locally compact
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2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Matthew Daws

Abstract Assume that A ⁢ ( G ) A(G) and B ⁢ ( H ) B(H) are the Fourier and Fourier–Stieltjes algebras of locally compact groups 𝐺 and 𝐻, respectively. Ilie and Spronk have shown that continuous piecewise affine maps α : Y ⊆ H → G \alpha\colon Y\subseteq H\to G induce completely bounded homomorphisms Φ : A ⁢ ( G ) → B ⁢ ( H ) \Phi\colon A(G)\to B(H) and that, when 𝐺 is amenable, every completely bounded homomorphism arises in this way. This generalised work of Cohen in the abelian setting. We believe that there is a gap in a key lemma of the existing argument, which we do not see how to repair. We present here a different strategy to show the result, which instead of using topological arguments, is more combinatorial and makes use of measure-theoretic ideas, following more closely the original ideas of Cohen.

Axioms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Józef Banaś ◽  
Rafał Nalepa

The aim of the paper is to introduce the Banach space consisting of real functions defined on a locally compact and countable at infinity metric space and having increments tempered by a modulus of continuity. We are going to provide a condition that is sufficient for the relative compactness in the Banach space in question. A few particular cases of that Banach space will be discussed.


Abstract For a locally compact metrisable group G, we study the action of ${\rm Aut}(G)$ on ${\rm Sub}_G$ , the set of closed subgroups of G endowed with the Chabauty topology. Given an automorphism T of G, we relate the distality of the T-action on ${\rm Sub}_G$ with that of the T-action on G under a certain condition. If G is a connected Lie group, we characterise the distality of the T-action on ${\rm Sub}_G$ in terms of compactness of the closed subgroup generated by T in ${\rm Aut}(G)$ under certain conditions on the center of G or on T as follows: G has no compact central subgroup of positive dimension or T is unipotent or T is contained in the connected component of the identity in ${\rm Aut}(G)$ . Moreover, we also show that a connected Lie group G acts distally on ${\rm Sub}_G$ if and only if G is either compact or it is isomorphic to a direct product of a compact group and a vector group. All the results on the Lie groups mentioned above hold for the action on ${\rm Sub}^a_G$ , a subset of ${\rm Sub}_G$ consisting of closed abelian subgroups of G.

Oliver Braunling ◽  
Ruben Henrard ◽  
Adam-Christiaan van Roosmalen

2021 ◽  
Gabriel Favre ◽  
Sven Raum

AbstractWe give algebraic characterisations of the type I and CCR properties for locally compact second countable, ample Hausdorff groupoids in terms of subquotients of its Boolean inverse semigroup of compact open local bisections. It yields in turn algebraic characterisations of both properties for inverse semigroups with meets in terms of subquotients of their Booleanisation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (11) ◽  
pp. 253-260
Khadija Ben Rejeb

In this paper, we completely characterize locally compact flows G G of homeomorphisms of connected manifolds M M by proving that they are either circle groups or real groups. For M = R m M = \mathbb R^m , we prove that every recurrent element in G G is periodic, and we obtain a generalization of the result of Yang [Hilbert’s fifth problem and related problems on transformation groups, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1976, pp. 142–146.] by proving that there is no nontrivial locally compact flow on R m \mathbb R^m in which all elements are recurrent.

2021 ◽  
Aleksa Vujičić

<p>We start this thesis by introducing the theory of locally compact groups and their associated Haar measures. We provide examples and prove important results about locally compact and more specifically amenable groups. One such result is known as the Følner condition, which characterises the class amenable groups. We then use this characterisation to define the notion of a pseudo-amenable group. Our central theorem that we present provides new characterisations of pseudo-amenable groups. These characterisations allows us to prove several new results about these groups, which closely mimic well known results about amenable groups. For instance, we show that pseudo-amenability is preserved under closed subgroups and homomorphisms.</p>

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