pv generation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Yuvaraja Teekaraman ◽  
K. A. Ramesh Kumar ◽  
Ramya Kuppusamy ◽  
Amruth Ramesh Thelkar

The proposed research work focused on energy management strategy (EMS) in a grid connected system working in islanding mode with the connected renewable energy resources and battery storage system. The energy management strategy developed provides a balancing operation at its output by utilizing perfect load sharing strategy. The EMS technique using smart superficial neural network (SSNN) is simulated, and numerical analyses are presented to validate the effectiveness of the centralized energy management strategy in a grid connected islanded system. A SSNN prediction model is unified to forecast the associated household load demand, PV generation system under various time horizons (including the disaster condition), EV availability, and status on EV section and distance. SSNN is one the most reliable forecasting methods in many of the applications. The developed system is also accounted for degradation battery model and its associated cost. The incorporation of energy management strategy (EMS) reduces the amount of energy drawn from the grid connected system when compared with the other optimized systems.

Jorge J. Chan-Gonzalez ◽  
Isaac A. Saravia-Pérez ◽  
Francisco Lezama-Zárraga ◽  
Meng Yen Shih

In the present work, an integral design of the cafeteria located at Faculty of Engineering of Autonomous University of Campeche is carried out. Four scenarios of Photo Voltaic (PV) generation have been studied. A 14 PV modules arrangement of 440 each, with azimuthal angle of 180º and a slope angle of 15º; the other is similar to the previous, but the slope angle was 19.85º. The following was a 24 PV modules arrangement of 440, with an azimuthal angle of 218º and a slope angle of 15º. The last arrangement consists of 24 PV modules arrangement of 440, with azimuthal angle of 218º and a slope angle of 19.85º. Where all of them are associated with the economic aspect to obtain greater efficiency of the plant with minimum recovery time. The free software System Advisor Model (SAM) developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has been employed. Complete seasonal analysis has also been performed considering Gran Demanda Media Ordinaria en México (GDMO de CFE in Mexico) within the period January 2020 to March 2021. The best results are energy generation 17,570 kWh. Capacity factor 19%. Energy performance 1,671 kWh/kW. Performance relation 0.74. Leveled cost 5.39 ¢/kWh. And return on investment in 0.6 years. The GD-PV plant prevents the emission into the atmosphere of 778.85 kg of CO2 equivalent.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Dong-Jin Bae ◽  
Bo-Sung Kwon ◽  
Kyung-Bin Song

With the rapid expansion of renewable energy, the penetration rate of behind-the-meter (BTM) solar photovoltaic (PV) generators is increasing in South Korea. The BTM solar PV generation is not metered in real-time, distorts the electric load and increases the errors of load forecasting. In order to overcome the problems caused by the impact of BTM solar PV generation, an extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) load forecasting algorithm is proposed. The capacity of the BTM solar PV generators is estimated based on an investigation of the deviation of load using a grid search. The influence of external factors was considered by using the fluctuation of the load used by lighting appliances and data filtering based on base temperature, as a result, the capacity of the BTM solar PV generators is accurately estimated. The distortion of electric load is eliminated by the reconstituted load method that adds the estimated BTM solar PV generation to the electric load, and the load forecasting is conducted using the XGBoost model. Case studies are performed to demonstrate the accuracy of prediction for the proposed method. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm was improved by 21% and 29% in 2019 and 2020, respectively, compared with the MAPE of the LSTM model that does not reflect the impact of BTM solar PV.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 14022
Yohan Jang ◽  
Zhuoya Sun ◽  
Sanghyuk Ji ◽  
Chaeeun Lee ◽  
Daeung Jeong ◽  

This study proposes a grid-connected inverter for photovoltaic (PV)-powered electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The significant function of the proposed inverter is to enhance the stability of a microgrid. The proposed inverter can stabilize its grid voltage and frequency by supplying or absorbing active or reactive power to or from a microgrid using EVs and PV generation. Moreover, the proposed inverter can automatically detect an abnormal condition of the grid, such as a blackout, and operate in the islanding mode, which can provide continuous power to local loads using EV vehicle-to-grid service and PV generation. These inverter functions can satisfy the requirements of the grid codes, such as IEEE Standard 1547–2018 and UL 1741 SA. In addition, the proposed inverter can not only enhance the microgrid stability but also charge EVs in an appropriate mode according to the condition of the PV array and EVs. The proposed inverter was verified through experimental results with four scenarios in a lab-scale testbed. These four scenarios include grid normal conditions, grid voltage fluctuations, grid frequency fluctuations, and a power blackout. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed inverter could enhance the microgrid stability against grid abnormal conditions, fluctuations of grid frequency and voltage, and charge EVs in an appropriate mode.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8480
Giacomo Talluri ◽  
Gabriele Maria Lozito ◽  
Francesco Grasso ◽  
Carlos Iturrino Garcia ◽  
Antonio Luchetta

