food and nutrition security
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2022 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 100603
Jessica L. Escobar-Alegria ◽  
Edward A. Frongillo ◽  
Christine E. Blake

2022 ◽  
Thomas P. Timberlake ◽  
Alyssa R. Cirtwill ◽  
Sushil C. Baral ◽  
Daya R. Bhusal ◽  
Kedar Devkota ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Agnes Gachuiri ◽  
Ana Maria Paez-Valencia ◽  
Marlène Elias ◽  
Sammy Carsan ◽  
Stepha McMullin

Food trees contribute substantially to the food and nutrition security of millions of rural households in Africa. Farming communities prioritize tree and shrub species on farms based on a combination of factors, including their knowledge of potential uses the species' economic potential and a range of constraints and opportunities that each farmer faces depending on their position within the community and the household, in cultivating, harvesting and processing tree products. Gender and age are strong determinants of such constraints and opportunities as well as ecological knowledge and use of tree resources. This study contributes to the understanding of gender and generational preferences for food tree species that determine their use, and which contribute to food and nutrition security in Central Uganda and Eastern Kenya. Sixteen gender and age segregated focus group discussions were conducted to assess food tree species preferences. A total of 61 food tree species were listed −46 in Uganda (including 16 indigenous species) and 44 in Kenya (21 indigenous species). Results showed knowledge on food tree species differed by gender and age, with differences across gender lines found more prevalently in Uganda, and across generational lines in Kenya. Age-related differences in knowledge and preferences were clear with regard to indigenous species, whereby older women and men were found to have the most knowledge in both countries. Among key challenges for food tree cultivation, farming households mentioned knowledge of tree management, the lack of planting materials, especially for improved varieties, prolonged droughts and scarcity of land. Some of these constraints were gendered and generational, with women mostly mentioning lack of knowledge about planting and management as well as cultural restrictions, such as only having access to land when married; whereas younger men indicated management challenges such as pests, limited markets, as well as scarcity and limited ownership of land. Overall findings suggest that consulting user preferences for food tree species and constraints experienced by gender and age group could be important in the design of interventions which involve a diversity of food trees.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Grazia Pacillo ◽  
Nguyen-Vu Bao-Nam ◽  
Dharani Dhar Burra ◽  
Huong T. Trinh ◽  
Tuyen Danh Le ◽  

The current climate crisis poses new uncertainties, risks, and vulnerabilities, and is leading to losses for millions of people depending on fragile food systems. Food systems are, however, vastly different across landscapes and communities, and their capacities to respond to climate impacts evolves and changes through time. Humanitarian and development organizations are struggling to keep pace with these changes. Monitoring a large number of diverse food systems during an evolving climate crisis can be expensive and time-consuming. This paper introduces a monitoring approach that uses a combination of open-source earth observations along with national data sources to produce highly contextualized metrics for monitoring Food And Nutrition Security under Climate Evolution (FANSCE). Entirely data-driven, the FANSCE approach has been designed to produce policy recommendations to help monitor, assess, and mitigate climatic impacts on food systems. We developed and tested this approach in Vietnam, where climate variability has become a growing threat to food systems. Our results show that predictors of food and nutrition security differ drastically with the intensity of climate variability. More specifically, our analyses suggest that in areas of high climate variability, levels of food and nutrition security can be significantly predicted based on economic activities, ethnicity, education, health of mothers, and the level of readiness and preparedness to climate impacts of villages and communities. On the other hand, in areas of low climate variability, food and nutrition security are mostly predictable based on the ability of households to access essential services (such as education, health) and communal resources (water, storage, etc.). To support the resilience of food systems, policymakers must regularly monitor how these dimensions react to the changing climate. Addition critical actions to increase food system sustainability in Vietnam include 1) enhanced coordination of institutional responses and capacities across governmental and non-governmental agencies, and 2) better integration of scientific knowledge into national and sub-national decision-making processes.

