mixed farming
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 984
Marie Lucia Fanjaniaina ◽  
Fabien Stark ◽  
Noelly Phostin Ramarovahoaka ◽  
Jeanny Fiononana Rakotoharinaivo ◽  
Tovonarivo Rafolisy ◽  

Mixed farming systems are still prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. In these systems, the recycling of nutrients through crop-livestock integration (CLI) practices is crucial for the sustainability of soil fertility and crop production. The objective of this study was to analyze nutrient (N, P, K) flows and balances of mixed farming systems to assess CLI contribution to the performance of those systems. We hypothesized that more intensive farms had a better nutrient balance at the farm level, and that improved biomass management methods improved their nutrient balance. Nine farms in the Madagascar highlands were selected, some corresponding to poor traditional farms with only draft cattle; some small or medium-sized, more intensive farms with a dairy herd; and some of the latter with some improvement to management methods of livestock effluents (manure composting, liquid manure collection). The nutrient balance of the farming systems was determined, and performance indicators were calculated at both farming, livestock, and CLI levels. Results showed that nutrient recycling through CLI is significant in the functioning of the systems studied, contributing primarily to circulating nutrient flows (up to 76%) and leading to greater efficiency and productivity. Nutrient flows resulting from these practices mainly concerned animal feeding (higher than 60% of nutrient flows), even if manure management was central for crop fertilization and that manure remained a desired animal product of these types of farms (up to 100% of animal products). Large negative balances of N and K (up to 80% of inputs) were observed in traditional livestock systems with draft cattle. They were smaller (39–68%) in more intensive dairy farms. Composting of manure did not decrease negative balances, whereas their magnitude was significantly reduced by the collection of liquid manure (19% for N; 42% for K). Better management of biomass at the farm level, in particular the collection of liquid manure, seemed to substantially reduce nutrient losses in MFS.

Victoria Alomia‐Hinojosa ◽  
Jeroen C. J. Groot ◽  
Jens A. Andersson ◽  
Erika N. Speelman ◽  
Andrew J. McDonald ◽  

2021 ◽  
Ratna Chrismiari Purwestri ◽  
Betha Lusiana ◽  
Nia Novita Wirawan ◽  
Ilmia Fahmi ◽  
Intan Yusuf Habibie ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 10713
Belay Duguma ◽  
Geert P. J. Janssens

In the current study area, livestock are an integral part of the mixed farming system, and play very important roles as sources of draught power, nutrition, cash income, employment and poverty alleviation. However, feed shortage, especially during the dry season, is the most important constraint to optimal productivity. This study aimed to investigate livestock feed resources and feeding practices, coping strategies with seasonal scarcity, and to identify major constraints to livestock production in a mixed farming system around the Gilgel Gibe catchment, southwest Ethiopia. Data were collected from 342 households using a structured questionnaire. The results showed natural pasture, crop residues, stubble grazing, and roadside grasses were the main feed resources, in that order. None of the respondents practiced improved forage cultivation due to insufficient land and lack of knowledge on forage production and utilization. Free grazing was the most predominant feeding system. Almost all respondents experienced dry season feed scarcity. Conserving crop residues and hay, purchasing roughages, reducing herd size and renting grazing land were the major coping strategies to feed scarcity. The farmers’ perceived major constraints to livestock production were feed shortage, animal diseases, and low productivity of local breeds. Institutional, technical and technological interventions are suggested to alleviate the constraints to livestock production in mixed crop-livestock systems in the study area and outside with similar settings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Pierre Allard ◽  
Solène Denis

Territory is a complex notion whose definition varies depending on the discipline in which it is applied. Research on the notion of territory has often focused on the Palaeolithic. Studies in this field are mainly based on comparisons between archaeological assemblages and ethnographic data, an approach originating from the work of L.R. Binford, who introduced the concept of mobility, leading to various models of spatial occupation. How have researchers approached the notion of territory with regard to the first mixed farming populations of the Linear Pottery Culture in the Seine Basin and neighbouring regions? Can lithic industries contribute to our understanding of how these first sedentary populations perceived their territory? In this paper, we show that these first Neolithic communities likely obtained their siliceous materials via direct procurement strategies across a territory that they knew well and regularly frequented. In our study area, centred around the Rhine-Meuse region and the Seine Basin, two distinct litho-spaces are comprised of: 1) small numbers of minor territories with local resources, and 2) vast territories requiring greater mobility among the groups that occupied them. Furthermore, the procurement strategies of the occupants of the regions with few siliceous resources seem to have been based on long-distance relationships and networks. In this case, a high degree of mobility and ensuing social relations would have contributed to the attractivity of villages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (5) ◽  
pp. 393
Lucinda J. Watt ◽  
Lindsay W. Bell ◽  
Brett D. Cocks ◽  
Anthony D. Swan ◽  
Rebecca S. Stutz ◽  

In many areas of Australia’s mixed farming zone, cropping rotations are dominated by cereals and some areas have few suitable broadleaf alternatives. Forage brassicas are widely used in high rainfall livestock systems, but this study shows that several genotypes offer an alternative to forage oats in drier environments within Australia’s mixed farming zone. We compared a diverse set of forage brassica genotypes sown in autumn and winter with benchmark species, principally oats, across 10 experimental site-years. In both early (800–1300 growing degree days after sowing) and late (1600–2100 growing degree days after sowing) grazing windows, several forage brassica genotypes had forage production similar or superior to oats and dual-purpose canola. Many forage brassica genotypes produced higher yields of metabolisable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP), particularly in the late grazing window. In the early grazing window, Rival and Green globe turnips and HT-R24 forage rape consistently produced ~15% above the site mean for all productivity measures, whereas kale produced ~40% less than the site mean. In the late grazing window, oats produced the greatest amount of edible biomass (~44% higher than the site mean); however, Goliath and HT-R24 forage rapes, Pallaton raphanobrassica and dual-purpose canola had the highest yields of ME and CP (~16% higher than the site mean). Green globe turnip, Hunter leafy turnip and Regal kale produced ~22% less than the site mean in this late grazing window. Multi-environment analyses revealed no genotype × environment interactions within the early grazing window. In the late grazing window, there were several genotypic adaptations, particularly for Pallaton, which performed better in low–medium production environments than the other genotypes. We show that forage brassicas offer superior yields of ME and CP, indicating that they may be better able to meet the energy and protein demands of grazing livestock than forage oats.

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