scheffe method
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Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 3367
Ji-Min Yu ◽  
Seen-Young Kang ◽  
Jun-Seok Lee ◽  
Ho-Sang Jeong ◽  
Seung-Youl Lee

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the fabrication method of dental prosthesis on the mechanical properties. Casting was produced using the lost wax casting method, and milling was designed using a CAD/CAM program. The 3D printing method used the SLS technique to create a three-dimensional structure by sintering metal powder with a laser. When making the specimen, the specimen was oriented at 0, 30, 60, and 90 degrees. All test specimens complied with the requirements of the international standard ISO 22674 for dental alloys. Tensile strength was measured for yield strength, modulus of elasticity and elongation by applying a load until fracture of the specimen at a crosshead speed of 1.5 ± 0.5 mm/min (n = 6, modulus of elasticity n = 3). After the tensile test, the cross section of the fractured specimen was observed with a scanning electron microscope, and the statistics of the data were analyzed with a statistical program SPSS (IBM Corp. Released 2020. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 27.0. Armonk, NY, USA: IBM Corp.) and using Anova and multiple comparison post-tests (scheffe method). The yield strength was the highest at 1042 MPa at an angle of 0 degrees in the specimen produced by 3D printing method, and the elongation was the highest at 14% at an angle of 90 degrees in the specimen produced by 3D printing method. The modulus of elasticity was the highest at 235 GPa in the milled specimen. In particular, the 3D printing group showed a difference in yield strength and elongation according to the build direction. The introduction of various advanced technologies and digital equipment is expected to bring high prospects for the growth of the dental market.

Rheumatology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Axel P Villani ◽  
Stéphanie Boutroy ◽  
Céline Coutisson ◽  
Marie-Christine Carlier ◽  
Loïs Barets ◽  

Abstract Objectives PsA prevalence among skin psoriasis is ∼30%. Nail psoriasis, especially onycholysis, is present in >70% of PsA and the risk of developing PsA is more than doubled in patients with nail involvement. We hypothesized that onycholysis may be associated with early bone erosions of the DIP joint without harbouring PsA symptoms. Methods We compared tendon thickness, assessed by US, and bone erosions, assessed by high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT, of the DIP joint in patients with psoriatic onycholysis without PsA (ONY) with those in patients with cutaneous psoriasis only (PSO). We used patients with PsA as reference (PsA group), and healthy age-matched controls (CTRL). Differences between groups were assessed by analysis of variance tests followed by post hoc analysis using the Scheffe method. Results Mean (s.e.m.) age of the 87 participants (61% males) was 45.2 (1.3) years. The mean extensor tendon thickness was significantly larger in ONY than in PSO patients. In the PsA group, 68% of patients exhibited erosions of three different shapes: V-, Omega- and U-shape. Association with erosions was greater in the ONY group than in the PSO group (frequency: 57 vs 14%; P < 0.001; mean number of erosions: 1.10 (0.35) vs 0.03 (0.03); P < 0.001). Conclusion Onycholysis was associated with significant enthesopathy and bone erosions in our cohort. These data support the pathogenic role of enthesopathy in PsA. Onycholysis may be considered as a surrogate marker of severity in psoriasis. Trial registration,, NCT02813720

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-183 ◽  
K.V. Karpinskii ◽  
T.V. Gizhuk ◽  
N.V. Kiselnikova

The purpose of this study was to determine the functional potential of various types of personal meaning of the profession. The article describes the results of an empirical study that involved a sample of 647 subjects. As methods of mathematical-statistical processing were used: the Pearson correlation criterion, one-way analysis of variance, followed by post hoc comparison of the mean values of groups by the Scheffe method, the criterion GT-Vegeliusa. The analysis made it possible to identify the optimal, suboptimal and pessimistic personal meaning of the profession from the point of view of its regulatory functions.

Ahmad Isnaini ◽  
Edy Surya

This study aims to see the differences in students' self confidence between students with the treatment of the creative problem solving learning model and the discovery learning model analysed based on gender. The data analysis was done using two-way Anava with different number of cell to see the effect of gender and learning models on students' self confidence. After the effect of gender and the learning model was found, a further post-Anova test using Scheffe method was executed. This analysis shows the following results: gender has an influence on students' self confidence as well as there is an influence of the learning model on students' self confidence, there is no interaction between gender and learning models on students' self confidence. When a post-Anova test with Scheffe's method was applied, it is found that there are differences in students' self confidence between the creative problem solving model and the discovery learning model. Female students have better self confidence than male students , while the creative problem solving model provides better self confidence than discovery learning model.

2019 ◽  
Satria Adi Nugroho ◽  
Jailani Jailani

The selection of the wrong approach will be able to make the effectiveness of the learning decrease, so the need for attention to the approach used by the teacher in his learning. If the approach adopted is not appropriate, there will be a form of boredomfromstudents and tendto ignorethe lessons giventhatultimately the results obtained are less in line with expectations. The Concrete Representational Abstract we approach systematically and explicitly teaches students through three stages of learning: 1) concrete, 2) representation and 3) abstract. Teaching with CRA is a three-stage learning process in which students solve problems through the through concrete object manipulation followed by learning through pictorial representation of concrete object manipulations, ending with solving mathematical problems through abstract notation. Problem-solving approach, which is one of the learning approaches that can be applied in the learning process of mathematics. Many authors have attempted to explain what is the problem- solving approach for teaching mathematics. AbilityofmathematicalrepresentationofstudentswhogetlearningwithCRAapproach betterthanstudentswhogetlearningconventionalapproachandtoknowtheabilityof mathematical representation of students who obtained learning with problem -solving approach better than students who obtained learning of conventional approach can be shown from the calculation of post-ANOVA test with Scheffe ’method and t-test.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-22
Alkat Yanwar ◽  
Abi Fadila

