typology analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Muhamad Hasan Muaziz ◽  
Andi Tri Haryono ◽  
Abdul Kadir Jaelani

<em>This study tries to analyze the implementation of laws and policies regarding the development of urban agglomerations, analyze agrarian law regulations in Indonesia addressing industrial estate issues, and analyze the leading sectors and economic potential of the city of Semarang. In this study, the authors use the Base Sector Analysis/LQ Analysis, Economic Sector Performance Analysis/Shift Share Analysis, Growth Ratio Model Analysis/GRM, Klassen Typology Analysis, Overlay Techniques, and SWOT Analysis to measure the competitive advantage of each element), and provide policy recommendations for the government as well as for industry players. The object of this research is spread over several industrial areas located in Semarang City including Wijaya Kusuma Industrial Area, Candi Industrial Area, BSB Industrial Park, and Terboyo Industrial Estate. The findings of this study are that it is known that leading sectors such as warehousing, financial services, transportation, retail, real estate, trade, and construction are economic bases that are growing rapidly and can support the development of urban agglomerations.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 150
Andi Kustanto

In recent years, policy discussions and debates have emphasised the efficiency of development policies to translate economic growth into sustainable economic development. One of the main aspects in this regard is achieving improvement in child nutrition through economic development. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of literature that empirically verifies the causality between stunting, poverty, and economic growth in 34 provinces in Indonesia using Klassen’s typology analysis and Panel VECM. This study indicates that the prevalence of stunting has a direct causality towards poverty and economic growth in the long-term by 0.02%. Handling high the prevalence of stunting needs to be focused on in all provinces in Indonesia. Poverty directly affects the stunting prevalence and economic growth in the long-term by 0.06%. The percentage of the population, poverty outside Java, including Nusa Tenggara, Moluccas, and Papua, is also higher than in Java. Therefore, efforts to tackle poverty should be more focused on these areas. Economic growth has a direct causality to the prevalence of stunting and poverty by 0.57%. It proves that the country’s economic growth is accompanied by socioeconomic development and improving the poor’s livelihoods and welfare. Can also recommend specific nutrition and sensitive nutrition interventions to impact the massive reduction of stunting in Indonesia.Keywords: Stunting, Poverty, Economic Growth, IndonesiaJEL: I10; I18; I32; O10; O15; P36

Deop Darius ◽  
Abd Jamal ◽  
Putri Bintusy Syathi

The decentralization of Indonesia allowed the development in the regency level to improve to the highest level. However, the impact can only be maximized by utilizing the potential economy embodied in the regent. This study investigates the development of the Pasaman Regency by analyzing the potential sector and the stage development of the sector. Therefore, this study uses mixed research methods with explorative approaches and uses Contribution Sectors Analysis, Location Quotient Analysis model, Shift Share Analysis model, and Klassen typological analysis model, The data used is the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Pasaman Regency and West Sumatra Province in the period 2010 until 2019 and data on the production of the Pasaman Regency base sector in each district in 2015-2019. The result showed that the agricultural, fisheries, and forestry sectors have the largest contribution to the GRDP of Pasaman Regency which is 55.51%, then the sector that belongs to the base sector with the value of LQ>1, namely the agricultural, fisheries, and forestry sectors. The sectors that experienced a net change or shift and had a positive value and the highest level of excellence were the agricultural, fisheries, and forestry sectors of 10,718,410,000. Klassen Typology Analysis is based on the base sector, namely the agricultural, fisheries, and forestry sectors with the largest contribution to the fisheries sector so that the grouping of regions using fisheries data with the results of Panti and South Rao Districts is classified as advanced areas and Lubuk Sikaping and Mapat Tunggul Selatan districts are classified as lagging areas. There is a shift in territory caused by land transfer, changes in the profession, and accessibility. The development of district areas in Pasaman Regency through the fishery sector in the form of fish cultivation, fish feed factories, and fish processing industries is expected to improve the welfare of the community, especially sub-districts that are not classified as developed areas so that the trickle-down effect and the realization of equitable distribution

Samsuri ◽  
Febrianti Sitorus ◽  
Anita Zaitunah ◽  
Alfan Gunawan Ahmad

Forest land cover experienced changes caused by various factors. Deforestation and forest degradation decreased forest structure and size that produce forest fragmentation. This study aimed to determine spatial distribution patterns and typology of forest fragmentation in the Labuhanbatu Selatan district. The study uses land cover image analysis, forest fragmentation analysis, correlation analysis, and typology analysis. Forest fragmentation is determined based on patch area (CA), patch density (PD), contiguity index (CONTIG), and proximity index (PROX). The study analyzes the correlation between variable factors and the degrees of forest fragmentation to develop a typology of fragmentation forest. The variables used to construct the typology of forest fragmentation are population density, productive age ratio, income, and slope. The classification of forest fragmentation has been completed to create a forest fragmentation typology. To determine the typology of forest fragmentation, the K-Means Cluster analysis method is used. Typology of forests fragmentation of Labuhanbatu Selatan district is three typologies. Typology 1 is the low forest fragmentation of Torgamba, Silangkitang, and Kota Pinang sub-district, typology 2 is moderate forest fragmentation are the Kampung Rakyat, and Typology 3 is high forest fragmentation of Sungai Kanan sub-district.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-38
Yusuf Munandar

