continuous logic
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2022 ◽  
pp. 156-172
Aristides Dasso ◽  
Ana Funes

Threat and Risk Assessment is an important area in cybersecurity. It covers multiple systems and organizations where cybersecurity is significant, such as banking, industry, SCADA, Energy Management System, among many others. The chapter presents a method to help assessing threats and risks associated with computer and networks systems. It integrates the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity—developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology—with a quantitative method based on the use of a Continuous Logic, the Logic Scoring of Preference (LSP) method. LSP is a method suitable for decision making that provides the guidelines to produce a model to assist the expert in the process of assessing how much a product or system satisfy a number of requirements, in this case associated to the identification, protection, detection, response and recovery of threat and risks in an organization.

Revista Prumo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  

Desde o início da Idade Moderna, a maneira como enxergamos a realidade à nossa volta esteve pautada por uma lógica inevitavelmente contextualista, linear e contínua. Fragmentação e anacronismo são, assim, propriedades inconcebíveis do espaço e do tempo, o que se reflete na maneira como se percebe e se age na cidade. Contudo, autores como Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, Peter Eisenman e Robert Smithson (entre outros e outras), com seus respectivos conceitos de Rizoma, Diagrama e Site/Non-site exploram a potência e as múltiplas possibilidades de um espaço-tempo intermediado pela modernidade. O presente ensaio lança mão desses conceitos com o intuito de fazer emergir uma outra realidade. Para tanto, propõe um grid ficcional como ferramenta que opera sobre a cidade factual do Rio de Janeiro, que assim se transforma em um Rio aos Pedaços. Palavras-chave: Rio de Janeiro; Rizoma; Diagrama; Grid. Abstract Since the beginning of the Modern Age, the way we see the reality around us has been guided by an inevitably contextualist, linear and continuous logic. Fragmentation and anachronism are, therefore, inconceivable properties of both space and time, precluding the way one perceives and acts upon the city. Yet, authors such as Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Peter Eisenman and Robert Smithson (among others), with their respective concepts of Rhizome, Diagram and Site/Non-site, have explored the power and multiple possibilities of a space-time alien to the modern worldview. This essay makes use of these concepts in order to bring about another reality. To this effect, it proposes a fictional grid that acts upon the factual city of Rio de Janeiro, which becomes a Rio in Pieces. Keywords: Rio de Janeiro; Rhizome; Diagram; Grid.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-48
Aleksander Ivanov

Abstract We describe how properties of metric groups and of unitary representations of metric groups can be presented in continuous logic. In particular we find Lω 1 ω -axiomatization of amenability. We also show that in the case of locally compact groups some uniform version of the negation of Kazhdan’s property (T) can be viewed as a union of first-order axiomatizable classes. We will see when these properties are preserved under taking elementary substructures.

Aristides Dasso ◽  
Ana Funes

Threat and Risk Assessment is an important area in cybersecurity. It covers multiple systems and organizations where cybersecurity is significant, such as banking, industry, SCADA, Energy Management System, among many others. The chapter presents a method to help assessing threats and risks associated with computer and networks systems. It integrates the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity—developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology—with a quantitative method based on the use of a Continuous Logic, the Logic Scoring of Preference (LSP) method. LSP is a method suitable for decision making that provides the guidelines to produce a model to assist the expert in the process of assessing how much a product or system satisfy a number of requirements, in this case associated to the identification, protection, detection, response and recovery of threat and risks in an organization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 106530
Orsolya Csiszár ◽  
Gábor Csiszár ◽  
József Dombi

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