real solutions
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John S. Van Dyke ◽  
Edwin Barnes ◽  
Sophia Economou ◽  
Rafael I Nepomechie

Abstract The open spin-1/2 XXZ spin chain with diagonal boundary magnetic fields is the paradigmatic example of a quantum integrable model with open boundary conditions. We formulate a quantum algorithm for preparing Bethe states of this model, corresponding to real solutions of the Bethe equations. The algorithm is probabilistic, with a success probability that decreases with the number of down spins. For a Bethe state of L spins with M down spins, which contains a total of (L M) 2M M! terms, the algorithm requires L + M2+ 2M qubits.

2021 ◽  
Amani Ahmed Otaif

<p>The aim of this thesis is to apply the Grünwald–Blaschke kinematic mapping to standard types of parallel general planar three-legged platforms in order to obtain the univariate polynomials which provide the solution of the forward kinematic problem. We rely on the method of Gröbner basis to reach these univariate polynomials. The Gröbner basis is determined from the constraint equations of the three legs of the platforms. The degrees of these polynomials are examined geometrically based on Bezout’s Theorem. The principle conclusion is that the univariate polynomials for the symmetric platforms under circular constraints are of degree six, which describe the maximum number of real solutions. The univariate polynomials for the symmetric platforms under linear constraints are of degree two, that describe the maximum number of real solutions.</p>

2021 ◽  
Amani Ahmed Otaif

<p>The aim of this thesis is to apply the Grünwald–Blaschke kinematic mapping to standard types of parallel general planar three-legged platforms in order to obtain the univariate polynomials which provide the solution of the forward kinematic problem. We rely on the method of Gröbner basis to reach these univariate polynomials. The Gröbner basis is determined from the constraint equations of the three legs of the platforms. The degrees of these polynomials are examined geometrically based on Bezout’s Theorem. The principle conclusion is that the univariate polynomials for the symmetric platforms under circular constraints are of degree six, which describe the maximum number of real solutions. The univariate polynomials for the symmetric platforms under linear constraints are of degree two, that describe the maximum number of real solutions.</p>


This paper shows the syntheses and use of hybrid porous silica materials (UGM-triamin) in the adsorption of Cu (I) of the cyanidation effluents of gold and silver. Studies of adsorption of Cu (I) in synthetic solutions of Cu-CN a pH of 11 and at a concentration ratio of 1: 5 Cu: CN, simulating the effluents of cyanide process gold and silver ores, showed maximum adsorption capacity of 7.54 mg of Cu (I) per gram of material and favorable adsorption according to the Langmuir model (RL of 0.31 to 0.41). The evaluation of the adsorption capacity of the material with real solutions of cyanide, showed 95% removal of copper in the effluent cyanide and 68.5% selectivity for the adsorption of copper. It has been observed free cyanide destruction in the system during adsorption of copper, so that the oxidation of free cyanide may be linked to the mechanism of adsorption of copper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Lilis Yuliati ◽  
Siti Komariyah ◽  
Sudarsono Sudarsono

Plate stone handicraft products are one of the leading commodities and also potential for Sukowiryo Village, Jelbuk District, Jember Regency. Apart from being a superior commodity and village potential, plate stone handicraft products are also an export commodity. However, most of the plate stone handicraft production process in Sukowiryo Village still uses simple tools and manual processes. Therefore, the production process takes a longer time and the quality of the production is not standardized. The purpose of this PPK service activity is to provide real solutions to problems in the production process that connect by partners so that partners can increase skill productivity so that partners can carry out efficiency and can increase their production. The results of the KDP service activities were; 1) provide assistance to increase Skill Productivity by providing assistance with plate stone cutting machines according to partner needs. Build sewer and air reservoirs, and increase the partner's electric power to operate the plate stone cutting machine. 2) Partners can make time efficiency in the production process. 3) Partners can increase their productivity, 4) Partners can add 1 type of product diversification. 5) Carry out monitoring and evaluation after the program is implemented

N. А. Makarevich

The generalized non-ideality factor of systems (GNF) was introduced into the Renyi and Tsallis information entropy equations, and new expressions were obtained for information and thermodynamic entropies with a fractional moment of the order entropy gS and thermodynamic gth nonideality factors. Equations in formalism of Renyi and Tsallis:  The equations describe self-organized structures of essentially non-equilibrium systems and can be used in studying the topological and conformational properties of solutions of high-molecular compounds. GNF: where is are relative average characteristics (pi are statistical probabilities) of opposite processes. Factor g varies in the range 0 ≤ g ≤ 2 and depends on which of the competitive processes prevails. An algorithm for calculating the thermodynamic functions of the state of the system under study is presented. The equations are intended for calculating the thermodynamic functions of objects of fractal nature, including real solutions of synthetic and natural highmolecular compounds of plant and animal origin (hyper branched structures, dendrimers, lignins, biological systems, dendrites, systems of internal organs, blood vessels, etc.).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 014-017
Turabian Jose Luis

The fact that general practitioner (GP) or psychiatrist understands the psychosocial effects of prescribing on the doctor-patient relationship is as important, if not more so, than knowing pharmacology. Any prescription of drugs modifies the doctor-patient relationship. Drugs, especially psychotropic drugs, act on symptoms and change thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; they can create both physical and psychological dependency; they can discourage a deep search for real solutions, both on the part of the doctor and the patient; they can affect the doctor’s access to the patient and the problem will be out of their reach. Psychotropic drugs can make the effect of the doctor in himself as a drug more difficult, favor an insignificant or problematic or little human relational context, where the GP/psychiatrist does not delve into the true meaning of the symptoms, and the patient tends not to get involved, to make an emotional withdrawal, to be passive before the prescribed drug, and can result in the chronification and structuring of functional symptoms that become organic, with lack of cooperation of the doctor and the patient, and paradoxically with over-compliance or therapeutic discontinuity and the lack of pharmacological adherence, absences to appointments or delays or cancellations of visits, and the denial of responsibility of both the doctor and the patient.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
Isao Kishimoto ◽  
Tomohiko Takahashi

Abstract Using the level truncation method, we construct numerical solutions, which are twist even and SU(1) singlet, in the theory around the Takahashi-Tanimoto identity-based solution (TT solution) with a real parameter a in the framework of bosonic open string field theory. We find solutions corresponding to “double brane” and “ghost brane” solutions which were constructed by Kudrna and Schnabl in the conventional theory around the perturbative vacuum. Our solutions show somewhat similar a-dependence to tachyon vacuum and single brane solutions, which we found in the earlier works. In this sense, we might be able to expect that they are consistent with the conventional interpretation of a-dependence of the TT solution. We observe that numerical complex solutions at low levels become real ones at higher levels for some region of the parameter a. However, these real solutions do not so improve interpretation for double brane.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-78
David E. Dobbs
The Real ◽  

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