breast self examination
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nurleli Nurleli ◽  
Ainal Mardhiah ◽  
Lathifah Hanum

Background: Breast cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that form in breast tissue. In Aceh, breast cancer is the third most non-communicable disease with most breast cancer patients having a period of late treatment. The results of research on women in Lueng Bata District Banda Aceh City in 2015 found data that the majority of respondents had never had regular breast examinations. This can result in breast cancer being detected at an advanced stage where the therapy often cannot make the patient recover and end up in pain and death. To prevent the occurrence of these problems, health promotion is held about breast cancer and breast self-examination (BSE).Objectives: This study aims to increase women's knowledge and understanding of breast cancer and increase awareness for early detection and appropriate treatment.Methods: was carried out for 3 days from 12 to 14 September 2018 to the community in the work area of the Batoh Health Center in Banda Aceh. The method used is filling out questionnaires, lectures accompanied by questions and answers to explain risk factors, early signs of breast cancer, as well as demonstrations of breast self-examination.Results: From the evaluation of the results obtained from the community service activities, among others, is to increase awareness and understanding of the community, especially women about breast cancer and breast self-examination. It is thus expected to continue on a will that is applied in daily behavioral changes to prevent and routinely examine breast cancer in order to prevent complications and improve quality of life.Conclusion: There is an increase in knowledge and understanding of the meaning, risk factors, early signs and symptoms of breast cancer, and how to detect breast cancer early.

Ajoke Akinola ◽  
Zulaiha Muhammad Mukaddas

Background: Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths globally. it is the common malignancy in women. Lack of early detection leads to low survival rates. Breast self-examination (BSE) is a screening technique that involves examining the breasts for lumps. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of breast self-examination, among the students.Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out in Noida International University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. Quantitative data was collected using a structured questionnaire, filled by 100 female university students that were selected by convenient sampling method.  Descriptive analysis of data was done using SPSS version 17.0 (Chicago USA).Results: Out of the 100 participants 83% were in the age group of 15-25 years, 25% of them had family history of breast cancer, and it was revealed that majority of them (94%) have heard of breast cancer and 85% of them heard of breast examination. Despite the high knowledge that was cited among the participants, only 43% of them were having good attitudes towards BSE and only 51% among them have ever practiced BSE.Conclusions: The study revealed good knowledge, negative attitude and low practice towards BSE among the students of Noida International University, Greater Noida, UP State, India. Therefore, there is need to plan and prepare materials for educating the students on BSE to improve primary prevention of breast cancer. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 334-344
Olabode Omotoso ◽  
Sucheta Malakar ◽  
Nabanita Chutia ◽  
Ghadier Matariek ◽  
Ghada Mahmoud Abdel-Rafee ◽  

The burden of breast and cervical cancer in terms of incidence and mortality in low- and mid-income countries is increasing daily due to late diagnosis, unhealthy lifestyle choices, late presentation, and poor attitude to screening. Early detection increases the chances of survival. This present study assessed Assam women’s breast and cervical cancer screening (CCS) awareness, the practice of breast self-examination (BSE), and uptake of human papillomavirus vaccines. An internet-based cross-sectional questionnaire was utilized to obtain 251 consenting respondents. The mean age of respondents was 27.8 ± 6.91. Only 205 (81.7%) and 110 (43.8%) respondents have satisfactory levels of BCS, and CCS knowledge, respectively. While only 76 (30.3%) respondents had satisfactory BSE practice. Age range (26 – 32 years), tertiary education, and being single were demographic characteristics that influenced knowledge and practice. Though the respondents had a satisfactory knowledge level, screening uptake among respondents is very poor as only 32 (12.7 %) had ever been screened and only 19 (7.6 %) ever been vaccinated. The major reasons for poor screening uptake were “no symptoms” and “not aware of screening location”. Most respondents (227, 90.4 %) are willing to go for screening if well oriented. This presents an opportunity to enhance awareness about screening and vaccination among Assam women. The media/internet and health practitioners can be leveraged to promote the uptake and utilization of screening services and BSE practice. Doi: 10.28991/SciMedJ-2021-0304-5 Full Text: PDF

2021 ◽  
Vol 010 (1) ◽  
pp. 132-140
Naglaa Abd-Elaziz ◽  
Hany Kamal ◽  
Hanaa Abd-Elhady

2021 ◽  
Adelina Mihaela Stefanut ◽  
Mona Vintilă ◽  
Paul Sârbescu

Abstract Background: This study set out to translate Champion’s Health Belief Model Scale and to test its properties on a Romanian sample. Methods: The study included 502 participants. The structural validity, convergent validity, criterion validity and reliability were evaluated for the Romanian version. Results: The exploratory factor analysis highlighted six factors. The confirmatory factor analysis upheld the correctness of the six-subscale model as presenting a good fit for the 34-item version. Convergent validity was supported by the fact that the constructs included in the model correlated significantly with similar constructs evaluated using other questionnaires. In terms of criterion validity, those women who perceived fewer barriers and more cues to action and had greater self-efficacy practiced more frequent breast self-examination. α Cronbach coefficients ranged between 0.74 and 0.87 and test-retest correlation coefficients for the six subscales fell between 0.47 and 0.69. Conclusions: The Romanian version of the Champion Health Belief Model Scale is valid and reliable tool.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 302-308
Uci Sukma Wati ◽  
Trina Kurniawati