This study aims to determine: (a) in which provisions the Transportation and Warehousing sector is a Basis and (b) in which provinces the Transportation and Warehousing sector is in quadrants I, II, III, and IV in the modified Klassen Typology analysis matrix. The research concludes that the Indonesian Logistics sector represented by the Indonesian Transportation and Warehousing sector is a Base sector in 14 provinces, is an advanced and developing economic sector (Quadrant 1) in 9 provinces, is a stagnant economic sector (Quadrant 2) in 5 provinces, is a developing economic sector (Quadrant 3) in 6 provinces, and is an underdeveloped and underdeveloped economic sector (Quadrant 4) in 14 provinces This research recommends that to increase Indonesia's economic growth in the next 5 years (2020-2024) the Indonesian government needs to focus on strengthening and developing the Transportation and Warehousing Sector in 9 provinces in Quadrant 1.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 516
So Pyay Thar ◽  
Thiagarajah Ramilan ◽  
Robert J. Farquharson ◽  
Deli Chen

Decision Support Tools (DSTs) in agriculture have been widely developed but have not been well accepted by smallholder farmers. One reason for the limited use is that the tools do not account for the complexity of heterogeneous smallholder farming systems. Identifying farm typologies has facilitated technology transfer to target groups of farmers. Accounting for heterogeneity in farm systems can help in designing and deploying DSTs to address farmer needs. Typology analysis was applied to a 600-household survey dataset to identify different farm system types. Qualitative participatory research was used to assess the potential deployment of DSTs for fertilizer management. Six types of farm systems were identified with distinct characteristics in the study area of central Myanmar. Participatory research through focus group discussions with 34 participants from the six different farm types validated the farm typologies and found that farmers from one type considered that DSTs could be useful in gaining more information and knowledge. An important finding was that DSTs providing prescriptive advice were inconsistent with what many farmers want. Farmers indicated that discussion groups are a preferred learning-based approach rather than a prescriptive tool. Farmers preferred video clips and infographics integrated into existing familiar digital platforms. This study identifies heterogeneity within a large farm sample and develops a deeper understanding of fertilizer decisions as well as knowledge and intentions related to the use of DSTs or apps via follow-up focus group discussions. Incorporating a participatory research framework with typology identification can have a beneficial role in direct interactions with smallholders that may increase their acceptability of DSTs. This study has generated valuable information about farmer types and serves as a starting point for developing a framework for discussion support systems that may better relate to the needs of farmers.

Jason Frederick ◽  
Parino Rahardjo

Tangerang City is a city located in Banten Province, its geographical makes Tangerang City a fast growing city. The rapid population growth is also driving the growth of private vehicle use. The number of private vehicles that exceed the road capacity will result in traffic congestion which results in disruption of the productivity of a city. One solution to reducing the dependence of a city on the use of private vehicles is to promote the use of public transportation. The author hopes that the development with the TOD principle can promote the use of public transport. The TOD concept can be defined as a pedestrian-friendly environment, located around a railway transit station and the overall TOD concept is expected to provide a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for its residents. Batu Ceper Station is a station on the Jakarta-Tangerang train line and is a stop station for KRL Commuter Line and Soekarno Hatta Airport Train. Apart from the train station there is also Poris Plawad Bus Terminal. The planning area is 201 ha, which is the area of a circle with a radius of 800 meters from the station center. The research method used is quantitative method and the analysis used by researchers is location analysis, site analysis, typology analysis, property market trend analysis, and space requirements analysis. This research is expected to give results in the form of district development plan that integrates the concept of TOD Keywords:  Redevelopment; Suburban; Transit Oriented Development AbstrakKota Tangerang adalah sebuah kota yang terletak di sebelah barat Kota Jakarta, letaknya menjadikan Kota Tangerang sebagai kota yang tumbuh cepat. Cepatnya pertumbuhan populasi juga mendorong pertumbuhan penggunaan kendaraan pribadi. Jumlah kendaraan pribadi yang melampai kapasitas jalan akan mengakibatkan kepadatan lalu lintas yang mengakibatkan disrupsi bagi produktivitas suatu kota. Salah satu solusi dari mengurangi ketergantungan suatu kota terhadap penggunaan kendaraan pribadi adalah dengan mempromosikan penggunaan angkutan umum. Penulis berharap bahwa pengembangan dengan kaidah TOD dapat mempromosikan penggunaan angkutan umum. konsep TOD dapat didefinisikan sebagai lingkungan yang ramah pejalan kaki, terletak di sekitar stasiun transit kereta api dan keseluruhan konsep TOD diharapkan dapat memberikan gaya hidup sehat dan berkelanjutan bagi penghuninya. Stasiun Batu Ceper merupakan stasiun yang ada di jalur kereta api Jakarta-Tangerang dan merupakan stasiun perhentian untuk layanan KRL Commuter Line dan Kereta Bandara Soekarno Hatta. Selain itu terdapat juga Terminal Bus Poris Plawad, luas wilayah perencanaan adalah sebesar 201 Ha yang merupakan luas dari lingkaran dengan radius 800 meter dari pusat stasiun. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dan analisis yang akan digunakan oleh peneliti adalah analisis lokasi, analisis tapak, analisis tipologi, analisis pasar/tren properti, dan analisis kebutuhan ruang. Penelitian ini diharapkan membuahkan hasil dengan bentuk rencana penataan kawasan dengan konsep TOD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-87
Yonanda Mulya Isabhandia ◽  
Lilies Setiartiti

The research carried out in Kulon Progo Regency aims to analyze the economic potential that will exist to develop strategies that can be used to develop the economy in Kulon Progo Regency. This study uses data from 2013 to 2017 obtained from the Central Statistics Agency of Kulon Progo Regency and Yogyakarta Special Region. This study uses several analytical tools, namely Statistical Location Quotient (SLQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), Shift Share Analysis, Klassen Typology Analysis, and the SWOT analysis approach. Based on the combined analysis of SLQ and DLQ, there are three sectors: the mining and quarrying sector, wholesale trade and retail, car and motorcycle repair, government administration, defense, and social security. These sectors are the crucial sectors at present and will remain the base sectors in the future.

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