2022 ◽  
pp. 179-225
Arun Banerjee ◽  
Kenny Paul ◽  
Alok Varshney ◽  
Rajesh Nandru ◽  
Rahul Badhwar ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 318
Rodney T. Muringai ◽  
Paramu Mafongoya ◽  
Romano T. Lottering ◽  
Raymond Mugandani ◽  
Denver Naidoo

Approximately one-third of the global population suffering from chronic hunger are in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In addition to high prevalence of chronic hunger, millions of people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. Meanwhile, there is growing consensus across scientific disciplines concurring that fish plays a crucial role in improving food and nutrition security. Therefore, the present review aims to demonstrate the role of fish and the whole fisheries sector towards securing food and nutrition security in SSA by summarizing the existing literature. Fish is a treasure store of animal protein and essential micronutrients such as zinc, iodine, calcium, and vitamins, which are essential in human nutrition and have proven to help reduce the risks of both malnutrition and non-communicable diseases. Policymakers, development agencies, and society should recognize the role that the fisheries sector can play in combatting hunger and undernutrition, especially for the poor and marginalized people in SSA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Achille E. Assogbadjo ◽  
Flora Josiane Chadare ◽  
Leonard Manda ◽  
Brice Sinsin

The African baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) is a multipurpose orphan tree species of the semi-arid and sub-humid Sub-Saharan Africa where it plays an important role in rural livelihoods. Its wide distribution and dense nutrition properties make it an important species for food and nutrition security in Africa. However, despite the increasing interest in the species over the past two decades, the full potential of baobab remains underexploited. This review highlights strides made over the past 20 years (2001–2020) towards harnessing and unlocking the potential values of baobab in Benin, West Africa, to contribute to food and nutrition security. Challenges and threats are identified, and next steps suggested to guide research and development initiatives for orphan tree fruit species like baobab to address hunger and malnutrition in Africa.

2021 ◽  
Abyiot Teklu ◽  
Belay Simane ◽  
Mintewab Bezabih

Abstract Background: Food insecurity remains a major challenge to smallholder farmers in the face of changing climate in the Upper Blue Nile Highlands of Ethiopia. To improve food and nutrition security of climate change vulnerable smallholder farmers in eastern Ethiopia, several climate-smart agriculture (CSA) innovations have been adopted and scaled-up. However, the impact of these innovations on household food and nutritional security was not systematically studied. This study examined the impact of selected CSA technologies on household food and nutrition security. Cross-sectional data were generated from 424 randomly selected rural smallholder agriculture households in the five selected agroecosystems of the Upper Blue Nile Highlands of Ethiopia. The study employed propensity score matching and endogenous switching regression estimation models. Results: Households that practiced crop residue management had an 8.46 higher Food Consumption Score (FCS) and a 0.4 higher Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) than non-adopters. Similarly, households who adopted compost and agroforestry had a 0.462 and 0.446 higher Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) than non-adopters, respectively. The endogenous switching regression analysis result showed that households that practiced crop residue management had an 22.6 higher Food Consumption Score (FCS) and a 2.2 higher Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) than non-adopters. Similarly, households who adopted physical SWC had a 2.3 higher Food Consumption Score (FCS) than non-adopters. Whereas, compost and agroforestry had a 0.28 and 2.12 higher Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) than non-adopters, respectively. Conclusions: This shows that households adopting CSA innovations are more likely to have higher food security compared to non-adopters. This suggests that promotion and scale-up of CSA innovations in the study area can enhance household food and nutrition security.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-120
Mohamed Jaouad ◽  
Mongi Sghaier ◽  
Riadh Bechir ◽  

10.37512/1200 ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 144-154

Women make a significant contribution to household food and nutrition security worldwide. They are reported to produce 60-80 % of food in developing countries and half of the food produced globally. They have also been reported to have a higher workload in ensuring food and nutrition security than men do in developing countries. In Kenya, women play a pivotal role in food production. This study aimed to explore their contribution to food production in an urban Kenyan metropolis, in a high potential agricultural area of Kenya’s Rift Valley Region. A cross-sectional descriptive study design using a quantitative method of data collection was used to collect data from 124 women (representing households) in Kapsabet town metropolis, through a questionnaire that was administered to the women in the 124 households and 14 key informants by way of one-on-one interviews. The households were selected randomly. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistics to establish the nature and level of food production activities by the respondents including the level of economic empowerment. It was established that most of the farming population was aged 40-59 (54%), while those aged 20-39 made up 26% of respondents; farming in the metropolis is not therefore a major attraction for the youth (18-35 years of age). Women-farmers spent approximately 36 hours/week during the planting, weeding and harvest season on farm-related activities compared to 25 hours/week by males. Higher food production and food and nutrition security can be achieved if County and National-level Governments invested in women empowerment for higher agricultural productivity and minimized the challenges they face in food production.

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