loan sales
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Erzsébet Szász ◽  
Edith Debrenti

In the light of global trends, economic operators cannot withstand change. At first, computer-driven technologies replaced only routine tasks, which were easily programmed using algorithms. However, as a result of technological development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, the internet and big data, machines have acquired an understanding of non-routine tasks. They have become autonomous, and are now capable of solving more and more complex tasks.The job opportunities offered by the new digitalized world ask for new competencies developed by the education system. Our research examines 20 th-century teaching methods based on final exams made public, then compares and contrasts them to 21 st-century teaching materials and examination methods. One of the significantobservations is that between 1900 and 1918, the final exam in mathematics contained only word problems. The majority of the 223 problems available, 57 by number, focused on “capital, interest, benefit, loan, sales and purchase.” The wording of the problemsreflects the (actual) problems and events of the time. Although case studies are still present, most problems are the “calculate, solve, circle, underline” type. Example problems are often provided; thus, problem-solving turns into a routine task. The earlier method yet based on word problems inspired by our everyday economic reality might prove helpful in developing problem-solving skills, in reducing reading comprehension difficulties present at all levels of education as well as in indirectly raising awareness of today’s environmental, personal finance, issues.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-51

Almost all state enterprises and private sector companies try to foresee future expectations. From the viewpoint of economic, productive, and efficient business management, this is highly important. By making rational decisions, all enterprises aim to rich maximum profitability by taking sales, cost, human resource needs, profits into account. For this reason, enterprises have to make reliable and reasonable forecasts to take the right decisions.  Such forecasts might be used in budgeting, cost, and profit analysis. Forecasted scenarios might come true in the future with a great likelihood. The researcher utilizing time series analysis assumes that all findings that come out will be almost the same happened in the past. Analyzing the time series consist of four aims such as defining, modeling forecasting, and controlling. To define a series, it is needed to compute definitional statistics and to draw its graphic. The second purpose of analyzing the time series is to find the appropriate model of the time series. With that work called “Time series and application to sale data”, it is tried to make a suitable guess model by analyzing the data of personal loans of a bank 2004-2010 sale data based on unit. During the stagnation stage of the sequence correlogram and root, analyses are performed. The sequence is analyzed with the help of the Eviews 5,1 program. At the end of the survey, it is seen that natural logarithmic personal loan sale sequences are at their level and in the first gap it is not constant and it is also seen that when the second gap is taken, the constant is obtained. The sequence of which the second gap is taken is shown based on time-way graphs and correlogram. When the constant is provided, the guessed model is formed by taking the second gap. The suitability of the model is observed by the correlogram, Akaike information criteria (AIC), and Schwarz information criteria (SIC) merits.

Andrew Winton ◽  
Vijay Yerramilli

Abstract Banks face liquidity and capital pressures that favor selling off the loans they originate, but loan sales undermine their monitoring incentives. A bank’s loan default history is a noisy measure of its past monitoring choices, which can serve as a reputation mechanism to incentivize current monitoring. In equilibrium, higher reputation banks monitor (weakly) more intensively; if retention is credible, they generally retain less of the loans they originate. Monitoring is difficult to sustain in periods with uncommonly large spikes in loan demand (“booms”), especially for low-reputation banks, which are more likely to accommodate boom demand and forgo monitoring.

2020 ◽  
Kevin X. D. Huang ◽  
Zhe Li ◽  
Jianfei Sun

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ni Nyoman Utami Januhari ◽  
I Ketut Dedy Suryawan ◽  
I Made Adi Purwantara

