ecological rehabilitation
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2021 ◽  
pp. 64-81
А.В. Семенютина ◽  
А.А. Хатько

На территории Волгоградской области смена главных типов почв и растительности происходит по мере продвижения с севера-запада на юго-восток. По долинам рек размещаются интразональные природные комплексы. Богатство, разнообразие и специфичность растительного покрова определяется географическим положением долины реки Царица, которая расположена в пределах Иловлинско – Волжского полого – волнистого овражно-балочного ландшафта. Особенности расположения и геосистемы долины в целом определили разнообразные вариации эдафической зональной флоры, а также наличие пойменных и нагорно-байрачных лесов, лугов, каменистых обнажений, песчаных массивов и др., свидетельствуют о важности долины реки Царица как элемента ландшафтно-экологического фундамента города. В сухостепной зоне (Волгоградская область) с резко континентальным климатом, без системного полива формирование естественных лесных массивов, лесопарков возможно только в долинах рек. Цель исследований – оценка состояния дендрофлоры в долине р. Царица. Объекты исследований – растения в донных, овражных и пойменных врезах долины р. Царица. Для изучения растительного покрова проведены следующие мероприятия: сбор, обобщение и анализ опубликованных и полученных материалов, фотофиксация объектов исследований растительного покрова, полевые исследования, включая экологический мониторинг. Выявлено, что под воздействием антропогенного фактора исследуемая местность была сильно деградирована, существует необходимость экологической реабилитации. Первым этапом при достижении восстановления территории, необходимо обеспечить сохранность естественной флоры. Противоэрозионные лесозащитные насаждения необходимо проектировать на верхних террасах долины реки с учетом инвазивной активности высаживаемых растений. Формирование ольшаников в русловой части реки позволит закрепить сформированный рельеф на длительный срок, что приведет к постепенной реабилитации гидрологического режима и формированию условий подходящих для произрастания растений типичных для пойменных лесных сообществ. Проведение работ по экологической реабилитации делает необходимым восстановление природных сообществ, приближенных по составу к исходным фитоценозам, поэтому при подборе растений для формирования древесно-кустарниковых сообществ необходимо учитывать экологический, фитоценотический и эстетический принципы. On the territory of the Volgograd region, the main types of soils and vegetation change as they move from the north-west to the south-east. Intrazonal natural complexes are located along the river valleys. The richness, diversity and specificity of the vegetation cover is determined by the geographical location of the valley of the Tsaritsa River, which is located within the Ilovlinsky - Volga hollow - wavy ravine-beam landscape. The features of the location and geosystem of the valley as a whole have determined various variations of the edaphic zonal flora, as well as the presence of floodplain and upland-bayrach forests, meadows, rocky outcrops, sand massifs, etc., indicate the importance of the valley of the Tsaritsa River as an element of the landscape and ecological foundation of the city. In the dry-steppe zone (Volgograd region) with a sharply continental climate, without systematic irrigation, the formation of natural woodlands, forest parks is possible only in river valleys. The purpose of the research is to assess the state of dendroflora in the valley of the Tsaritsa River. The objects of research are plants in the bottom, ravine and floodplain cuts of the valley of the Tsaritsa River. To study the vegetation cover, the following activities were carried out: collection, generalization and analysis of published and received materials, photofixation of objects of vegetation cover research, field research, including environmental monitoring. It was revealed that under the influence of the anthropogenic factor, the studied area was severely degraded, there is a need for environmental rehabilitation. The first step in achieving the restoration of the territory, it is necessary to ensure the preservation of the natural flora. Anti-erosion forest protection plantings should be designed on the upper terraces of the river valley, taking into account the invasive activity of the planted plants. The formation of alders in the riverbed will allow to consolidate the formed relief for a long time, which will lead to the gradual rehabilitation of the hydrological regime and the formation of conditions suitable for the growth of plants typical of floodplain forest communities. Carrying out works on ecological rehabilitation makes it necessary to restore natural communities that are close in composition to the original phytocenoses, therefore, when selecting plants for the formation of tree and shrub communities, it is necessary to take into account ecological, phytocenotic and aesthetic principles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-265
S. S. Timofeeva ◽  
O. S. Gudilova

