absorbed dose
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Ulyana Bliznyuk ◽  
Valentina Avdyukhina ◽  
Polina Borshchegovskaya ◽  
Timofey Bolotnik ◽  
Victoria Ipatova ◽  

AbstractThe purpose of this work was to compare the effect of electron and X-ray irradiation on microbiological content and volatile organic compounds in chilled turkey meat. Dose ranges which significantly suppress the pathogenic microflora while maintaining the organoleptic properties of the turkey meat are different for electron and X-ray irradiation. According to the study it is recommended to treat chilled turkey using X-ray irradiation with the dose ranging from 0.5 to 0.75 kGy, while in electron irradiation permissible doses should be within 0.25–1 kGy. Three main groups of volatile compounds: alcohols, ketones, and aldehydes—were found in irradiated and non-irradiated samples of turkey meat. It was found that the total amount of aldehydes, which are responsible for the formation of a specific odor of irradiated meat products, increases exponentially with the increase in the absorbed dose for both types of irradiation. It was established that acetone can be used as a potential marker of the fact of exposure of low-fat meat products to ionizing radiation.

Tamara V Azizova ◽  
Maria V Bannikova ◽  
Evgenia S Grigoryeva ◽  
Ksenia Briks ◽  
Nobuyuki Hamada

Abstract The paper reports on findings of the study of mortality from diseases of circulatory system (DCS) in Russian nuclear workers of the Mayak Production Association (22,377 individuals with 25.4% of females) who were hired at the facility in 1948–1982 and followed up until end-2018. Using the AMFIT module of EPICURE software, relative risks and excess relative risks per unit absorbed dose (ERR/Gy) for the entire Mayak cohort, the subcohort of workers who were residents of the dormitory town of Ozyorsk and the subcohort of migrants from Ozyorsk were calculated based on maximum likelihood. The mean cumulative liver absorbed gamma-ray dose from external exposure was 0.45 (0.65) Gy (mean (standard deviation) gray) for males and 0.37 (0.56) Gy for females. The mean cumulative liver absorbed alpha dose from internal exposure to incorporated plutonium was 0.18 (0.65) Gy for males and 0.40 (1.92) Gy for females. By the end of the follow-up, 6019 deaths from DCS as the main cause of death were registered among Mayak PA workers (including 3828 deaths in the subcohort of residents and 2191 deaths in the subcohort of migrants) over 890,132 (622,199/267,933) person-years of follow-up. The linear model that took into account non-radiation factors (sex, attained age, calendar period, smoking status and alcohol drinking status) and alpha radiation dose (via adjusting) did not demonstrate significant associations of mortality from DCS, ischemic heart disease (IHD) and cerebrovascular disease (CeVD) with gamma-ray exposure dose in the entire cohort, the resident subcohort and the migrant subcohort (either in males or females). For the subcohort of residents, a significant association with gamma dose was observed for mortality from ischemic stroke in males with ERR/Gy=0.43 (95% CI 0.08; 0.99); there were no significant associations with liver absorbed gamma dose for any other considered outcomes. As for internal exposure, for males no significant associations of mortality from any of the DCS with liver absorbed alpha dose were observed, but for females positive associations were found for DCS (the entire cohort and the resident subcohort) and IHD (the entire cohort) mortality. No significant associations of mortality from various types of DCS with neutron dose were observed either in males or females, although neutron absorbed doses were recorded only in 18% of the workers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Minna Lerner ◽  
Joakim Medin ◽  
Christian Jamtheim Gustafsson ◽  
Sara Alkner ◽  
Lars E. Olsson

ObjectivesMRI-only radiotherapy (RT) provides a workflow to decrease the geometric uncertainty introduced by the image registration process between MRI and CT data and to streamline the RT planning. Despite the recent availability of validated synthetic CT (sCT) methods for the head region, there are no clinical implementations reported for brain tumors. Based on a preceding validation study of sCT, this study aims to investigate MRI-only brain RT through a prospective clinical feasibility study with endpoints for dosimetry and patient setup.Material and MethodsTwenty-one glioma patients were included. MRI Dixon images were used to generate sCT images using a CE-marked deep learning-based software. RT treatment plans were generated based on MRI delineated anatomical structures and sCT for absorbed dose calculations. CT scans were acquired but strictly used for sCT quality assurance (QA). Prospective QA was performed prior to MRI-only treatment approval, comparing sCT and CT image characteristics and calculated dose distributions. Additional retrospective analysis of patient positioning and dose distribution gamma evaluation was performed.ResultsTwenty out of 21 patients were treated using the MRI-only workflow. A single patient was excluded due to an MRI artifact caused by a hemostatic substance injected near the target during surgery preceding radiotherapy. All other patients fulfilled the acceptance criteria. Dose deviations in target were within ±1% for all patients in the prospective analysis. Retrospective analysis yielded gamma pass rates (2%, 2 mm) above 99%. Patient positioning using CBCT images was within ± 1 mm for registrations with sCT compared to CT.ConclusionWe report a successful clinical study of MRI-only brain radiotherapy, conducted using both prospective and retrospective analysis. Synthetic CT images generated using the CE-marked deep learning-based software were clinically robust based on endpoints for dosimetry and patient positioning.

