hepatic transcriptome
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Antioxidants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Josephine Skat-Rørdam ◽  
Kamilla Pedersen ◽  
Gry Freja Skovsted ◽  
Ida Gregersen ◽  
Sara Vangsgaard ◽  

Oxidative stress is directly linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and the progression to steaotohepatitis (NASH). Thus, a beneficial role of antioxidants in delaying disease progression and/or accelerating recovery may be expected, as corroborated by recommendations of, e.g., vitamin E supplementation to patients. This study investigated the effect of vitamin C deficiency—often resulting from poor diets low in fruits and vegetables and high in fat—combined with/without a change to a low fat diet on NAFLD/NASH phenotype and hepatic transcriptome in the guinea pig NASH model. Vitamin C deficiency per se did not accelerate disease induction. However, the results showed an effect of the diet change on the resolution of hepatic histopathological hallmarks (steatosis, inflammation, and ballooning) (p < 0.05 or less) and indicated a positive effect of a high vitamin C intake when combined with a low fat diet. Our data show that a diet change is important in NASH regression and suggest that a poor vitamin C status delays the reversion towards a healthy hepatic transcriptome and phenotype. In conclusion, the findings support a beneficial role of adequate vitamin C intake in the regression of NASH and may indicate that vitamin C supplementation in addition to lifestyle modifications could accelerate recovery in NASH patients with poor vitamin C status.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Thérèse Callet ◽  
Mathilde Dupont-Nivet ◽  
Morgane Danion ◽  
Christine Burel ◽  
Marianne Cluzeaud ◽  

Within the context of a growing aquaculture production coupled with a plateau of the production in the main components of aquafeeds (fish oil and fishmeal), recent studies have typically focused on replacing these feedstuffs with terrestrial plant ingredients for cultured carnivorous aquatic species, such as rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Substitution rates without adverse effects have, however, reached their limit. One potential way forward would be to take advantage of the genetic variability that exists in the salmonid population. However, to date, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for this genetic variability. The aim of the present research was to understand why some genotypes are better able to utilize plant-based diets devoid of marine resources. In this regard, three isogenic lines of rainbow trout (R23h, AB1h, and A22h), with similar growth when fed marine resources-based diets and which differ greatly in their responses to a plant-based diet, were fed with either a complete plant-based diet (V diet) or a marine resources-based diet (M diet) since first-feeding. Fish traits and the hepatic transcriptome of these three genotypes were compared after 5 months of feeding. First, differences in the ability to grow with the V diet observed amongst genotypes was not due to higher feed intake, but instead due to differences in feed efficiency. The comparison of transcriptome profiles revealed 575 (R23h vs. AB1h), 1,770 (R23h vs. A22h), and 2,973 (AB1h vs. A22h) probes differentially expressed amongst the three genotypes when fed the V diet. Interestingly, R23h and AB1h fish, which were the least affected by the V diet, exhibited the highest growth. These results demonstrate that these fish were able to maintain a high level of energy production and protein synthesis. Moreover, these genotypes were also able to activate pathways linked to lipid and cholesterol metabolisms, such as the biosynthesis of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Finally, as previously, immunity seems to also play an important role in the ability of fish to use the V diet, and further studies are needed to understand the mechanisms by which immunity interacts with growth.

Joe Jongpyo Lim ◽  
Moumita Dutta ◽  
Joseph L Dempsey ◽  
Hans-Joachim Lehmler ◽  
James MacDonald ◽  

Abstract Recent evidence suggests that complex diseases can result from early life exposure to environmental toxicants. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and remain a continuing risk to human health despite being banned from production. Developmental BPA exposure mediated-adult onset of liver cancer via epigenetic reprogramming mechanisms has been identified. Here, we investigated whether the gut microbiome and liver can be persistently reprogrammed following neonatal exposure to POPs, and the associations between microbial biomarkers and disease-prone changes in the hepatic transcriptome in adulthood, compared to BPA. C57BL/6 male and female mouse pups were orally administered vehicle, BPA, BDE-99 (a breast milk-enriched PBDE congener), or the Fox River PCB mixture (PCBs), once daily for three consecutive days (postnatal days [PND] 2 to 4). Tissues were collected at PND5 and PND60. Among the three chemicals investigated, early life exposure to BDE-99 produced the most prominent developmental reprogramming of the gut-liver axis, including hepatic inflammatory and cancer-prone signatures. In adulthood, neonatal BDE-99 exposure resulted in a persistent increase in Akkermansia muciniphila throughout the intestine, accompanied by increased hepatic levels of acetate and succinate, the known products of A. muciniphila. In males, this was positively associated with permissive epigenetic marks H3K4me1 and H3K27, which were enriched in loci near liver cancer-related genes that were dysregulated following neonatal exposure to BDE-99. Our findings provide novel insights that early life exposure to POPs can have a life-long impact on disease risk, which may partly be regulated by the gut microbiome.

