community behavior
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-83
Syafaria Meilianti ◽  
Yulia ◽  

One of the important efforts to improve health status was the procurement of a healthy environment for the community, one of which was having a healthy latrine. Owning a latrine was included in the basic sanitation needed to create a clean and healthy environment. With the availability of latrines that met health requirements it could avoid environmental-based diseases, such as typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery and diarrhea. This study aimed to describe the level of knowledge and behavior of the community towards the ownership of healthy latrines in Kubu Village, Kubu District, Kubu Raya Regency. This type of research used descriptive research. The research population was 1583 families and the sample taken was 94 families using the Slovin formula. The results of this study indicated the level of knowledge was not good (70.2%), good knowledge (29.8%), good behavior (63.8%), bad behavior (36.2%). Ownership of healthy latrines (82.7%), ownership of healthy latrines (17.3%). The conclusion from the results of this study was ownership of healthy latrines has a relationship with respondents' knowledge and affects community behavior in accessing basic sanitation

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 237-250
Taufan Hidjaz Ovan

Lombok is called the Island of Thousand Mosques. Its inhabitants from the Sasak ethnic group are Muslim, who have the concept of the Paer space. It is a place of the existential transience of life, and the center is a mosque. The Paer space is implemented to have a hierarchy from a family cluster environment called paer bale langgak, paer dusun, paer village, and paer cardinal area, which function as the places for worship and culture to spend their remaining time towards an eternal time in the afterlife. This study identifies how religious, social, and cultural activities in the Paer space are centered on the mosque's architecture and interprets the patterns of the community behavior that influence each other in it. The concept of Paer or temporary existential space is then reinterpreted using descriptive-analytical-qualitative methods to obtain a schematic environmental pattern that can be developed adaptively in Muslim communities with mosque as the center of orientation for worship and cultural activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (IAHSC) ◽  
pp. 114-118
Hetty Ismainar ◽  
Beny Yulianto ◽  
Nila Puspita Sari ◽  
Eva Afiani

Introduction: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is still a health problem in Meranti Islands Regency. There has been an increase of 15-25% of cases every year since 2017-2019. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between the physical home environment and community behavior towards DHF incidence which include: ventilation, air temperature, water reservoirs, knowledge, and attitudes. Method: It was observational analytic with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted for three months (February-April 2020). The research subject was 92 samples were selected by the purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was a structured questionnaire and observation sheet. Data analysis using Chi-square test. Results: There were 49 (53.3%) cases of DHF with the physical home environment that was not following the health standards, namely: ventilation (bad=70.7%), air temperature (bad=77.2%), water reservoirs (bad=59.8%), knowledge (low=55,4%), and attitude (negative=55.4%). There was a significant correlation between ventilation (p=0,002), air temperature (p=0,020), water reservoirs (p=0,027), knowledge (p=0,008), and attitudes (p=0,000) toward incidence of DHF (p-value <0.05). Conclusion: The physical home environment and community behavior are related to DHF incidence. Good coordination between health promotion team, local government in providing health education, socialization of healthy homes by empowering local communities.

Ni Ketut Sri Lestari ◽  
I Made Ady Wirawan ◽  
Pande Putu Januraga

Environment, a variable that often gets special attention in assessing public health and environmental health, is an effort to prevent disease. Environmental Health Risk Assessment (EHRA) is a comprehensive study about sanitation facilities' conditions and risky behaviors on public health. Abiansemal District is one of the tourist destinations that has a very complex impact, especially on environmental health aspects. Behavior is a highly potential factor for health status, clean and healthy behavior is strongly influenced by the availability of sanitation facilities in order to control physical environmental factors that can harm health. This study determines the Health Risk Index and obtains an overview of the sanitation facilities condition and community behavior that has a risk for environmental health in Abiansemal District, Badung Regency. This study used stratified random sampling using a sample in the Abiansemal sub-district which has been determined as the target study area. Households to be visited in each village were selected randomly by stratified random sampling. After finding the first household visited, an interview was conducted according to the available questionnaire and after it was completed it was forwarded to neighbors until it found 40 houses per village. SPSS 20.0 is used for the data analysis. The description of sanitation facilities and community behavior that poses a risk to health in strata 1 has the main problem in domestic waste with the highest score of 36, while strata 2 has the main problem in solid waste with a score of 43 and strata 3 has the main problem in domestic wastewater with a score of 45. Analysis results of the sanitation risk index for the category of low risk/less risky area for strata 1 (1 village), the category of high-risk area for Strata 2 (11 villages), and the category of moderate risk area is in Strata 3 (6 villages). The high-risk area is found in Strata 2 (11 villages). Keywords: EHRA; Environmental health; Abiansemal; Badung.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-85
Taufik Hidayat ◽  
Andarula Galushasti ◽  
Bagus Putu Yudhia Kurniawan ◽  
Retno Sari Mahanani ◽  

