social networking services
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2022 ◽  
Rio Rovando Rindengan

Instagram, which is usually abbreviated as IG, is a photo and video sharing application that allows users to take photos, take videos, apply digital filters, and share them on various social networking services, including Instagram's own. One unique feature on Instagram is cropping photos into square shapes, so they look like the results of Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid cameras. This is different from the 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio that is commonly used by cameras on mobile devices. Instagram can be used on any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch version with the iOS 7.0 operating system or later, any Android mobile phone with the operating system version 2.2 (Froyo) and above, and Windows Phone 8. This application can be downloaded via the Apple App Store and Google Play. On April 9, 2012, it was announced that Facebook had agreed to take over Instagram for approximately $1 billion. Instagram was first released on October 6, 2010, 11 years ago, the name Instagram Instagram comes from the understanding of the overall function of this application. The word "insta" comes from the word "instant", like the polaroid camera which at that time was better known as "instant photo". Instagram can also display photos instantly, like a polaroid in its display. As for the word "gram" comes from the word "telegram" which works to send information to others quickly. Similarly, Instagram can upload photos using the Internet, so the information you want to convey can be received quickly. That's why Instagram is an extension of the words instant and telegram. On April 9, 2012, it was announced that Instagram would be taken over by Facebook for nearly $1 billion in cash and stock. On May 11, 2016, Instagram introduced a new look as well as a new icon and new app design. Inspired by previous app icons, the new icon is a simple camera and a vivid rainbow in the form of a gradient. There are 5 sandal vendors in Indonesia that use Instagram accounts as a marketing platform, namely:

2022 ◽  
Sayid abdul rohman hakim

ABSTRACTInstagram is a photo and video sharing social media application that allows users to take photos, take videos, apply digital filters, and share them on various social networking services, including Instagram's own. In Indonesia, the number of Instagram users until July 2021 is 91.77 million users. The largest users are in the 18-24 year age group, which is 36.4%. Instagram is the third most used social media platform, after YouTube and WhatsApp. The large number of Instagram users in Indonesia, provides a great opportunity for brands to make Instagram a marketing medium. There are 5 mobile phone brands in Indonesia that use Instagram as a marketing platform, namely: Vivo Indonesia, Oppo Indonesia, Apple, Samsung Indonesia, and Xiaomi Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to calculate the credibility of the Instagram account performance of the 5 Best Selling Mobile Brands in Indonesia. The method used for this research is quantitative exploratory method. The results of this study indicate that the smartphone vendor Oppo Indonesia is ranked first and has good account performance credibility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Li Zhang ◽  
Yongtao Zhou

The third-generation incubator is generally characterized by embedment of social networking and customized incubation services are closely embedded in the social networking. How the social networking play their role in the process that customized incubation services facilitate the growth of tenant? In order to disclose whether social networking services (SNS) mediate the impact of customized incubation services on the growth of tenants, this article focuses on the whole process where customized services facilitate the growth of tenants by means of social networking services. First, it employs situational theory and contingency theory to analysis why customized services result in behavior of social networking services; second, it explores why behavior of social networking services facilitates the growth of tenants based on co-production theory and social network theory; next, it conduct a study on the direct relationship between customized services and growth of tenants anchoring on the theory of co-production, customer satisfaction, and dynamic environment. Based on these theories, it develops the overall theoretical model of mediating effect. Following that, it conducts empirical test: it has first ascertained whether there is a positive relationship between customized services and growth of tenants. Then, three paths of the theoretical model have been measured by means of the structural model. At the same time, the t-test and the Sobel test are employed to justify their significance. If we only contemplate customized incubation services and growth of tenants, they are positively correlative. On the other hand, if referring to the role of social networking services in this process, we disclosed that not only customized incubation services positively impact behavior of social networking services, but also behavior of social networking services positively facilitates the growth of tenants; at the same time, the customized incubation services exhibit no direct impact on the growth of tenants otherwise. It witnesses that the behavior of social networking services fully mediates the relationship between customized services and the growth of tenants. As a result, we should promote incubation services to be deeply embedded in social networking services; incubator management should even improve the capability to deal with big data embedded in social networking services. In additional, entrepreneurial ecosystems should be also embedded in social networks intensively.