In this work, a strategy for scheduling a battery energy storage system (BESS) in a renewable energy community (REC) is proposed. RECs have been defined at EU level by the 2018/2001 Directive; some Member States transposition into national legislation defined RECs as virtual microgrids since they still use the existing low voltage local feeder and share the same low-medium voltage transformer. This work analyzes a REC which assets include PV generators, BESS and non-controllable loads, operating under the Italian legislative framework. A methodology is defined to optimize REC economic revenues and minimize the operation costs during the year. The proposed BESS control strategy is composed by three different modules: (i) a machine learning-based forecast algorithm that provides a 1-day-ahead projection for microgrid loads and PV generation, using historical dataset and weather forecasts; (ii) a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) algorithm that optimizes the BESS scheduling for minimal REC operating costs, taking into account electricity price, variable feed-in tariffs for PV generators, BESS costs and maximization of the self-consumption; (iii) a decision tree algorithm that works at the intra-hour level, with 1 min timestep and with real load and PV generation measurements adjusting the BESS scheduling in real time. Validation of the proposed strategy is performed on data acquired from a real small-scale REC set up with an Italian energy provider. A 10% average revenue increase could be obtained for the prosumer alone when compared to the non-optimized BESS usage scenario; such revenue increase is obtained by reducing the BESS usage by around 30% when compared to the unmanaged baseline scenario.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 13826
Xuebo Liu ◽  
Yingying Wu ◽  
Hongyu Wu

Rooftop photovoltaics (PV) and electrical vehicles (EV) have become more economically viable to residential customers. Most existing home energy management systems (HEMS) only focus on the residential occupants’ thermal comfort in terms of indoor temperature and humidity while neglecting their other behaviors or concerns. This paper aims to integrate residential PV and EVs into the HEMS in an occupant-centric manner while taking into account the occupants’ thermal comfort, clothing behaviors, and concerns on the state-of-charge (SOC) of EVs. A stochastic adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) model was proposed to optimally determine the setpoints of heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), occupant’s clothing decisions, and the EV’s charge/discharge schedule while considering uncertainties in the outside temperature, PV generation, and EV’s arrival SOC. The nonlinear and nonconvex thermal comfort model, EV SOC concern model, and clothing behavior model were holistically embedded in the ADP-HEMS model. A model predictive control framework was further proposed to simulate a residential house under the time of use tariff, such that it continually updates with optimal appliance schedules decisions passed to the house model. Cosimulations were carried out to compare the proposed HEMS with a baseline model that represents the current operational practice. The result shows that the proposed HEMS can reduce the energy cost by 68.5% while retaining the most comfortable thermal level and negligible EV SOC concerns considering the occupant’s behaviors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 356-365
Jordan Radosavljević

Abstract High penetration of photovoltaic (PV) generation in low voltage (LV) distribution networks can leads some power quality problems. One of the most important issues in this regard is the impermissible voltage deviation in periods with a large imbalance between PV generation and local load consumption. Accordingly, many authors deal with this issue. This work investigates voltage regulation for LV distribution networks equipped with the hybrid distribution transformer (HDT), and with high penetration of PV units. A two-stage algorithm for voltage regulation is proposed. In the first stage, a local (distributed) voltage control is performed by minimizing the injection power of the PV-battery storage system (BS)-local load entity at the common bus. In the second stage, optimal coordination is performed between the HDT and the local voltage control. In fact, the second stage is an optimal voltage regulation problem. The aim is to minimize the voltage deviations at load buses by optimal settings the voltage support of the HDT. A PSO algorithm is used to solve this optimization problem. the proposed approach is implemented in MATLAB software and evaluated on the IEEE european LV test feeder.

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