using volume penalization. The vertical eddy viscosity and diffusivity coefficients are computed from a closure model based on turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). Results are presented for a standard set of ocean model test cases adapted to the sphere (seamount, upwelling and baroclinic turbulence). An innovative feature of wavetrisk-ocean is that it could be coupled easily to the wavetrisk atmosphere model, thus providing a first building block toward an integrated Earth-system model using a consistent modelling framework with dynamic mesh adaptivity and mimetic properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Feng Wang ◽  
Jialin Shi ◽  
Pengyan Chen

To address the irrationality of making a structure subjected to bidirectional ground motions equivalent to an SDOF system, a new approach method is presented in this paper. The ratio between modal participation factors of the two components of the structure is expressed as γ, and the superposition of bidirectional ground motions is regarded as one-directional earthquake excitation for the equivalent SDOF system. Based on this, an energy balance equation is established, and a method used to estimate normalized hysteretic energy (NHE) is proposed. Analysis of the ratio between NHE (γ ≠ 0) and NHE (γ = 0) is suggested in order to analyze the influence of bidirectional ground motions on hysteretic energy demand, and then, “α1 = NHE (γ ≠ 0)/NHE (γ = 0)” is defined, and bidirectional ground motion records for different soil sites are selected for establishing superimposed excitations. In addition, the period range of 0–5 s for the energy spectrum is divided into 6 ranges. In each period range, the means of α1 are defined as α. The curves of α of constant ductility factors for different soil sites are established, in which α is the vertical coordinate and γ is the horizontal coordinate. Through nonlinear response history analysis, the influence of soil types at different sites, the ductility factor, the ratio of modal participation factors, and the period on the values of α are analyzed. According to the analytical results, correction coefficient αs (the simplified value of α) is obtained so that the hysteretic energy demand under bidirectional ground motions can be determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2144 (1) ◽  
pp. 012032
S Yu Shadrin ◽  
A V Zhirov ◽  
T L Mukhacheva

Abstract The article focuses on developing a model of a stationary temperature field inside a semi-infinite cylindrical sample partly immersed in electrolyte. Temperature calculation is carried out by solving a heat transfer equation separately for the immersed and protruding parts of the sample. The heat flux is set on the outer area boundaries; meanwhile heat flux density for the immersed part is linearly dependent on the vertical coordinate. Within the framework of the model, vertical and radial temperature gradients are worked out both in protruding and immersed parts of the anode. It has been established that the vertical coordinate of the sign reversal point of the heat flux density in the immersed part depends on heat exchange conditions in the protruding part.

Mathias Klahn ◽  
Per A. Madsen ◽  
David R. Fuhrman

In this paper, we study the mean and variance of the Eulerian and Lagrangian fluid velocities as a function of depth below the surface of directionally spread irregular wave fields given by JONSWAP spectra in deep water. We focus on the behaviour of these quantities in the bulk of the water, and using second-order potential flow theory we derive new simple asymptotic approximations for their decay in the limit of large depth below the surface. Specifically, we show that when the depth is greater than about 1.5 peak wavelengths, the variance of the Eulerian velocity decays in proportion to exp ⁡ ( − ( 135 4 ) 1 / 3 ( − k p z ) 2 / 3 ) , and the mean Lagrangian velocity decays in proportion to 1 ( − k p z ) 1 / 6 exp ⁡ ( − ( 135 4 ) 1 / 3 ( − k p z ) 2 / 3 ) . Here, k p is the peak wave number and z is the vertical coordinate measured positively upwards from the still water level. We test the accuracy of the second-order formulation against new fully nonlinear simulations of both short crested and long crested irregular wave fields and find a good match, even when the simulations are known to be affected substantially by third-order effects. To our knowledge, this marks the first fully nonlinear investigation of the Eulerian and Lagrangian velocities below the surface in irregular wave fields.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 367-374

  ABSTRACT. Upper-air data of 0000 UTC for standard isobaric surfaces at surface, 850, 700, 500, 400, 300, 200, 150 and 100 hPa levels for the different cyclonic periods in the last decade were considered for study. The dry static energy, the latent heat energy, the moist static energy and the total energy and their vertical distribution were studied in the surroundings of the Bay of Bengal in relation to the movement of the cyclone and their ultimate landfall. The effects of different  tropospheric energies considering the pressure as a vertical coordinate are discussed with the help of graphs.    

Suk-Jin Choi ◽  
Joseph B. Klemp

AbstractAn alternative hybrid sigma-pressure terrain-following coordinate is presented here that provides smoother coordinate surfaces over terrain by allowing a more rapid decay of the influence of smaller-scale topographic structures with height. This is accomplished by first defining a reference surface pressure that includes the influence of the underlying topography. A smoothed version of this reference surface pressure is then created that represents the larger scale features of the topography, while the deviations from the smoothed profile contain the smaller-scale terrain structures. In the hybrid-sigma coordinate formulation presented here, the influences of these deviations in the reference surface pressure from their smoothed values are removed more rapidly with increasing height, thereby producing smoother coordinate surfaces. Testing this approach using several idealized simulations demonstrates a significant reduction in the artificial circulations compared to those arising with the basic sigma or the conventional hybrid sigma coordinate, confirming the beneficial aspects of the smoothed hybrid coordinate surfaces. The smoothed hybrid sigma-pressure coordinate proposed here provides flexibility in reducing the influence of the terrain on the coordinate surfaces and can be easily substituted for the basic hybrid sigma-pressure coordinate.

O.N. Tushev ◽  
D.S. Chernov

The paper dwells upon the dynamic behavior of a 2d pendulum under polyharmonic vibration. The study shows that the angles between the vertical coordinate axis and the directions of the individual harmonic components effects are generally different. Relying on the well-known approach, we solved the problem in two approximations. The movement of the pendulum contains two components: the "low-frequency" component and the "high-frequency" one. As the frequencies are not multiple, the movement is essentially an aperiodic process. Hence, when deriving the basic relations, it is impossible to use an effective method of averaging the solution within a period of fast oscillations. Dividing the solution by the frequencies of oscillations, we obtained an equation describing the slow motion and an approximate formula based on it for determining the pendulum quasi-static displacement, i.e., the "drift effect". The result is generalized by taking energy dissipation into account. Findings of research show that near the quasi-static position of the pendulum, loss of stability is possible as a result of parametric resonance at the combination frequencies of the external action. The paper gives an example in which an approximate solution is compared with an exact numerical simulation and shows the results of this comparison

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