2021 ◽  
Anak Agung Gde Bagus Sujana Rum

Instagram is a social network that was born from a company called Burbn, Inc. which was founded on October 6, 2010. The company was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger who currently serve as CEOs of Instagram. Instagram is a photo and video sharing application that allows users to take photos, take videos, apply digital filters, and share them on various social networking services owned by Instagram itself. One of the unique features on Instagram is that it looks like a photo into a square shape, so you can see the results of the Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid cameras. This study aims to determine the ratios contained in social media Instagram. These ratios can later be used to perform analyzes that can be determined mathematically. The research method used is exploratory to find the variables contained in Instagram. These variables will be tested, so that relevant ratios can be found to be used to assess the performance of an Instagram account. The results of this Instagram social media research show that 14 ratios that can be used to assess, measure and compare come from an Instagram account. The implication of finding this ratio is that further researchers can conduct quantitative research in measuring, assessing and comparing accounts on Instagram.

2021 ◽  
I Kadek Agus dwiandika

Instagram is a photo sharing application that applies digital filters and shares them via social networking services. Communication between Instagram users can be established by liking and commenting on photos uploaded by other users. Instagram is in great demand by almost allcircles. As one of the social media loved by the Indonesian people who can share photo content. By accessing Instagram, it will be an exciting activity favored by Indonesian internet users. It is not surprising that online businesses are starting to use Instagram to expand their business. This study uses a quantitative exploratory method to determine the credibility of the performance of 5 global local fashion brand Instagram accounts. Explorative research is a type of social research whose purpose is to provide a little definition or explanation of the concepts or patterns used in the research. From the Table of Account Ratio Values for 5 Global Local Fashion Brands, it can be concluded that Erigo Store gets the highest score for the ratio of Video Likes. to Followers Ratio. While the Instagram account Casteyewear got the lowest score for this ratio. So, in this study, Erigo Store has better credibility than other brands.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Hee-Tae Lee ◽  
Moon-Kyung Cha

PurposeThis paper aims to identify the effect of social structure variables on the purchase of virtual goods. Using field data, it also tests whether their effects on a social networking service are dynamic.Design/methodology/approachTo achieve the research objectives, the authors have applied the random effects panel Tobit model with actual time-series corporate data to explain a link between network structure factors and actual behavior on social networking services.FindingsThe authors have found that various network structure variables such as in-degree, in-closeness centrality, out-closeness centrality and clustering coefficients are significant predictors of virtual item sales; while the constraint is marginally significant, out-degree is not significant. Furthermore, these variables are time-varying, and the dynamic model performs better in a model fit than the static one.Practical implicationsThe findings will help social networking service (SNS) operators realize the importance of understanding network structure variables and personal motivations or the behavior of consumers.Originality/valueThis study provides implications in that it uses various and dynamic network structure variables with panel data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-212
Yu Song ◽  
Fan Tang ◽  
Weiming Dong ◽  
Changsheng Xu

AbstractThe development of social networking services (SNSs) revealed a surge in image sharing. The sharing mode of multi-page photo collage (MPC), which posts several image collages at a time, can often be observed on many social network platforms, which enables uploading images and arrangement in a logical order. This study focuses on the construction of MPC for an image collection and its formulation as an issue of joint optimization, which involves not only the arrangement in a single collage but also the arrangement among different collages. Novel balance-aware measurements, which merge graphic features and psychological achievements, are introduced. Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm is adopted to optimize the MPC guided by the measurements. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method can lead to diverse, visually pleasant, and logically clear MPC results, which are comparable to manually designed MPC results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Azrin Ali

What prompts users to readably purchase online compared to others is a beneficial insight for successful marketing campaigns. Purchase intention forecasts actual purchase act thus is desirable to be scrutinised. Furthermore, in social networking services settings, ample factors surface to observe purchase intentions from the user’s standpoint. While there are many facets to an individual makeup, understanding personality traits could be an excellent interplay in explaining purchase intention. The Big Five Factor Model (BFM) is utilised to predict the effect of personality traits in the aspect of business, specifically in the angle of purchase intention in social networking services (SNS). Personality traits (N=133) from the Big Five Model were found to be significant for SNS users’ using multiple regression analysis. Descriptive analyses were included to interpret the data. The value of this study showed that as a group, personality traits were significant on purchase intention, and proved that different versions of a similar message could be churned in a campaign to maximise conversion. The findings can fine-tune marketers’ way of handling different types of messages conveyed in SNS, and this research empirically investigated different personality types drawing from Big Five Model to understand purchase intention in SNS. Keywords: Personality Traits, Social Networking Services, Big Five Model

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