national police
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Dan Alva Castillo ◽  
Brian Meneses Claudio ◽  
Alexi Delgado

Citizen insecurity is a reality with which we must coexist, the cities of Latin America are among the most violent and insecure in the world. According to the statistics of the National Police of Peru, they report that by 2017 the crimes of theft or robbery were the most common because they had a monthly average of 15348 complaints, equivalent to 66.9% of the total crimes nationwide. The INEI (National Institute of Statistics and Informatics) revealed that in the same year the district of Carabayllo obtained 1.85% of the total complaints in Metropolitan Lima, occupying the 17th place in the ranking of districts with the highest number of complaints for this crime. That is why in the present research work a way to counteract these criminal acts was proposed, the first thing is to be located within the operating range of the RF module, so that the remote transmission control can activate it, the RF module will be connected to the power outlet and the siren. The siren will oversee persuading the criminal, in addition to alerting the neighbors about the events that are happening. It was obtained as a result that the system fulfills its purpose, it can be alerted in real time about some attempted theft or at the instant of a threat situation, only by pressing the button of the remote control we can persuade the criminals either by scaring them with the sound or with the help of the neighbors. Keywords-- Citizen insecurity, RF Module, Siren, Remote Control

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Christopher Cushion

This paper outlines an analysis of using Scenario-Based-Training (SBT) to change officer Personal Safety Training (PST) based on existing research evidence and reflections from supporting a National Police Agency attempting to change PST practice. SBT is interrogated in light of its underlying assumptions and situated within the ambiguities, tensions and compromises inherent within police training cultures. Using Windschitl’s framework of conceptual, pedagogical, cultural, and political dilemmas this paper analyses the forces impacting using SBT to change PST. An alternative agenda for change is presented to develop skilled officers and trainers equipped with innovative pedagogies to ‘re-culture’ PST.

2022 ◽  
Bilqis Oktaviani Putri ◽  
Vegyta Tresya Putri Sukmana ◽  
Nadila Pradana Fahyan

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 301
Ardian Dirgantara

The current study aimed to address the nature of the programme of the “Free-Corruption Zone” Award, and whether the competition lessened the corruption. The study employed a qualitative method using exploratory approach on Gowa Resort Police. The Gowa Resort Police was selected as it had already been granted the ‘Free-Corruption Zone’ Award twice. The collected data were interviews, legal regulations, and state documents. The evaluation were carried out by doingsurveys contain the supporting and field components. The results yield that the inadequency of socialisation occurred, and a deterioration became barriers to the success of the competition. Further, the study offered recommendations according to the diagnosis tree and the Theory of Change to be engaged later by the INP, the MABR, and other public sectors.

2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Robert A. Blair ◽  
Sabrina M. Karim ◽  
Michael J. Gilligan ◽  
Kyle Beardsley

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-172
Jeisson León Rubio ◽  
Ricardo da Silva Faria ◽  
John Infante Gonzalez ◽  
Yuly Rincón Lozano ◽  

This study aimed to evaluate population parameters, genetic diversity and identify the ancestors with the highest genetic contribution of an open population of Silla Argentino horses in Colombia using pedigree data. 508 horses born between 1998 and 2018 were evaluated, called reference population (RP). The ancestors of the RP were added, defining the total population (TP) whit 1,861 horses born since 1905. Population parameters were estimated, including inbreeding coefficient (F), effective population size (Ne), effective number of founders (fe), ancestors (fa), and founder genomes (fg) and generation interval (GIN). The GIN was 10.1 (TP) and 7.7 (RP) years. The estimate of F for the RP was 0.3%, indicating control in mattings. The Ne was 317 (RP) and 179 (TP). The probability of genes origin indicated values for fe, fa and fg of 386, 187 and 351 (TP), and 161, 64 and 56 (RP), respectively, evidencing a reduction of genetic variability in the RP. Half of the genetic variation in the equine population studied was explained by 40 ancestors. The results show loss of genetic diversity in the RP and the genetic contribution of the ancestors suggests the need to increase the number of stallions for breeding and guide mating to increase genetic diversity in the new generations of Silla Argentino horses of the Colombian National Police

