meeting room
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1212 (1) ◽  
pp. 012005
X Guo ◽  
Z Shen ◽  
X Teng ◽  
Z Zhao

Abstract Smart building has a pivotal role in promoting the industrialization of buildings. Meeting room is a common type of public space. Developing a smart meeting space can play an important role in addressing the issue of research on smart building. In this paper, we develop a smart meeting space with AI product to support moderator. We create 3D model of the meeting room and import it into VR headset to having an experiment. 20 participants are engaged to answer questionnaire and have interview. The results of this study show that most of the participants think the meeting space we develop is smart than usual one. We also found that participants expect functions of smart meeting room in AI assistance, energy saving, smart display solution, remote meeting. And participants expect devices of smart meeting room in AI assistance product, sensors, and devices for remote meeting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-173
Eko Haryadi ◽  
Dinda Maelani ◽  
Diah Wijayanti ◽  
Dewi Yuliandari ◽  
Indria Widyastuti

The role of technology greatly helps human life in completing its activities faster. PT. Jiwalu Studio Karawang has begun to use technology, for example, such as online-based attendance with a mobile application. Besides that, there are also activities that have not utilized technology, namely meeting or meeting activities. To use a meeting room, employees must first ask the room administrator about the availability of a meeting room. The meeting room agenda that day will be recorded by the administrator through the meeting agenda book. From the process of borrowing the meeting room, it was deemed too time and energy consuming because everything was done through the administrator. Therefore, development a meeting room management mobile application is  created which is expected to be a solution for all employees. In developing this meeting room management application using Prototype method. This method is in accordance with the problems that occur, developers and users will be able to communicate with each other during the system design process

Viruses ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2536
Jayme P. Coyle ◽  
Raymond C. Derk ◽  
William G. Lindsley ◽  
Francoise M. Blachere ◽  
Theresa Boots ◽  

There is strong evidence associating the indoor environment with transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 can spread by exposure to droplets and very fine aerosol particles from respiratory fluids that are released by infected persons. Layered mitigation strategies, including but not limited to maintaining physical distancing, adequate ventilation, universal masking, avoiding overcrowding, and vaccination, have shown to be effective in reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 within the indoor environment. Here, we examine the effect of mitigation strategies on reducing the risk of exposure to simulated respiratory aerosol particles within a classroom-style meeting room. To quantify exposure of uninfected individuals (Recipients), surrogate respiratory aerosol particles were generated by a breathing simulator with a headform (Source) that mimicked breath exhalations. Recipients, represented by three breathing simulators with manikin headforms, were placed in a meeting room and affixed with optical particle counters to measure 0.3–3 µm aerosol particles. Universal masking of all breathing simulators with a 3-ply cotton mask reduced aerosol exposure by 50% or more compared to scenarios with simulators unmasked. While evaluating the effect of Source placement, Recipients had the highest exposure at 0.9 m in a face-to-face orientation. Ventilation reduced exposure by approximately 5% per unit increase in air change per hour (ACH), irrespective of whether increases in ACH were by the HVAC system or portable HEPA air cleaners. The results demonstrate that mitigation strategies, such as universal masking and increasing ventilation, reduce personal exposure to respiratory aerosols within a meeting room. While universal masking remains a key component of a layered mitigation strategy of exposure reduction, increasing ventilation via system HVAC or portable HEPA air cleaners further reduces exposure.

Upik Rahmi ◽  
Sehabudin Salasa ◽  
Septian Andriyani ◽  

This study aims to determine the experience of nurses in health centers regarding the factors that affect the prevention and control of TB infection and to determine the risk of nosocomial infection transmission. This research is qualitative research using a phenomenological approach, structured interviews. The research sample was 4 Health Centers nurses in Indonesia. The sampling technique was total sampling. The interview in the confidential meeting room, conducted in Indonesian, lasted about 30 minutes. Participants' responses were recorded during the interview. We typed and examined the coded script. Interviews were recorded using a tape recorder. Four themes were found, namely the lack of health service facilities, socio-cultural factors, patient behavior in utilizing health services.

