conceptual organization
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Татьяна Всеволодовна Евсюкова ◽  
Александра Андреевна Карнась

Цель состоит в построении и описании фреймово-слотовой структуры терминологии предметной области «Индустрия туризма». Объектом выступает терминология сферы индустрии туризма в русском и английском языках, предметом является фреймовая модель рассматриваемой терминологии. Применение методов контекстуального и дефиниционного анализа, а также методики фреймового моделирования позволило представить терминологию этой области в виде многоуровневой иерархической структуры слотов и субслотов, которые образуют субфреймы по тематическому принципу. Актуальность исследования определяется тем, что фреймово-слотовое представление терминологии сферы индустрии туризма позволило системно описать логико-понятийную структуру и концептуальную организацию терминов в рассматриваемой предметной области с учетом лингвистических и экстралингвистических аспектов. Теоретическая значимость - в дальнейшей разработке вопросов когнитивного и фреймового анализа отраслевой терминологии, что является вкладом в дальнейшее развитие когнитивного терминоведения. Новизна исследования заключается в структурации и систематизации терминологии данной предметной области на материале русского и английского языков, которая не была ранее предметом лингвистического исследования. The goal is to construct and describe the framework-slot structure of the terminology of the Tourism Industry subject area. The object is the terminology of the tourism industry in Russian and English, the subject is the frame model of the terminology in question. The application of contextual and definitional analysis techniques, as well as frame modeling techniques, has allowed us to present the terminology of this area as a multilevel hierarchical structure of slots and subslots that form subframes based on a thematic principle. The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the framework-slot representation of the terminology of the tourism industry allowed us to systematically describe the logical structure and conceptual organization of terms in the subject area in question, taking into account linguistic and extralinguistic aspects. The theoretical importance is in the further development of cognitive and frame analysis of industry terminology, which is a contribution to the further development of cognitive terminology. The novelty of the study lies in the structuring and systematization of the terminology of this subject area on the material of Russian and English, which was not previously the subject of linguistic research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Ricardo Mairal-Usón ◽  
Pamela Faber

This paper examines a set of lexicographic projects with innovative routes of access to lexical knowledge, and which constitute a first step towards a more intelligent dictionary, These projects include: (1) collocation dictionaries that specify the relations between a base word and its collocate; (2) dictionaries that make explicit the semantic and lexical restrictions between a predicate and its arguments; (3) lexical resources that describe the linguistic properties of a lexical entry within the context of its frame or frames of activation; (4) dictionaries that provide a conceptual organization of the definiens, instead of the definiendum. Without a doubt, the Digital Era (artificial intelligence, data and text mining, and machine learning) has opened up a vast range of possibilities, which will lead to intelligent lexicographic resources that are more intelligent and interconnected. This chapter concludes with some ideas and proposals about the characteristics of a dictionary 5.0 of the future.

Tarasova V.V.