Indonesia isa wealthycountry with resources,be theyhuman resources or naturalresources. However,even ifIndonesia is a resource-rich country,itcontinues to work to solve the problem of poverty.Unfortunately, there is no strategic solution that can alleviate poverty.Deprivationtriggersa behavioral anomaly in society,especially in disadvantaged areas. This research aims to determine the effect of community behavior on poverty alleviation in underprivileged areas.The study is based on a subtle value-moving approach to behavioral irregularities of people in disadvantaged areas.This study is included inaquantitative research with regional populations in Indonesia designated as lagging regions in 2020-2021. The sample of respondents included110 people from areas/provinces designated as lagging areas. Research instruments use data collection in the form of observations and in-depth interviews. Four hypotheses were developedto explain the influence between causal relationships through hypothesis testing and analyzed usingStructural Equation Modeling with the help of LISREL 8.8 software. The analysis results ofthis study showed that through a smooth-moving value approach,there was a significant favorable influence of behavioral anomalies onthe poverty rate. The study concluded that this movement of subtle values could be an attempt to raise awareness and change in the emergence of behavioral anomalies of people in disadvantaged areas.This study contributes to the understanding that the value of smooth-moving behavior can be an attempt to improve the emergence of societal behavioral anomalies. This ingenious solution can strengthen values, attitudes, mental and moral systems to reduce poverty in disadvantaged areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-200
Beni Hartanto ◽  
Deni Sudrajat ◽  
Tine Badriatin

The spread of COVID-19 has an impact on various aspects of life, not only material losses but has claimed many millions of lives. Each country has made various policies in tackling and further outbreaks of the virus. The government has issued policies related to health protocols to solutions by vaccinating the entire community, but after vaccination many people ignore health protocols. This study is a descriptive study with the aim of describing people's tasikmalaya city behavior after vaccination and viewed from a policy perspective on health protocols. Based on research, it shows that people who have vaccinated both stages one and two, pay less attention to health protocols, especially in using masks, as well as the increasing number of people's activities that ignore health protocols, coupled with weak supervision from each Regional Government with the Covid-19 task force so that the community is more lax to carry out various activities without paying attention to the applicable provisions

2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012081
K Ernawati ◽  
R M Farras ◽  
A Zakiyyah ◽  
M Hayu ◽  
A P Salsabila ◽  

Abstract The COVID-19 epidemic has brought more people into their homes, so it is hoped that their behavior towards dengue mosquito nests in their homes will improve. The design of this study was cross-sectional with a consecutive sampling approach in data collection, which was conducted between May 6, 2020 – May 9, 2020, in Indonesia. Data was collected using a questionnaire (google form) which was assessed with ten indicators. Data analysis was carried out by using the average difference test to determine differences in people’s behavior. The analysis results showed no significant difference (p>0.005) with the community’s behavior in controlling the dengue vector before and during the pandemic. Suggestions that need to be made are continuous education about DHF and efforts to prevent transmission by eradicating mosquito nests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
Muhammad Arhan Rajab ◽  
Shermina Oruh ◽  
Andi Agustang