Julieta R. Magpantay ◽  
Alberto D. Yazon ◽  
Consorcia S. Tan ◽  
Lerma P. Buenvinida ◽  
Marcial M. Bandoy

Police malpractice, abuse of power, and police misfits are issues and problems associated with police recruits. There were reports about inappropriate acts committed by newly hired police officers during their actual field practice. This qualitative phenomenological studydetermined the dimensions of training that hamper the development of knowledge and skills of the police trainees and police officers.Seventeen (17) purposely selected participants comprised the sample for this study. They were chosen through the following inclusion criteria: police supervisors, trainers, police recruits, staff from the National Police Training Institute (NPTI) and have two or more years ofexperience. Thirteen recurring themes emerged from the verbatim interviews. The Philippine National Police (PNP), National Police Training Institute (NPTI), and the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) are the three public safety institutions in the Philippinesthat are expected to promote the quality performance of police recruits in both training and practice. On the whole, the results of this study can serve as the basis for creating innovative policies about police recruits’ selection, curriculum development, stress management,creation of core competency framework, performance evaluation system, and training and practice needs assessment.

2021 ◽  
Oleksii Serdiuk ◽  
Konstantin Bugaychuk ◽  
Iryna Shcherbakova ◽  
Natalia Bobro ◽  

The results of public opinion survey of Kharkiv region residents on public safety and trust in law enforcement conducted by Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (Research Lab on Crime Enforcement) together with the Sociological Association of Ukraine, Kharkiv Regional State Administration and the Main Directorate of the National Police are presented. in the Kharkiv region in 2013–2021. The key indicators of the efficiency of law enforcement agencies of Kharkiv region and the problems of law enforcement activities at the local level from the public point of view are analyzed, the expectations of local residents from law enforcement agencies are determined, the problems of interaction with the police are considered. The publication contains empirical data and practical recommendations designed to implement specific tasks in the work of the police and other law enforcement agencies for the needs of the local community.

Shirley P. Ayeo-eo ◽  
Floralyn L. Doquilla

The main purpose of this study is to determine the employers’ feedback in the performance of NEUST criminology graduates in the practice of their profession. This study made use of a descriptive-quantitative-qualitative survey technique. The study was conducted in the different agencies of the law enforcement with in Nueva Ecija and nearby provinces area where graduates were employed or assigned, specifically, Philippine National Police (PNP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Philippine Army (PA), Universities and Colleges within Nueva Ecija, and Private Sector. Based on the findings, employers were very much impressed with the performance of the NEUST criminology graduates as can be seen from their positive responses during the conduct of the study.

Imam Maladi ◽  

This article aims to analyze the legal aspects of the traffic police's police in handling the covid-19 pandemic related to the legal basis of the traffic police's actions and analyze the legal protection of the traffic police who act as the Covid-19 chain breaker. Through normative legal research related to the legal aspects of traffic police actions as a Covid-19 chain breaker. In this study, the author uses a type of research, namely normative legal research. Normative research is research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials from each normative law. The findings from this study include: The juridical basis for the traffic police to break the Covid-19 chain is Article 13 of Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Police, Law Number 22 of 2009 on Road Traffic and Transportation, Government Regulation Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), Decree of the Indonesian National Police Number MAK/2/III/2020 concerning Compliance with Government Policies in Handling the Corona Virus, and Police Telegram Letters. The Traffic Police during Covid-19 acted according to the law in accordance with Article 19 of Law No. 2 of 2002 concerning the Police and Article 10 of Indonesian Republic Police No. 8 of 2009 concerning the Implementation of Human Rights Principles and Standards in Discharging the Duties of the Indonesian National Police.

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