applied method
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Breast Care ◽  
2022 ◽  
Marcus Jannes ◽  
Alexander König ◽  
Martin Kolben ◽  
Claudius Fridrich ◽  
Verena Kirn

Introduction: The risk for metastasis at primary diagnosis of breast cancer is about 4%. The German guidelines give clear indications for when, whom and how to stage breast cancer patients. Ideally, this should be done via CAT scan of the thorax and abdomen and an additional bone scan. But daily practice shows that the way health care providers handle staging recommendations can vary. To objectify adherence to guidelines we started a nation-wide survey. Methods: Between July and September 2020 we sent out a survey via email to all certified and non certified breast centers and in addition to all Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Germany. We asked for timing of staging, conditions that cause staging and the applied method. In case we did not get back any reply we sent out a reminder. Results: A total of 220 certified breast centers/28 non-certified breast center/48 Departments of Gynecology and Obstetrics who care for breast cancer patients took part in our survey. A general pre-therapeutic staging was performed in 16,4%/39,3%/66,7% of all institutions and a general post-operative staging was performed in 4,1%/0%/6,3% of each institutional type, respectively. In terms of the applied method, 75% of all certified breast centers used a CAT scan and bone scan, while 23,3% primarily use chest x-ray, ultrasound of the abdomen (27,7%) or MRI. As a potential reason for using x-ray and ultrasound the presence of a „low-risk“ breast cancer was mentioned. Summary: Although certified breast centers show the highest adherence to current guidelines, some still perform a general staging or do not use the recommended staging method. The low probability for primary metastatic breast cancer and the use of a reasonable exposure to radiation warrant a critical discussion.

Javier Portugal-Vásquez ◽  
Melissa Sandoval-Gamez ◽  
Ernesto Alonso Lagarda-Leyva ◽  
Arnulfo Aurelio Naranjo-Flores

For any company it is of utmost importance to have quality processes and products to deliver to its customers and that they are satisfied with them. In the same way, take care of your economy and the expenses that you have for this. This project revolves around the quality that is presented in the products. In the company under study there was a problem specifically in the area of coaxial cable assembly, in which a considerable number of defects were identified from the electrical and continuity test. To solve the problem, the objective is to develop an improvement proposal that helps to minimize the defects found in the aforementioned area. Regarding the applied method, the modified Six Sigma DMAIC procedure was followed. Statistical tools were used to analyze the results obtained, to have evidence of their behavior for the problem posed and that the best decision could be made to improve the coaxial cable assembly process. Having as a main result a proposal to improve the coaxial cable assembly process which will significantly reduce the defects generated in the electrical and conductivity test.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 242-249
Gapili Naoura ◽  
Doyam Nodjasse Amos ◽  
Djinodji Reoungal ◽  
Djenaissem Alfred

The phytoparasite, Striga spp., is a major biotic constraint to cereals production in sub-Saharan Africa. This study was carried out at station of Bébédjia of Chadian Institute of Agronomic Research for the Development in Sudanian agricultural zone of Chad, on traditional methods of controlling Striga spp. This study helped to find out several methods of controlling Striga among which the most important is the agronomic method including organic and or mineral fertilization, associated crops, crop rotation and the use of false hosts and trap crops. Some farmers cultivated resistant varieties and early maturing varieties to control pest attack and some others used shea flour and herbicide treatment to reduce the effect of Striga on the farm. Most of these methods were applied by farmers from generation to generation, without a thorough study to understand their mechanism. Thus, the listed methods will be analysed by research in station to find out scientific explanations for each applied method. Then experiments will be carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of some methods previously identified by extension rural services in farmers’ area after improvement.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-332
Paweł Wiązek

The article is devoted to the controversy related to the interpretation of key concepts in the doctrine of one from among the most important thinkers of the eighteenth-century Europe — Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The considerations are carried out on many levels, focusing on the key concept of volonté générale in the treatise Du Contrat social ou principes de droit politique. The applied method, exegesis of the source text, corresponds with the polemic that has been conducted for decades, creating a rich literature on the subject. Selecting the positions of many distinguished researchers, the author attempts to confront Rousseau’s views with the flagship triad of basic values of the Great French Revolution: freedom, equality, and fraternity. This allowed the formulation of numerous comments, assessments, and opinions, at least some of which could be considered polemical or directly controversial.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 2161-2167
Khobaib Ali Saeed Salem ◽  
Salah Mohamed Moustafa Moustafa Elbahrawi ◽  
Ragab Abou Melih Mohamed Soliman ◽  
Ahmed Fathi Ramdan Abdelgayed