Metabolites ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 573
Robert Ringseis ◽  
Sarah M. Grundmann ◽  
Sven Schuchardt ◽  
Erika Most ◽  
Klaus Eder

Administration of pivalate has been demonstrated to be suitable for the induction of secondary carnitine deficiency (CD) in pigs, as model objects for humans. In order to comprehensively characterize the metabolic effects of secondary CD in the liver of pigs, the present study aimed to carry out comparative analysis of the hepatic transcriptome and hepatic and plasma metabolome of a total of 12 male 5-week-old pigs administered either pivalate (group PIV, n = 6) or vehicle (group CON, n = 6) for 28 days. Pigs of group PIV had approximately 40–60% lower concentrations of free carnitine and acetylcarnitine in plasma, liver and different skeletal muscles than pigs of group CON (p < 0.05). Transcript profiling of the liver revealed 140 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between group PIV and group CON (fold change > 1.2 or <−1.2, p-value < 0.05). Biological process terms dealing with the innate immune response were found to be enriched with the DEGs (p < 0.05). Using a targeted metabolomics approach for the simultaneous quantification of 630 metabolites, 9 liver metabolites and 18 plasma metabolites were identified to be different between group PIV and group CON (p < 0.05). Considering the limited alterations of the hepatic transcriptome and of the liver and plasma metabolome, it can be concluded that pivalate-induced secondary CD is not associated with significant hepatic metabolism changes in pigs.

2021 ◽  
Jorge Lopez-Tello ◽  
Zoe Schofield ◽  
Raymond Kiu ◽  
Matthew J. Dalby ◽  
Douwe van Sinderen ◽  

The gut microbiota plays a central role in regulating host metabolism. However, while substantial progress has been made in discerning how the microbiota influences host functions post birth and beyond, little has been carried out into understanding how key members of the maternal gut microbiota can influence feto-placental growth. Here, using germ-free and specific-pathogen-free mice, we demonstrate that the bacterium Bifidobacterium breve UCC2003 modulates maternal body adaptations, placental vasculature growth and nutrient transporter capacity, with implications for fetal metabolism and growth. The effects of B. breve UCC2003 on feto-placental growth are mediated, in part, by changes in the maternal and placental metabolome (i.e. acetate and carnitine). Analysis of placental vascular bed confirmed that Bifidobacterium improves fetal capillary elongation via changes in Igf2P0, Dlk1 and Mapk14 expression. Additionally, B. breve UCC2003, acting through Slc2a1 and Fatp3-4 transporters, was shown to restore fetal glycaemia and improve fetal growth in association with changes in the fetal hepatic transcriptome. This study provides knowledge towards a novel and safe therapeutic strategy for treating pregnancy disorders via modulation of the maternal gut microbiota.

Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 578
Tomer Katan ◽  
Xi Xue ◽  
Albert Caballero-Solares ◽  
Richard G. Taylor ◽  
Christopher C. Parrish ◽  

The importance of dietary omega-6 to omega-3 (ω6:ω3) fatty acid (FA) ratios for human health has been extensively examined. However, its impact on fish physiology, and the underlying molecular mechanisms, are less well understood. This study investigated the influence of plant-based diets (12-week exposure) with varying ω6:ω3 (0.4–2.7) on the hepatic transcriptome of Atlantic salmon. Using 44 K microarray analysis, genes involved in immune and inflammatory response (lect2a, itgb5, helz2a, p43), lipid metabolism (helz2a), cell proliferation (htra1b), control of muscle and neuronal development (mef2d) and translation (eif2a, eif4b1, p43) were identified; these were differentially expressed between the two extreme ω6:ω3 dietary treatments (high ω6 vs. high ω3) at week 12. Eight out of 10 microarray-identified transcripts showed an agreement in the direction of expression fold-change between the microarray and qPCR studies. The PPARα activation-related transcript helz2a was confirmed by qPCR to be down-regulated by high ω6 diet compared with high ω3 diet. The transcript expression of two helz2 paralogues was positively correlated with ω3, and negatively with ω6 FA in both liver and muscle, thus indicating their potential as biomarkers of tissue ω6:ω3 variation. Mef2d expression in liver was suppressed in the high ω6 compared to the balanced diet (ω6:ω3 of 2.7 and 0.9, respectively) fed fish, and showed negative correlations with ω6:ω3 in both tissues. The hepatic expression of two lect2 paralogues was negatively correlated with viscerosomatic index, while htra1b correlated negatively with salmon weight gain and condition factor. Finally, p43 and eif2a were positively correlated with liver Σω3, while these transcripts and eif4b2 showed negative correlations with 18:2ω6 in the liver. This suggested that some aspects of protein synthesis were influenced by dietary ω6:ω3. In summary, this nutrigenomic study identified hepatic transcripts responsive to dietary variation in ω6:ω3, and relationships of transcript expression with tissue (liver, muscle) lipid composition and other phenotypic traits.