2022 ◽  
pp. 54-65
Marcial Vasquez-Arteaga ◽  
Héctor Vega-Carrillo ◽  
Gustavo Montalvo-Soberon ◽  
Juan Rivera-Vásquez ◽  
Pedro Jaramillo-Arica ◽  

Using the Cristy-Eckerman (C-E) / Segars anatomical representations and the MIRD formalism, the Absorbed doses in lungs of newborn patients scanned with radiopharmaceuticals 133Xe (ventilation) and 99mTc (MAA) (perfusion) are estimated. These representations are phantoms used in Monte Carlo calculations to determine specific absorbed fractions, which, associated with the pharmaceutical residence time, determine the absorbed dose. Concerns about the dosimetric impact of using these ventilation / perfusion agents, as well as the use of different phantoms, were explored in newborn patients. When the lungs were scanned with 99mTc (MAA), the relative difference in total dose between the C-E / Segars anatomical representations was 1.0%. When the lungs were scanned with 133Xe, the relative difference in total dose between the anthropomorphic representations of C-E / Segars was 0.5%. Regardless of the radiopharmaceutical used for the pulmonary studies of a newborn patient, the substitution of the C-E representation for that of Segars does not reflect very significant changes in the calculation of the absorbed dose in the lungs, where the greatest dosimetric contribution is its self-dose, which is supplied mainly by the electrons produced during the 99mTc and 133Xe decay.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 346
Yeong-Heum Yeon ◽  
Ha-Eun Shim ◽  
Jin-Hyung Park ◽  
Nam-Ho Lee ◽  
Jae-Yeon Park ◽  

The scission rates of polystyrene and fluorinated polystyrene irradiated in an irradiation facility with Co-60 γ-rays were determined using molecular dynamics simulation and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) molecular weight distributions. The prediction was based on the assumption that γ-ray energy is transferred to the initial velocity of the primary knock-on atom. We employed a molecular dynamics simulation procedure to compute the changes in bond length between the connections for selected values of the absorbed dose and compared the calculated values with measurements made on the irradiated samples. The samples were exposed to four different absorbed doses of 25, 50, 75, and 100 kGy. The scission process and scission ratio were simulated with LAMMPS with ReaxFF potential for each bond, and we compared the simulation results with the experimental data especially measuring average molecular weight to evaluate the effect of fluorination on radiation enhancement.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2155 (1) ◽  
pp. 012032
G A Kulabdullaev ◽  
A A Kim ◽  
G T Djuraeva ◽  
A F Nebesniy ◽  
G A Abdullaeva ◽  

Abstract In our study, the high-sensitivity colour indicator of the absorbed dose of radiation of epithermal neutrons with energy 0 to 10 keV for dosimetry of low-energy neutrons was developed. We had been developed an indicator on the basis of the dye solution of arsenazo III and gadopentetic acid, allowing precisely define of absorbed dose in the range 2 to 103 Gy. The properties of arsenazo III as metallic indicator, which changes colour after binding of free ions of metals, were used. Colour of the indicator solution before irradiation and after it is stable enough in time at storage in the dark, at artificial illumination or at scattered sunlight. The developed indicator, consisting of a solution of arsenazo III and gadopentetic acid, allows estimating the absorbed dose of epithermal neutron irradiation with good accuracy and reduces the error of measurement related to changing colour of dye under the influence of other factors (light, temperature etc.) Dosimeter is tissue-equivalent and possesses a high-sensitivity neutron radiation due to the content of gadolinium in solution, which has great neutron capture cross-section. The developed dosimeter persists spectrophotometric characteristics after irradiaion within few weeks that allows to use it for measurement of the absorbed dose, both in real time mode and with the delayed measurement within few weeks.

O. B. Olafisoye ◽  
O. O. Oguntibeju ◽  
O. A. Osibote

Hyper Pure Germanium (HPGe) radiation detector was used to estimate the activity concentration of fifteen soil and palm oil samples collected from the oil palm plantations in the southwestern, southeastern, and south southern states of Nigeria, and the risk assessments was evaluated. The activity concentrations at a soil depth 0 – 15 cm ranged from 187.4 to 514.4, 2.328 to 6.571, and 1.509 to 6.121 Bq/kg for 40K, 238U, and 232Th, respectively. The activity concentrations at a soil depth 15 – 30 cm ranged from 163.4 to 3188.8, 1.345 to 9.410, and 1.476 to 6.275 Bq/kg for 40K, 238U, and 232Th, respectively. The activity concentrations in the palm oil ranged from 122.3 to 968.0, 1.240 to 6.651, and 1.199 to 8.061 Bq/L for 40K, 238U, and 232Th. For the risk assessments of surface soil samples, the absorbed dose rate (D) ranged from 5.09 to 24.54 nGy/h, while the annual effective dose equivalent (E) ranged from 0.612 × 10-2 to 16.49 × 10-2 mSv/y. The radium equivalent, gamma absorbed dose rate, and the annual effective dose rate in the palm oil samples ranged from 9.981 to 88.00 Bq/L, 4.315 to 46.29 nGy/h, and 0.53 × 10-2 to 56.90 x 10-2 mSv/y, respectively. The activity concentrations reported for soil and palm oil samples were lower than the recommended world average values given by UNSCEAR. Hence, the hazard and risk assessments indicated a low radiation risk within the studied areas.

