local basis
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Edoardo Manarini

The third chapter deals with the dynamics of seignorial affirmation and strategies of power implemented locally by the descendant branches of the group in their respective areas of influence: the low Apennines and the plain around the city of Bologna, the area of Faenza in Romagna, the countryside around Florence and the Apennines between Tuscia and Emilia. Specific attention is devoted to kinship ties with the Canossa, demonstrated by a cluster of charters kept by the church of Pisa. The chapter proposes that despite the progressive affirmation and the development of each seigneurial rule in different patrimonial areas, the kinship network remained active, vital and connected until at least the beginning of the twelfth century.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Varanoot Khemmani ◽  
Witsarut Pho-On ◽  
Supachoke Isariyapalakul

For an ordered set W = {w1,w2, ...,wk} of k distinct vertices in a connected graph G, the representation of a vertex v of G with respect to W is the k-vector r(v|W) = (d(v,w1), d(v,w2), ..., d(v,wk)), where d(v,wi) is the distance from v to wi for 1 ≤ i ≤ k. The setW is called a connected local resolving set of G if the representations of every two adjacent vertices of G with respect to W are distinct and the subgraph ⟨W⟩ induced by W is connected. A connected local resolving set of G of minimum cardinality is a connected local basis of G. The connected local dimension cld(G) of G is the cardinality of a connected local basis of G. In this paper, the connected local dimensions of some well-known graphs are determined. We study the relationship between connected local bases and local bases in a connected graph, and also present some realization results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1335-8243 (1338-3957) ◽  
pp. 30-34
Cyril Filip KOVACIK ◽  
Gabriel BUGAR ◽  

Voice transmission over the Internet network is now taken for granted. Many end-user applications address this issue. However, this paper focuses on the specific use of the SCCP protocol created by Cisco, its implementation in a computer network and end devices, determination of the operational properties of this implementation, and their comparison in different conditions. VoIP traffic is compared at different bandwidths and implemented by different configurations of IP protocols. By investigated implementations of IP protocols are meant IPv4, IPv6, and IPv4 protocol with applied NAT. As part of the application of various IP protocols is also compared VoIP communication with a video stream on a local basis. The conclusion of the paper is devoted to the graphical evaluation of these observations and to draw conclusions based on them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 726
Neli Hajar ◽  
Supriyanto Supriyanto ◽  
Ahmad Syaifudin

With the development of time in establishing a business, of course there are many challenges that must be faced and anticipated, one of which is competition. Business competition here, companies or business people are required to be more intensive in facing increasingly fierce competition. Business competition faced by entrepreneurs or business people does not only involve on a local basis but also involves business actors. The competition during the Covid 19 pandemic was no exception, which had a tremendous impact, thus hampering various areas of life. One of the sectors most affected is the economic sector. Competition in the business world as a benchmark in creating better and more valuable products, competition is a developmental stage of a cultural phenomenon that inevitably has to be passed, the most important thing is how to respond and prepare for the face because it is not easy to compete with other products, business actors are challenged to be more competitive strategically by increasing their ability to compete in domestic competition and also increasing their ability to compete professionally, with the right strategy that must be applied to ensure success through exploiting existing opportunities, one of them. The tobacco business is a very promising business, even though there are many challenges, but the tobacco business is able to survive the competition even during the Covid 19 pandemic.Of course, by creating innovations, creative ideas and loyalty to consumers are things that must be prioritized in order to be able to compete with actors. other businesses, in order for the survival of a tobacco business to survive and not be eroded by competition, this business actor has much to deal with, of course by creating solutions to overcome the problem of competition in the business itself, because tobacco is one of the most important agricultural commodities. high value.

2021 ◽  
pp. 116055
Konstantinos Vlachas ◽  
Konstantinos Tatsis ◽  
Konstantinos Agathos ◽  
Adam R. Brink ◽  
Eleni Chatzi

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 ◽  
pp. 1665-1680
Artur Gancza ◽  
Maciej Niedzwiecki ◽  
Marcin Ciolek

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  

This paper discusses the approximations with the local basis of the second level and the sixth order. We call it the approximation of the second level because in addition to the function values in the grid nodes it uses the values of the function, and the first and the second derivatives of the function. Here the polynomial approximations and the non-polynomial approximations of a special form are discussed. The non-polynomial approximation has the properties of polynomial and trigonometric functions. The approximations are twice continuously differentiable. Approximation theorems are given. These approximations use the values of the function at the nodes, the values of the first and the second derivatives of the function at the nodes, and the local basis splines. These basis splines are used for constructing variational-difference schemes for solving boundary value problems for differential equations. Numerical examples are given

In this article, a system application of local basis functions discussed, defined on compact media.Applying formulas for estimating the accuracy of calculating the spectral energy by the method of two-dimensional Haar wavelets and main concepts of Haar fast transformation, spectral energy of Haar coefficients will be discussed in this article. Their effectiveness will be shown in order to solve problems of sampling of compact signals. Signals cannot only be functions of time, defined at finite intervals, but also functions of arguments of a different physical nature, for example, distances along surfaces.

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