snack products
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Vestnik MGTU ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 441-449
M. N. Shkolnikova ◽  
V. N. Abbazova

Pumpkin fruits ( Cucurbita spp.) have a number of advantages and high technological potential, thanks to almost universal cultivation in a wide range of agro-climatic conditions, the ability to long-term storage, the content of dietary fibers, pectin and other polysaccharides, carotenoids, polyphenolic substances, vitamins, which cause a wide range of physiological orientation. In the process of researching the composition of local cultivars of pumpkin and the world experience of using Cucurbita spp. in the composition of food products, the need to use this ingredient in beverage recipes has been substantiated. The content of dry substances in the pumpkin samples is from 8.18 % ("Gribovskaya") to 11.6 % ("Orange bush"). The maximum sugar content is distinguished by the varieties "Winter Sweet" (6.87 %) and "Orange Bush" (7.40 %). The content of BAS-antioxidants is (without visible difference depending on the growing region): carotenoids from 1.3 mg/100 g in "Gribovskaya" to 2.0 mg/100 g - "Orange bush"; ascorbic acid - 8.7 mg/100 g in "Rossiyanka" to 14.2 mg/100 g - "Orange bush". Today all parts of the pumpkin fruit are used: the bark is a raw material for the production of feed flour and a substrate for the cultivation of lactobacilli, the seeds are traditionally used to produce pumpkin oil and flour, the pulp of the fruit is a raw material for juice-containing products, purees, carotenoid-containing and polysaccharide extracts, pectin, concentrates of first and second dishes, snack products, pasta, bakery, confectionery and meat products, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-57
Firda Zakiyatur Rofi’ah ◽  
Wahyu Setia Kuscahyaning Putri

Tikusan Village is one of the villages located ini Kapas District, Bojonegoro Regency. This village has vilaage assets, namely land resources in the form of a home industry (tofu and tempeh industry). ). Therefore, the community assistance method used is the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) method. The community service program is carried out by a team of lecturers and students of UNUGIRI Bojonegoro in collaboration with the local village community. This assistance produces snack products, such as: debog chips, tofu crackers, sandwiches and corndogs from tofu dregs. The existence of these processed products is expected to be a solution to the presence of abundant assets which are considered as waste, making them less valuable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 182
Rustiani Rustiani ◽  
Idrus Salam ◽  
Muhammad Aswar Limi

This study aims to determine consumer satisfaction and loyalty of late-late products during the Covid-19 period—this research at the Barokah Tela-tela business in front of the new UHO campus using 30 respondents. Determination of respondents is done by accident (Accidental sampling), assuming that the respondent can be trusted. The variables observed in this study were consumer characteristics, tela-tela, and customer satisfaction and loyalty and satisfaction analysis methods using Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) analysis and loyalty analysis using committed buyers, like the brand, satisfied buyers, habitual buyers, and switches. Buyers. The results show that the calculation of customer satisfaction analysis of the Customer Satisfaction Index is 0.77 or 77.46%. The CSI value criterion states that the vulnerable value of 0.66-0.80 is a satisfied consumer criterion. Based on this situation, it can be concluded that Barokah consumers have shown a satisfying attitude towards the products they consume. The survey results show that the most consumers who state that they are satisfied are the taste and cleanliness attributes of the Tela Barokah business location. The results of the calculation of consumer loyalty analysis using switcher buyer analysis are 53.33%, chronic is 79.33%, the satisfied buyer is 72.00%, liking the brand is 76.67%, and committed buyer is 62.00%. The analysis results are mainly in the index interval of 61.00-80.00, which means that Barokah consumers have shown a loyal attitude. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic did not hurt the decline in consumer demand for snack products in the business. This is known from the income that remains in the range of ± IDR400.000 - IDR1.500.000 - every day both before and during the Covid-19 outbreak in Kendari City.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 725-737
Hadi Pranoto ◽  
Andarwati Andarwati ◽  
Sunaryo Sunaryo ◽  

This study examines and analyzes the influence of money available, time availability, and the promotion of impulse purchases through positive emotions as a mediating variable on chocolate snack products. This research is quantitative research conducted in Hypermart Malang Town Square (Matos), Giant Hypermarket Malang Olympic Garden (MOG), Giant Ekstra Sawojajar, and Giant Ekstra Kebonagung. The population studied were consumers who bought chocolate snack products on impulse purchases. The sample used 190 respondents. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews, and literature review. Data analysis techniques in this research use validity test, reliable test, linear test, diagram test, PLS, and hypothesis test on the variable of money availability, time availability, promotion, impulse purchase, and positive emotion on chocolate snack product. This study indicates that the variable availability of money can impact positive emotional variables. The varying availability of money cannot impact impulse buying variables. The time availability variable does not affect the positive emotional variables. Meanwhile, the time availability variable impacts the impulse buying variable. Furthermore, promotional variables affect positive emotional variables as well as impulse buying variables. However, the positive emotional variable has no impact on the impulse buying variable. The positive emotional variable proved the relationship between money and promotional variables' variable availability in the mediation test. In contrast, the variable availability of time is not a provable positive emotional variable as a liaison influence the variable of time availability with impulse buying.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 208
Yuliar Kartika Wijayanti ◽  
Novi Andari ◽  
Luluk Ulfa Hasanah

