children’s sleep
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2022 ◽  
Farid Rajaee Rizi ◽  
Fatemeh Sadat Asgarian

Abstract Background: Tayside children's sleep questionnaire (TCSQ) is a simple tool for screening the Disorders of Initiating and Maintaining Sleep among children aged between one and five years. In this study, we aimed to translate TCSQ into Persian and evaluate the validity and reliability of TCSQ among Persian speakers.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 311 children aged 1-5 years in Isfahan. After permission, the forward-backward translation method is used to develop the Persian version. Finally, 311 children participated in this survey, and 30 were repeated for a second time. Google Form, SPSS16, and STATA14 were used for data collection, descriptive statics, and factor analysis. BEARS questionnaire is used for convergent validity. Three expert opinions were used for content validity.Results: In this study, 404 mothers of children in Isfahan volunteered to participate in the survey, of which 311 remained. The mean and standard deviation age of their children was 3.47±1.91 years. Cronbach Alpha of the Persian version of TCSQ was 0.76 CI (0.78-0.66). The intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.67 CI (0.60-0.74). The content validity index was 0.88, and three factors (Disturbance, nighttime, parents) with a specific value greater than 0.4 is determined by factor analysis.Conclusions: The current study results indicate that TCSQ has good reliability and validity among Persian speakers.

Ryan J. Kelly ◽  
Matthew E. Lemberger-Truelove ◽  
Ashley Martin-Cuellar ◽  
Erika J. Bagley ◽  
Nicholas R. Lazzareschi ◽  

2022 ◽  

The health of babies, children and young people is fundamentally different from that of adults, so their healthcare must reflect their unique needs and engage their parents, family members and communities. Paediatric Nursing in Australia and New Zealand introduces nursing students to the care of infants, children, young people and their families in a range of clinical and community settings across Australasia. This third edition includes New Zealand content and an increased focus on families. New chapters cover health services available for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori children, the transition to parenthood for new families, children's sleep patterns and behaviour, and paediatric health in school settings. Case studies and reflective questions encourage students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Written by an expert team, Paediatric Nursing in Australia and New Zealand equips future nurses with the knowledge and skills to provide evidence-based care to babies, children and their families.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 154-161
Heather Elphick ◽  
Claire Earley ◽  
Karen Tyas ◽  
Lowri Thomas ◽  
Lisa Artis ◽  

Objectives: Poor sleep is associated with adverse outcomes during childhood. Behavioral insomnia is the most common sleep difficulty experienced by children. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic in 2020 has profoundly affected children’s sleep patterns. This project aimed to evaluate a one-toone sleep service delivered via online clinics by community sleep practitioners in the UK.Methods: This was an observational pre- and post-evaluation study over a 12-month period. The intervention derived from aspects of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia. The evaluation was questionnaire-based and assessed sleep parameters and well-being.Results: 104 parents returned completed questionnaires. The average time of sleep onset was 1 hour and 39 minutes pre-intervention and 20 minutes post-intervention. The average number of nights per week that children woke up was 3.9 pre-intervention and 0.9 post-intervention; the number of night awakenings fell from 1.9 to 0.5 and the time that children were awake after sleep onset fell from 66.8 minutes to 5.8 minutes. The average time that children were asleep was 8.0 hours per night pre-intervention and 10.2 hours post-intervention. The improvement in all sleep parameters was statistically significant (p<0.05). All parameters of parental and children’s well-being improved significantly (p<0.05), except for perceived ability to drive (p=0.07). All parents stated that they would recommend sleep support and 20% already had done so.Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of remote health care solutions, and in the case of children’s sleep clinics, the online mode of intervention delivery that is as effective, acceptable, and accessible as face-to-face delivery.

Chantelle N. Hart ◽  
Nicola L. Hawley ◽  
Donna L. Coffman ◽  
Hollie A. Raynor ◽  
Mary A. Carskadon ◽  

2021 ◽  
Gabriela Ksinan Jiskrova ◽  
Hynek Pikhart ◽  
Martin Bobák ◽  
Jana Klanova ◽  
Irena Stepanikova

2021 ◽  
pp. 108705472110256
Ronna Fried ◽  
Maura DiSalvo ◽  
Abigail Farrell ◽  
Joseph Biederman

Objective: ADHD affects 11% of children in the United States and is associated with significant levels of anxiety. Although the literature supports mindfulness-based interventions as a promising strategy for managing anxiety, it falls short in the feasibility of digital mindfulness interventions. Method: This study investigated the usefulness of the pediatric version of Headspace, a digital mindfulness program, for reducing stress in 18 children with ADHD. We conducted a 4-week pilot study to evaluate the Headspace digital mindfulness application for children ages 6 to 12 with ADHD. Parents completed the Beck Anxiety Inventory and the Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire at baseline and endpoint. Results: Participants had an average age of 9.2 years and were 78% male. The Headspace intervention significantly reduced anxiety and sleep problems in children with ADHD. Conclusion: Children with ADHD and comorbid anxiety and/or sleep problems could benefit from a digitally based meditation application. (J. of Att. Dis. XXXX; XX(X) XX-XX)

2021 ◽  

For this session welcomed Dr. Faith Orchard to discuss ‘Improving Children’s Sleep; The role a teacher can play’. Dr. Orchard also answered questions in a session facilitated by leading education professional Professor Barry Carpenter.

Juuli-Mari Kokkonen ◽  
Henna Vepsäläinen ◽  
Anna Abdollahi ◽  
Hanna Paasio ◽  
Samuli Ranta ◽  

Nature visits and nature exposure have been shown to be favorably associated with children’s health and development, but the research regarding their associations with Children’s lifestyle habits is limited. The current study aimed to investigate the associations between the frequency of parent–child nature visits and sleep, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and weight status among three- to six-year-old Finnish preschoolers. Parents and their children (n = 864) participated in a cross-sectional DAGIS (increased health and wellbeing in preschools) study, which was conducted between 2015 and 2016 in Finland. In total, 798 parents answered a questionnaire on the frequency of parent–child nature visits, which also included questions on sociodemographic factors and their Children’s sleep habits. Parents also reported Children’s bedtimes and wake-up times and children wore an accelerometer for seven days. Trained researchers measured Children’s weight and height. Linear and logistic regression analyses were conducted. More frequent parent–child nature visits were associated with Children’s longer sleep duration at night, higher amounts of MVPA outside preschool time and, among girls, good sleep consistency. The frequency of parent–child nature visits was not significantly associated with whether children were overweight or obese or not. Promoting parent–child nature visits could be a cost-effective way to increase young Children’s MVPA and enhance night-time sleep.

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