palmer drought severity index
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Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 230
Yingchun Huang ◽  
Bowen Liu ◽  
Haigen Zhao ◽  
Xudong Yang

Drought monitoring is challenging, but it is required for improving agricultural production, protecting the ecological environment, and reducing economic losses in drought-prone regions such as the Mongolian Plateau (MP). This study is a systematic analysis of the spatiotemporal changes in the characteristics of drought events (drought duration, severity, intensity, frequency, peak, and starting season) at the sub-regional scale between 1959 and 2018 based on the run theory and using the gridded self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (scPDSI) dataset. Principal component analysis and Varimax rotation and the Mann–Kendall trend and Sen’s slope were used for the sub-regional division and drought trend analysis, respectively. In addition, wavelet analysis was employed to analyze drought periodicity and determine the influence of large-scale climate indices on regional drought variation. The study results indicate clear differences in the spatial patterns of drought characteristics in the MP. The northern part suffered from droughts with longer duration and higher severity, whereas more drought events with shorter duration and less severity occurred in the southern part. Most of the MP experienced a relatively wet trend in 1996–2018 compared to the period of 1959–1995. The frequency of spring drought events showed an increasing trend in 1996–2018, unlike in 1959–1995. Some drought events simultaneously affected two or several sub-regions. The wavelet analysis results indicated that the drought periodicity in the MP was 10–64 months. The Arctic Oscillation (Pacific Decadal Oscillation) was significantly correlated with drought in the southern (northern) part.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-31
Polina Lemenkova

Abstract This paper focuses on the environment of Ethiopia, a country highly sensitive to droughts severely affecting vegetation. Vegetation monitoring of Ethiopian Highlands requires visualization of environmental parameters to assess droughts negatively influencing agricultural sustainable management of crops. Therefore, this study presented mapping of several climate and environmental variables including Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). The data were visualized and interpreted alongside the topographic data to evaluate the environmental conditions for vegetation. The datasets included WorldClim and GEBCO and Digital Chart of the World (DCW). Research has threefold objectives: i) environmental mapping; ii) technical cartographic scripting; iii) data processing. Following variables were visualized on seven new maps: 1) topography; 2) soil moisture; 3) T °C minimum; 4) T °C maximum; 5) Wind speed; 6) Precipitation; 7) Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). New high-resolution thematic environmental maps are presented and the utility of GMT for mapping multi-source datasets is described. With varying degrees of soil moisture (mean value of 15.0), min T°C (−1.8°C to 24°C), max T°C (14.4°C to 40.2°C) and wind speed (0.1 to 6.1 m/s), the maps demonstrate the variability of the PDSI fields over the country area (from −11.7 to 2.3) induced by the complex sum of these variables and intensified by the topographic effects notable over the Ethiopian Highlands which can be used for vegetation analysis. The paper presents seven new maps and contributes to the environmental studies of Ethiopia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Pier Luigi Bragato

The seismicity in Southern California significantly decreased over the last decades. The decrease went in parallel with the reduction of meteoric groundwater recharge, which is a well-known factor capable of affecting seismicity. In this work the existence of a systematic statistical relationship was investigated by comparing the time density of Mw ≥ 5.7 earthquakes since 1900 with the time series of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), an indicator of soil moisture roughly correlated with groundwater recharge. Given the non-stationarity of the two signals, the formal comparison was performed using both binomial logistic regression and cointegration testing. The analysis showed a significant statistical relationship, with peaks of seismicity 8 years behind those of PDSI. This finding suggests the hypothesis that groundwater recharge might affect earthquakes at a multi-year time scale. Proving this theory requires accurate measures and hydrogeological modeling, which is behind the scope of this work. Nonetheless, according to previous studies, the observed time lag might be explained by the slow propagation of pore pressure from the surface to the seismogenic volume. The ongoing trend towards an arid climate, made more evident by the recent severe droughts, might have contributed to the earthquake reduction of the last decades. The connection is particularly evident in the Salton Trough, with possible implications for the interpretation of its paleoseismicity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-58
Tianbao Zhao ◽  
Aiguo Dai