Pengabdian pada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan 7 dimensi yang harus ada dalam sebuah kualitas produk pada produk camilan makanan olahan Canoi produksi dari IKM Arfifood Jl. Kenjeran Surabaya Jawa Timur sebagai mitra kegiatan ini. Target kegiatan yang harus terlaksana dalam pendampingan terhadap mitra guna meningkatkan kualitas dan kapasitas produksi Camilan Makanan Olahan Canoi adalah dengan pendampingan pembelian alat produksi yang dibutuhkan berupa mesin spinner yang berfungsi untuk menyerap kadar minyak dalam produk sehingga dapat bertahan lama dan cita rasa produk dapat terjaga. Pemberian pelatihan berupa proses produksi juga perlu dilakukan karena produsen ini masih dalam sekala Industri Kecil Menengah guna membantu dalam peningkatan kapasitas usahanya menjadi lebih besar. Berdasarkan monitoring dan evaluasi setelah diberikan bantuan, IKM Arfifood mampu menghasilkan produk yang sesuai dengan tuntutan 7 dimensi tersebut dan mampu memproduksi dengan volume yang lebih besar. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dan mulainya kepercayaan konsumen terhadap produk. This Community Service aims to improve the 7 dimensions that must exist in a product quality in Canoi processed snack products produced by IKM Arfifood Jl. Kenjeran Surabaya, East Java as a partner of this activity. The target of activities that must be carried out in mentoring partners to improve the quality and production capacity of Canoi Processed Snacks is to assist in purchasing the required production equipment in the form of a spinner machine that functions to absorb the oil content in the product so that it can last a long time and the taste of the product can be maintained. The provision of training in the form of production processes also needs to be carried out because these producers are still on the scale of Small and Medium Industries to assist in increasing their business capacity to become larger. Based on monitoring and evaluation after being given assistance, IKM Arfifood can produce products that meet the demands of the 7 dimensions and are able to produce in larger volumes. This indicates an increase and the start of consumer confidence in the product.

2021 ◽  
Vol 854 (1) ◽  
pp. 012020
J Delic ◽  
P Ikonic ◽  
M Jokanovic ◽  
V Banjac ◽  
T Peulic ◽  

Abstract The incorporation of protein- and fibre-rich ingredients into starch-based extruded snacks is of interest for obtaining healthy products. However, development of this type of product has been limited, since protein and dietary fibre have negative effect on textural properties of extruded snacks. In the present study, response surface methodology was used in order to evaluate the effect of different ratios of mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM) and brewer’s spent grain (BSG), as well as screw speeds, on hardness, firmness and crispiness of the extrudates produced. Regression analysis showed that BSG and screw speed had significant effects on all textural parameters, while MDPM had a significant effect only on the crispiness of snack products.

2021 ◽  
R. Németh ◽  
S. Tömösközi

Abstract After wheat, rye is the second most important raw material for bread and bakery products, and it is one of the most excellent sources of dietary fibres and bioactive compounds. Besides, rye is utilised in more and more other food products as well, such as breakfast cereals, porridges, pasta, snack products, etc. Interestingly, its production is decreasing worldwide, probably because of the expansion of other cereals (e.g. triticale), but also the effect of climate change can also play a role therein. However, there is no doubt that scientific research aimed at studying the possible health benefits and the potential of rye in the development of novel food products has intensified over the past decade. The aim of our paper is to make a comprehensive review of the latest results on the compositional and technological properties of rye that fundamentally influence its utilisation for food purposes. Furthermore, this review aims to identify the current development directions and trends of rye products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (8) ◽  
pp. 1534-1544
Alkausyari Aziz ◽  
Hesti Atasasih

The role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) includes job creation, increase competitiveness, and serve as revenue source for low-income earners. Institutional strategies are necessary in promoting the innovation and creativity of MSME actors. The purpose of this study is to equip new entrepreneurial cadres in the working area of Lima Puluh Health Center for increased productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to create a community service team to stimulate further development and generate tempeh-based snack products with attractive features and designs. A field survey involving 5 cadres and 5 alumni was employed to identify partner problems, engage cadres and alumni, as well as plan trainings.  The present study resulted in the production of various processed tempeh products, including brownies, balls, cookies and nuggets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 2242-2250

Snack foods are widely consumed in today's modern diet. Food processing techniques and food composition may increase advanced glycation products (AGEs) in snack foods. The present study aimed to determine the most potent precursors of AGEs in snack foods. For this purpose, commonly consumed some snacks foods were obtained from markets in Istanbul, Turkey. The amount of α dicarbonyl compounds (α-DCs,) glyoxal (GO), and methylglyoxal (MGO) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The measured amount of GO and MGO ranged between 4-684 µg / 100 g and 28-1573 µg / 100 g in snack foods, respectively. In our study, high levels of MGO were detected in wafer hazelnut chips with cheese and peanuts. Due to their high-fat content, the formation of GO and MGO may occur through lipid peroxidation. In addition, the fragmented state of hazelnuts and peanuts in samples may increase lipid peroxidation. Free sugar content in Turkish delight and cake with fruit might contribute to the α-DCs formation by caramelization reaction due to high temperature. In conclusion, snack products that are frequently consumed have many unfavorable features for health. It is important to limit snack food consumption in terms of reducing AGEs exposure.

Susan Mooney ◽  
Emma Feeney

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