constructive behavior
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О.И. Каяшева ◽  
З.Г. Ханова

Актуальность исследования связана с тем, что рефлексия является одним из психологических факторов, способствующих достижению профессиональной успешности у студентов. Профессиональная деятельность будущих психологов сопряжена со многими сложностями, предполагающими высокий уровень профессиональной подготовки, самопознание своих качеств и характеристик, способность работать с трудными жизненными ситуациями клиентов. Рефлексия предполагает самопознание будущими психологами своих качеств, характеристик, интеграцию представлений о себе, основанных на прошлом опыте, в связи с настоящим временем и предполагаемым профессиональным будущим. Цель статьи: на основе теоретического исследования выявление значения ретроспективной, ситуативной и проспективной форм рефлексии в достижении профессиональной успешности студентов-психологов. В статье раскрыта характеристика временных форм рефлексии и их связь с достижением профессиональной успешности будущих психологов, отмечено, что высокий уровень ретроспективной рефлексии студентов-психологов характеризуется развитой способностью к анализу и оценке своего прошлого опыта, мотивов поведения и деятельности, установлению необходимых причинно-следственных связей и определению способов конструктивного поведения в сложных ситуациях. Ситуативная рефлексия студентов позволяет выйти за ограничения детерминизма и способствует адаптивности, осознаванию субъектом сложной профессиональной ситуации и самоанализу; необходима для координации и контроля компонентов деятельности человека. Высокий уровень проспективной рефлексии обеспечивает успешность предстоящей деятельности и включает функции целеполагания, планирования, прогнозирования предполагаемых результатов профессиональной деятельности и эффективных способов ее осуществления. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that reflection is one of the psychological factors contributing to the achievement of professional success among students. The professional activity of future psychologists is associated with many difficulties, involving a high level of professional training, self-knowledge of their qualities and characteristics, the ability to work with difficult life situations of clients. Reflection involves self-knowledge by future psychologists of their qualities, characteristics, integration of self-concepts based on past experience in connection with the present time and the expected professional future. The purpose of the article: on the basis of a theoretical study, to identify the significance of retrospective, situational and prospective forms of reflection in achieving professional success of psychology students. The article reveals the characteristics of temporary forms of reflection and their connection with the achievement of professional success of future psychologists, it is noted that the high level of retrospective reflection of psychology students is characterized by a developed ability to analyze and evaluate their past experience, motives of behavior and activity, establish the necessary cause-and-effect relationships and determine ways of constructive behavior in difficult situations. Situational reflection of students allows you to go beyond the limitations of determinism and promotes adaptability, awareness of a complex professional situation by the subject and self-analysis; it is necessary for the coordination and control of the components of human activity. A high level of prospective reflection ensures the success of the upcoming activity and includes the functions of goal-setting, planning, forecasting the expected results of professional activity and effective ways of its implementation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-43

Islamic education is physical and spiritual guidance based on Islamic laws to form main personality according to Islamic standards. In other words, the main personality is the Muslim personality, that is the personality who has Islamic religious values, chooses and decides and acts based on Islamic norms, and is responsible in accordance with Islamic values. The general indicator of an ideal personality of a child is to always pay attention to his/her behavior in worship, traditional behavior, destructive behavior, and constructive behavior. Behavior in worship, for example carrying out prayers perfectly, both in terms of pillars and conditions, doing remembrance and praise of Allah (dhikr) and wirid after prayer, as well as completing the sunnah rawatib prayers. Traditional behavior, for example in ethics of eating, is preceded by praying, eat with the right hand, social and friendly etiquette, travel etiquette, and so on. Destructive behavior, for example avoiding the dangers of lust, the dangers of wealth and being stingy, disdainful and showing off, being arrogant, boasting, cheating, and so on. The constructive behavior, for instance always do self-reflection and self-introspection, tafakkur,etc.

2021 ◽  
Jeffrey Stanton ◽  
Cavinda Caldera ◽  
Ashley Isaac ◽  
Kathryn Stam ◽  
Slawomir Marcinkowski

The success of information security appears to depend in part upon the effective behavior of the individuals involved in its use. Appropriate and constructive behavior by end users, system administrators, and others can enhance the effectiveness of information security while inappropriate and destructive behaviors can substantially inhibit its effectiveness. The present research focuses on “behavioral information security” which is defined as the complexes of human action that influence the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of information systems. Because research in this area is so new, in the present in study we focused on delineating and understanding the behavioral domain. Our goal for this study was to construct and test a taxonomy of information security behaviors. We expect that this knowledge can support later research efforts that focus on understanding the antecedents and consequences of information security behavior.