AbstractThe death rate caused by cancer has increased very rapidly. Breast cancer is caused by the growth of abnormal tissue. It comes from abnormal changes in genes that regulate cell growth so that cells lose their control. Breast cancer can be found early by doing BSE, as well as by doing a clinical examination. However, community behavior in doing the early detection of breast cancer is still low due to a lack of knowledge in doing BSE. Therefore, it needs to increase awareness of the health importance to improve a better quality of life. To determine BSE knowledge and breast self-examination behavior in adolescents through a literature review. The data collection technique used a literature review method of 5 articles. The articles were from Google Scholar and PubMed. They were published in 2011-2021. The critical assessment instrument used was strobe. The results of a literature review of 5 articles showed that from 704 respondents, most of the respondents who had good knowledge were 280 respondents (40%). Those who had never done BSE were 421 respondents (60%). In this literature review, the result showed that the respondents' knowledge of breast self-examination was good. The respondents also had not done any breast self-examination.Keywords: Breasl self-examination, knowledge, behavior AbstrakAngka kematian yang disebabkan oleh kanker mengalami peningkatan yang sangat pesat. Kanker payudara adalah pertumbuhan jaringan abnormal yang disebabkan perubahan yang tidak normal pada gen yang mengatur pertumbuhan sel, sehinggal sel kehilangan pengendalian. Kanker payudara dapat ditemukan secara dini dengan melakukan SADARI, serta dengan dilakukannya pemeriksaan klinik. Akan tetapi perilaku masyarakat dalam deteksi dini kanker payudara masih rendah yang disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan dalam melakukan SADARI serta diperlukan adanya minat dan peningkatan kesadaran akan pentingnya kesehatan guna meningkatkan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik. Untuk mengetahui pengetahuan SADARI dan perilaku pemeriksaan payudara sendiri pada remaja melalui literature review. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode literature review 5 artikel yang bersumber database online dengan penelusuran elektronik pada Google Scholar dan PupMed yang dipublish pada tahun 2011-2021. Instrumen telaah kritis yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan Strobe. Hasil literature review 5 artikel menunjukkan dari 704 responden sebagian besar responden yang pengetahuan baik berjumlah 280 responden dengan presentase (40%) dan yang tidak pernah melakukan SADARI berjumlah 421 responden dengan presentase (60%). Pada penelitian literature review kali ini di dapatkan hasil berupa pengetahuan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri baik dan perilaku pemeriksaan payudara sendiri tidak pernah melakukan.Kata kunci: Pemeriksaan payudara sendiri; pengetahuan; perilaku

2021 ◽  
Gashaw Mehiret ◽  
Amsalu Molla ◽  
Aragaw Tesfaw

Abstract Background Breast cancer is the greatest common cancer in women worldwide, with approximately 1.7 million new cases diagnosed each year in the world which accounts for 12% of all new cancer cases and 25% of all cancers in women. Even though the higher mortality rate of breast cancer in low and middle-income countries, the practice of early detection methods is low and the majority of the patients who appeared at an advanced stage of the disease need palliative care with little survival rates. However, evidence is sparse on knowledge of risk and practice of breast cancer screening methods used among women of reproductive age in Ethiopia. Hence we aimed to assess knowledge on risk factors and practice of early detection methods of breast cancer among female graduating students of Debre Tabor University. Methods Institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted from October 1 to December 15 at Debra-Tabor University female graduating class students. A multistage sampling technique was used. Data were collected with a self-administer questionnaire. The collected data were processed and analyzed with the computer using SPSS version 25 software. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the socio-demographic information of participants. Binary and multivariable logistic regression with an adjusted odds ratio (AOR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) was used to identify factors associated with the outcome variable. Statistical significance was stated at p < 0.05. Result; A total of 270 female students have participated in the study. The median age (±SD) was 24.63 years (±1.26). All of the students heard about breast cancer and early detection methods. About 206 (76.67% of the participants had good knowledge of breast self-examination. Mass media, health professionals, and friends in combination were the main source of information 172 (63.77%), only 110 (40.70%) of students performed a breast-self-examination and the rest did not perform it due to forgetting fullness and lack of knowledge. About 208 (77.1%) of the respondents respond family history is a risk factor for breast cancer. Being a health science student (AOR = 2.32; 95% CI: 2.12, 3.52), family history of breast problem (AOR = 3.41; 95% CI: 3.22, 8.33), and having a good level of knowledge (AOR = 1.83; 95% CI: 1.01, 5.68) were the factors associated with the practice of breast self-examination. Conclusion Most of the participants were unaware of the benefits, appropriate timing, and techniques of doing a breast self-examination. Health science students had better awareness & practice of breast self-examination than non-health science students. Trained health professionals must give focus on giving health information regarding risk factors of breast cancer and methods of early detection of breast cancer to the public & their clients.

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