The article is devoted to the research of ethnic peculiarities of reality conceptualization, objectified with the help of culturally marked words denoting a widow, which form the corresponding parts of the Ukrainian and English language world models. Purpose. The purpose of the research is to give a contrastive analysis of the verbalizations of the concept WIDOW in Ukrainian and English linguocultures.Methods. The paper uses a comprehensive methodology that combines the following methods: contrastive – to identify common and distinctive features of the concept of WIDOW in the languages under comparison; conceptual-semiotic analysis – to reveal the cognitive mechanisms of the embodiment of the concept; contextual-interpretive analysis – to clarify the peculiarities of the representation of the concept in paremiae.Results. In the highlight of contrastive ethnolinguistic studies and theory of conceptual analysis, is there performed and revealed a structure-semantic reconstruction of the concept of WIDOW, as well as the principles of its semantic-conceptual organization in the English and Ukrainian language pictures of the world. The set of the conceptual and semantic marks is determined, due to the concept structure constituents (conceptual proper, imagery-associative and value), the main ideographic conceptual domains are revealed, the analyzed concept being axiologically marked and its associative linkage, due to the scope of its conceptual correlates are determined.Factors that influence on the conceptualization of the objective reality by the given ethnic groups are determined. Certain ethnocultural and ethnolinguistic peculiarities and general characteristics of verbalization of the concept WIDOW peculiar to both languages are found out. Conclusions. The analyses of widow nominations showed the allomorphism of national peculiarities of reality conceptualization, which are influenced by archetype types, historical and cultural actuality. It is shown that WIDOW in Ukrainian culture can be viewed as a taboo concept which content is marked by negative axiological status due to the socio-cultural views formed in the period predetermining the inadmissibility of its direct naming in relevant social situations.Key words: culturally marked words, language world model, taboo concept, ethnic mentality, widow’s image, conceptual mark. Стаття присвячена вивченню етнічних особливостей концептуалізації дійсності, об’єктивованих у культурно маркованих лексичних одиницях на позначення жінки-вдови, що утворюють відповідні фрагменти української та англійської національно-мовних картин світу. Метою роботи є зіставний аналіз засобів вербалізації концепту ВДОВА/WIDOWв англійській та українській лінгвокультурах.Методи. У роботі застосовується комплексна методика, яка поєднує такі методи: зіставний – для виявлення спільних і відмінних рис концепту ВДОВА/WIDOW у зіставлюваних мовах; концептуально-семіотичний аналіз – для розкриття когнітивних механізмів утілення концепту; контекстуально-інтерпретаційний аналіз – для з’ясування особливостей репрезентації концепту у пареміях.Результати. Крізь призму зіставної лінгвокультурології та теорії концептуального аналізу здійснено структурно-семан-тичну реконструкцію концепту ВДОВА/WIDOW та виявлено принципи його семантико-концептуальної організації в англійській та українській мовних картинах світу. Визначено набір концептуальних та семантичних ознак аналізованого концепту з урахуванням складників його структури (понятійної, асоціативно-образної, ціннісної), виявлено основні семантико-ідеографічні сфери концепту ВДОВА; з’ясовано аксіологічну маркованість та визначено асоціативні зв’язки досліджуваного концеп-ту з урахуванням його концептуальних корелятів; проаналізовано взаємозв’язок оцінного, культурного й інших компонентів конотації у семантиці фразеологічних одиниць; розглянуто семіотичні механізми стереотипізації уявлень українського етносу про вдову, виявлено їхню детермінацію культурними та психоментальними чинниками, Висновки. Аналіз особливостей об’єктивації концепту ВДОВА/WIDOW в англійській та українській лінгвокультурах дав змогу зробити висновок про стереотипність сприйняття жінки-вдови відповідними лінгвосоціумами та показав аломорфізм національних особливостей концептуалізації дійсності, на які впливають історичні та культурні реалії. Доведено, що в українській культурі концепт ВДОВА є табуйованим, зміст якого відзначається негативним аксіологічним статусом.Ключові слова: національно маркована лексика, табу, етнічна ментальність, образ вдови, концептуальна ознака.

2021 ◽  
Matthew Mendonca

This Major Research Paper (MRP) explores the language and conceptual organization of the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines, a universal web accessibility document that aims to guide the development of accessible websites for users with sensory, motor and cognitive disabilities. This MRP attempts to bridge the gap between the study of user behaviours of individuals with cognitive impairments and the language and prioritization schema WCAG 2.0 uses to address accessibility. A structured literature review of contemporary usability studies involving users with cognitive impairments identifies web-relevant behaviours unique to these users and provides a rudimentary introduction to the online barriers they face. A qualitative content analysis reveals, in depth, how the language and conceptual organization of WCAG 2.0 frame cognitive impairments as less important than sensory impairments. Barriers for users with cognitive impairments are less frequently addressed, and when they are, they are often given a level AAA priority designation, the least essential priority according to the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines. Individual criteria are further analyzed in the Discussion, where the themes and results of the content analysis culminate in recommendations for web developers.