Scientists all over the world are working on the problem of pollution of environmental objects with antibiotics, which entails serious consequences for human health. The aim of the study is to review domestic and foreign literature data on the distribution of antibiotics in environmental objects and the sources of their formation. A negative impact on humans was noted due to the uncontrolled intake of antibiotics into the environment. In the world, even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, there was an extremely serious problem in the form of antibiotic resistance of microorganisms. The analysis showed that there are many sources of antibiotics entering the environment: they are widely used not only in medicine, but also in veterinary medicine and agriculture. It is concluded that modern technologies for the ecological rehabilitation of contaminated areas and a change in legislation are needed to change the situation towards improving safety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Aihong Fu ◽  
Weihong Li ◽  
Yaning Chen ◽  
Yi Wang ◽  
Haichao Hao ◽  

AbstractThe Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang, China, has a typical desert riparian forest ecosystem. Analysis of the resilience of this type of ecosystem under extreme drought conditions and ecological rehabilitation projects could provide a theoretical basis for understanding ecosystem stability and resistance, and provide new ecological rehabilitation measures to improve ecosystem resilience. We employed a quantitative framework to assess net primary productivity (NPP) resilience, emphasizing four aspects of NPP dynamics: NPP, NPP stability, NPP resistance, and maximum NPP potential. We compared ecosystem resilience across four time periods: before the implementation of ecological rehabilitation projects (1990–2000), during construction and partial implementation of ecological rehabilitation projects (2001–2012), during the initial project stage of ecological rehabilitation (2013–2015), and during the late project stage of ecological rehabilitation (2016–2018). There are three main finding of this research. (1) Mean NPP was increased significantly from 2013 and was decreased from 2016, especially in the main stream of the Tarim River and in the basins of eight of its nine tributary rivers. (2) Ecosystem resilience in 2013–2018 was greater than in 1990–2012, with the greatest NPP stability, mean NPP and NPP resistance, especially in part one of the river basin (the Aksu River, the Weigan-Kuche River, the Dina River, the Kaidu-Konqi River, and the main stream of the Tarim River). Ecosystem resilience in 2001–2012 was lowest when compared to 1990–2000 and 2013–2018, with lowest mean NPP, NPP stability, NPP resistance and maximum NPP potential, particularly in part two of the river basin (the Kashigr River, the Yarkand River and the Hotan River basins). Therefore, part one was most affected by ecological restoration projects. When 2013–2018 was divided into two distinct stages, 2013–2015 and 2016–2018, resilience in the latter stage was the lowest, with lowest mean NPP, NPP resistance and maximum NPP potential, especially in the main stream of the Tarim River. This may be due to unreasonable water conveyance in 2014–2015. (3) Ecological resilience has increased significantly in 2013–2015 after the implementation of ecological water transfer projects, river regulation, and natural vegetation enclosure projects. Ecosystem resilience could continue to increase even more in the future with the continued implementation of reasonable ecological water transfer projects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 4002-4030
Lucy Marta Schellin ◽  
Gilmar Rollof ◽  
José Roberto Roloff ◽  
Betina Mehler Woehl ◽  
Bruno Henrique Schafhauser ◽  

A gestão das cidades envolve a implementação de várias políticas públicas, tais como a Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos - PNRH (BRASIL, 1997), a Política Urbana - Estatuto da Cidade(BRASIL, 2001), a Política Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Civil - PNPDEC (BRASIL, 2012), a Política Nacional de Recuperação da Vegetação Nativa - PROVEG (BRASIL, 2017) entre outras e acordos internacionais como, por exemplo, a Convenção sobre a Diversidade Biológica (ONU, 1992). O objetivo deste trabalho é propor ações que considerem a integração destas políticas públicas adequando a cobertura arbórea urbana do local de estudo de forma a promover a reabilitação ecológica das margens do rio Barigui e a adequação da arborização adjacente aos canais de drenagem existentes. Espera-se contribuir com os processos de conectividade dos fragmentos da cobertura arbórea urbana local, com a redução da erosão das margens e deposição de sedimentos nos cursos de água e, assim, promover melhorias nas condições de escoamento dos canais de drenagem e do rio Barigui, minimizando riscos à população e custos à municipalidade.

