Polo-like kinase in Trypanosoma brucei (TbPLK) is confined to the flagellum attachment zone (FAZ) and regulates only cytokinetic initiation. However, it apparently diffuses into the cytoplasm before the trans-localization of chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) from the midzone of central spindle to FAZ, which is known to be required for initiating cytokinesis. Synchronized T. brucei procyclic cells treated with a TbPLK inhibitor, GW843682X (GW), in late S phase were found to go through a full cell cycle at a normal pace before being arrested at cytokinetic initiation in the second cycle. However, synchronized cells treated with GW in G1 phase were arrested at cytokinetic initiation within the first cell cycle, suggesting that inhibition of TbPLK at its emergence blocks cytokinesis within the same cell cycle. To rule out potential off-target effects from GW, TbPLK RNA interference (RNAi) was induced to deplete TbPLK, and the progression of synchronized cells from late S phase was also found to be arrested at cytokinetic initiation within the first cell cycle. Apparently, TbPLK has accomplished its role in guiding cytokinesis before the late S phase, presumably by phosphorylating a certain substrate(s) during S phase, which may play a critical role in initiating the subsequent cytokinesis.