AbstractDrought is projected to become more severe and widespread as global warming continues in the 21st century, but hydroclimatic changes and their drivers are not well examined in the latest projections from the Phase Six of the Coupled Model Inetercomparison Project (CMIP6). Here, precipitation (P), evapotranspiration (E), soil moisture (SM), and runoff (R) from 25 CMIP6 models, together with self-calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index with Penman-Monteith potential evapotranspiration (scPDSIpm), are analyzed to quantify hydroclimatic and drought changes in the 21st century and the underlying causes. Results confirm consistent drying in these hydroclimatic metrics across most of the Americas (including the Amazon), Europe and the Mediterranean region, southern Africa, and Australia; although the drying magnitude differs, with the drying being more severe and widespread in surface SM than in total SM. Global drought frequency based on surface SM and scPDSIpm increases by ~25%–100% (50%–200%) under the SSP2-4.5 (SSP5-8.5) scenario in the 21st century together with large increases in drought duration and areas, which result from a decrease in the mean and flattening of the probability distribution functions of SM and scPDSIpm; while the R-based drought changes are relatively small. Changes in both P and E contribute to the SM change, whereas scPDSIpm decreases result from ubiquitous PET increases and P decreases over subtropical areas. The R changes are determined primarily by P changes, while the PET change explains most of the E increase. Inter-model spreads in surface SM and R changes are large, leading to large uncertainties in the drought projections.

Western Birds ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 278-295
Deborah J. House

Aerial surveys from 2003 to 2019 documented the abundance of waterfowl at Bridgeport Reservoir in Mono County, California, from September through mid-November. Waterfowl totals at Bridgeport Reservoir averaged 33,106 ± 4050 (standard error) in the fall. Annual peak counts averaged 10,474 ± 1349, ranging from a low of 2583 in 2014 to the highest single-day count of 23,150 in 2005. Bridgeport Reservoir is a man-made water body in the intermountain West that waterfowl use primarily a mid-migration stopover site, with peak numbers occurring in September. The dominant waterfowl species, the Northern Shoveler (Spatula clypeata), Gadwall (Mareca strepera), Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), Northern Pintail (A. acuta), and Green-winged Teal (A. crecca), showed both unimodal and bimodal migration chronologies. Regional drought, as indicated by the Palmer drought severity index, combined with a downward trend in waterfowl numbers explained 61.4% of annual variation in fall waterfowl totals. These data may allow future assessment of change in waterfowl abundance at Bridgeport Reservoir in the context of local or regional conditions, and as influenced by climate change.

Fire Ecology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Jon E. Keeley ◽  
Alexandra D. Syphard

Abstract Background California in the year 2020 experienced a record breaking number of large fires. Here, we place this and other recent years in a historical context by examining records of large fire events in the state back to 1860. Since drought is commonly associated with large fire events, we investigated the relationship of large fire events to droughts over this 160 years period. Results This study shows that extreme fire events such as seen in 2020 are not unknown historically, and what stands out as distinctly new is the increased number of large fires (defined here as > 10,000 ha) in the last couple years, most prominently in 2020. Nevertheless, there have been other periods with even greater numbers of large fires, e.g., 1929 had the second greatest number of large fires. In fact, the 1920’s decade stands out as one with many large fires. Conclusions In the last decade, there have been several years with exceptionally large fires. Earlier records show fires of similar size in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Lengthy droughts, as measured by the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), were associated with the peaks in large fires in both the 1920s and the early twenty-first century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 535-548
Alfian Firdaus ◽  
Donny Harisuseno ◽  
Ery Suhartanto ◽  