Krittika Mittal ◽  
Paula F.P. Henry ◽  
Robert S. Cornman ◽  
Catherine Maddox ◽  
Niladri Basu ◽  

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1788
Han Fang ◽  
Kirsten P. Stone ◽  
Sujoy Ghosh ◽  
Laura A. Forney ◽  
Landon C. Sims ◽  

The principal sensing of dietary methionine restriction (MR) occurs in the liver, where it activates multiple transcriptional programs that mediate various biological components of the response. Hepatic Fgf21 is a key target and essential endocrine mediator of the metabolic phenotype produced by dietary MR. The transcription factor, Nfe2l2, is also activated by MR and functions in tandem with hepatic Atf4 to transactivate multiple, antioxidative components of the integrated stress response. However, it is unclear whether the transcriptional responses linked to Nfe2l2 activation by dietary MR are essential to the biological efficacy of the diet. Using mice with liver-specific deletion of Nfe2l2 (Nfe2l2fl/(Alb)) and their floxed littermates (Nfe2l2fl/fl) fed either Control or MR diets, the absence of hepatic Nfe2l2 had no effect on the ability of the MR diet to increase FGF21, reduce body weight and adiposity, and increase energy expenditure. Moreover, the primary elements of the hepatic transcriptome were similarly affected by MR in both genotypes, with the only major differences occurring in induction of the P450-associated drug metabolism pathway and the pentose glucuronate interconversion pathway. The biological significance of these pathways is uncertain but we conclude that hepatic Nfe2l2 is not essential in mediating the metabolic effects of dietary MR.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (10) ◽  
pp. 5241
Magdalena J. M. Marschall ◽  
Robert Ringseis ◽  
Denise K. Gessner ◽  
Sarah M. Grundmann ◽  
Erika Most ◽  

Conflicting reports exist with regard to the effect of ecdysterone, the predominating representative of steroid hormones in insects and plants, on hepatic and plasma lipid concentrations in different rodent models of obesity, fatty liver, and diabetes, indicating that the effect is dependent on the rodent model used. Here, the hypothesis was tested for the first time that ecdysterone causes lipid-lowering effects in genetically obese Zucker rats. To test this hypothesis, two groups of male obese Zucker rats (n = 8) were fed a nutrient-adequate diet supplemented without or with 0.5 g ecdysterone per kg diet. To study further if ecdysterone is capable of alleviating the strong lipid-synthetic activity in the liver of obese Zucker rats, the study included also two groups of male lean Zucker rats (n = 8) which also received either the ecdysterone-supplemented or the non-supplemented diet. While hepatic and plasma concentrations of triglycerides and cholesterol were markedly higher in the obese compared to the lean rats (p < 0.05), hepatic and plasma triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations did not differ between rats of the same genotype fed the diets without or with ecdysterone. In conclusion, the present study clearly shows that ecdysterone supplementation does not exhibit lipid-lowering actions in the liver and plasma of lean and obese Zucker rats.

BMC Genomics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Valentino Palombo ◽  
Abdulrahman Alharthi ◽  
Fernanda Batistel ◽  
Claudia Parys ◽  
Jessie Guyader ◽  

Abstract Background Methionine (Met) supply during late-pregnancy enhances fetal development in utero and leads to greater rates of growth during the neonatal period. Due to its central role in coordinating nutrient and one-carbon metabolism along with immune responses of the newborn, the liver could be a key target of the programming effects induced by dietary methyl donors such as Met. To address this hypothesis, liver biopsies from 4-day old calves (n = 6/group) born to Holstein cows fed a control or the control plus ethyl-cellulose rumen-protected Met for the last 28 days prepartum were used for DNA methylation, transcriptome, metabolome, proteome, and one-carbon metabolism enzyme activities. Results Although greater withers and hip height at birth in Met calves indicated better development in utero, there were no differences in plasma systemic physiological indicators. RNA-seq along with bioinformatics and transcription factor regulator analyses revealed broad alterations in ‘Glucose metabolism’, ‘Lipid metabolism, ‘Glutathione’, and ‘Immune System’ metabolism due to enhanced maternal Met supply. Greater insulin sensitivity assessed via proteomics, and efficiency of transsulfuration pathway activity suggested beneficial effects on nutrient metabolism and metabolic-related stress. Maternal Met supply contributed to greater phosphatidylcholine synthesis in calf liver, with a role in very low density lipoprotein secretion as a mechanism to balance metabolic fates of fatty acids arising from the diet or adipose-depot lipolysis. Despite a lack of effect on hepatic amino acid (AA) transport, a reduction in metabolism of essential AA within the liver indicated an AA ‘sparing effect’ induced by maternal Met. Conclusions Despite greater global DNA methylation, maternal Met supply resulted in distinct alterations of hepatic transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome profiles after birth. Data underscored an effect on maintenance of calf hepatic Met homeostasis, glutathione, phosphatidylcholine and taurine synthesis along with greater efficiency of nutrient metabolism and immune responses. Transcription regulators such as FOXO1, PPARG, E2F1, and CREB1 appeared central in the coordination of effects induced by maternal Met. Overall, maternal Met supply induced better immunometabolic status of the newborn liver, conferring the calf a physiologic advantage during a period of metabolic stress and suboptimal immunocompetence.

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