This research study addresses the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence on the right established for a wife in her husband’s property that is disputed by them both, especially after termination of their marital relationship. The research problem lies in that many women, upon their separation from their husbands, believe that their husbands’ financial welfare was only a result of their own assistance in undertaking marital responsibilities. This research study attempts to answer the question raised in such cases: What are the rights established for women against their husband in case they claim so?. The study seeks to highlight the objectives of the Shar?‘?h behind marriage and legalization of divorce, and to illustrate the established as a woman’s right in her husband’s property which she should have shared with him or substituted him in managing, through different considerations. The significance of the study lies in the emergent need for investigating it due to contemporary occurrences. This study builds on a descriptive and deductive comparative approach, along with a referential and applied method based on the juristic maxims and Shar?‘?h objectives, drawing only on preponderant legal opinions; outweighed views and their proofs are not mentioned in this study.

Inaki Lalinde ◽  
Alberto Berrueta ◽  
Pablo Sanchis ◽  
Alfredo Ursua

2021 ◽  
pp. 45-53
А.А. Демидов ◽  
О.А. Крупнина ◽  
Н.А. Михайлова ◽  
Е.И. Косарина

The article presents results of performed computed-tomography research of samples from polymer composite materials in order to quantify a volume fraction of pores. Tomographic research includes two stages: scanning and image reconstruction. At the first stage, there is applied method of subpixel scanning, which raises resolution of the image. At image-reconstruction stage, there are applied corrections provided by the CT system software. Results of volume fraction of pores estimation, obtained by subpixel and single cylindrical scanning have shown their full convergence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 404-417
Juan Antonio Maldonado-Coyac ◽  
Rebeca Sánchez-Cárdenas ◽  
Jorge Saúl Ramírez-Pérez ◽  
Luis Antonio Salcido Guevara ◽  
Karla Paola Valdez-Núñez ◽  

Among Bagre genera, there is a high variation in the estimation of age, a concern due to overexploitation risk in fisheries because of age underestimation. Bagre panamensis is an important fishery resource of the Mexican Pacific and the Gulf of California. Its age is known from otoliths, but its accuracy needs to be confirmed, and the periodicity of the otoliths record validated. The external morphology, some microstructure attributes, and age record of B. panamensis' otoliths were described from 371 specimens collected southeast of the Gulf of California. The lapilli otoliths were larger than the sagittae and asterisci otoliths. The lapilli otoliths present aragonite crystals with a prismatic shape, and their growth is radial, from the core to the otolith edge. The lapilli otoliths form an annual growth ring, defined by the slowdown in the growth that occurs during April to July, during the breeding season. The ages of the individuals ranged from 1 to 15 years, and the applied method is considered adequate and accurate for its estimation (otolith cross-sectioning and red-neutral staining).

2021 ◽  
Lennert Buijs ◽  
Irma Meijer ◽  
Hajo Pereboom ◽  
Stian Garlid ◽  
Knud Lunde

Abstract Pressure surge or water hammer simulations are performed to evaluate a safe design or operation of oil transfer systems. The speed of sound of the transferred fluid plays a key role within pressure surge simulations. Unlike for steel pipe systems, the speed of sound in hoses is not easily determined. In industry, a value of 450 m/s is frequently used for hoses, but this value is often used independent of conveyed fluid, pressure or the type of hose. For that reason, a project was performed that aimed to experimentally reaffirm existing speed of sound data and to extend its usable range by including tests at several static pressure levels. Speed of sound measurements were performed on two 20”, 12 meter long, water-filled oil offloading hoses. The speed of sound was determined by the initiation of pressure waves in the hoses, while performing pressure measurements on either side of the hose. These experiments were performed at different static pressures up to 18 bar(a). The measured values depend on the applied method to determine the speed of sound. For both applied methods, the speed of sound is higher than the classically assumed 450 m/s. The method that is considered best applicable for the purpose of the experiments, the speed of sound is significantly higher and can reach values up to 1100 m/s. The consequence of this is that the results from pressure surge studies in which 450 m/s was used, are not conservative.

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