Kekeringan ialah bencana alam yang terjadi secara perlahan dan berdampak buruk untuk kelangsungan hidup penduduk Kabupaten Sampang. Mengingat hal tersebut, perlu dilakukan analisa indeks kekeringan serta pemetaan sebarannya sebagai upaya mitigasi bencana kekeringan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keparahan kekeringan dengan metode Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) dan Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), serta kesesuaiannya dengan data Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) yang mampu mempresentasikan kejadian El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Setelah itu, Indeks kekeringan yang lebih sesuai dengan pola SOI dipetakan dengan metode Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) untuk mengetahui sebaran kekeringan. Metode SPI menghasilkan indeks kekeringan terparah di bulan April 2004 sebesar -3,651 pada periode defisit 1 bulanan. Metode PDSI menghasilkan indeks kekeringan terparah di bulan September 2001 sebesar - 20,628. Berdasarkan hasil analisa rerata PDSI periode 1998-2017, diketahui bahwa bencana kekeringan umumnya bermula sejak bulan Juli dan berakhir di bulan Oktober, sedangkan puncak kekeringan terjadi pada bulan September. Metode PDSI juga memiliki kesesuaian sebesar 60% terhadap nilai SOI berdasarkan penggambaran grafik surplus dan defisit indeks rerata tahunan, lebih baik daripada metode SPI yang hanya bernilai 53%. Penggambaran peta sebaran kekeringan berdasarkan indeks kekeringan PDSI menunjukkan bahwa Kecamatan Sampang, Torjun, dan Camplong perlu diprioritaskan dalam upaya mitigasi bencana kekeringan di masa mendatang karena memiliki potensi bencana kekeringan lebih besar jika dibandingan kecamatan lainnya.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 913
Jan Řehoř ◽  
Rudolf Brázdil ◽  
Miroslav Trnka ◽  
Milan Fischer ◽  
Jan Balek ◽  

Satisfactory requirements for the spatial resolution of climate and the influences of soil data in defining the starting points, endings, and the intensities of droughts have become matters of discussion in recent years. The overall inclusiveness of the modelling tools applied is also frequently discussed. In this light, five model setups (MSs) of the daily SoilClim water balance model were developed and tested for the Czech Republic (CR) in the 1961–2020 period. These included two versions of the SoilClim model, two sets of soil data, and two sets of climatic data at different spatial resolutions. MS1–MS4 were based on local, spatially-interpolated data from meteorological stations (500 × 500 m resolution), while MS5 was developed for global drought monitoring, based on the coarser ERA5-Land reanalysis (0.1° × 0.1°). During the 1961–2020 period, all the MSs indicated strong, statistically significant increases in the occurrence of 10th-percentile soil drought in the April–June season; however, trends remained largely non-significant for the remainder of the year. Variations among MS1–MS4 demonstrate that the range of soil property input data affects results to a lesser extent than different modelling schemes. The major simplification of the model grid in MS5 still led to an acceptable conformity of results, while the non-conformities disclosed may be explained by differences between meteorological inputs. Comparison with the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) confirmed that the SoilClim model depicts the variability of soil drought occurrence in greater detail, while PDSI tends to highlight the most severe events. The discussion arising out of the study centers around model uncertainties and the expression of soil drought episodes in different MSs.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 2060
Ana Carolina Abrantes ◽  
João Serejo ◽  
Madalena Vieira-Pinto

In the Iberian Peninsula, the prevalence of tuberculosis differs for each region and for different wild disease hosts and the region affected by a Mediterranean climate will be the most affected. The Mediterranean Iberic regions have a favourable ecosystem for the development of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex agents, where habitat, population dynamics, and climate (especially drought) are important factors affecting the high prevalence of tuberculosis in the wild boar population. Our objective was to study the association between the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and the occurrence of tuberculosis-like lesions (TBL) in wild boar during nine hunting seasons (2008/09 to 2016/17) in Idanha-a-Nova County. To this end, statistical analysis revealed a significant association (p < 0.05) between the occurrence of TBL in wild boar in Idanha-a-Nova County and the analysed risk factor—previous season with periods of drought—which indicated that, when one season experiences some periods of drought, the probability of TBL occurrence in wild boars was 1.2 (OR = 1.2) times higher in the next hunting season than when there were no periods of drought. Therefore, our study contributes to the discovery of a positive effect of periods of drought on the transmission of tuberculosis in Iberian wildlife.

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