2021 ◽  
pp. 119
Viny Christanti M

Jambi MSMEs are one of the MSMEs that need support in dealing with this pandemic. FTI Untar helped several Jambi SMEs who needed assistance to increase their knowledge in running a business during this pandemic. These MSMEs also need assistance in overcoming problems in running a business by utilizing social media. Although there are many social media used in running businesses in various fields, it should be realized that not all MSMEs can directly apply the use of social media. Limited human resources, limited ability to use technology, geographical conditions that are not possible or the availability of products that can be met affect the ability of MSMEs to use social media. Eleven Jambi UMKM partners who are members of group B1 need assistance in using and maximizing the use of social media to support their businesses. In this service, assistance is provided in the form of material presentation about E-Commerce which can be started from the use of social media and choosing the right solution in the use of social media. The presentation of the material is carried out in the form of an online seminar that conveys the differences between E-Commerce and the various applications that can support the technology. Suggestions regarding possible solutions are given in the form of discussions with each partner who attends this online meeting room. The expected end result is that eleven partners can gain knowledge about whether they are currently using E-Commerce technology. In addition, it is hoped that partners can help to think about whether solutions for using social media can be carried out and how they can maximize the use of social media.UMKM Jambi merupakan salah satu UMKM yang membutuhkan dukungan dalam menghadapi masa pandemi ini. FTI Untar membantu beberapa UMKM Jambi yang membutuhkan bantuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam menjalankan usaha saat pandemi ini. UMKM ini juga membutuhkan pendampingan dalam mengatasi masalah dalam menjalankan usaha dengan memanfaatkan sosial media. Walaupun sudah banyak sosial media yang digunakan dalam menjalankan usaha diberbagai bidang, perlu disadari bahwa tidak semua UMKM dapat langsung menerapkan penggunaan sosial media tersebut. Keterbatasan sumber daya manusia, keterbatasan kemampuan dalam menggunakan teknologi, keadaan geografis yang tidak memungkinkan atau ketersediaan produk yang dapat dipenuhi mempengaruhi kemampuan UMKM dalam menggunakan sosial media. Sebelas mitra UMKM Jambi yang tergabung dalam kelompok B1 membutuhkan pendampingan dalam menggunakan dan memaksimalkan penggunaan sosial media dalam mendukung usaha mereka. Dalam pengabdian ini diberikan pendampingan dalam bentuk pemaparan materi mengenai E-Commerce yang dapat dimulai dari penggunaan sosial media dan memilih solusi apa yang tepat dalam penggunaan sosial media. Pemberian pemaparan materi dilakukan dalam bentuk seminar online yang menyampaikan apa perbedaan E-Commerce dan berbagai aplikasi yang dapat mendukung teknologi tersebut. Pemberian saran mengenai solusi yang dapat dilakukan diberikan dalam bentuk diskusi dengan setiap mitra yang hadir ruang pertemuan online ini. Hasil akhir yang diharapkan adalah sebelas mitra dapat memperoleh pengetahuan mengenai apakah mereka saat ini sudah menggunakan teknologi E-Commerce. Selain itu diharapkan mitra dapat membantu untuk memikirkan apakah solusi penggunaan sosial media dapat dilakukan dan bagaimana mereka dapat memaksimalkan penggunaan sosial media.

Media Wisata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Tri Nugroho

MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibition) in this time still represent the potential market of tourism in Yogyakarta. At the moment more‘s a lot of activity of MICE performed in Yogyakarta, is so that expected in a period to coming to Yogyakarta become the target of MICE after Bali. With the existence of the growing tourism MICE, hence hotel in Yogyakarta of both for have there is and also which in the process of out for development make the meeting room (Ballroom) which can accommodate until 2.500 visitors. Some hotelss are ready to for example Prodigal of Ambarruko Hotel, Sahid Rich Hotel, propose the readily Tentrem Hotel becoming Yogyakarta as the town of target MICE, with the goal of 65% activity MICE and 35% guests from Travel Agent (Kompas com. 28 June 2014).

2021 ◽  
Vol 263 (2) ◽  
pp. 4538-4545
Takumi Yoshida ◽  
Yasutaka Ueda ◽  
Norimasa Mori ◽  
Yumi Matano

The preset paper proposes a novel acoustic diffuser which we call cross rib diffuser (CRD) and investigates its acoustical performance in rooms experimentally. CRD consists of overlapping two one-dimensional periodic rib diffuser (OPRD) with different structural configurations. CRD can achieve high scattering coefficient with wider frequency band than OPRD. Moreover, unlike other diffusers with high scattering property such as metadiffuser and two-dimensional quadratic diffuser, CRD keeps simple and familiar design of OPRD suitable for use in various architectural spaces. In the paper, we firstly evaluated random-incidence scattering coefficient of CRD using 1/5 scaled reverberation room. Then, random-incidence absorption coefficient was measured in 1/1 reverberation room. Finally, an implementation experiment was conducted to examine applicability of CRD in improving acoustics in small meeting room with small absorption treatments. The results indicated that CRD reduced EDT and reverberation time, and increased D50 more than JND values. Additionally, CRD improved reverberation and speech intelligibility more significantly than OPRD with same installation area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 392-401
Muhammad Wajdi ◽  
Nurdiyanti ◽  
Nurhasyinah Amir

The development of technology in Indonesia in the field of education is no stranger to a teacher. For this reason, a teacher is required to master technology. One of the most widely used educational technologies today is online-based learning media. Through this research, it is able to increase the teacher's insight in sorting out the suiTable learning media for use in the learning process. This type of research is classroom action research. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in motivation and learning outcomes of students using Edmodo learning media assisted by meeting room media on the circulation system material. Classroom Action Research in its implementation uses a cycle pattern, where each cycle requires three meetings and the level of research completion depends on the extent to which the level of achievement of learning success is adjusted to the assessment standards. Each cycle in this research consists of the stages of Planning, Action, Observation / Evaluation, and Reflection activities. The results showed that the use of Edmodo learning media assisted by meeting room media can increase the motivation and learning outcomes of students in the circulation system material.

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