2021 ◽  
Matthew Mendonca

This Major Research Paper (MRP) explores the language and conceptual organization of the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines, a universal web accessibility document that aims to guide the development of accessible websites for users with sensory, motor and cognitive disabilities. This MRP attempts to bridge the gap between the study of user behaviours of individuals with cognitive impairments and the language and prioritization schema WCAG 2.0 uses to address accessibility. A structured literature review of contemporary usability studies involving users with cognitive impairments identifies web-relevant behaviours unique to these users and provides a rudimentary introduction to the online barriers they face. A qualitative content analysis reveals, in depth, how the language and conceptual organization of WCAG 2.0 frame cognitive impairments as less important than sensory impairments. Barriers for users with cognitive impairments are less frequently addressed, and when they are, they are often given a level AAA priority designation, the least essential priority according to the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines. Individual criteria are further analyzed in the Discussion, where the themes and results of the content analysis culminate in recommendations for web developers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 5706
Francesc Xavier Hernàndez-Cardona ◽  
Rafael Sospedra-Roca ◽  
David Íñiguez-Gracia

The Sustainable Development Goals identified by the United Nations (2030 agenda) aim to promote sustainable cities, the need to safeguard cultural heritage, and the importance of quality education. Through different projects, the DIDPATRI research group at the University of Barcelona has developed didactic iconographic models on the historical and heritage dimension of cities. Comprehensible proposals have been made by developing unique techniques and using easily accessible technologies. The working hypothesis has focused on the idea that the models of didactic iconography promote the understanding of the history of the city, and this enables educational actions and contributes to the formation of quality citizenship, aware of the importance of heritage, with a view to the sustainability of urban environments themselves. The components and the layout of the iconographic prototypes tested have been developed with the available technological variables, but, above all, they focus on the conceptual organization of the iconographic contents to show. In other words, it places greater emphasis on techniques than on subsidiary technologies for change. The development of different projects has generated models of empirical effectiveness, which methodologically have contributed to improving, in the key of sustainability, the knowledge of historical urban environments and respect for heritage. The case studies considered in this work are two of the most emblematic developed by the DIDPATRI group: the archaeological site of El Born in Barcelona, and the medieval site of La Seu de Urgell, in the Catalan Pyrenees.

Russian judge ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 54-58
Anna O. Kovalenko ◽  

The article analyzes the current legislation that establishes the powers and functions of the Chairman of the district court. The relevance of the topic under consideration is due to the lack of an integrated system and the fragmentation of the functions assigned to the Chairman. The author developed their productive classification, as well as created a conceptual organization for the implementation of the functions and powers of the Chairman of the district court.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 5034-5053
Jorge Lázaro ◽  
Hazel Barahona Gamboa ◽  
Gerardo Sierra Martínez

This paper describes how terminology and ontologies interact in a coherent and exhaustive manner, and how the neological appearance is obtained from the derivation of the specificity and functionality of a specific corpus. This research shows categories that do not exist either in the Glossary of Costa Rican popular cuisine (SEDÓ MASÍS, 2008), or in the Dictionary of Costarriquenismos (QUESADA PACHECO, 2012). The omission of some of these categories clearly shows that the terms have been historically organized taking into account only the lexical factor, but not the conceptual organization. Therefore, this study intends to play with the "disagreement" between speakers and specialists to show that a reorganization of the terms of an area is possible. For this, a corpus of 596 recipes and 4652 ingredients for ontological representation was compiled. Each ontological class was defined by means of its functionality in the recipes. The ontological architecture is formalized through the postulates of Basic Formal Ontology (SMITH, 2014) and is schematized by means of Protégé. In addition, the terminological theories of Cabré (1999), Fedor de Diego (1995) and Roche (2007, 2009) are used.

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