The purpose of this study is to find out whether there are: (1) the influence of the scientific approach on students’ critical thinking skills; (2) the influence of learning independence on students’ mathematical critical thinking ability; (3) the interaction between the scientific approach and the learning independence of students’ critical thinking skills. This research is a quasy experimental design research with 2x3 factorial design. Sampling technique in this research use probability sampling with cluster random sampling. The research instrument used is questionnaire self-reliance learning and test of critical thinking ability mathematically. Data from the results of tests of mathematical critical thinking ability were analyzed using anava test of two unequal cell paths and further tests using a double comparison test with the Scheffe method. The results showed that: (1) there was an influence of the scientific approach on students’ critical thinking skills; (2) there is influence of learning independence to students’ critical thinking ability mathematically; (3) there is no interaction between the scientific approach and the learning independence of mathematical critical thinking skills.

Sri Hartati ◽  
‌Rukayah Rukayah ◽  
Slamet Subiyantor

This study aims to determine the effect of  Contexstual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model and learning motivation to the ability to solve the comparison stories. This research is a quasi-experimental research using 2 x 2 factorial design. The population specified in this research is all students of grade V located Elementary school in Boyolali of academic year 2016/2017 which amounted to 599. Sampling was done by multistage cluster random technique sampling. Data collection techniques with tests to measure the ability to solve comparative story problems. In addition, there are standardized tests to sort out student learning motivation. Validity test uses expert judgment and Product Moment Correlation, reliability with Cronbach Alpha Coefficient, and balance test with t-test by SPSS. Ability test of Normality test uses statistical test shapiro wilk and homogeneity test using levene test. For data analysis with technique of two way variance analysis (Anava) cell is not same, then conducted further test pascaanava with Scheffe method. The results of this study indicate that there is a difference in the ability to solve comparative story problems on CTL learning between groups of students who have high learning motivation with low-motivated students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Danang Tria Wibowo ◽  
Intan Sari Rufiana

This study aims to know: (1) Do pair checks and learning cycle models influence to students’ mathematics comprehension of concept. (2) Do high-motivated students have better comprehension of concept than less-motivated and low-motivated students. (3) Do category of students’ motivation of learning cycle model ensue better comprehension of concept than category of students’ motivation of pair checks model. (4) Do high-motivated students’ learning models (pair checks and learning cycle) have better comprehension of concept than less-motivated and low-motivated students. This study is categorized as a quasi-experimental study with factorial design. The population of the study is all seventh grade students of SMPN 1 Balong. Purposive sampling is used to take the sample of study. Data analysis technique applied includes normality test using Liliefors method. Homogeneity test applies Bartlett test. Balance test utilizes T-test. In addition, hypothesis test uses analysis of two-way variance with unequal cells. Thus, it continues with double comparison test with Scheffe method. The result of the study show that (1) pair checks and learning cycle models influence to the students’ comprehension of concepts; (2) high-motivated students have the same comprehension of concept as less-motivated and low-motivated students; (3) those high-motivated students who use learning cycle model have better comprehension of concept that those high-motivated students who use pair checks model. Meanwhile, those less and low-motivated students who use pair checks model have the same comprehension of concept than those less and low-motivated students who use learning cycle models; (4) in each model category (pair checks and learning cycle), high, less, and low-motivated student have no different comprehensionof concept.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-160
Istiqomah Subagya

The aims of this study are to test: 1) the differences of the influences between MMP learning strategy and Guided Discovery learning strategy towards mathematics learning outcomes, 2) the differences of the influences between students’ initial ability level towards mathematics learning outcomes, and 3) the interaction between MMP learning strategy and students’ initial ability level towards mathematics learning outcomes. The Quasi-experimental research design used the population of all students from class XI of SMKN 3 Klaten. This research uses cluster sampling. Data were collected by documentation and tests. Technical analysis used anava, different two way cells, and then followed by Scheffe method. The results of this study showed: 1) the students’ learning outcomes by using MMP learning strategy are better than by guided discovery learning strategy, 2) the students’ learning outcomes of high initial ability level students is better than middle and low initial ability level students, and the students’ learning outcomes of middle initial ability level students is better than low initial ability level students, and 3) MMP learning strategy is more effective than guided discovery learning strategy towards middle initial ability level students. MMP learning strategy, the learning outcomes of high initial ability level students is better than middle and low initial ability level students, the learning outcomes of middle initial ability level students is better than low initial ability level students. Meanwhile, guided discovery learning strategy, the learning outcomes of high initial ability level students is better than middle and low initial ability level students. As for,  in guided discovery learning strategy, the learning outcomes between middle and low initial ability level students gets the same learning outcomes.

Anna Staszewska-Bystrova

SummaryThe formula for the Scheffé prediction bands proposed by Jordà and Marcellino (2010) is reconsidered. It is demonstrated, that in many cases of practical interest, the bands fail to satisfactorily approximate the uncertainty associated with a path-forecast. A modification of the Scheffé method is proposed which improves the coverage properties of the bands.

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