<p>ABSTRACT<br />The provision of operational transportation services is used in daily or previously scheduled use. Every activity carried out in a company involves all components within the company. Various activities related to the company are certainly not free from lending company vehicles to smooth activities outside the office. The process of transportation services for vehicle loans at the Department of Infrastructure (SARPRAS) ITB STIKOM Bali is still done conventionally. The scheduling of official vehicle borrowers is not optimal because it only relies on archiving from existing vehicle loan forms, in addition the appointment of vehicle loans often clashes due to the date of borrowing errors. Based on this, it is necessary to simplify the process of scheduling operational vehicle loans in the SARPRAS section by conducting computerized loan sales, by building a desktop-based transportation management information system to minimize the occurrence of errors and improve the performance of transportation asset management at SARPRAS. The results of this study are in the form of Management E-Scheduling Transportation information system with Desktop-based Is Research method to make it easy for SARPRAS officers, especially ITB STIKOM Bali drivers to more easily provide information and scheduling services for lending office operational vehicles.<br />Keywords: Information Systems, Management, e-scheduling, Is research<br />ABSTRAK<br />Penyediaan pelayanan operasional transportasi digunakan dalam sehari-hari atau sebelumnya telah dijadwalkan penggunaannya. Setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan disebuah perusahaan melibatkan semua komponen-komponen yang ada didalam perusahaan tersebut. Berbagai kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan perusahaan tersebut tentunya tidak lepas dari peminjaman kendaraan perusahaan untuk kelancaran kegiatan diluar kantor. Proses pelayanan transportasi untuk peminjaman kendaraan pada Bagian Sarana Dan Prasarana (SARPRAS) ITB STIKOM Bali masih dilakukan secara konvensional. Penjadwalan peminjamam kendaraan dinas menjadi kurang optimal karena hanya mengandalkan pengarsipan dari formulir peminjaman kendaraan yang telah ada, selain itu penjawalan peminjaman kendaraan sering bentrok karena kekeliruan tanggal peminjaman. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka perlu untuk mempermudah proses penjadwalan peminjaman kendaraan operasional pada bagian SARPRAS dengan melakukan penjawalan peminjaman yang terkomputerisasi, dengan membangun sistem informasi manajemen transportasi berbasis dekstop untuk meminimalisir terjadinya kesalahan serta meningkatkan kinerja pengelolaan asset transportasi pada SARPRAS. Hasil penelitian ini berupa sistem informasi Management E- Scheduling Transportasi dengan metode Is Research Berbasis Dekstop untuk dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi petugas bagian SARPRAS khususnya driver ITB STIKOM Bali agar lebih mudah memberikan informasi dan layanan penjadwalan peminjaman kendaraan operasional kantor.<br />Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Management, e-scheduling, Is research</p>

Information ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 270 ◽  
Paweł Dymora ◽  
Maciej Koryl ◽  
Mirosław Mazurek

Appropriate business processes management (BPM) within an organization can help attain organizational goals. It is particularly important to effectively manage the lifecycle of these processes for organizational effectiveness in improving ever-growing performance and competitivity-building across the company. This paper presents a process discovery and how we can use it in a broader framework supporting self-organization in BPM. Process discovery is intrinsically associated with the process lifecycle. We have made a pre-evaluation of the usefulness of our facts using a generated log file. We also compared visualizations of the outcomes of our approach with different cases and showed performance characteristics of the cash loan sales process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 1166-1194 ◽  
Saiying Deng ◽  
Yutao Li ◽  
Gerald J. Lobo ◽  
Pei Shao

Ross Cranston ◽  
Emilios Avgouleas ◽  
Kristin van Zweiten ◽  
Theodor van Sante ◽  
Christoper Hare

This chapter examines one context in which contracts and debts are transferred — as banks and bank subsidiaries ‘sell’ their own assets, i.e. their loans, mortgages, credit card receivables, and so on. Commercially speaking, this divides into loan sales and securitization. Among the various motivations for these transactions are to reduce risk, to meet capital requirements, to allow for new lending, and to take advantage of financial and commercial opportunities. Securitization was abused, with many risky loans repackaged and sold as highly rated securities. Its contribution to the global financial crisis in 2008 made it unpopular. However, it remains significant as a financing technique. Before examining loan sales and securitization, the chapter lays out the different legal techniques for transferring debts and contractual rights.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-90
Estelle Clarke

The UK student loans system is in crisis and the government plans to sell off student loans to corporate purchasers. Such loan sales disadvantage government, the taxpayer and student borrowers. The government should give student borrowers the ‘right to buy’ their own loans for the same price the government is prepared to sell those loans to corporate purchasers. If borrowers purchased their own loans, disadvantages of loan sales would transform into advantages. The ‘right to buy’ can fairly be extended to all borrowers, regardless of whether their loans are being sold; this is done by extending the ‘right to buy’ as a ‘right to reduce’ student loans. The ‘right to reduce’ also provides a solution to the problem of how to ‘deal with’ existing student debt. Because the ‘right to buy’ and the ‘right to reduce’ both follow government’s pricing for loan sales, they should be universally acceptable; moreover, government, taxpayers and borrowers would be better off.

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