Polishchuk S.A.

Purpose. Developing the evidence-based technique for studying person’s state of emotional self-regulation which determines the prospects for forming the constructive behavior (argumentation: the study of emotional self-regulation person’s behavior in emergencies; emotional self-regulation controls the energy balance of the body).Methods. The presented technique is the author’s copyright. This is a research result of the theoretical and empirical study of the problem in different regions of Ukraine. The necessary requirements (reliability, validity, etc.) were met for the development of the technique. With the help of the technique the information expressing the behavior peculiarities of the person in emergency situations was obtained. At present the technique is being improved, and therefore can be used only with the permission of the author.Results. The basic cognitive guideline was formulated: the author’s diagnostic toolkit is multifunctional (it provides stating the actual research results and the potential possibilities of their extrapolation). The technique is made up of structured thematic information: level 1 is field reactivity (search for positions of comfort and safety; identification with the nature; psychotechnical techniques; sense of satisfaction with the created things); level 2 is made up by stereotypes (sensitivity to the violation of needs; affective fixation; self-stimulation of positive emotions); level 3 is expansion (research behavior, the need to assess the own possibilities; affective feelings; the desire for change; affective need for danger); level 4 is the emotional control (dependence on the emotional assessment of the environment; ability for empathy; trust to the environment; willingness to receive help from others). The method is made up by 35 questions and variable answers (each answer has a fixed score). The interpretation of the received information was carried out (three behavioral levels and their characteristics were defined).Conclusions. The qualified individual psychological support involves first information and sense orienting the psychologist in the initial indicators of person’s emotional self-regulation, and then his/her examining with the help of appropriate techniques. The developed diagnostic psychological tools potentially require the next approbation.Key words: diagnostic tools, emotional control, expansion, constructive behavior, reactivity, stereotype. Мета статті полягає урозробленні доказової методики для вивчення в людини стану емоційної саморегуляції, який визначає перспективи формування конструктивної поведінки (аргументація: вивчення емоційної саморегуляції передбачає наукове рішення про з’ясування психологічного змісту конструктивної поведінки людини у надзвичайних ситуаціях; емоційна саморегуляція контролює енергетичний баланс організму).Методи. Презентованаметодика є авторською. Це дослідницький результат теоретико-емпіричного вивчення проблеми у різних регіонах України. Для розроблення методики дотримані необхідні вимоги (достовірність, валідність тощо). За допомогою методики отримана інформація, яка увиразнює поведінку людини у надзвичайних ситуаціях. Нині методика вдосконалюється, тому може бути використана лише з дозволу автора.Результати. Сформульовано таку базову пізнавальну настанову: авторський діагностичний інструментарій є поліфункціональним (передбачає констатацію фактичних дослідницьких результатів та потенційні можливості їхньої екстраполяції). Методика – це структурована тематична інформація, де перший рівень складає польова реактивність (пошук позицій комфорту і безпеки; ідентифікація з природою; психотехнічні прийоми; почуття задоволення від створеного); другий рівень становлять стереотипи(чутливість до порушення потреб; афективна фіксація; аутостимуляція позитивних емоцій); третій рівень формує експансія (дослідницька поведінка, потреба оцінити власні сили; афективні самовідчуття; прагнення до перетворень; афективна потреба в небезпеці); четверний рівень складаєемоційний контроль(залежність від емоційної оцінки оточення; емпатійність; довіра до оточення; готовність отримувати допомогу від інших). Методика складається з 35 питань та варіативних відповідей (кожна відповідь має свій фіксований бал). Здійснено

