crosslinked polymers
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Jiarui Gu ◽  
Pingping Shao ◽  
Lan Luo ◽  
Yizhou Wang ◽  
Tianxiang Zhao ◽  

e-Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-29
Xiaochen Xia ◽  
Peijian Sun ◽  
Xuehui Sun ◽  
Yipeng Wang ◽  
Song Yang ◽  

Abstract A series of hyper-crosslinked polymers (HCPs) with connected hierarchical porous structures were synthesized from phenyl-based precursors of benzene (BEN), benzyl alcohol, aniline, biphenyl, and 1,3,5-triphenylbenzene (TPB) via the knitting method. The porous structures of the HCPs were greatly influenced by substituent groups and BEN ring number in the precursors. HCPs prepared from TPB had the largest surface area and pore volume with multiscale porosity. The porous structure of the HCPs could also be adjusted by the crosslinker amount. Insufficient crosslinking led to incomplete pore architecture, while excessive crosslinking resulted in a considerable decrease in the pore volume. With these HCPs as adsorbents, the BEN yield in the cigarette smoke could be largely reduced due to the connected multiscale porosity and π–π aromatic stacking interaction that facilitated the smoke aerosol passing and the small aromatic molecules absorbing, showing great potential of these HCPs as adsorbents for effective removal of BEN from cigarette smoke.

2021 ◽  
Joanna Aizenberg ◽  
Jiaxi Cui ◽  
Xiaozhuang Zhou ◽  
Yijun Zheng ◽  
Haohui Zhang ◽  

Abstract Planaria can integrate external nutrients to grow or consume their bodies to degrow for adapting to environmental changes. In contrast, synthetic organic materials, especially those with crosslinked structures, are normally static and cannot post-vary their sizes and properties without compromising material mechanical performances for sustainable use. Inspired by Planaria, we here report a growing-degrowing strategy of enabling thermosetting materials to either absorb or release components for continuously changing their sizes, shapes, compositions, and a set of properties simultaneously. The strategy is based on the monomer-polymer equilibrium of networks in which supplying or removing small polymerizable components would drive the networks toward expansion or contraction. Using acid-catalyzed equilibration of siloxane as an example, we demonstrate that the size and mechanical properties of the resulting silicone materials can be significantly or finely tuned in both directions of growth and decomposition. The equilibration can be turned off to yield stable products or reactivated again. During the degrowing-growing circle, material structures are selectively varied either uniformly or heterogeneously, by the availability of fillers. Our strategy endows the materials with many appealing capabilities including environment adaptivity, self-healing, and switchability of surface morphologies, shapes, and optical properties. Since monomer-polymer equilibration exists in many polymers, we envision the expansion of the presented strategy to various systems for many applications.

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