The aims of this research are 1). to determine the local community's perception of the development of mangrove ecotourism in Kuri Caddi; 2). To provide a solution to the community-based Kuri Caddi mangrove ecotourism development policy formulation. The method in this study is a qualitative research with an interview method approach using a questionnaire. The results of this study are 1). The local community's perception of the Kuri Caddi mangrove ecotourism, Nisombalia Village, Maros Regency, namely the aspect of community knowledge of mangrove ecotourism reached 74% stating they already knew about mangrove ecotourism, community attitudes towards mangrove ecotourism obtained 70% agreed, community behavior towards mangrove ecotourism obtained 7% always and 51% sometimes and the use of mangrove ecosystems in people's lives gets 13% and 43% sometimes. This shows the support of the local community of Kuri Caddi for the development of mangrove ecotourism in Kuri Caddi, Nisombalia Village, Maros Regency. 2). Recommendations for the development of mangrove ecotourism in Kuri Caddi, Nisombalia Village, Maros Regency, are community-based mangrove ecotourism. The implications of this research can be used as a reference in the formulation of community-based mangrove ecotourism policies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 302-308
Uci Sukma Wati ◽  
Trina Kurniawati

AbstractThe death rate caused by cancer has increased very rapidly. Breast cancer is caused by the growth of abnormal tissue. It comes from abnormal changes in genes that regulate cell growth so that cells lose their control. Breast cancer can be found early by doing BSE, as well as by doing a clinical examination. However, community behavior in doing the early detection of breast cancer is still low due to a lack of knowledge in doing BSE. Therefore, it needs to increase awareness of the health importance to improve a better quality of life. To determine BSE knowledge and breast self-examination behavior in adolescents through a literature review. The data collection technique used a literature review method of 5 articles. The articles were from Google Scholar and PubMed. They were published in 2011-2021. The critical assessment instrument used was strobe. The results of a literature review of 5 articles showed that from 704 respondents, most of the respondents who had good knowledge were 280 respondents (40%). Those who had never done BSE were 421 respondents (60%). In this literature review, the result showed that the respondents' knowledge of breast self-examination was good. The respondents also had not done any breast self-examination.Keywords: Breasl self-examination, knowledge, behavior AbstrakAngka kematian yang disebabkan oleh kanker mengalami peningkatan yang sangat pesat. Kanker payudara adalah pertumbuhan jaringan abnormal yang disebabkan perubahan yang tidak normal pada gen yang mengatur pertumbuhan sel, sehinggal sel kehilangan pengendalian. Kanker payudara dapat ditemukan secara dini dengan melakukan SADARI, serta dengan dilakukannya pemeriksaan klinik. Akan tetapi perilaku masyarakat dalam deteksi dini kanker payudara masih rendah yang disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan dalam melakukan SADARI serta diperlukan adanya minat dan peningkatan kesadaran akan pentingnya kesehatan guna meningkatkan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik. Untuk mengetahui pengetahuan SADARI dan perilaku pemeriksaan payudara sendiri pada remaja melalui literature review. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode literature review 5 artikel yang bersumber database online dengan penelusuran elektronik pada Google Scholar dan PupMed yang dipublish pada tahun 2011-2021. Instrumen telaah kritis yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan Strobe. Hasil literature review 5 artikel menunjukkan dari 704 responden sebagian besar responden yang pengetahuan baik berjumlah 280 responden dengan presentase (40%) dan yang tidak pernah melakukan SADARI berjumlah 421 responden dengan presentase (60%). Pada penelitian literature review kali ini di dapatkan hasil berupa pengetahuan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri baik dan perilaku pemeriksaan payudara sendiri tidak pernah melakukan.Kata kunci: Pemeriksaan payudara sendiri; pengetahuan; perilaku

Sri Hilmi Pujihartati ◽  
Argyo Demartoto

This article will discuss how to adjust and the condition of services in health facilities, especially for pregnant women during the pandemic. The method used is literature study to obtain data and finally it will be condensed into a conclusion. The theory of behavior change is the basis for analyzing changes in community behavior in health services during the Covid- 19 pandemic. The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of how the actual situation in society, especially in the health sector of pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic is. The results showed that in the health sector there were considerable changes. This change is not only carried out by medical personnel, but also needs to be balanced by public awareness. Due to this pandemic, people must pay more attention to themselves, especially for pregnant women. For pregnant women, it can be done through online examinations and consultations with medical personnel or face to face with strict health protocols. In addition, monitoring can also be carried out independently from home by referring to the MCH handbook. Understanding and knowledge of pregnant women is needed in addition to reducing the intensity of pregnancy checks. For this reason, pregnant women need to behave in a healthy way by referring to the policies issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Optimizing the health of pregnant women is very much needed in reducing the incidence of Covid-19 and reducing maternal anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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