Fernando Porta Siota ◽  
Ernesto Francisco Atilio Morici ◽  
Horacio Javier Petruzzi ◽  

Olga Lebedinska ◽  
Olga Maleki ◽  

Implementation of market transformations in the new era of Ukrainian statehood objectively requires the development of a qualitatively new model of economy, primarily focused on ensuring sustainable socio-economic development. At the same time, ensuring the sustainable development of any country should be based on sound environmental policy, which requires a certain level of environmental culture and education. At the same time, ecological culture acts as a special direction of human life, on which not only the natural existence of modern civilization, its sustainable development, but also the future of the next generations, depends significantly. Without a clear understanding of the whole range of environmental issues, one cannot understand why some ethnic groups live in harmony with nature while others leave behind ruins. Why in some cases human life creates harmonious landscapes and ecosystems and in other cases the environment becomes a desert? The authors set out to explore the theoretical and methodological principles of ecological rehabilitation of urban areas, to substantiate the phenomenon of ecological rehabilitation in the context of achieving Sustainable Development Goals, to determine the role and place of environmental education as an integral part of the struggle for environment and ecological rehabilitation. The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that today in Ukraine the issues of ecological development of territories, preservation of the natural environment and ecological education of the local population are of special importance. The state leadership, executive bodies of all levels, local self-government bodies, public associations should, first of all, take care of the issues of preservation of the natural environment, rational use of national resources, rehabilitation of territories affected by human activities. Not only the current state of socio-economic development of the state, the health of the nation, but also the future of Ukrainian independence depends on how successfully these issues will be resolved. The practical purpose of the publication was to develop practical recommendations for increasing the role and place of local governments in the ecological rehabilitation of urban areas. Given the scientific and practical significance of the problem of environmental security of Ukraine at the present stage of state formation, it is planned to continue research on the problems of ecological rehabilitation of urban areas, primarily in the context of finding new mechanisms for public management of sustainable development of large cities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 493-500
Natalia ANTONINOVA ◽  
Albert USMANOV ◽  
Lyubov SHUBINA ◽  
Artem SOBENIN ◽  

One of the main factors determining the transformation of natural technogenic complexes is the storage of large masses of industrial waste on the day surface, and their further transformation leads to a change in geochemical processes in landscapes associated with dumps. Objective. On the basis of the experimental studies performed, to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of peat-diatomite ameliorant in the development of measures for the ecological rehabilitation of disturbed ecosystems. Research methods. The content of copper ions was determined by the atomic absorption method using a Spectr AA-240 FS (Varian Optical Spectr. Instrum, Australia). Mineralization of samples to determine the gross copper content was carried out in concentrated HNO3 using a MARS 5 laboratory microwave system (CEM, USA). The mobile forms of copper were determined in extracts of 0.5 M HNO3 in a ratio of 1:25 (soil: solution). Mine waters of the former Degtyarsky mine with a copper content of 4.61 mg / L were used as a model solution. Technogenic soil for microfield experiments was selected during the summer field research. Peat-diatomite ameliorant own development of “Ekoinnovator”. Research results. According to the results of the analysis of the obtained experimental data, the tendency of the sorption process from 4.61 mg/l to 1.754 mg/l is clearly visible when using "diatomite" as a sorbent, and the introduction of a peatdiatomite meliorant in the composition of which sapropel is also Therefore, using reclamation techniques by introducing mineral and organic fertilizers, it is possible to regulate the mobility of copper ions, and the revealed nature of changes in the amount of mobile copper compounds should be taken into account in the development of environmental protection measures for the ecological rehabilitation of disturbed natural ecosystems.

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