Gels ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Maria Demeter ◽  
Ion Călina ◽  
Anca Scărișoreanu ◽  
Marin Micutz

In the present study, we report on the complex hydrogels formulations based on collagen-poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP)-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) cross-linked by e-beam irradiation in an aqueous polymeric solution, aiming to investigate the influence of different PEO concentrations on the hydrogel properties. The hydrogel networks’ structure and their composition were investigated using equilibrium swelling degree, complex rheological analysis, and FT-IR spectroscopy. Rheological analysis was performed to determine the elastic (G′) and viscous (G″) moduli, the average molecular weight between cross-linking points (Mc), cross-link density (Ve), and the mesh size (ξ). The effect of the PEO concentration on the properties of the hydrogel was investigated as well. Depending on the PEO concentration added in their composition, the hydrogels swelling degree depends on the absorbed dose, being lower at low PEO concentrations. All hydrogel formulations showed higher G′ values (9.8 kPa) compared to G″ values (0.2 kPa), which shows that the hydrogels have a predominantly elastic behavior. They presented stability greater than 72 h in physiological pH buffers and reached equilibrium after 25 h. The Mc parameter is strongly dependent on the PEO concentration and the absorbed dose for all hydrogel compositions. The cross-linking density increased with the absorbed dose.

2021 ◽  
Vol 215 (12) ◽  
pp. 77-86
A Fedotova

Abstract. The article provides an adapted methodology of absorbed dose calculation for the cattle from the territories with long-term man-made contamination. The methodology was developed according to existing regulatory documents in the RF: veterinarian rules VR 13.73.13/12-00, VR 13.5.13/03-00, methodical instructions MI 13.5.13-00, regulation for the state veterinarian control system in radioactive contamination of veterinary surveillance objects in the Russian Federation. The aim of the work is the development of calculation methodology of absorbed radiation doses for the cattle on the territory with long-term man-made isotopes contamination, taking to the account the radionuclide composition of the soil. Methods. The regulatory documents governing absorbed doses calculation has been analyzed; the contribution of external and internal radiation into total annual absorbed dose has been determined. Results. It has been established, that the calculation of external radiation dose needs to be done considering doses in stable and pasture periods. Pasture period dose is a sum of day and night doses considering day length. According to the data of radio ecological situation in Krasnoyarsk krai the internal radiation dose should be calculated as a sum of 137Cs, 90Sr, 60Co, taking to the account different concentration of these radionuclides in green and coarse fodder. Scientific novelty. The methodology of dose calculation for the cattle according to the radio ecological situation in Krasnoyarsk krai has been introduced for the first time. Practical significance. This methodology is recommended for the specialists of radiological departments of veterinarian laboratories and science officers in the field of agricultural radiobiology.

Olena Cherniak ◽  
Nataliia Sorocolat ◽  
Iryna Kanytska ◽  
Ihor Bahaiev ◽  
Lina Fatieieva

Methods for sterilizing textile materials in a pandemic (COVID-19) and the disadvantages of these methods are presented. A number of modern scientific works related to the sterilization of textile materials in a pandemic are considered, aimed at developing a technology for sterilizing protective medical masks and medical suits by radiation methods using gamma radiation. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the use of gamma radiation is a very dangerous technological process since natural sources are used - gamma rays, radiation technologies with gamma radiation are difficult when disposing of spent energy sources and are not easy to maintain. For sterilization of textile materials, the method of ionizing radiation is proposed. The essence of the method is that the textile material is sterilized by accelerated electrons. The expediency of carrying out theoretical and experimental research has been determined. It was found that the main criterion for sterilization of textile materials is the absorbed dose. The absorbed dose is determined experimentally, but such a procedure is time-consuming and resource-intensive, and it is not always possible to carry it out. Therefore, to calculate the absorbed dose, it is proposed to apply the mathematical formula of the absorbed dose of medical textile materials, depending on the frequency of passage of pulses of the accelerated electron beam, conveyor speed and geometric parameters of textile materials, the mathematical formula will allow finding the optimal technological modes of the sterilization process. Using the mathematical model of the absorbed dose of radiation by the material with the proposed technology, taking into account the properties of materials, it is possible to calculate the modes of irradiation of various textile materials that differ in size, shape, and physical properties, which will make it possible to develop a system of normative modes for the technology of radiation-physical sterilization and to ensure the legislative and regulatory requirements of hygiene in conditions of a pandemic.

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