Viktoriya Vahnina ◽  
Tatyana Maltseva

The authors reveal the psychological determinants of the constructive behavior of police officers in interpersonal conflicts with various categories of citizens, as well as the development of algorithms for psychologically competent actions of an employee in typical emotionally intense interpersonal situations. In order to study the peculiarities of conflicts and their manifestations in the activities of the heads of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, an empirical study was carried out, in which 104 respondents took part - the heads of the territorial bodies of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation, both acting and temporarily undergoing training in various educational programs of the Academy. Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The study showed that modern chiefs of internal affairs bodies are focused on the implementation in everyday practice of interaction with subordinates of the subject-cooperating approach, since it is close to the national mentality and contributes to effective prevention and settlement of conflicts. The most important task of the head of the internal affairs bodies in the process of managing socio-psychological conflicts is their objective complex analysis in order to use the positive experience of resolving conflicts and preventing the development of destructive socio-psychological conflicts. The process of managing socio-psychological conflicts involves the implementation of modern psychotechnologies. To effectively solve emerging problems, each police officer must master the necessary minimum of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of behavior in a conflict, i.e. get conflictological training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (37) ◽  
pp. 125-134
Vladimir Eliseev ◽  
Irina Eliseeva ◽  
Maria Korobova ◽  
Julia Romanova

The urgency of the research issue is due to the tendency of an increase in the number of children with disorders of the muscle-skeleton system and motor skills. In this regard, these children have problems in learning activities, relationships with peers and adults. The purpose of the research presented in the paper was to study the social and psychological peculiarities of the personality of elementary school children with motor activity (motor skills) disorder. To solve the tasks set in the study and test the hypothesis, a number of methods and techniques were used: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, empirical methods: observation, experiment, questionnaire, technique of N.I. Ozeretsky; children's version of S. Rosenzweig's test; "school-based anxiety” test. The study revealed that two options are possible in the development of the personality of elementary school children with motor activity disorders: favorable and unfavorable. An unfavorable variant of the child's personality development is associated with “non-constructive” behavior, which manifests in the inability to withstand difficult social situations. A favorable variant of personal development is characterized by the predominance of “constructive” behavior, which allows one to overcome life difficulties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (6) ◽  
pp. 129-132
С.С. Григорьева

The article presents the author's view on the problems faced by modern youth. Disappointing statistics confirming negative trends in relation to harmful habits of adolescents are presented. Recommendations for constructive behavior in the case of cyberbullying are given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (11) ◽  
pp. 2700-2704
Liudmila M. Omelchenko ◽  
Lidiya G. Chorna ◽  
Nataliya Dyshlova ◽  
Anna Bezhnar ◽  
Olha T. Pletka ◽  

The aim: To study the readiness of young couples to adopt a constructive behavior during conflict as a factor of mental health and marital satisfaction. Materials and methods: The study used a descriptive cross-sectional plan. The sample comprised 216 young families (n = 432 persons), and mixed methods design was used. The respondents were asked to evaluate the level of marital satisfaction, family value coherence, and anxiety to make a self-assessment of the level of conflict in their own family. Results: The participants showed a fairly high degree of marital dissatisfaction, as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The members of young dysfunctional families resorted to destructive behavior during conflicts, indicating the deteriorating mental health in these families. The stability of relationship between spouses is founded in their willingness to adopt a constructive behavior during conflict. Conclusions: The study helps understand the importance of the ability to adopt a constructive behavior during conflict in the context of family mental health and marital satisfaction. The findings of this study can serve as the basis for framing counseling programs for young families.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-140
Amita Diananda

The family is the smallest unit in society, consisting of father, mother and child. The closest environment for children to interact is family. The role of parents in the family is very important. Parents are central and the main source of the formation of values held by children. Parents have a big responsibility in helping the quality of their children achieve the development of emotional maturity and social behavior with strong character and clear orientation. Neglect or lack of parental attention in shaping children's emotions and social behavior will have a major effect on children's ability to control their emotions and adapt, even in giving positive colors, to their environment. Emotion and behavior are two components that exist in humans that cannot be separated from each other (intertwined) where emotions affect behavior, not the other way around. Someone who is able to control their emotions will be able to control their behavior. Controlled emotions will provide a healthy space for the mind to think clearly and structurally. Conversely, a person who cannot control his emotions will not be able to control his behavior because the space for a healthy mind and a clear mind is closed. Therefore, in educating children to have good, positive and constructive behavior, what parents must first build is to build and form strong character in children by prioritizing the power of emotional control.

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