wigner transformation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
Jinbeom Bae ◽  
Sungjay Lee

The WZW models describe the dynamics of the edge modes of Chern-Simons theories in three dimensions. We explore the WZW models which can be mapped to supersymmetric theories via the generalized Jordan-Wigner transformation. Some of such models have supersymmetric Ramond vacua, but the others break the supersymmetry spontaneously. We also make a comment on recent proposals that the Read-Rezayi states at filling fraction \nu=1/2,~2/3ν=1/2,2/3 are able to support supersymmetry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
Yuan Yao ◽  
Akira Furusaki

AbstractWe formulate a ℤk-parafermionization/bosonization scheme for one-dimensional lattice models and field theories on a torus, starting from a generalized Jordan-Wigner transformation on a lattice, which extends the Majorana-Ising duality atk= 2. The ℤk-parafermionization enables us to investigate the critical theories of parafermionic chains whose fundamental degrees of freedom are parafermionic, and we find that their criticality cannot be described by any existing conformal field theory. The modular transformations of these parafermionic low-energy critical theories as general consistency conditions are found to be unconventional in that their partition functions on a torus transform differently from any conformal field theory whenk >2. Explicit forms of partition functions are obtained by the developed parafermionization for a large class of critical ℤk-parafermionic chains, whose operator contents are intrinsically distinct from any bosonic or fermionic model in terms of conformal spins and statistics. We also use the parafermionization to exhaust all the ℤk-parafermionic minimal models, complementing earlier works on fermionic cases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (11) ◽  
Yuji Yanagihara ◽  
Kazuhiko Minami

Abstract A 1D cluster model with next-nearest-neighbor interactions and two additional composite interactions is solved; the free energy is obtained and a correlation function is derived exactly. The model is diagonalized by a transformation obtained automatically from its interactions, which is an algebraic generalization of the Jordan–Wigner transformation. The gapless condition is expressed as a condition on the roots of a cubic equation, and the phase diagram is obtained exactly. We find that the distribution of roots for this algebraic equation determines the existence of long-range order, and we again obtain the ground-state phase diagram. We also derive the central charges of the corresponding conformal field theory. Finally, we note that our results are universally valid for an infinite number of solvable spin chains whose interactions obey the same algebraic relations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Andreas Karch ◽  
David Tong ◽  
Carl Turner

We describe a web of well-known dualities connecting quantum field theories in d=1+1 dimensions. The web is constructed by gauging Z_2Z2 global symmetries and includes a number of perennial favourites such as the Jordan-Wigner transformation, Kramers-Wannier duality, bosonization of a Dirac fermion, and T-duality. There are also less-loved examples, such as non-modular invariant c=1 CFTs that depend on a background spin structure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 32
Shiung Fan

The Jordan–Wigner transformation plays an important role in spin models. However, the non-locality of the transformation implies that a periodic chain of N spins is not mapped to a periodic or an anti-periodic chain of lattice fermions. Since only the N − 1 bond is different, the effect is negligible for large systems, while it is significant for small systems. In this paper, it is interesting to find that a class of periodic spin chains can be exactly mapped to a periodic chain and an anti-periodic chain of lattice fermions without redundancy when the Jordan–Wigner transformation is implemented. For these systems, possible high degeneracy is found to appear in not only the ground state, but also the excitation states. Further, we take the one-dimensional compass model and a new XY-XY model ( σ x σ y − σ x σ y ) as examples to demonstrate our proposition. Except for the well-known one-dimensional compass model, we will see that in the XY-XY model, the degeneracy also grows exponentially with the number of sites.

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