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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-163
Sarifah Mudaim ◽  

Candlenut (Aleurites moluccana) is a plant with various benefits. Currently, candlenut is mostly used as a spice, candlenut shells also has a high calorific value so that it can be used as fuel. Candlenut has shells which is an organic waste. Candlenut shells have a hard texture and high carbon content. Most of the candlenut shell is used as fuel and only a small part is used as raw material for carbon production. Candlenut shell have good physical and chemical properties as carbon raw materials. Activated carbon is one of the carbon phases that can be used for various applications. In this paper, we report on the synthesis and characterization of carbon from candlenut shells to obtain high-quality carbon by controlling the carbonization temperature. In carbon production, we use variations in carbonization temperatures of 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 C. Proximate analysis was carried out to determine the moisture content, ash content, volatile matter content and bound carbon content. Analysis of the effect of carbonization temperature on the quality of carbon from candlenut shells resulted in the highest carbon in the sample with a temperature of 700 C, producing carbon with 5.32% moisture content, 9.40% ash content, 12.76% volatile matter content, and fix carbon content 72,52%

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 432
Noor Mirad Sari ◽  
Violet Violet ◽  
Khairun Nisa ◽  
Syamsudin Syamsudin

Tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus (Miq.) Danser) and Galam (Melaleuca cajuputi) are typical vegetation of the wetlands of South Kalimantan. Tumih and galam wood waste can be made into charcoal briquettes which have economic value. The aims of this study were: 1) Analyzing the characteristics of charcoal briquettes, namely: water content, density, ash content, volatile matter content, bound carbon content and calorific value and 2) Knowing the best treatment from a variety of treatments. The design model used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The process of making charcoal briquettes at the Forest Products Technology Laboratory. Testing the characteristics of charcoal briquettes was done at the Laboratory of the Research and Industrial Standardization Institute (BARISTAND) Banjarbaru. The results of the analysis of diversity showed that the mixed treatment of tumih wood waste and galam wood waste had a very significant effect on water content, ash content, volatile matter content, bound carbon content and calorific value, but had no significant effect on density. The water content of charcoal briquettes from galam wood waste and tumih wood waste and the combination of a mixture of galam wood waste and tumih wood waste ranged from 6.1133-10.6667 %, the average density value was between 0.5228-0.5897 g/cm3, the average value The average ash content is between 1.3000-2.9300%, the volatile matter content shows an average range of 41.6333-48.4767%, the average value of bound carbon content is 37.9267-50.5400% and the average calorific value ranged from 5084.41 to 6230.59 cal/g. Treatment A3 (25% galam wood waste + 75% tumih wood waste is the best treatment and meets American standards for moisture content and calorific value. Ash content of all treatments are A1. A2, A3 and A4 meet American standards.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-180
Widia Istiani ◽  
Evi Sribudiani ◽  
Sonia Somadona

Utilization of biomass as biopellet is a solution for the creation of renewable alternative energy. So that a research was conducted on the manufacture of biopellets from waste shells of candlenut (Aleurites moluccana) with a mixture of waste biomass from sago stems (Metroxylon sago) and sawdust. This study aims to determine the quality and determine the composition of the best raw materials in biopellets. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) method with four treatments and five replications. The raw materials are dried for 3 days, then mashed and filtered, then the raw materials are mixed with adhesive and printed, the last parameter is tested. The results showed that the water content, calorific value, and volatile matter content of the biopellet met the SNI standard. 8021:2014. However, in the density and ash content test, the biopellet did not meet the SNI 8021:2014 standard. The best biopellet composition was obtained in treatment P2 with the addition of 10% of the total weight of biomass with a moisture content of 9.96%, density 0.31g/cm3, calorific value 4.232 cal/g, and ash content 11.3%, and volatile matter content of 73 ,69%

Geofluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Zhihui Wen ◽  
Qi Wang ◽  
Yunpeng Yang ◽  
Leilei Si

In this study, the full-size pore structure characteristics of six different-rank coal samples were investigated and analyzed from three perspectives, namely, pore shape, pore volume, and pore specific surface area, by performing a high-pressure mercury injection experiment and a low-temperature nitrogen adsorption experiment. Next, the full-size pore volumes and pore specific surface areas of the six coal samples were accurately characterized through a combination of the two experiments. Furthermore, the relationships between volatile matter content and pore volume and between volatile matter content and pore specific surface area were fitted and analyzed. Finally, the influences of metamorphic degree on pore structure were discussed. The following conclusions were obtained. The pore shapes of different-rank coal samples differ significantly. With the increase of metamorphic degree, the full-size pore volume and pore specific surface area both decrease first and then increase. Among the pores with various sizes, micropores are the largest contributor to the full-size pore volume and pore specific surface area. The fitting curves between volatile matter content and pore volume and between volatile matter content and pore specific surface area can well reflect the influence and control of metamorphic degree on pore volume and pore specific surface area, respectively. With the increase of volatile matter content, the pore volume and the pore specific surface area both vary in a trend resembling a reverse parabola.

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