evidence based care
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2022 ◽  
pp. 326-348
Nicola Brown ◽  
Donna Waters ◽  
Helen Stasa

2022 ◽  
Vol 07 (01) ◽  
pp. 37-41
Ramdas Ransing ◽  
Sujita Kumar Kar ◽  
Vikas Menon

In recent years, the Indian government has been promoting healthcare with an insufficient evidence base, or which is non-evidence-based, alongside delivery of evidence-based care by untrained practitioners, through supportive legislation and guidelines. The Mental Health Care Act, 2017, is a unique example of a law endorsing such practices. In this paper, we aim to highlight the positive and negative implications of such practices for the delivery of good quality mental healthcare in India.

2022 ◽  

The health of babies, children and young people is fundamentally different from that of adults, so their healthcare must reflect their unique needs and engage their parents, family members and communities. Paediatric Nursing in Australia and New Zealand introduces nursing students to the care of infants, children, young people and their families in a range of clinical and community settings across Australasia. This third edition includes New Zealand content and an increased focus on families. New chapters cover health services available for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori children, the transition to parenthood for new families, children's sleep patterns and behaviour, and paediatric health in school settings. Case studies and reflective questions encourage students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Written by an expert team, Paediatric Nursing in Australia and New Zealand equips future nurses with the knowledge and skills to provide evidence-based care to babies, children and their families.

10.2196/31042 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. e31042
Trever Burgon ◽  
Linda Casebeer ◽  
Holly Aasen ◽  
Czarlota Valdenor ◽  
Diana Tamondong-Lachica ◽  

Background Unwarranted variability in clinical practice is a challenging problem in practice today, leading to poor outcomes for patients and low-value care for providers, payers, and patients. Objective In this study, we introduced a novel tool, QualityIQ, and determined the extent to which it helps primary care physicians to align care decisions with the latest best practices included in the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). Methods We developed the fully automated QualityIQ patient simulation platform with real-time evidence-based feedback and gamified peer benchmarking. Each case included workup, diagnosis, and management questions with explicit evidence-based scoring criteria. We recruited practicing primary care physicians across the United States into the study via the web and conducted a cross-sectional study of clinical decisions among a national sample of primary care physicians, randomized to continuing medical education (CME) and non-CME study arms. Physicians “cared” for 8 weekly cases that covered typical primary care scenarios. We measured participation rates, changes in quality scores (including MIPS scores), self-reported practice change, and physician satisfaction with the tool. The primary outcomes for this study were evidence-based care scores within each case, adherence to MIPS measures, and variation in clinical decision-making among the primary care providers caring for the same patient. Results We found strong, scalable engagement with the tool, with 75% of participants (61 non-CME and 59 CME) completing at least 6 of 8 total cases. We saw significant improvement in evidence-based clinical decisions across multiple conditions, such as diabetes (+8.3%, P<.001) and osteoarthritis (+7.6%, P=.003) and with MIPS-related quality measures, such as diabetes eye examinations (+22%, P<.001), depression screening (+11%, P<.001), and asthma medications (+33%, P<.001). Although the CME availability did not increase enrollment in the study, participants who were offered CME credits were more likely to complete at least 6 of the 8 cases. Conclusions Although CME availability did not prove to be important, the short, clinically detailed case simulations with real-time feedback and gamified peer benchmarking did lead to significant improvements in evidence-based care decisions among all practicing physicians. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03800901; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03800901

2021 ◽  
pp. 135910452110569
Yi Ren Tan ◽  
Yoon Phaik Ooi ◽  
Rebecca P Ang ◽  
Dion H Goh ◽  
Clare Kwan ◽  

Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) has been commonly utilised as an extension of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). However, most studies examined its effectiveness among adults, with no study focusing on children with selective mutism (SM). We aimed to examine its feasibility and acceptability among children with SM. Twenty children aged 6–12 with SM diagnosis were recruited and completed six therapist-guided VRET sessions. Parents and clinicians completed measures at pre-VRET, post-VRET, 1-month and 3-month follow-up visits. At post-VRET, parent and child participants completed the acceptability questionnaires. Findings suggested the feasibility of VRET as all participants completed the programme with no attrition. Parents and child participants also reported VRET to be an acceptable and effective treatment for SM. Significant improvement in overall functioning were found at post-treatment and follow-up measures, but there were no significant changes in parent-rated speech frequency and anxiety measures. These support the acceptability of VRET as an adjunct modality (and not substitute) of CBT in SM treatment. Future studies, with more robust experimental designs and larger sample sizes, can be conducted to confirm its efficacy. As technology becomes more sophisticated, tools such as virtual environments can be explored to enhance evidence-based care for children and their families.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
I Made Ari Anata ◽  
I Made Agus Gelgel Wirasuta

The control of pharmaceutical products is one of the pharmaceutical services at the Pharmacy that is regulated in Permenkes RI No. 73 of 2016. The pharmacy control of each pharmacy must always apply the principles stated in the Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) guidelines. GPP is a pharmaceutical practice that responds to the needs of people who use pharmacist services to provide optimal and evidence-based care. This study aims to determine the system of one of the pharmaceutical service standards, namely the control of pharmaceutical products in several pharmacies in Karangasem, Bali. This type of research is observational descriptive. Data retrieval is carried out in a retrospective manner related to the pharmaceutical product control system in the form of an order or procurement, dispensing, and handling system. Most pharmacies are researched to apply the same control system in the procurement and spending of pharmaceutical products. Only the pharmaceutical product system for handling parts has a slight difference in each pharmacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 365-365
Lynette Goldberg ◽  
Leonard Crocombe ◽  
Silvana Bettiol ◽  
Anna King ◽  
Sangeeta Khadka

Abstract Poor oral health increases the risk of aspiration pneumonia for older people. This is due primarily to six pathogens found in the mouth: five bacteria and one fungus. With a cohort of older people who were dependent on others for their oral care, we analyzed the load and type of bacteria and fungi from swabs of cheek, gum, and tongue mucosa. There were no significant differences between the three sites for load of bacteria (H (2) = .89; p = .64); there were significant differences between the sites for type of bacteria (F (2,78) = 11.97; p &lt;.001) with the tongue showing the greatest diversity. There were no significant differences between the three sites for load (H (2) = 2.94; p = .23) or type (F (2,77) = .46; p = .63) of fungi. We then investigated the effect of regular compared to evidence-based oral care over a six-week period, and whether evidence-based oral care could significantly reduce the absolute count of the six oral pathogens specifically related to aspiration pneumonia. Participants self-selected into Regular Care (n = 10) and Evidence-based Care (n = 17) Groups. Evidence-based oral care resulted in significant decreases (p = .02 to p &lt; .001) in the load of four potentially pathogenic bacterial species, including E. coli, gut-based bacteria, and in an increased load of Lactobacillus reuteri, a host-protective normal flora in the mouth, compared to baseline. There were no significant differences between groups for the abundance and type of fungi.

Neurology ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 10.1212/WNL.0000000000013079
Mary A O'Neal ◽  
Nassim Zecavati ◽  
Melissa Yu ◽  
Rebecca Spain ◽  
Scott M Friedenberg ◽  

Goals:To define fragmentation in neurological care delivery; explain the positive and negative drivers in neurologic practice that contribute to fragmentation; illustrate situations that increase fragmentation risk; emphasize the costs and impact on both patients and providers; propose solutions that allow for more cohesive care.Work group:The Transforming Leaders Program (TLP) class of 2020 was tasked by American Academy of Neurology (AAN) leadership to identify the leading trends in inpatient and outpatient neurology and to predict their effects on future neurologic practice.Methods:Research material included AAN data bases, PubMed searches, discussion with topic experts and AAN leadership.Results:Trends in care delivery are driven by changes in the work force, shifts in health care delivery, care costs, changes in evidence-based care and patient factors. These trends can contribute to care fragmentation. Potential solutions to these problems are proposed based on care models developed in oncology and medicine.Limitations:This paper shares our opinions as there is a lack of evidence-based guidelines as to optimal neurological care delivery.

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